Monday, November 25, 2013

Re: ACL - Error messages after adding new user

Ok, I've found my mistake.
I created the Aros, Acos tables before using the cake bake command. So when I used the AclBehavior, it was trying to use the node() function from the Aro's class autogenerated by Cake bake command, not the one from the AclBehavior.

I needed a good night sleep to finally being able to see this :/

Le dimanche 24 novembre 2013 16:20:45 UTC+1, thebeardman a écrit :

I'm using CakePHP 2.4.2 and I followed the tuto to use the core Acl behavior.
I am able to create an usergroup and its Aros correctly.
However when I'm trying to add a new user, the user is correctly inserted in the User table but the Aro's not.
I'm having the same issue as this one :!msg/cake-php/J964MBrQJ9A/_CXWk0BsSVkJ but because it is a bit old, I thought I should open a new one.

Here my User Model :
Here the errors I have when trying to add a new user:

As far as I understand the Acl behavior, it's like the AclBehavior object never call the Aro->node() function.

If I return null directly in the User model parentNode() function, it is working but the I don't have the linked with the user's usergroup.

How can I make it work?

Thank for any advices.

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