Thursday, November 7, 2013

Re: How to fetch list of object which contains not a primitive type with request factory ?

Use .with("b_list.c")

On Thursday, November 7, 2013 11:39:07 AM UTC+1, Nir Bar-on wrote:
I have a proxy object A which contains a list of proxies (B proxies)

when fetch from database I am using


this work as expected and I am getting the list  of B proxies (. can execute size() , and get(index) on the list )

the issue is when I am doing

bproxy = blist.get(0) --> this return a B proxy instance the first one on the list

then B proxy also has getters for a C proxy object .

so when I execute bproxy.getC() -- I am getting null value.

What should I put in the with() method in order for request factory will bring me a list of objects that contains other objects -- meaning that the type of the list is not String or primitive , so the list type it self as getters ?


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