Friday, December 20, 2013

Cake DC Sluggable Utility Question

I have the Sluggable Utility up and running and creating the slugs no issue.


Where I am stuck is I am trying to get the 'scope' => array() but working but just getting errors.


Maybe I misunderstood this key. I want slugs to be unique to the specific. So every user can have "my-first-post" slug which is unique to user_id

The slug is used in conjunction with the user:slug which is unique so in this case the post:slug only has to be unique to the user and not the entire site:










* Default settings


* label                  - The field used to generate the slug from

* slug                   - The field to store the slug in

* scope                               - conditions for the find query to check if the slug already exists

* separator                        - the character used to separate the words in the slug

* length                              - the maximum length of the slug

* unique                             - check if the slug is unique

* update                             - update the slug or not

* trigger                              - defines a property in the model that has to be true to generate the slug


* Note that trigger will temporary bypass update and act like update is set to true.


* @var array



So in ny model:

public  $actsAs = array(

                                'Sluggable.Sluggable' => array(

                                    'label' => 'title',

                                    'slug' => 'slug',

                                    'separator' => '-',

                                    'scope' => array('user_id' => '???')



I tried passing the raw $this->data to get user_id but errors.

Tried AuthComponent::user('id'), errors.


Any ideas how I can accomplish this?





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