Re: [android-developers] Re: Swipe app out of recent tasks permanently kills app (like force-stop) even though it's running background services!
Nice testing and investigation. Running the same device same version.
However when I set a foreground service (with the status icon) the app is not killed!? The is actually running a plain sticky background service and an extra foreground service.
Without foreground service the app is killed and never restarted, but Android apps, running shows the service as still running. Bug #1
I just tried killing the app using the stop background process api. And app is no longer restarted. That is both services are not scheduled for restart.
And the foreground icon remains in the status bar. Bug #2.
IMO there is nothing consistent in the new behavior.
Not sure how Google will fix the above bugs, but if a swipe from what is called a recent task list also kills any background sticky service, I call this bug #3.
For me it looks like Google is trying to improve memory consumption and battery drains with the assumption that only their apps behave well.
While I've made endless recording of Google's app and services draining battery in standby more than any other apps. FWIW I only install my app on any devices. And in battery usage stats can only find Google's apps and services.
That said I can't blame Google who made Android which changed my life completely.
Nevertheless the whole process needs fine tuning, and until then requires workaround.
The workaround I'm using is very simple: I create a transparent activity from onTaskRemoved to restart my services. How dirtier can it get?
Sent from GMail mobile.
I just did a quick test (twice, to be sure) on my Nexus 5 with 4.4.2, and found that:1 - Having a foreground service does not prevent the process, including the service, from being killed2 - The killed process does not get automatically restarted, at least not in any reasonable timeframe3 - To add insult to injury, the service's foreground icon stays stuck in the status bar4 - Existing alarms that target the package's components continue to work (so the package is not placed in a "disabled" state, as someone speculated)5 - Killing a process with DDMS behaves the same way: a foreground service goes away with the process (that's expected), but does not get restarted after a short time, like it did in earlier Android versions.Item 4 makes it look like an intentional change, while the third one makes it look like a bug.I'm more inclined to think it's a bug, maybe caused by memory optimization changes in the system's internals (yes, I'm speculating).At the same time, I see things like these in the logcat:I/ActivityManager( 758): Killing (adj 15): empty for 1806sI/ActivityManager( 758): Killing (adj 15): empty for 1806sIt's likely that Google's apps aren't affected by this, as they often use GCM (Gmail, G+, other cloud centric apps).So we have substantial changes / bugs in how process lifecycles are handled, likely to optimize memory usage, and at the same time Google's own apps, including those built into the firmware, continue to run when they've not been used (ever / for a long time).-- K--2013/12/15 Piren <>
First, i'll have to agree with Kristopher, you're being an asshole... tone down your rhetoric, people might be more inclined to help you.Second, you keep going on and on selling us what you think the swipe means and what users think the swipe means, who cares? the only thing that matters is what google thought it is, and sadly, they made practically no documentation of it.It is however supposed to keep services running.... sometimes :)See posts by Dianne here:And there's also a known bug about it here:And what you're describing might be another bug, or just a policy change which again was badly documented.Either way, the simplest solution to your issue will be to change the service to be a Foreground Service, it should* keep the service running.* With google, it's always a guess
On Saturday, December 14, 2013 10:40:58 PM UTC+2, 3c wrote:And I did dig into the sources. App is permanently killed, except for manifest registered events (unverified) and alarms. So any sticky device not relying on those is a dead service. In 4.4.x only that is.
I found a work around but its so dirty I wait for a better option if any before posting.
Le 14 déc. 2013 17:37, "Kristopher Micinski" <> a écrit :Just as a note: you're being fairly condescending to people who are
suggesting solutions to you free of charge in a pretty polite way..
I personally don't know what the semantics of the swipe away are: but
I wouldn't be surprised if it were to kill the app. I am not sure
whether or not I'd call it a bug or not (I'd personally lean toward
not) but it's obvious you feel differently. If nobody else
(presumably, someone who's read the source..) responds to this you
could always dig through the system source to find out!
> To post to this group, send email to android-d...@googlegroups.comOn Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 6:59 AM, 3c <> wrote:
> Thanks but I'm fully aware of this and as the title suggest I'm referring to
> swiping an app from the recent task list. Not sure how this has anything to
> do with this.
> On Android 4.4, the recent task list is now acting like a force-stop and
> that's a definitive and obvious bug. And this behavior is anything but what
> end-users do expect when removing apps from recent list. I've already
> received a dozen reports from end-users who think my app stops functioning
> unexpectedly, while they only swiped it away from the recent list, they
> expect its services to continue running!
> How nice this is when an app actually has widgets on the launcher? Those
> simply stop refreshing forever! If that's not a bug, I guess Android OS and
> my app both have 0 bug. I'll make sure to refer my users to your posts so
> they understand there's no bug!
> Have a read at these:
> On Friday, December 13, 2013 4:25:42 AM UTC+1, RichardC wrote:
>> Have a read of:
>> Launch controls on stopped applications in
>> Note that it says:
>> "Applications are in a stopped state when they are first installed but are
>> not yet launched and when they are manually stopped by the user (in Manage
>> Applications)."
>> This was introduced in 3.1 before we had swiping away.
>> On Friday, December 13, 2013 1:22:27 AM UTC, 3c wrote:
>>> I cannot agree with this as the recent task list in no way suggest
>>> killing the apps. Actually every users seems to see it differently. Some
>>> take that recent task list as the name suggest, recent tasks and activities,
>>> others see it as you suggest an app killing, but most users don't know
>>> what's actually happening when removing a task from that list.
>>> Furthermore that list doesn't actually reflect apps still running, but
>>> the recent tasks or apps used by end-user. On boot I may have a dozen apps
>>> running, but no way to kill them (except going into settings, force-stop) if
>>> I haven't started them once, making this task killer the worse I've ever
>>> seen: it requires end-user to open the app before being able to kill it
>>> permanently! And it's not because I remove a task from that very list that I
>>> don't want its services to continue running.
>>> Looking at documentation for the Service class and the related manifest
>>> attributes definitely confirm the behavior of Android 4.0 to 4.3:
>>> With Android 4.4, the below flag is now ineffective, which falls into the
>>> bug category, not the other way around as you suggest.
>>> public static final int stopWithTask
>>> Added in API level 14
>>> If set to true, this service with be automatically stopped when the user
>>> remove a task rooted in an activity owned by the application. The default is
>>> false.
>>> Must be a boolean value, either "true" or "false".
>>> public void onTaskRemoved (Intent rootIntent)
>>> Added in API level 14
>>> This is called if the service is currently running and the user has
>>> removed a task that comes from the service's application. If you have set
>>> ServiceInfo.FLAG_STOP_WITH_TASK then you will not receive this callback;
>>> instead, the service will simply be stopped.
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