Thursday, December 26, 2013

Re: What to learn first?

Hi shmengie,

Thanks for your explanation. I appreciate it.



On Thu, Dec 26, 2013 at 8:21 PM, shmengie <> wrote:

On Wednesday, December 25, 2013 2:34:26 PM UTC-5, wrote:

I wanted to ask that what should I learn first = wxPython or Django?(Being a beginner in python)

I learned wxPython first, found it easier to assimilate, thanks to the wxDemo, smaller code segments up and running quicker, easier to understand.  Haven't played with wxPython for a while tho, most of my recent work is with Django.

There are times when wxPython is a good choice and I would recommend starting there to familiarize yourself with Python and the wxLibrary.

Django w/the ORM is better for database integration.  wxPython didn't have a very useful database abstraction layer, when I did a bulk of my work, with it.  Instead roll your own connectors, etc.  Which is probably a good exercise, but you could spend too much time rolling your own.  See what abstraction exists in the wxPython.  If anyone has wx(ized)SQLAlchemy to work with wxPython, it might be smoother (now).  After I got started with Django, I wanted the Django ORM integrated with wxPython.  It still would be nice, but the payoff isn't great enough to warrant the effort.

If you need to roll a database application, Django is probably where you want to end up.  But then, there's CSS/HTML/Python/Django/AJAX/JSON/Webserver integration/virtualenv, all together, it can be a bit overwhelming, for a beginner or the experienced.  After you've rolled an app or two w/Django, it can still be challenging.  The reward, for which, is the ability to  reach a much larger audience.

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