Thursday, December 19, 2013

wxMailServer: GUI tool to help you with testing Django e-mails


I would like to announce a GUI app, written in wxPython, that I quickly assembled yesterday mainly using some code from StackOverflow and Google.

The app is called wxMailServer and all it does is: it acts as a mail server (it listens for traffic incoming at localhost port 25) and when an e-mail is received, it displays this e-mail, highlighting URL addresses in it and launching a web browser in case you click on any of those addresses. 

I found it very helpful to test my Django apps with it. The pattern "notify user by an e-mail with a link inside" is often used, and as I imagine, that there may be a lot of different approach to this idea, wxMailServer is one of possible implementations[*].

The GitHub repo is here: . Yes, the app is a quick hack and it does not display nicely formatted HTML e-mails with attachments yet, but on the other hand, I am not sending those with my Django apps yet. So, perhaps, rather please treat it as an example implementation of an idea. 

E-mail sending is getting harder and harder nowadays, with my VM unable to send e-mail because of local antivirus, and if I disable it, I get notices from Google about being on an IP that is not allowed to send e-mails. So, anyway, it looks harder and harder. Why do that, then? E-mail server running on localhost, displaying incoming e-mails should be the best tool to test if your app generates proper e-mails.

So, if wxMailServe ris a tool you need, get it and have fun with it. 

Michael Pasternak

[*] - I once thought about creating a POP3 client for my tests, that would login into a real POP3 account and fetch the e-mails and check if there are any e-mails from my Django app, then click links on those, automatically. Fortunatley, I did not went that way, but it seemed interesting.

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