Wednesday, January 8, 2014

DeckPanel inside a FocusPanel - click handlers don't fire if DeckPanel is cycling over its widgets?

I am using a DeckPanel to simulate a sprite animation.
The images are runtime specified, so ImageBundles cant be used, and SetURL is too slow. Flicking over elements in a DeckPanel seems to result in a smooth animation, however, I am having trouble recieving clicks on the panel.

DeckPanel itself has no addHandler, so I put it in a FocusPanel.
In doing so I found MouseOver/Out work perfectly...but clickhandleing only works if its not animating. That is, if the currently shown widget does not change.

Panel1.setSize("100%","100%");      RootLayoutPanel.get().add(Panel1);        //a deckpanel in a focuspanel test          Image frame1=new Image("Image0.png");      Image frame2=new Image("Image1.png");      Image frame3=new Image("Image2.png");          final DeckPanel deckpaneltest1 = new DeckPanel();      deckpaneltest1.add(frame1);      deckpaneltest1.add(frame2);      deckpaneltest1.add(frame3);                     //fix the size again, as deckpanel makes them 100%      frame1.setSize("", "");      frame2.setSize("", "");      frame3.setSize("", "");        deckpaneltest1.showWidget(0);          FocusPanel containerPanel = new FocusPanel();           containerPanel.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {                   @Override          public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {              //use a random number to see when this is updated              TestLabel1.setText("click recieved."+"___"+Math.random());            }      });      containerPanel.add(deckpaneltest1);           //timer      Timer testanimation = new Timer(){          @Override          public void run() {                int currentw = deckpaneltest1.getVisibleWidget();                             currentw++;                           if (currentw>=deckpaneltest1.getWidgetCount()){                                   currentw = 0;                                 }                               deckpaneltest1.showWidget(currentw);          }                 };        testanimation.scheduleRepeating(100);           Panel1.add(containerPanel);      Panel1.add(TestLabel1);

My thinking all has something to do with the panel being "focused" which somehow prevents the normal click events from firing? Or maybe something to do with the default "focus" css I notice appear on the containerPanel when clicked. I am not even sure if this is expected behavior or a bug.

In either case, it has me somewhat stuck as to how to proceed.

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