Thursday, January 9, 2014

Re: [Rails] Re: Rails 4 and Ruby 2 on Windows 8.1

I agree with Robert 100%. In fact, this is what I do, except I'm running Windows 8.

Windows 8+ Pro and Enterprise actually allow you to enable Hyper-V. As I'm on a laptop, I've found that it's much more power efficient compared to Virtualbox, and my Linux distribution of choice (Ubuntu 12.04) is fully supported.

Best of both worlds really!


On 10 January 2014 11:29, Robert Walker <> wrote:
Eastside Developer wrote in post #1132713:
> Has anyone been able to do this successfully? and what's the best
> equivalent to RVM in the Windows world?

Why would you want to? Throw a Linux VM on there and go to town with

P.S. I know there are some extreme circumstances where this is simply
not possible, but if it is for you then you'll have FAR AND AWAY less
trouble developing in Rails and all the cool UNIX'y tool that go along
with it. Everything related to Rails just works better!

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