Saturday, January 11, 2014

Re: render() - a better way?

Yes, gwt widgets make immediate changes to the dom (post onAttach()) whereas the v2 GXT's rendering model only modified the DOM when render() was called. It was impossible to guarantee the layout with mixed framework widgets. This was all changed with the v3 rewrite.

Perhaps I misunderstand when/where you propose to defer component rendering. 

Most of my views forward events to the presenter to alter state and then have a single refresh method to hide/enable/disable/set text/etc widgets based on the presenter's state. This seems to be the best place to work a shadow dom then publish the rendered dom to the display.

Widgets on the other hand tend to interact with each other in jostling for display space. Deferring the rendering of only one widget forces the other widgets to either re-render or defer until the page canvas state is stable (this is the coupling I referred to). It sucks to re-run the rendering engine every time a style is altered but the sizing/placement needs to be discrete.

On Jan 10, 2014 11:18 AM, "Joel" <> wrote:
When you say two rendering methods you mean GWT vs GXT?

How would it be any more tightly coupled? Same component, just different rendering logic.
It should be at least as responsive, if just the diff from the before/after is calculated and applied. (See ReactJS).


On Friday, January 10, 2014 12:30:03 PM UTC-6, Stevko wrote:

What you are describing is how gxt v2 worked. It was a nightmare to reconcile the two rendering methods.
Also tightly coupling the various widgets and views into a single render call makes the whole less responsive.  When I are attach something to the Dom, I expect it to render.

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