Saturday, November 28, 2009

comp.lang.python - 25 new messages in 14 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* need clarification on -0 - 3 messages, 3 authors
* Feature request: String-inferred names - 6 messages, 4 authors
* Some Basic questions on the use of CTRL and ALT Keys - 3 messages, 3 authors
* python logging filters - 1 messages, 1 author
* python bijection - 1 messages, 1 author
* Authentic Designer Handbags EVOGUER.COM 15% OFF DISCOUNT!!!! - 1 messages, 1
* dvb3 - 1 messages, 1 author
* Intro To Python Using Turtle Graphics - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Python & OpenOffice Spreadsheets - 1 messages, 1 author
* What does it mean ; You are a Muslim?? - 2 messages, 1 author
* a 100-line indentation-based preprocessor for HTML - 1 messages, 1 author
* debugger on system with Python 2 and 3 - 1 messages, 1 author
* "pakistani girls" "pakistani girls lahore" "pakistani girls phone numbers" "
pakistani girls mobile number" "pakistani girls wallpapers" "pakistani girls
cell numbers" on - 1 messages, 1 author
* ANN: pdfrw pure-Python PDF file reading and writing - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: need clarification on -0

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Nov 27 2009 11:55 pm
From: Erik Max Francis

moijes12 wrote:
> I know the value -0 is quite meaningless and makes little sense.But I
> was just fiddling.I am unable to figure out the below result
>>>> -0 and True
> 0 ----------> (Why is this 0 and not say True or False)
>>>> -0 and false
> 0
>>>> -0 or True
> True
> Could someone please provide me some resources on how these operations
> take place.I'd wanna find it out myself

Your questions have nothing to do with -0, as it's no different from 0:

>>> 0 == -0

Your examples work the same way with simply 0, which is considered a
false value:

>>> bool(0)
>>> 0 and True
>>> 0 and False
>>> 0 or True

What you're seeing is simply the short-circuiting behavior of the `and`
and `or` operators; they return the last (relevant) value they
encountered before making their determination of the value of the
overall expressions. See for more information.

Erik Max Francis && &&
San Jose, CA, USA && 37 18 N 121 57 W && AIM/Y!M/Skype erikmaxfrancis
You'll survive / A true Darwin star
-- Des'ree

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 12:45 am
From: moijes12

On Nov 28, 12:55 pm, Erik Max Francis <> wrote:
> moijes12 wrote:
> > I know the value -0 is quite meaningless and makes little sense.But I
> > was just fiddling.I am unable to figure out the below result
> >>>> -0 and True
> > 0 ----------> (Why is this 0 and not say True or False)
> >>>> -0 and false
> > 0
> >>>> -0 or True
> > True
> > Could someone please provide me some resources on how these operations
> > take place.I'd wanna find it out myself
> Your questions have nothing to do with -0, as it's no different from 0:
>  >>> 0 == -0
> True
> Your examples work the same way with simply 0, which is considered a
> false value:
>  >>> bool(0)
> False
>  >>> 0 and True
> 0
>  >>> 0 and False
> 0
>  >>> 0 or True
> True
> What you're seeing is simply the short-circuiting behavior of the `and`
> and `or` operators; they return the last (relevant) value they
> encountered before making their determination of the value of the
> overall expressions.  See for more information.
> --
> Erik Max Francis && &&
>   San Jose, CA, USA && 37 18 N 121 57 W && AIM/Y!M/Skype erikmaxfrancis
>    You'll survive / A true Darwin star
>     -- Des'ree

Thanks Erik

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 1:18 am
From: Steven D'Aprano

On Fri, 27 Nov 2009 23:09:06 -0800, moijes12 wrote:

> Hi
> I know the value -0 is quite meaningless and makes little sense.

Actually, when it comes to floating point values, it is very useful to be
able to distinguish between -0 and +0.

> But I
> was just fiddling.I am unable to figure out the below result
>>>> -0 and True
> 0 ----------> (Why is this 0 and not say True or False)

You need to know two things about Python:

(1) All values can be interpreted in a boolean context:

if None:
print "this will never be printed"
print "this is always printed"

False values include: None, 0, 0.0, "", [], {} and of course False.

True values include nearly everything else.

(2) `and` and `or` are short-cut operators. They return the first
argument which unambiguously defines the result:

X and Y => X if X is a false value, and Y if X is a true value.
X or Y => X if X is a true value, and Y if X is a false value.

Why do `and` and `or` return objects other than True and False? This is
especially useful when using `or` in situations like this:

process(main_list or fallback_list)

which will process the first list of the two which is not empty.


TOPIC: Feature request: String-inferred names

== 1 of 6 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 1:07 am
From: Lie Ryan

On 11/28/2009 3:08 PM, The Music Guy wrote:
> As for your code, I haven't seen it, so it would be hard for me to say
> exactly how the new syntax would come into play. What I can tell you,
> however, is that the parts of your code that would use it would
> probably be easier to read and change to anyone with a firm grasp of
> the proposed syntax.

Isn't this much easier to read and grasp?

obj.d["my_%s" % foo] += 3

doesn't need new syntax as well.

> Even if this sort of thing only needed to happen a few times in an
> entire project, the project as a whole could only benefit from it. My
> projects rely on a lot of metaclassing for the automatic generation of
> properties and methods, which saves tremendous amounts of coding.

If you use it a lot, it is likely 1) you have abused class syntax for
what should have been a dict or 2) what you need is to override
__getattr__/__getattribute__ and __setattr__

== 2 of 6 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 1:19 am
From: Steven D'Aprano

On Fri, 27 Nov 2009 20:02:31 -0800, The Music Guy wrote:

> That PEP seems to pretty clearly state that it applies only to the 3.x
> branch and not to the 2.x branch. Is there maybe a slim chance of
> getting my idea added to 2.7, or even 2.8? :D

The only new features being added to 2.7 are features which are also
being added to 3.x. There is no chance at all of having new features
added to 2.7 which isn't added to 3, unless that feature is specifically
to make it easier to migrate from 2 to 3.


== 3 of 6 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 3:38 am
From: The Music Guy

On Nov 28, 3:07 am, Lie Ryan <> wrote:
> On 11/28/2009 3:08 PM, The Music Guy wrote:
> > As for your code, I haven't seen it, so it would be hard for me to say
> > exactly how the new syntax would come into play. What I can tell you,
> > however, is that the parts of your code that would use it would
> > probably be easier to read and change to anyone with a firm grasp of
> > the proposed syntax.
> Isn't this much easier to read and grasp?
> obj.d["my_%s" % foo] += 3
> doesn't need new syntax as well.

Actually, that's similar to my backup solution, which is a variant of
the "attrs" class that PEP 363 provides. It does make things easier to
read, but a new syntax would still be better because:

1.) A new syntax would apply to _everything_ as it would be a hook to
the very mechanism that gets the value of a member from an object and
does not rely on an object defining the magic "d" property. I suppose
you could argue that an enhancement could be made to the language that
says that all objects must define the magic "d" (so the builins
"object" and "type" would have to define it). That also has the added
benefit of not conflicting with PEP 3003, which says it is fine to add
new methods (and I would assume properties as well) to existing

2.) Ben's patch for his proposed syntax generated an aproximate 1%
performance hit for the interpreter overall versus a >40% increase
where code that used the getattr/settattr functions was modified to
use the proposed syntax. The magic "d" MIGHT have a performance
increase over the getattr/setattr functions, but a syntax would still
be significantly faster because there would be less function
dereferencing/calling. For the purposes that I had intended for the
syntax to be used, that would definitely matter.

> If you use it a lot, it is likely 1) you have abused class syntax for
> what should have been a dict or 2) what you need is to override
> __getattr__/__getattribute__ and __setattr__

Oh we go. :|

Please listen. In all the time I've spent in the coding community
(that's at least 7 years) and especially since I started paying
attention to the Python community (2 years), I have noticed a trend:
When one coder does something that another cannot understand,
frequently the other will assume the former is not only doing things
wrong, but is doing them _blatantly_ wrong. I have caught myself
making that very assumption many times in the past, and I've tried
hard to build up an immunity against the impulse to make that
assumption. At this point, I don't even believe in such a thing as a
universal "wrong way" and a "right way" to code that applies to every
circumstance. The way to solve a problem depends on the problem. When
it comes to coding, there is not an absolute "right" way or "wrong"
way--unless we're talking about, say, stealing closed source code
without permission, or deliberately coding in a way that will cause
problems for the end user (like causing memory clogs or buffer
overflows and whatnot).

All of this can be determined through common sense. And yet I continue
to see the attitude of "my solution is the ONLY solution to your
problem, and it doesn't matter if I don't even actually understand the
problem." Not everyone does this, but it is a frequent enough
occurence to be worth noting. If I had to pull a number out of my
magic bag, I would say 4 out of 10 resposes have at least a hint of
this attitude, and 2.5/10 where it is very obvious.

But I digress. I've already gone over other possible solutions and the
one I am using seems to fit the bill better than any other yet
presented to me, including the ones you just suggested. In fact, I'm
fairly certain that __getattr__ and friends even apply to the
situation, or if they do, they're certainly inferior alternatives to
the use of getattr/setattr. Not that I'm calling you inferior--I'm
just saying that if you had a better understanding of the problem you
would not see __getatrr__ et al. as parts of a possible solution
because they don't really make logical sense given the circumstances.

...and I have one last thing to say. I feel very strongly that
metaclassing is a fiercely underestimated and largely untapped source
of good coding solutions. I hope that many coders will see this and
help to make it more adoptable by the masses; at present it is seen as
a big, scary beast that is hard to tame and even harder to drive. It
is portrayed as something dangerous that should only be used in
relatively rare situations. I disagree with this view. It is the view
itself which makes it seem so dangerous (in other words, it is self-

Well, that's about enough yakking for 5:30 in the morning...time to
give my noggin a rest.

-- Brad Harms

== 4 of 6 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 3:44 am
From: The Music Guy

P.S., not trying to start a flame war. It's just that I can't stand to
keep silent on the matter any longer.

-- Brad Harms

== 5 of 6 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 4:12 am
From: Ben Finney

The Music Guy <> writes:

> Please listen. In all the time I've spent in the coding community
> (that's at least 7 years) and especially since I started paying
> attention to the Python community (2 years), I have noticed a trend:
> When one coder does something that another cannot understand,
> frequently the other will assume the former is not only doing things
> wrong, but is doing them _blatantly_ wrong.

I think you may be misinterpreting the message.

> At this point, I don't even believe in such a thing as a universal
> "wrong way" and a "right way" to code that applies to every
> circumstance. The way to solve a problem depends on the problem.

You'll find firm agreement on that in this group.

> When it comes to coding, there is not an absolute "right" way or
> "wrong" way--unless we're talking about, say, stealing closed source
> code without permission, or deliberately coding in a way that will
> cause problems for the end user (like causing memory clogs or buffer
> overflows and whatnot).

However, when it comes to a *specific*, mature programming language,
there *are* right and wrong ways. Or, at least, there are ways
encouraged or discouraged by the language, its interfaces, its style
guides, and its community.

Which is very important: it's the rare program that is only ever read by
one person in one context. Far more often, the same program needs to be
read multiple times, by multiple people, in multiple contexts, over
multiple iterations of maintenance. And for that to be feasible, it's
very important to write the program the right way *for that language*.

Sticking to local conventions has a great deal of practical merit in the
medium of human-to-human communication that we call "programming".
Progress depends on doing things differently; but maintainability
depends on keeping unexpected differences to a minimum.

\ "The truth is the most valuable thing we have. Let us economize |
`\ it." —Mark Twain, _Following the Equator_ |
_o__) |
Ben Finney

== 6 of 6 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 4:10 am
From: Lie Ryan

On 11/28/2009 10:38 PM, The Music Guy wrote:
>> If you use it a lot, it is likely 1) you have abused class syntax for
>> what should have been a dict or 2) what you need is to override
>> __getattr__/__getattribute__ and __setattr__
> Oh we go. :|
> <sniprant>

ok, then what's your use case, AFAICT in the discussion here and
previous ones, nobody has yet described a realistic and compelling
situation where setattr/getattr is the best solution. That's why the
discussion tended to end with "not used frequently enough"; simply
because nobody can turn up with a use case to justify a new syntax,
especially since all the proposed syntax are ugly (the most acceptable
one, for me, is obj.[foo], still ugly but not as ugly as the others).

TOPIC: Some Basic questions on the use of CTRL and ALT Keys

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 1:22 am
From: Lie Ryan

On 11/28/2009 6:20 PM, joy99 wrote:
> I was writing a transliteration program from Bengali to English and
> vice versa. The program using Unicode chart is giving me perfect
> outputs in Bengali and vice versa with Bengali input -> English.
> I wanted to add some more power to the key board entry scheme, as I
> have developed few fonts also and now trying to work out a windows
> based word processor in Bengali.
> Thank you for your kind answer.
> It helped me lot.
> ALT portion I'll work out on my own.
> Sorry for a wrongly given problem statement.
> Wishing you a happy day ahead,
> Regards,
> Subhabrata.

If I haven't misunderstood you, you want to capture keyboard input
involving the CTRL and ALT key, am I correct?

Getting keyboard input with modifier keys depends on your GUI widgets.
Which are you using? Tkinter? wxWidget? PyQT? or plain ol' terminal?

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 2:39 am
From: joy99

On Nov 28, 2:22 pm, Lie Ryan <> wrote:
> On 11/28/2009 6:20 PM, joy99 wrote:
> > I was writing a transliteration program from Bengali to English and
> > vice versa. The program using Unicode chart is giving me perfect
> > outputs in Bengali and vice versa with Bengali input ->  English.
> > I wanted to add some more power to the key board entry scheme, as I
> > have developed few fonts also and now trying to work out a windows
> > based word processor in Bengali.
> > Thank you for your kind answer.
> > It helped me lot.
> > ALT portion I'll work out on my own.
> > Sorry for a wrongly given problem statement.
> > Wishing you a happy day ahead,
> > Regards,
> > Subhabrata.
> If I haven't misunderstood you, you want to capture keyboard input
> involving the CTRL and ALT key, am I correct?
> Getting keyboard input with modifier keys depends on your GUI widgets.
> Which are you using? Tkinter? wxWidget? PyQT? or plain ol' terminal?

You are very right. I am using IDLE on WinXP and for building GUI-

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 6:30 am
From: Vlastimil Brom

2009/11/28 joy99 <>:
> On Nov 28, 2:22 pm, Lie Ryan <> wrote:
>> On 11/28/2009 6:20 PM, joy99 wrote:
>> > I was writing a transliteration program from Bengali to English and
>> > vice versa. The program using Unicode chart is giving me perfect
>> > outputs in Bengali and vice versa with Bengali input ->  English.
>> > I wanted to add some more power to the key board entry scheme, as I
>> > have developed few fonts also and now trying to work out a windows
>> > based word processor in Bengali.
>> > Thank you for your kind answer.
>> > It helped me lot.
>> > ALT portion I'll work out on my own.
>> > Sorry for a wrongly given problem statement.
>> > Wishing you a happy day ahead,
>> > Regards,
>> > Subhabrata.
>> If I haven't misunderstood you, you want to capture keyboard input
>> involving the CTRL and ALT key, am I correct?
>> Getting keyboard input with modifier keys depends on your GUI widgets.
>> Which are you using? Tkinter? wxWidget? PyQT? or plain ol' terminal?
> You are very right. I am using IDLE on WinXP and for building GUI-
> TKinter.
> --
You may check e.g.:


TOPIC: python logging filters

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 1:26 am
From: Vinay Sajip

On Nov 27, 1:11 pm, Grimsqueaker <> wrote:
> When I add a Filter to a Handler, everything works as expected (ie.
> all messages sent from Loggers below the Filter's level are allowed
> through), but when I add the Filter directly on to the Logger, only
> that Logger is blocked, regardless of the contents of the Filter.

The key thing to remember is that when a logger processes an event,
handlers attached to it *and all its parents* are offered the event
for handling. In the case where you have just one handler and it has
the filter attached, filtering works as you expected. By attaching the
filter to the root logger, you are not filtering its handler; this
handler is invoked for events logged to all the other loggers, and so
(apart from the event at the root logger) those events are not

For some examples of filter usage, see this post:


Vinay Sajip

TOPIC: python bijection

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 1:30 am
From: Joshua Bronson

On Nov 27, 9:36 pm, "Gabriel Genellina" <>
> En Fri, 27 Nov 2009 15:12:36 -0300, Francis Carr <>  
> escribió:
> > I was really inspired by this discussion thread! :-)
> > After much tinkering, I think I have a simpler solution.  Just make
> > the inverse mapping accessible via an attribute, -AND- bind the
> > inverse of -THAT- mapping back to the original.  The result is a
> > python dict with NO NEW METHODS except this inverse-mapping
> > attribute.  I have posted it on as <a
> > href="">Recipe 576968:
> > Flipdict -- python dict that also maintains a one-to-one inverse
> > mapping</a>
> Nice idea!

Indeed! Thanks for sharing! I liked this so much I added something
similar in (I made the
inverse available via a .inv property, as well as via the unary ~
operator (by analogy to bitwise inverse)). I also got rid of getinv,
popinv, et al. to keep the API leaner as you recommend. I've kept the
slice syntax though as well as namedbidect, so for now I guess I'm
allowing for many ways to skin this cat.

> Just a couple of comments:
> Instead of:
>         self._flip = dict.__new__(self.__class__)
> I'd write:
>         self._flip = self.__class__()
> unless I'm missing something (but see the next point).

How would this not cause infinite recursion?

> Also, although Python's GC is able to handle them, I prefer to avoid  
> circular references like those between x and x._flip.  Making self._flip a  
> weak reference (and dereferencing it in the property) should be enough.

If both self._flip and self._flip._flip are weak references, no strong
references to the inverse mapping survive leaving the constructor
scope. Unless I'm missing something, only one of these can be a weak
reference, and then you'd have to do something like this in the
property to prevent "TypeError: FlipDict is not callable":

def flip(self):
# we're an inverse, self._flip is a weak reference
return self._flip()
except TypeError:
# we're a forward mapping, self._flip is a strong
return self._flip

TOPIC: Authentic Designer Handbags EVOGUER.COM 15% OFF DISCOUNT!!!!

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 1:57 am
From: ""

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TOPIC: dvb3

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 2:29 am
From: luca72

hello i try to use the python-dvb3 bindings, but i have some problem:
fe = dvb3.frontend.Frontend(0)
type = tipo_1 = fe.get_dvbtype()
now i need to set the parameters
parametri = dvb3.frontend.QPSKParameters(frequency=frequency,
inversion=2 , symbol_rate=27500, fec_inner=9)
but when i use
i get the error
The debugged program raised the exception IOError
"(22, 'Invalid argument')"
File: frontend.pyx, Line: 364

thedef is as follow :
def set_frontend(self, parameters):
global cfrontend
cdef cfrontend.dvb_frontend_parameters p
if pack_parameters(&p, parameters) == 0:
raise ParameterError, "Incorrect parameter type"
if ioctl(self.fd, cfrontend.FE_SET_FRONTEND, &p) == -1:

can you hel me


TOPIC: Intro To Python Using Turtle Graphics

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 2:41 am
From: Terry Reedy

Enkidu wrote:
> Ben Finney wrote:
>> Oh, so trash-talking in *other* forums where you feel safe from being
>> caught is okay? ;-)
> I take your point, but the other group in question is a 'local' group.

I think he intended to mean that it was a local group where
trash-talking and stupid comments are the norm.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 3:11 am
From: Ben Finney

Terry Reedy <> writes:

> Enkidu wrote:
> > Ben Finney wrote:
> >> Oh, so trash-talking in *other* forums where you feel safe from
> >> being caught is okay? ;-)
> >>
> > I take your point, but the other group in question is a 'local'
> > group.
> I think he intended to mean that it was a local group where
> trash-talking and stupid comments are the norm.

Well no, I'm not passing any comment on the group. Merely that
trash-talk isn't made any more acceptable just because the target of the
trash-talk isn't present to hear it.

But more importantly, my comment was intended as a pleasant jibe (hence
the smiley), not a severe admonishment.

\ "Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?" "I think so, |
`\ Brain, but if we give peas a chance, won't the lima beans feel |
_o__) left out?" —_Pinky and The Brain_ |
Ben Finney

TOPIC: Python & OpenOffice Spreadsheets

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 2:14 am
From: Paul Rudin

r <> writes:

> On Nov 23, 4:49 am, Gerhard Häring <> wrote:
>> Is there a *simple* way to read OpenOffice spreadsheets?
>> Bonus: write them, too?
>> I mean something like:
>> doc.cells[0][0] = "foo"
>> >From a quick look, pyodf offers little more than just using a XML parser
> I find the syntax far to complicated than it should be. Here is an
> example just to insert some text..

[employing weapons of mass snippage]

It's true that it's a hassle, but the boiler plate stuff can be stuck in
a function and then forgotton about really.

TOPIC: What does it mean ; You are a Muslim??

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 4:30 am
From: Mary

What does it mean ; You are a Muslim??
By Suleiman Saoud Al Saqer

All braise and thanks to "Allah" , the Lord of the whole being .

As you know, the matter of coming to this world is arbitrary . Nobody
has come to this worldly life by his choice and nobody departs by his
choice as well…

Now, from where did the person come and where does he go when he
departs ?? and what happens to him ?? is he remains alive but in
another form of life (only spiritual?) or he perishes completely ??.

Other questions about the environment he lives in.. for example the
unity of the life system and conditions, without which man will never
remain alive even for a few minutes, such as oxygen, moderate gravity,
food , and other convenience means , which are really uncountable ?? .

Everyone must search for answers to these questions, but he also must
be very careful that many answers are given from the old times to our
present day …

Uncountable answers, uncountable beliefs, uncountable religions ….
Some are funny, some are dangerous….

Nearly everything humble, everything solid, everything useless have
been worshipped by this clever man !! Things like cows, stones,
planets, mousse, man himself… and even anthills have been worshipped
by this clever man …. !!

But such people follow just self desires and guesses but desires and
guesses which doesn't have any relation to truth …!! These are just
names named by this people or their fathers !!. Some men worship
figures which they have made. Some others worship animals which they
must feed…!!.

Nobody argue that our generation with all of it's advanced scientific
achievements has never done anything with exploring ****physical facts

That it's impossible …..
Only in the Quraan and Hadieth we can reach such facts…
For the crucial matters I have above said, man must seriously search
for the truth. For that crucial importance of the questions above
mentioned he must find the truth….

This truth must be the truth indeed .. , not just by guessing . There
must be a definite proof and absolute evidence that it is the truth ,
otherwise it will increase it's holders nothing but more and more
losing .

That's the matter is extremely significant for you, it is your eternal
self- determination, it is your eternal life ; before and after death.
I can't find the words to express how significant to find the truth in
this con****. It has the same value for you as yourself.

Please be aware, and confident that the definite proof and the
absolute evidence on the truth is the book which was revealed from
Allah Subahnahu Wa Taa'la to his messenger Muhammed Sala Allahu Allyhi
Wasallam . It's the holly Quraan..

This Quraan includes answers to everything ; where man has come from ,
where is he going to, why is he sent to this earthy life, what is he
instructed to do, and everything… .

The Quraan is the eternal witness and absolute proof that Muhammad
Sala Allahu Allyhi Wasallam is really the messenger sent by the Lord
Allah , Who is the only Lord, and Creator of this whole being ,
physical and ****physical . …

The aspects of miracle of the Quraan are numerous. It is the miracle,
that nobody could match , and no one could alter since more than
fourteen centuries, that in spite of the too many enemies from inside
and outside. Although they had and have every kind of power and every
form of wealth, but they couldn't alter the Quraan or match it.
Moreover many invaders had turned into Islam and became defenders of
the Quraan after they had come to eliminate it completely .

Another form of miraculous nature of the Quraan is the rhetorical ….

The generation in which prophet Muhammed Sala Allahu Allyhi Wasallam
was sent was the most knowledgeable in the arts of Arabic. The
original Arabic language (classical) was their same everyday spoken
language. They were experts in Arabic art's of poetry, prose, speech
or else, and they were very fund of these arts. Poets and other
literature men had a very special position in that society.

The linguistic patterns of grammar of Arabic until our present day are
put after the expressions of people prevailed at that time. The
prophet Sala Allahu Allyhi Wasallam was not known of working in any
literal art at all. With this fact certify enemies before followers.
They all also certify that he Sala Allahu Allyhi Wasallam was
illiterate, didn't read and didn't write. In addition, he was
certified by all, even by those who fought him, that he was truthful,
sincere trust and very honest, so he was called "The truthful

That's excluded any possibility that he made the Quraan by himself and
he never could do that. if he could why they couldn't ?? . A lot of
skillful proficient of linguists in addition of all kinds of power and
wealth known at that time and each time were thrown as very cheap in
the con**** of matching the Quraan or altering it !!.
Although it was (is) made of words of their language !!.

Some people said (says) that the prophet Muhammed Sala Allahu Allyhi
Wasallam had taken it from the Jews and Nassara , but he was
illiterate , so how to read their books ? and there was no connection
with them ?? except a very small stop..

Moreover, they initiated aggression against him with all of their
power, specially Jews, therefore he Sala Allahu Allyhi Wasallam fought
and defeated them and confiscated every thing from them. Of course at
the orders of the Lord, Subahnahu Wa Taa'la, Because the prophet Sala
Allahu Allyhi Wasallam never had done any such thing unless with
orders of the Lord. (I say) in short , if he had acquired the Quraan
from them why they couldn't match it. That if they (and others). Had
done that, his powers will vanish, and the men around him should had
separated ….

He Sala Allahu Allyhi Wasallam kept calling on them to bring like only
ten Surahs of it, than the amount of the challenge decreased to one
Surah of the Quraan, he Sala Allahu Allyhi Wasallam kept challenging
them to do that but they couldn't.

If they had matched even one of those Surahs which don't exceed one
line in length, they would had done the task. Allah Subahnahu Wa
Taa'la , says in his verses of the Quraan, what the translation of
it's meaning perhaps would be as :

(Or do they say: He has 'made' it, say: "bring then a Surah like it,
and call upon whomsoever you can call, from under Allah, if you are
truthful) Surat Younis-Verse 38.

The ultimatum proof that they couldn't match the Quraan even at the
length of one line, that they were in the case of dire need and
extreme necessity to bring like the Quraan. As they started hostility,
and killing Muslims and confiscating their property, the prophet Sala
Allahu Allyhi Wasallam at the orders of his Lord "Allah" Subahnahu Wa
Taa'la fought them and always had been supported with the Lord and was
granted a smashing victory over the enemies, where the enemy's men
were killed or captured, their women and sons were taken and their
wealth was confiscated. In addition to that their ways of thinking,
religions with beliefs and the styles of life in general were to
despised and condemned and made null. Moreover, their simplemindedness
and foolishness was disclosed …
There would be no necessity extremer than this and no need more urgent
than that. They would had been relieved of all of this destruction, if
they had present just one line of their language like the Quraan!! but
they failed ...

Any endeavor of that kind, was judged by themselves as false and
became the subject of mockery and a joke ..!!.

Moreover, the Quraan was revealed in ten readings , that means there
was nearly a reading of the Quraan in the prevailing Arabic of every
direction of Arabia, but they all failed to bring that amount in their
everyday language…

So all generations along fourteen centuries had never been able to
that and the Non Arabic speakers are more and more disabled to do that

The reason is that the Quraan is the words of Allah Subahnahu Wa
Taa'la who is the Lord of the whole being, who exists eternally.
Don't say the miraculous nature of Quraan is a magic..
It never be magic because;

• The disbelievers are much more competent for employing all kinds of
magicians. As for they wealth and influence. What is the magic they
couldn't and can't now match…??.

• Magic doesn't last for long, it soon vanish, in addition to it
doesn't have an actual existence , and the miraculous feature of Koran
has remained as it is since more than fourteen centuries.

• In addition to that, and this even more important point that the
makers of magic are the Satins who are a sub class of jinn, and the
challenge to bring like the Quraan is directed to Human and jinn. The
Lord "Allah" Subahnahu Wa Taa'la says in a verse of the Quraan, what
the translation of it's meaning would be as :
(Say: If the mankind and the jinn were to convene for the purpose of
making the alike of this Quraa'n, they will never do the alike
thereof, even if they were supported by each other .(Surat Al Isra.
Verse 88.

So the jinn along with their evilest class (Satans) are included in
the challenge . Those Satans of jinn are the makers of magic with
collaboration and whispering to their agents of the human Satans, who
are the magicians. The aim of those two parties, is to deviate people
from their Lord's path.

So if they could stand the challenge, they surely will hasten with
announcing that for their said aim.

Other form of miracle of the Quraan, is that it tells of everything
happened since the heavens and earth were created up to the day of
judgment. How man was created and why ?? What other alive creates are
there ?? mankind, angels and jinn !!. What happened to the previous
messengers and their peoples … So if you want the truth of physical
and ****physical, and all events , you can read Allah's book ; "the
Quraan" and its authorized explanation of the prophet's Hadieth, and
Companions' sayings which is carried by the honest scholars along
generations . As far as I know, there translations in the main
languages of these explanations. If you have determination and honest
resolution to come advanced to your Lord , you can learn Arabic . and
then drink from the original fountain … Read the Quraan , it's
explanations and Sunnah fresh in it's original form ……
If you want the necessary amount of Arabic for worshipping you Lord,
with determination, it doesn't take one week to learn the necessary
amount of prayers and other extolment of Allah .

Another form of miracle of the Quraan is the non weariness from
repeating it for a lot of times. Although the subjects and events
mentioned in the Quraan are in most cases repeated, may be for more
than 30 times in some cases, but for it's lovers never invoke
weariness as in the same cases. There have been mentioned that some
scholars and worshippers may be recite the Quraan twice a day
particularly in the fasting month of Ramadan without being bored !!.
This never happen for anything else . Too many people recite it , say
once each two months along their lives . Is not that upnormal ?? .
This particularity is mentioned in the Quraan , the translation of the
verse's meaning speaking about this matter would be like this :
(Allah has revealed the most beautiful speech , a Book, its parts
alike, repeated . The skins of those who fear their Lord tremble from
it (when they recite or hear it). Then their skins and hearts soften
to the remembrance of Allah. …..) Surat AL Zumar Verse 23.

Perhaps someone would say, those Quraan lovers don't read it in the
same session at many cases (by guessing ), if so, that means they
would had (have) cut their reciting because of boredom. !!. (I say ) ;
That's a healthy sign, that they feel like any person feels of
boredom, but they soon long for it, and restart reciting again. That's
never happen with anything else……..

There is another aspect of miracle, what is now called "The scientific
miraculous nature of Quraan" which I can define in short as : Facts
mentioned in the Quraan and have been now proved materially by the
technological facilities of this modern age". Like the roundness of
the earth, for example. There are certain books now have been composed
for researches about this matter…..

There is another aspect of miracle in the precious Quraan, that is the
achievement of promises, but in certainty, like the verse of Surat Al
Rum, which it's meaning translation would be like ;
(Alief Lam Miem =(The Arabic sounds A L M) * The Rum are defeated*in
the nearest of land, and after the defeat of theirs, they will defeat
(their enemy) in some years) Surat Al Rum Verses 1-4.

Another promise which is for Islam to prevail, and for the Muslims to
defeat all enemies (as long as they apply their religion, so that what
happened at the life of the prophet Sala Allahu Allyhi Wasallam who
had never been defeated. So was the matter at the stage of the well-
guided caliphs…

With aid of Allah, the Muslim nation, which it's essence element was
the Arabs, turned just within only about thirty years from a scattered
conflicted tribes into the greatest and strongest nation in the world
for long centuries, and it's language and culture never vanish until
the day of judgment because they are preserved by the preservation of
the Quraan.

These are only examples for many cases in the Quraan. ( I resolved
this article to be a short one, but for any illustration about any
point , please write to me ).

Don't say it's like fortune telling …. It's completely on the
contrary. For the Quraan is the right which it's promises had come
true identical, there never even one promise which didn't come
identical, but fortune tellers many times say things which doesn't
come true, if in few cases come true, it will be mixed with too many
lies ….
That in addition to the characteristics of magic mentioned above,
because fortune telling is a sub branch of magic.

I consider the matter is enough for such a short article like this,
that for any evenhanded searching person for the truth is convinced
that; the Quraan, which is words from the Arabic language could not be
matched even by the amount of one line of it, along more than fourteen
centuries, in spite of the too many, very strong , very wealthy
enemies ..

Therefore, be faithful that the Quraan is revealed from the Lord of
the whole being, Allah Subahnahu Wa Taa'la, and Islam is the only
right religion, which if you embrace and adhere to , you will obtain
the happiness in the hereafter life, and gain supporting from the Lord
in this wordily life what your position is .

What is the genuine representative faction of Islam

Perhaps you will ask about the faction of those now pretend Islam, is
the genuine representative of Islam ??
(I say) with dogmatic final proof from the Quraan and Sunnah that this
faction is the prophet Sala Allahu Allyhi Wasallam, his companions,
and to the followers of them up to the end of this life.

Our Lord Allah, Subahnahu Wa Taa'la, says in several verses, that we
must follow the prophet Sala Allahu Allyhi Wasallam. One of these
verse, it's meaning translation would be like :

(Say if you do love Allah, so follow me Allah will love you and
forgive you your sins, for Allah is most forgiving most merciful* Say,
Obey Allah and the messenger, but if they turn back (as refusing),
Allah love not the infidels). Surt Al Imran- Verses : 31-32

Further, the Lord has ordered us, in several verses of his book, to
follow the path of the companions in understanding the righteous path
of what is meant by the verses of the Quraan and the prophet's
Hadieth. They are the best generation of this nation , they were
faithful, sincere and lived with the prophet Sala Allahu Allyhi
Wasallam and knew every meaning from him directly…..

Islam differs from other religions in this aspect, that there are now
really too many factions pretending Islam (They will reach, or have
reached seventy three factions at the end as the prophet Sala Allahu
Allyhi Wasallam informed) but there is the real genuine one which is
corresponding to the prophet's miracle ; The Quraan , which includes
verses impels on us to follow the prophet Sala Allahu Allyhi
Wasallam , and the companions' understanding as well.

The other religions; in particular the Jews and Nassara , have also
too many factions, but non of them has a proof that it represents the
original which was nothing but Islam in it's wider meaning as stated
in the verses of the Quraan. Thus we can be surely confident that the
contemporary forms of Judaism and Nassara are null and void (Since
prophet Sala Allahu Allyhi Wasallam was sent) by two primary proofs ;
• They contradict with the miracle of the Quraan, which contains
verses that, except Islam, the religion which Muhammed Sala Allahu
Allyhi Wasallam was sent with, all other religions and believes are
false and null, and their followers will be in hellfire. Allah
Subahnahu Wa Taa'la, says in his verses, what the translation of the
meaning thereof, would be as :
(And anybody desires a religion other than Islam, it will never be
accepted from him, and in the hereafter he will be among those who
have lost ) Surat Al-Imran –Verse 85.
• Non of their factions is supported of real proof , that's in short.

Time changing

Perhaps, some people say, life has changed, so our life is different
from that fourteen years ago ??.

The answer is that Islam leaves the door opened for material changes,
all life requirements' facilities are initially permissible. By the
evidence from the Quraan and Sunnah (Hadieth), everything related to
material is left for mankind to utilize. Allah says what it's meaning
would be;

(And (Allah) has subjected to you all that is in the heavens and all
that is in the earth; it is all as a favour from Him. Verily, in it
are signs for people who contemplate) Surat Al Jathiah verse .(13)

Each thing related to the usual life facilities is permissible in
Islam unless specified as prohibited (indicated as Haram) by a
specified proof.

The stable unchangeable are the worshipping acts like prayers,
fasting, Zakat and pilgrimage….

The ever prohibited (Haram ) are actions like
stealing, lying, being drunk …….etc. All these actions are not
influenced by time changes .

Remember that everything permitted or prohibited in genuine Islam, is
the ruling of your Lord , your Creator, to whom you are going back
inevitably . That's Allah , The Omniscient, The Most Merciful. …
They aren't managed by humans ……

Allah is the only characterized with absolute perfection

Allah Subahnahu Wa Taa'la, urged us to contemplate in the things
around us, to look to the sun , moon , stars, planets and their
movement of going around each other in an accurate orbits ….

He Subahnahu Wa Taa'la, urged us To contemplate in ourselves , of our
bodily elaborateness, in our social relations with each other, and how
we are distinguished from other creatures…
To the blowing of winds, carrying the grace of Allah , in the form of
water on which plants grow, from which we eat…
And to complete in the creation of animals which we use for food and
for translation ………

Look how perfect is that things around us ??
The Creator "Allah" is much and much perfect …, We can never imagine
how the lord is, but by contemplation in his creatures, every
evenhanded concludes that He is absolutely perfect…
Some people , the arrogance devastates them , to such a degree they
feel proud on the orders of their Creator !!

Those, their ideal pattern is the Satan himself, whom the arrogance
and envy in himself made him reject the orders of his Creator , his
Lord "Allah ".

Why man is created ?

From the miracle of the Quraan we find answers to all we think about.
Thus we must believe that the reason beyond our creation is to worship
Allah Subahnahu Wa Taa'la to thank him. Who, at same time, doesn't
need our worshipping at all. Moreover he is completely able to discard
us away as nothing, and bring instead anew creatures for the purpose
he has liked….

Reward and Punishment

Allah, Subahnahu Wa Taa'la nearly in each page of his book, "the
Quraan", reminds us with verses that, people will be inevitably put
into two directions : rewarded or punished . Each person according to
his acts in this wordily life, and his response to the message He has
sent .

If, the person obeys the Lord, be faithful ; believing in what the
prophet Sala Allahu Allyhi Wasallam (which as I said , by absolute
proof and ultimatum evidence , deserves nothing but believing and
acting the good, as the Lord has ordered in his verses or by the
Hadieth of his messenger), he will be than settled in the Paradise (Al
Jannah), where from underneath them, rivers are streaming. Seating on
settees facing each other. For men there will be maidens whose beauty
is very great. In a verse which the translation of it's meaning would
be as:

(In them will be (maidens) chaste, restraining their glances (on their
masters) whom no man or Jinn before them has touched.) Surat Al
Rahman- Verse 56.

They will meet with those maidens in pearl tents .. in addition to
their palaces ….

The virtuous Muslim women whose actions are good will be as master
ladies. Believers ; men and women will enjoy a happiness that no human
has ever thought of .

And all are in ranks according to their acts in this wordily life …..

They will be there eternally, for ever. There will be no death, and
they will never be removed from there.

The verses and Hadieths telling us about comfort and happiness of
living in Al-Janneh (Paradise) are many.

Although, the happy life of the believers is something can't be
imagined but the most elite of it is the looking at the Lord Subahnahu
Wa Taa'la . That the believers will look at "Allah" Tabarak Wa Taa'ala
the Lord and Creator of this whole being.
The lord says about that promise, what it's meaning's translation
would be "
(Faces at that day are flourishing, at their Lord looking) Surat Al
Qiyamah- Verse 16.
The prophet Sala Allahu Allyhi Wasallam informed us in a long true
Hadieth that we shall look at our Lord, with Allah willing, as we look
at the moon as full where no clouds are below it.

At the contrary of that, those who disbelieve will be punished, with
hellfire.. They will not be let to go out of the hell , and will be
living their eternally because no death is there ..They desire death
(by the meaning of perishing, but will never be let dying ).

Those whom their arrogance, selfishness or wordily desires motivate
them to disbelieve and rejects Allah's will ,will be punished with
that permanent torture …

The massage which Allah has sent Muhammed Sala Allahu Allyhi Wasallam
with, the same as the previous prophets –peace be upon them- were sent
with , is clear and stable and understood that it's the Word of Allah,
the Lord and Creator of this universe Tabarak Wa Taa'ala, and those
disbelievers, are disbelieving for nothing but for arrogance ,
selfishness or wordily desires only ….
Thus they deserve the hellfire eternally, not dying. The Lord informed
us about their torture in many verses.

He says in a verse of this con****, which the meaning translation
thereof would be as :

(Those who disbelieve in our (my) verses, We(I) shall strike them with
fire, each time their skins are well done, We(I) shall replace those
skins with new ones that they may taste the penalty for Allah is
exalted in power and wise) Surat Al Nisa – Verse : 56.

Nobody excluded

Everybody is charged with Islam , and is responsible for following the
right represented by Islam..
Whatever is his (her) homeland, race , color, rank , or language … he
will be questioned about his attitude toward his Lord's instruction….
Whatever is his cultural position, rich or poor, he (she) will be
questioned about Allah's instructions and therefore will be sent to
Paradise or Hellfire….

Nobody excluded, save two conditions are provided : He (she)is adult
and having normal mind….

Allah Tabarak Wa Taa'ala says in a verse of this con**** , which the
meaning translation thereof would be as :

(We have not sent you but to all people, giving them glad tidings and
warning them (against Hellfire) but most people know not ) Surat Saba'
–Verse : 28.

Also the prophet Sala Allahu Allyhi Wasallam, said : (I have been sent
to the red and black). A true Hadieth.

The verses and Hadieths prescribe that the prophet: Muhammed Sala
Allahu Allyhi Wasallam is sent to all kinds of people and Jinn are
several. No doubt about that..

So don't waste your time , save yourself before time is over. That if
the person dies , which is very near from any of use, his chance will
be over and therefore he will be among losers.

So hurry up and enter in Islam, be a Moslem… It is none but the desire
of your Lord, your Creator "Allah" Tabarak Wa Taa'ala . Nobody is
waiting from you any benefit at all, you will do good for yourself. I
myself write this call to benefit myself , because Allah Tabarak Wa
Taa'ala loves that who guides others to the truth , to the path he
ruled for them from above the heavens.
Say (La ilaha illa Allah; Muhammadur-rasul Allah.) which mean : 'There
is no god but Allah; Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.' And pray the
5 prayers of the day and night (in the 24 hours) .. This is a quick
action for converting the righteous path : Islam.

So what does it mean ; You are a Muslim??
Being a Muslim, with a real honest intention means; you are on the
righteous way assigned by your Creator, by your Lord; Allah Tabarak Wa
Taa'ala, and you will be awarded settling in the Paradise, in
happiness that never a heart would have thought of.

For any enquiries or help, please don't hesitate to contact me:

Written by

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 4:30 am
From: Mary

What does it mean ; You are a Muslim??
By Suleiman Saoud Al Saqer

All braise and thanks to "Allah" , the Lord of the whole being .

As you know, the matter of coming to this world is arbitrary . Nobody
has come to this worldly life by his choice and nobody departs by his
choice as well…

Now, from where did the person come and where does he go when he
departs ?? and what happens to him ?? is he remains alive but in
another form of life (only spiritual?) or he perishes completely ??.

Other questions about the environment he lives in.. for example the
unity of the life system and conditions, without which man will never
remain alive even for a few minutes, such as oxygen, moderate gravity,
food , and other convenience means , which are really uncountable ?? .

Everyone must search for answers to these questions, but he also must
be very careful that many answers are given from the old times to our
present day …

Uncountable answers, uncountable beliefs, uncountable religions ….
Some are funny, some are dangerous….

Nearly everything humble, everything solid, everything useless have
been worshipped by this clever man !! Things like cows, stones,
planets, mousse, man himself… and even anthills have been worshipped
by this clever man …. !!

But such people follow just self desires and guesses but desires and
guesses which doesn't have any relation to truth …!! These are just
names named by this people or their fathers !!. Some men worship
figures which they have made. Some others worship animals which they
must feed…!!.

Nobody argue that our generation with all of it's advanced scientific
achievements has never done anything with exploring ****physical facts

That it's impossible …..
Only in the Quraan and Hadieth we can reach such facts…
For the crucial matters I have above said, man must seriously search
for the truth. For that crucial importance of the questions above
mentioned he must find the truth….

This truth must be the truth indeed .. , not just by guessing . There
must be a definite proof and absolute evidence that it is the truth ,
otherwise it will increase it's holders nothing but more and more
losing .

That's the matter is extremely significant for you, it is your eternal
self- determination, it is your eternal life ; before and after death.
I can't find the words to express how significant to find the truth in
this con****. It has the same value for you as yourself.

Please be aware, and confident that the definite proof and the
absolute evidence on the truth is the book which was revealed from
Allah Subahnahu Wa Taa'la to his messenger Muhammed Sala Allahu Allyhi
Wasallam . It's the holly Quraan..

This Quraan includes answers to everything ; where man has come from ,
where is he going to, why is he sent to this earthy life, what is he
instructed to do, and everything… .

The Quraan is the eternal witness and absolute proof that Muhammad
Sala Allahu Allyhi Wasallam is really the messenger sent by the Lord
Allah , Who is the only Lord, and Creator of this whole being ,
physical and ****physical . …

The aspects of miracle of the Quraan are numerous. It is the miracle,
that nobody could match , and no one could alter since more than
fourteen centuries, that in spite of the too many enemies from inside
and outside. Although they had and have every kind of power and every
form of wealth, but they couldn't alter the Quraan or match it.
Moreover many invaders had turned into Islam and became defenders of
the Quraan after they had come to eliminate it completely .

Another form of miraculous nature of the Quraan is the rhetorical ….

The generation in which prophet Muhammed Sala Allahu Allyhi Wasallam
was sent was the most knowledgeable in the arts of Arabic. The
original Arabic language (classical) was their same everyday spoken
language. They were experts in Arabic art's of poetry, prose, speech
or else, and they were very fund of these arts. Poets and other
literature men had a very special position in that society.

The linguistic patterns of grammar of Arabic until our present day are
put after the expressions of people prevailed at that time. The
prophet Sala Allahu Allyhi Wasallam was not known of working in any
literal art at all. With this fact certify enemies before followers.
They all also certify that he Sala Allahu Allyhi Wasallam was
illiterate, didn't read and didn't write. In addition, he was
certified by all, even by those who fought him, that he was truthful,
sincere trust and very honest, so he was called "The truthful

That's excluded any possibility that he made the Quraan by himself and
he never could do that. if he could why they couldn't ?? . A lot of
skillful proficient of linguists in addition of all kinds of power and
wealth known at that time and each time were thrown as very cheap in
the con**** of matching the Quraan or altering it !!.
Although it was (is) made of words of their language !!.

Some people said (says) that the prophet Muhammed Sala Allahu Allyhi
Wasallam had taken it from the Jews and Nassara , but he was
illiterate , so how to read their books ? and there was no connection
with them ?? except a very small stop..

Moreover, they initiated aggression against him with all of their
power, specially Jews, therefore he Sala Allahu Allyhi Wasallam fought
and defeated them and confiscated every thing from them. Of course at
the orders of the Lord, Subahnahu Wa Taa'la, Because the prophet Sala
Allahu Allyhi Wasallam never had done any such thing unless with
orders of the Lord. (I say) in short , if he had acquired the Quraan
from them why they couldn't match it. That if they (and others). Had
done that, his powers will vanish, and the men around him should had
separated ….

He Sala Allahu Allyhi Wasallam kept calling on them to bring like only
ten Surahs of it, than the amount of the challenge decreased to one
Surah of the Quraan, he Sala Allahu Allyhi Wasallam kept challenging
them to do that but they couldn't.

If they had matched even one of those Surahs which don't exceed one
line in length, they would had done the task. Allah Subahnahu Wa
Taa'la , says in his verses of the Quraan, what the translation of
it's meaning perhaps would be as :

(Or do they say: He has 'made' it, say: "bring then a Surah like it,
and call upon whomsoever you can call, from under Allah, if you are
truthful) Surat Younis-Verse 38.

The ultimatum proof that they couldn't match the Quraan even at the
length of one line, that they were in the case of dire need and
extreme necessity to bring like the Quraan. As they started hostility,
and killing Muslims and confiscating their property, the prophet Sala
Allahu Allyhi Wasallam at the orders of his Lord "Allah" Subahnahu Wa
Taa'la fought them and always had been supported with the Lord and was
granted a smashing victory over the enemies, where the enemy's men
were killed or captured, their women and sons were taken and their
wealth was confiscated. In addition to that their ways of thinking,
religions with beliefs and the styles of life in general were to
despised and condemned and made null. Moreover, their simplemindedness
and foolishness was disclosed …
There would be no necessity extremer than this and no need more urgent
than that. They would had been relieved of all of this destruction, if
they had present just one line of their language like the Quraan!! but
they failed ...

Any endeavor of that kind, was judged by themselves as false and
became the subject of mockery and a joke ..!!.

Moreover, the Quraan was revealed in ten readings , that means there
was nearly a reading of the Quraan in the prevailing Arabic of every
direction of Arabia, but they all failed to bring that amount in their
everyday language…

So all generations along fourteen centuries had never been able to
that and the Non Arabic speakers are more and more disabled to do that

The reason is that the Quraan is the words of Allah Subahnahu Wa
Taa'la who is the Lord of the whole being, who exists eternally.
Don't say the miraculous nature of Quraan is a magic..
It never be magic because;

• The disbelievers are much more competent for employing all kinds of
magicians. As for they wealth and influence. What is the magic they
couldn't and can't now match…??.

• Magic doesn't last for long, it soon vanish, in addition to it
doesn't have an actual existence , and the miraculous feature of Koran
has remained as it is since more than fourteen centuries.

• In addition to that, and this even more important point that the
makers of magic are the Satins who are a sub class of jinn, and the
challenge to bring like the Quraan is directed to Human and jinn. The
Lord "Allah" Subahnahu Wa Taa'la says in a verse of the Quraan, what
the translation of it's meaning would be as :
(Say: If the mankind and the jinn were to convene for the purpose of
making the alike of this Quraa'n, they will never do the alike
thereof, even if they were supported by each other .(Surat Al Isra.
Verse 88.

So the jinn along with their evilest class (Satans) are included in
the challenge . Those Satans of jinn are the makers of magic with
collaboration and whispering to their agents of the human Satans, who
are the magicians. The aim of those two parties, is to deviate people
from their Lord's path.

So if they could stand the challenge, they surely will hasten with
announcing that for their said aim.

Other form of miracle of the Quraan, is that it tells of everything
happened since the heavens and earth were created up to the day of
judgment. How man was created and why ?? What other alive creates are
there ?? mankind, angels and jinn !!. What happened to the previous
messengers and their peoples … So if you want the truth of physical
and ****physical, and all events , you can read Allah's book ; "the
Quraan" and its authorized explanation of the prophet's Hadieth, and
Companions' sayings which is carried by the honest scholars along
generations . As far as I know, there translations in the main
languages of these explanations. If you have determination and honest
resolution to come advanced to your Lord , you can learn Arabic . and
then drink from the original fountain … Read the Quraan , it's
explanations and Sunnah fresh in it's original form ……
If you want the necessary amount of Arabic for worshipping you Lord,
with determination, it doesn't take one week to learn the necessary
amount of prayers and other extolment of Allah .

Another form of miracle of the Quraan is the non weariness from
repeating it for a lot of times. Although the subjects and events
mentioned in the Quraan are in most cases repeated, may be for more
than 30 times in some cases, but for it's lovers never invoke
weariness as in the same cases. There have been mentioned that some
scholars and worshippers may be recite the Quraan twice a day
particularly in the fasting month of Ramadan without being bored !!.
This never happen for anything else . Too many people recite it , say
once each two months along their lives . Is not that upnormal ?? .
This particularity is mentioned in the Quraan , the translation of the
verse's meaning speaking about this matter would be like this :
(Allah has revealed the most beautiful speech , a Book, its parts
alike, repeated . The skins of those who fear their Lord tremble from
it (when they recite or hear it). Then their skins and hearts soften
to the remembrance of Allah. …..) Surat AL Zumar Verse 23.

Perhaps someone would say, those Quraan lovers don't read it in the
same session at many cases (by guessing ), if so, that means they
would had (have) cut their reciting because of boredom. !!. (I say ) ;
That's a healthy sign, that they feel like any person feels of
boredom, but they soon long for it, and restart reciting again. That's
never happen with anything else……..

There is another aspect of miracle, what is now called "The scientific
miraculous nature of Quraan" which I can define in short as : Facts
mentioned in the Quraan and have been now proved materially by the
technological facilities of this modern age". Like the roundness of
the earth, for example. There are certain books now have been composed
for researches about this matter…..

There is another aspect of miracle in the precious Quraan, that is the
achievement of promises, but in certainty, like the verse of Surat Al
Rum, which it's meaning translation would be like ;
(Alief Lam Miem =(The Arabic sounds A L M) * The Rum are defeated*in
the nearest of land, and after the defeat of theirs, they will defeat
(their enemy) in some years) Surat Al Rum Verses 1-4.

Another promise which is for Islam to prevail, and for the Muslims to
defeat all enemies (as long as they apply their religion, so that what
happened at the life of the prophet Sala Allahu Allyhi Wasallam who
had never been defeated. So was the matter at the stage of the well-
guided caliphs…

With aid of Allah, the Muslim nation, which it's essence element was
the Arabs, turned just within only about thirty years from a scattered
conflicted tribes into the greatest and strongest nation in the world
for long centuries, and it's language and culture never vanish until
the day of judgment because they are preserved by the preservation of
the Quraan.

These are only examples for many cases in the Quraan. ( I resolved
this article to be a short one, but for any illustration about any
point , please write to me ).

Don't say it's like fortune telling …. It's completely on the
contrary. For the Quraan is the right which it's promises had come
true identical, there never even one promise which didn't come
identical, but fortune tellers many times say things which doesn't
come true, if in few cases come true, it will be mixed with too many
lies ….
That in addition to the characteristics of magic mentioned above,
because fortune telling is a sub branch of magic.

I consider the matter is enough for such a short article like this,
that for any evenhanded searching person for the truth is convinced
that; the Quraan, which is words from the Arabic language could not be
matched even by the amount of one line of it, along more than fourteen
centuries, in spite of the too many, very strong , very wealthy
enemies ..

Therefore, be faithful that the Quraan is revealed from the Lord of
the whole being, Allah Subahnahu Wa Taa'la, and Islam is the only
right religion, which if you embrace and adhere to , you will obtain
the happiness in the hereafter life, and gain supporting from the Lord
in this wordily life what your position is .

What is the genuine representative faction of Islam

Perhaps you will ask about the faction of those now pretend Islam, is
the genuine representative of Islam ??
(I say) with dogmatic final proof from the Quraan and Sunnah that this
faction is the prophet Sala Allahu Allyhi Wasallam, his companions,
and to the followers of them up to the end of this life.

Our Lord Allah, Subahnahu Wa Taa'la, says in several verses, that we
must follow the prophet Sala Allahu Allyhi Wasallam. One of these
verse, it's meaning translation would be like :

(Say if you do love Allah, so follow me Allah will love you and
forgive you your sins, for Allah is most forgiving most merciful* Say,
Obey Allah and the messenger, but if they turn back (as refusing),
Allah love not the infidels). Surt Al Imran- Verses : 31-32

Further, the Lord has ordered us, in several verses of his book, to
follow the path of the companions in understanding the righteous path
of what is meant by the verses of the Quraan and the prophet's
Hadieth. They are the best generation of this nation , they were
faithful, sincere and lived with the prophet Sala Allahu Allyhi
Wasallam and knew every meaning from him directly…..

Islam differs from other religions in this aspect, that there are now
really too many factions pretending Islam (They will reach, or have
reached seventy three factions at the end as the prophet Sala Allahu
Allyhi Wasallam informed) but there is the real genuine one which is
corresponding to the prophet's miracle ; The Quraan , which includes
verses impels on us to follow the prophet Sala Allahu Allyhi
Wasallam , and the companions' understanding as well.

The other religions; in particular the Jews and Nassara , have also
too many factions, but non of them has a proof that it represents the
original which was nothing but Islam in it's wider meaning as stated
in the verses of the Quraan. Thus we can be surely confident that the
contemporary forms of Judaism and Nassara are null and void (Since
prophet Sala Allahu Allyhi Wasallam was sent) by two primary proofs ;
• They contradict with the miracle of the Quraan, which contains
verses that, except Islam, the religion which Muhammed Sala Allahu
Allyhi Wasallam was sent with, all other religions and believes are
false and null, and their followers will be in hellfire. Allah
Subahnahu Wa Taa'la, says in his verses, what the translation of the
meaning thereof, would be as :
(And anybody desires a religion other than Islam, it will never be
accepted from him, and in the hereafter he will be among those who
have lost ) Surat Al-Imran –Verse 85.
• Non of their factions is supported of real proof , that's in short.

Time changing

Perhaps, some people say, life has changed, so our life is different
from that fourteen years ago ??.

The answer is that Islam leaves the door opened for material changes,
all life requirements' facilities are initially permissible. By the
evidence from the Quraan and Sunnah (Hadieth), everything related to
material is left for mankind to utilize. Allah says what it's meaning
would be;

(And (Allah) has subjected to you all that is in the heavens and all
that is in the earth; it is all as a favour from Him. Verily, in it
are signs for people who contemplate) Surat Al Jathiah verse .(13)

Each thing related to the usual life facilities is permissible in
Islam unless specified as prohibited (indicated as Haram) by a
specified proof.

The stable unchangeable are the worshipping acts like prayers,
fasting, Zakat and pilgrimage….

The ever prohibited (Haram ) are actions like
stealing, lying, being drunk …….etc. All these actions are not
influenced by time changes .

Remember that everything permitted or prohibited in genuine Islam, is
the ruling of your Lord , your Creator, to whom you are going back
inevitably . That's Allah , The Omniscient, The Most Merciful. …
They aren't managed by humans ……

Allah is the only characterized with absolute perfection

Allah Subahnahu Wa Taa'la, urged us to contemplate in the things
around us, to look to the sun , moon , stars, planets and their
movement of going around each other in an accurate orbits ….

He Subahnahu Wa Taa'la, urged us To contemplate in ourselves , of our
bodily elaborateness, in our social relations with each other, and how
we are distinguished from other creatures…
To the blowing of winds, carrying the grace of Allah , in the form of
water on which plants grow, from which we eat…
And to complete in the creation of animals which we use for food and
for translation ………

Look how perfect is that things around us ??
The Creator "Allah" is much and much perfect …, We can never imagine
how the lord is, but by contemplation in his creatures, every
evenhanded concludes that He is absolutely perfect…
Some people , the arrogance devastates them , to such a degree they
feel proud on the orders of their Creator !!

Those, their ideal pattern is the Satan himself, whom the arrogance
and envy in himself made him reject the orders of his Creator , his
Lord "Allah ".

Why man is created ?

From the miracle of the Quraan we find answers to all we think about.
Thus we must believe that the reason beyond our creation is to worship
Allah Subahnahu Wa Taa'la to thank him. Who, at same time, doesn't
need our worshipping at all. Moreover he is completely able to discard
us away as nothing, and bring instead anew creatures for the purpose
he has liked….

Reward and Punishment

Allah, Subahnahu Wa Taa'la nearly in each page of his book, "the
Quraan", reminds us with verses that, people will be inevitably put
into two directions : rewarded or punished . Each person according to
his acts in this wordily life, and his response to the message He has
sent .

If, the person obeys the Lord, be faithful ; believing in what the
prophet Sala Allahu Allyhi Wasallam (which as I said , by absolute
proof and ultimatum evidence , deserves nothing but believing and
acting the good, as the Lord has ordered in his verses or by the
Hadieth of his messenger), he will be than settled in the Paradise (Al
Jannah), where from underneath them, rivers are streaming. Seating on
settees facing each other. For men there will be maidens whose beauty
is very great. In a verse which the translation of it's meaning would
be as:

(In them will be (maidens) chaste, restraining their glances (on their
masters) whom no man or Jinn before them has touched.) Surat Al
Rahman- Verse 56.

They will meet with those maidens in pearl tents .. in addition to
their palaces ….

The virtuous Muslim women whose actions are good will be as master
ladies. Believers ; men and women will enjoy a happiness that no human
has ever thought of .

And all are in ranks according to their acts in this wordily life …..

They will be there eternally, for ever. There will be no death, and
they will never be removed from there.

The verses and Hadieths telling us about comfort and happiness of
living in Al-Janneh (Paradise) are many.

Although, the happy life of the believers is something can't be
imagined but the most elite of it is the looking at the Lord Subahnahu
Wa Taa'la . That the believers will look at "Allah" Tabarak Wa Taa'ala
the Lord and Creator of this whole being.
The lord says about that promise, what it's meaning's translation
would be "
(Faces at that day are flourishing, at their Lord looking) Surat Al
Qiyamah- Verse 16.
The prophet Sala Allahu Allyhi Wasallam informed us in a long true
Hadieth that we shall look at our Lord, with Allah willing, as we look
at the moon as full where no clouds are below it.

At the contrary of that, those who disbelieve will be punished, with
hellfire.. They will not be let to go out of the hell , and will be
living their eternally because no death is there ..They desire death
(by the meaning of perishing, but will never be let dying ).

Those whom their arrogance, selfishness or wordily desires motivate
them to disbelieve and rejects Allah's will ,will be punished with
that permanent torture …

The massage which Allah has sent Muhammed Sala Allahu Allyhi Wasallam
with, the same as the previous prophets –peace be upon them- were sent
with , is clear and stable and understood that it's the Word of Allah,
the Lord and Creator of this universe Tabarak Wa Taa'ala, and those
disbelievers, are disbelieving for nothing but for arrogance ,
selfishness or wordily desires only ….
Thus they deserve the hellfire eternally, not dying. The Lord informed
us about their torture in many verses.

He says in a verse of this con****, which the meaning translation
thereof would be as :

(Those who disbelieve in our (my) verses, We(I) shall strike them with
fire, each time their skins are well done, We(I) shall replace those
skins with new ones that they may taste the penalty for Allah is
exalted in power and wise) Surat Al Nisa – Verse : 56.

Nobody excluded

Everybody is charged with Islam , and is responsible for following the
right represented by Islam..
Whatever is his (her) homeland, race , color, rank , or language … he
will be questioned about his attitude toward his Lord's instruction….
Whatever is his cultural position, rich or poor, he (she) will be
questioned about Allah's instructions and therefore will be sent to
Paradise or Hellfire….

Nobody excluded, save two conditions are provided : He (she)is adult
and having normal mind….

Allah Tabarak Wa Taa'ala says in a verse of this con**** , which the
meaning translation thereof would be as :

(We have not sent you but to all people, giving them glad tidings and
warning them (against Hellfire) but most people know not ) Surat Saba'
–Verse : 28.

Also the prophet Sala Allahu Allyhi Wasallam, said : (I have been sent
to the red and black). A true Hadieth.

The verses and Hadieths prescribe that the prophet: Muhammed Sala
Allahu Allyhi Wasallam is sent to all kinds of people and Jinn are
several. No doubt about that..

So don't waste your time , save yourself before time is over. That if
the person dies , which is very near from any of use, his chance will
be over and therefore he will be among losers.

So hurry up and enter in Islam, be a Moslem… It is none but the desire
of your Lord, your Creator "Allah" Tabarak Wa Taa'ala . Nobody is
waiting from you any benefit at all, you will do good for yourself. I
myself write this call to benefit myself , because Allah Tabarak Wa
Taa'ala loves that who guides others to the truth , to the path he
ruled for them from above the heavens.
Say (La ilaha illa Allah; Muhammadur-rasul Allah.) which mean : 'There
is no god but Allah; Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.' And pray the
5 prayers of the day and night (in the 24 hours) .. This is a quick
action for converting the righteous path : Islam.

So what does it mean ; You are a Muslim??
Being a Muslim, with a real honest intention means; you are on the
righteous way assigned by your Creator, by your Lord; Allah Tabarak Wa
Taa'ala, and you will be awarded settling in the Paradise, in
happiness that never a heart would have thought of.

For any enquiries or help, please don't hesitate to contact me:

Written by

TOPIC: a 100-line indentation-based preprocessor for HTML

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 4:46 am
From: "Colin W."

On 27-Nov-09 22:04 PM, Steve Howell wrote:
> Python has this really neat idea called indentation-based syntax, and
> there are folks that have caught on to this idea in the HTML
> community.
> AFAIK the most popular indentation-based solution for generating HTML
> is a tool called HAML, which actually is written in Ruby.
> I have been poking around with the HAML concepts in Python, with the
> specific goal of integrating with Django. But before releasing that,
> I thought it would be useful to post code that distills the basic
> concept with no assumptions about your target renderer. I hope it
> also serves as a good example of what you can do in exactly 100 lines
> of Python code.
> Here is what it does...
> You can use indentation syntax for HTML tags like table.
> From this...
> table
> tr
> td
> Left
> td
> Center
> td
> Right
> get this:
> ...


This is a neat idea but would a two character indentation not be enough?

Colin W.

TOPIC: debugger on system with Python 2 and 3

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 6:22 am
From: Detlev Offenbach


eric4 snapshot releases support Python3.


Yo Sato wrote:

> Hi,
> I am a relative newcomer to the Python language, and only write Python
> 3. Now I would very much like to a more-than-basic debugger. However
> it seems as if the fact that I have both Python 2 and 3 on the system
> complicates the matter...
> First I tried to use something called pydb, but it seems to invoke
> python 2, and I don't know quite how to (or whether I can) configure
> it for Python 3.
> Secondly I installed something called IDLE3, which complains that TK
> is not configured for Python 3.
> I don't want to remove or default to Python 2, as there seem to be a
> number of programs that rely on it.
> I wonder how best to avoid my problems. Would perhaps somebody in the
> same sort of situation share their wisdom??
> Yo

Detlev Offenbach

TOPIC: "pakistani girls" "pakistani girls lahore" "pakistani girls phone
numbers" "pakistani girls mobile number" "pakistani girls wallpapers" "
pakistani girls cell numbers" on

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 6:59 am
From: saima81

"pakistani girls" "pakistani girls lahore" "pakistani girls phone
numbers" "pakistani girls mobile number" "pakistani girls wallpapers"
"pakistani girls cell numbers" on
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numbers" "pakistani girls mobile number" "pakistani girls wallpapers"
"pakistani girls cell numbers" on
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numbers" "pakistani girls mobile number" "pakistani girls wallpapers"
"pakistani girls cell numbers" on
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numbers" "pakistani girls mobile number" "pakistani girls wallpapers"
"pakistani girls cell numbers" on
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numbers" "pakistani girls mobile number" "pakistani girls wallpapers"
"pakistani girls cell numbers" on
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numbers" "pakistani girls mobile number" "pakistani girls wallpapers"
"pakistani girls cell numbers" on
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"pakistani girls cell numbers" on

TOPIC: ANN: pdfrw pure-Python PDF file reading and writing

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Nov 27 2009 7:55 am
From: Patrick Maupin

On Nov 27, 2:35 am, Patrick Maupin <> wrote:
> pdfrw is a basic PDF file manipulation library, developed and tested
> on Python 2.5 and 2.6.
> pdfrw can read and write PDF files, and can also be used to read in
> PDFs which can then be used inside reportlab (as source material for
> new PDFs).  This is also the underlying library for a new rst2pdf
> extension (not yet released, but in rst2pdf subversion) which allows
> arbitrary fragments of source PDFs to be embedded in the output PDF
> (without rasterization).
> No releases yet (and none immediately planned), but the interface is
> reasonably stable, it seems to work pretty well, and you can download
> the code and a few working examples at
> Feedback and/or code contributors always welcome!
> Best regards,
> Patrick Maupin

Apparently forgot URL when I was sleep-typing last night:



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