Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Polyline with 20k vertices is an unresponsive script (how do I change driving route polyline's color)

First, according to all the red text, here's a link:

Like the title says, I've got a driving polyline with 20k vertices
that's throwing an unresponsive script error, naturally because 20k
vertices are too damn many. Why do I have this polyline?

I've got an XML file from which I am reading various driving points,

<marker lat="34.420831" lng="-119.69819" location="Santa Barbara, CA" /
<marker lat="34.59582" lng="-120.137648" location="Solvang, CA" />

I'm then stringing these lat and lng values into a drivingPoints
variable to make the format of
from: 34.42083, -119.69819 to 34.59582, -120.137648

I basically want to draw the polyline, but remove all the markers.
This part was easy. Then I decided to make the driving polyline a
different color--not the same transparent blue, but a nice solid red.
Combining these two desires led me to putting a GListener on the
"load" function of calculating directions:

var dirs = new GDirections();
dirs.load(drivingPoints, {getPolyline: true});

GEvent.addListener(dirs, "load", function() {
var drivingPolyline = dirs.getPolyline();
var points = [];

// getVertexCount() is about 20,000 . This loop is to extract the
polyline and
// below, make it a red one. I got this sample from this very group
for (var i = 0; i < drivingPolyline.getVertexCount(); i++) {
points[i] = drivingPolyline.getVertex(i);

var mypoly = new GPolyline(points, "#ff0000", 3, 1);


Of course, removing the loop and adding the polyline directly
eliminates the problem. But, then, how do I make my polyline a
different color?



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