Friday, January 1, 2010

rec.crafts.metalworking - 26 new messages in 13 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* A banner year for the right wing - 1 messages, 1 author
* Follow up - press brake - 2 messages, 1 author
* Noted Climatologist Sarah Palin Speaks - 5 messages, 1 author
* How do you calculate decimal threads? - 1 messages, 1 author
* 1,700 UK scientists back climate science - 7 messages, 2 authors
* (OT) - 1 messages, 1 author
* wtb: sheet metal brake - 1 messages, 1 author
* Iny New Year's Resolutions??? - 1 messages, 1 author
* Time to get tougher - 2 messages, 2 authors
* 45 ACP ammo - 2 messages, 1 author
* Ross McKitrick & the WSJ - 1 messages, 1 author
* Recipe: Butter quiche crust - 1 messages, 1 author
* But I thought tree give off carbon dioxide - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: A banner year for the right wing

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 1 2010 9:34 am
From: 1-20-2013 <>

Kevin Cunningham wrote:
> On Jan 1, 8:45 am, wolfagain <> wrote:
>> On Jan 1, 5:49 am, Cliff <>
>> wrote:
>>> [
>>> THE YEAR 2009 was a banner year for high-profile conservatives as they continued
>>> their race to the bottom of the national dialog.
>>> January: Fox News talker Glenn Beck, who has referred to Barack Obama as a
>>> Marxist and to and Hillary Clinton as "comrade," sniffed his displeasure at
>>> hearing people call those with differing views, "communists."
>>> February: Rather than say something smart, former "W" chief-of-staff Andrew Card
>>> said that Obama is "...damaging the constitution (and) ...democracy..." by
>>> occasionally not wearing a coat and tie in the Oval Office.
>>> Rep. Steve Austria, R-Ohio, said that Franklin D. Roosevelt (first inaugurated
>>> in 1933) caused the Great Depression, which began in 1929.
>>> March: Reality continued to evade Rep. Michelle Bachman, R-Minn., who took seven
>>> earmarks worth $3.7 million in 2008 alone. This month she said, "I have not
>>> taken earmarks in the last three years."
>>> April: A caller, who described himself as an ex-Marine and a Republican, took
>>> issue with Rush Limbaugh's defense of Bush administration torture tactics. Rush,
>>> who never served, termed the caller, "stupid, ignorant," and added, "You don't
>>> know diddly squat."
>>> Perhaps sensing that Rush was gaining on him in the loony remark sweepstakes,
>>> Glenn Beck warned that an Obama gun ban is on the way.
>>> May: Dick Cheney admitted that waterboarding a Gitmo detainee "was a
>>> presidential-level decision." Oops!
>>> June: Squirmy Fox News' Bill O'Reilly avowed that he had never termed murdered
>>> Kansas abortion doctor "Tiller, the baby Killer." In fact, O'Reilly had done so
>>> himself, at least five times earlier in 2009 alone.
>>> ......
>>> ]
>>> Lots more good stuff !!!
>>> --
>>> Cliff
>> Obama started his term at 69% approval will end the year at 45%!
>> Republicans trailed the Dems by 8 points in the Generic Congressional
>> Preference poll; will end the year with a 5 point lead! Another Dem
>> congressman from PA is expected to switch to the GOP soon....that'll
>> make 2...and more coming! 9 Dem senators are trailing their GOP
>> challengers for 2010....2-3 more are tied. YES! It was a pretty good
>> year for OUR side!
> Go to your local gambling establishment and put all your money on the
> repugs winning. Do it now and get the good odds.

If you're from Massachusetts, go to your local voting booth on January
19, 2010 and vote for Scott Brown (R-Massachusetts) for US Senate and
then say *BUH-BYE* to ObamaCare!!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW - as ludicrous as it sounds - a *republican* senator from
Massachusetts taking over the late Ted Kennedy's seat in the US senate -
Scott Brown (R-Massachusetts) is leading in the polls rather handily
over the democratic hack Martha Coakley!!!!!!

Ya just GOTTA LUVIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;^D

TOPIC: Follow up - press brake

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 1 2010 9:40 am
From: "Bob La Londe"

"Denis G." <> wrote in message
> On Dec 31, 7:02 pm, Bob Engelhardt <> wrote:
>> I recently had a couple of posts about my use of a hydraulic press as a
>> press brake (how to eliminate deflection of the die & the limit of force
>> on hyd. jack).
>> I am pleased to report that with the mod to the die & using more force
>> on the jack, I have bent 20" of 14 ga steel. That size is surely the
>> limit though - I used a 3' piece of pipe as a jack handle & put some
>> weight on it. The pressure relief never went off, though.
>> Thanks again,
>> Bob
> On this topic, I was wondering if there are any guidelines for scoring
> sheetmetal to help make bends. Obviously you can get sharper bends
> with less force, but you pay some price in strength. It seems that
> most of the bends that I need, I'd rather have a well formed sharp
> bend and I'm not as concerned about the strength. Another problem
> might be in controlling the depth of the score.
> I've looked on-line, but haven't found much on this topic. Most
> people working with sheetmetal probably have the right equipment to
> begin with and don't need to be concerned with scoring.

I have been experimenting with getting sharp straight lines in aluminum that
way. Lengths you would normally only butt up at the correct angle and weld.
I have needed some support angles with other than 90 deg. So far just done
this with .125 5052. I make a half depth cut with my table saw, Bend with
the cut to the inside, and the brush and weld along the inside of the bend.
Narrow pieces do not seem to bend easily. Maybe its just the lack of
gripping material, but I do not think so. After its cut I'll clamp heavier
stock and clamp it to a table. Then I hand bend to angle. It's a little
tricky. You have to bend to the correct angle the first time because it
work hardens instantly, and further attempts to bend your angle distort the
legs. For acute angles down to about 70 degrees I have had success by
taking one and a half passes with a standard carbide blade. For 90 degrees
or more a single pass is adequate. Of course thicker material would need a
wider cut. You get really elegantly sharp, smooth, and straight corner
edges this way. Much sharper than with a brake. I just can not bring
myself to trust it for anything critical. I've been trying to work up the
nerve (and figure out the logistics) to try this on a larger scale for the
chines and pad edges on an aluminum fishing boat. Something with a profile
normally only found in glass boats. I'll probably never do it. Mostly
because I would hate to waste that much aluminum. Well, that and I do not
have a 20 foot cast iron table to use for clamping and bending it on. LOL.

Anyway, I suppose that the technique would work with other metals, but again
I would be fearful of trusting it. The cut needs to be a substantial
percentage of the thickness of the material to have the desired affect.
With the aluminum I have found it needs to be about 60% -70% of thickness to
work well and give the aesthetically nice outer finish. It also needs to
be jigged up and supported along the cut with some good planning.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 1 2010 9:59 am
From: "Bob La Londe"

"Bob La Londe" <> wrote in message
> "Denis G." <> wrote in message
>> On Dec 31, 7:02 pm, Bob Engelhardt <> wrote:
>>> I recently had a couple of posts about my use of a hydraulic press as a
>>> press brake (how to eliminate deflection of the die & the limit of force
>>> on hyd. jack).
>>> I am pleased to report that with the mod to the die & using more force
>>> on the jack, I have bent 20" of 14 ga steel. That size is surely the
>>> limit though - I used a 3' piece of pipe as a jack handle & put some
>>> weight on it. The pressure relief never went off, though.
>>> Thanks again,
>>> Bob
>> On this topic, I was wondering if there are any guidelines for scoring
>> sheetmetal to help make bends. Obviously you can get sharper bends
>> with less force, but you pay some price in strength. It seems that
>> most of the bends that I need, I'd rather have a well formed sharp
>> bend and I'm not as concerned about the strength. Another problem
>> might be in controlling the depth of the score.
>> I've looked on-line, but haven't found much on this topic. Most
>> people working with sheetmetal probably have the right equipment to
>> begin with and don't need to be concerned with scoring.
> I have been experimenting with getting sharp straight lines in aluminum
> that way. Lengths you would normally only butt up at the correct angle
> and weld. I have needed some support angles with other than 90 deg. So
> far just done this with .125 5052. I make a half depth cut with my table
> saw, Bend with the cut to the inside, and the brush and weld along the
> inside of the bend. Narrow pieces do not seem to bend easily. Maybe its
> just the lack of gripping material, but I do not think so. After its cut
> I'll clamp heavier stock and clamp it to a table. Then I hand bend to
> angle. It's a little tricky. You have to bend to the correct angle the
> first time because it work hardens instantly, and further attempts to bend
> your angle distort the legs. For acute angles down to about 70 degrees I
> have had success by taking one and a half passes with a standard carbide
> blade. For 90 degrees or more a single pass is adequate. Of course
> thicker material would need a wider cut. You get really elegantly sharp,
> smooth, and straight corner edges this way. Much sharper than with a
> brake. I just can not bring myself to trust it for anything critical.
> I've been trying to work up the nerve (and figure out the logistics) to
> try this on a larger scale for the chines and pad edges on an aluminum
> fishing boat. Something with a profile normally only found in glass
> boats. I'll probably never do it. Mostly because I would hate to waste
> that much aluminum. Well, that and I do not have a 20 foot cast iron
> table to use for clamping and bending it on. LOL.
> Anyway, I suppose that the technique would work with other metals, but
> again I would be fearful of trusting it. The cut needs to be a
> substantial percentage of the thickness of the material to have the
> desired affect. With the aluminum I have found it needs to be about
> 60% -70% of thickness to work well and give the aesthetically nice outer
> finish. It also needs to be jigged up and supported along the cut with
> some good planning.

Anyway, in my case the weld is what gives it all its strength. The cut and
fold is strictly for shape and positioning. You could get the same
functional piece by welding two pieces together. The weld does go down very
nicely as there is no place for air contamination from the back side.
Obviously if you can not deal with a weld on the inside of your bend this
would be a poor choice of techniques, and as atleast one other has said may
be a poor choice of techniques anyway.

TOPIC: Noted Climatologist Sarah Palin Speaks

== 1 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 1 2010 9:39 am
From: Cliff

On Sat, 12 Dec 2009 19:25:27 -0700, Winston_Smith <> wrote:

>>Do you have an issue with T. Boone Pickens making a profit from his
>>investments in green energy and advocating for green energy? Does that
>>disqualify him from advocating? Is he also "dumb as rocks"?
>He has never been vice president. He has never MADE policy.

He was very active in the Clinton administration.

Clinton-Gore Administration Accomplishments: 1993 - 2000


== 2 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 1 2010 9:44 am
From: Cliff

On Sat, 12 Dec 2009 19:25:27 -0700, Winston_Smith <> wrote:

>>Do you have an issue with T. Boone Pickens making a profit from his
>>investments in green energy and advocating for green energy? Does that
>>disqualify him from advocating? Is he also "dumb as rocks"?
>He has never been vice president. He has never MADE policy. He has
>never claimed he was a knight on a white horse riding to save the
>world. He says he's an investor out to make a buck. And if he screws
>up and looses his money, he is not backstopped by the US and other
Looks like he could not get a government-backed investment/loan/free money.

== 3 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 1 2010 9:46 am
From: Cliff

On Sat, 12 Dec 2009 19:25:27 -0700, Winston_Smith <> wrote:

>My field is science.

Phrenology or Astrology?

== 4 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 1 2010 9:53 am
From: Cliff

On Sat, 12 Dec 2009 20:49:56 -0800, Aratzio <> wrote:

>>Palin has no degree in
>>climateology but she is doing moderately well in politics.
>Palin is doing well? Really, what political office does she hold now
>that she quit her elected office and in what way does she shape policy
>in the USA?

We do need a National Clown.

== 5 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 1 2010 9:55 am
From: Cliff

On Sat, 12 Dec 2009 22:12:41 -0700, Winston_Smith <> wrote:

>Aratzio <> wrote:
>>Wow, more completely unsupported invective. What a surprise.
>>Does mouthing other peoples talking points make you feel good or have
>>you ever given thought to actually researching the facts before you
>Dismiss and deny. Typical leftist winger.
>Your practice seems to be to make unsupported crap statements. Then
>when called to task or corrected, you just dismiss your
>correspondent's points with no rebuttal, no line of counter argument,
>no pointer to what you consider "facts".
>Just take your word for it that everyone is wrong who says something
>you don't like.
>This is typical of someone that is certain of their position but has
>no idea why they are sure of it. It's just their mantra.
>It's impossible to have a discussion with such a trolling fool.
>Have a good life.

You lost.

TOPIC: How do you calculate decimal threads?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 1 2010 9:44 am
From: nytrillium

On Jan 1, 12:30 pm, nytrillium <> wrote:

> In all reality, this is not necessary if you are just making a collet
> closer.  You can just figure out the root dimension of the 1.238-20
> thread (1.19469  check my math.... )  "and then cut your ID about .010-.
> 015 larger"

Scratch that I was thinking pitch diameter not OD..... My brain isnt
functioning today but if you can follow the diagram (make sure you
look at the internal thread diagram, it's the third one) you can
figure out the PD and all the other dimensions you need to know.


TOPIC: 1,700 UK scientists back climate science

== 1 of 7 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 1 2010 9:57 am
From: Cliff

On Thu, 10 Dec 2009 09:13:15 -0600, "S. Caro" <> wrote:

>Cliff wrote:
>> [
>> 1,700 UK scientists back climate science
>> (AP) ? 3 hours ago
>> LONDON ? Over 1,700 scientists in Britain have signed a statement
>> defending the evidence for human-made climate change in the wake of hacked
>> e-mails that emboldened climate skeptics.
>> ....
>Yea, but MY scientists are better than YOUR scientists.
>--Over 31,000 U.S. scientists deny man-made global warming--

"Oregon Institute for Science and Medicine"
That was a hoax.

== 2 of 7 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 1 2010 9:59 am
From: Cliff

On Thu, 10 Dec 2009 09:43:57 -0600, "Ouroboros Rex" <> wrote:

>S. Caro wrote:
>> Cliff wrote:
>>> [
>>> 1,700 UK scientists back climate science
>>> (AP) – 3 hours ago
>>> LONDON — Over 1,700 scientists in Britain have signed a statement
>>> defending the evidence for human-made climate change in the wake of
>>> hacked e-mails that emboldened climate skeptics.
>>> ....
>> Yea, but MY scientists are better than YOUR scientists.
>> --Over 31,000 U.S. scientists deny man-made global warming--
> Nope. But keep trying the same hoax over and over, it's funny. lol

S. Caro had stripped the groups.
Typical winger trick.

== 3 of 7 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 1 2010 10:00 am
From: Cliff

On Thu, 10 Dec 2009 09:13:15 -0600, "S. Caro" <> wrote:

>Cliff wrote:
>> [
>> 1,700 UK scientists back climate science
>> (AP) ? 3 hours ago
>> LONDON ? Over 1,700 scientists in Britain have signed a statement
>> defending the evidence for human-made climate change in the wake of hacked
>> e-mails that emboldened climate skeptics.
>> ....
>Yea, but MY scientists are better than YOUR scientists.
>--Over 31,000 U.S. scientists deny man-made global warming--

"Oregon Institute for Science and Medicine"
That was a hoax.

== 4 of 7 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 1 2010 10:00 am
From: Cliff

On Thu, 10 Dec 2009 10:59:19 -0800, "anorton" <>

>"S. Caro" <> wrote in message
>> Cliff wrote:
>>> [
>>> 1,700 UK scientists back climate science
>>> (AP) – 3 hours ago
>>> LONDON — Over 1,700 scientists in Britain have signed a statement
>>> defending the evidence for human-made climate change in the wake of
>>> hacked
>>> e-mails that emboldened climate skeptics.
>>> ....
>> Yea, but MY scientists are better than YOUR scientists.
>> --Over 31,000 U.S. scientists deny man-made global warming--
>This widely discredited petition was shown to be a fraud (see
> among other sources on the
>web) They sent the petition to hundreds of thousands of scientists of all
>disciplines including local tv weather people. The large majority of names
>were either 1) dead, 2) not real people, 3) corporations, 4) not qualified
>in climate science, 5) misled about what they were signing, or 6) never
>signed the thing in the first place. My father falls in that last category.
>Here is an example of real blatant massive fraud. Why do the talk show
>demigods not get riled up about this?

== 5 of 7 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 1 2010 10:12 am
From: Cliff

On Fri, 11 Dec 2009 08:51:24 -0500, "Buerste" <> wrote:

>"Hawke" <> wrote in message
>> Cliff wrote:
>>> [
>>> 1,700 UK scientists back climate science
>>> (AP) – 3 hours ago
>>> LONDON — Over 1,700 scientists in Britain have signed a statement
>>> defending the
>>> evidence for human-made climate change in the wake of hacked e-mails that
>>> emboldened climate skeptics.
>>> ....
>>> ]
>> That may be, but Rush Limbaugh thinks they are wrong, and that's all the
>> right wing guys around here need to know to form their opinion on the
>> subject. They would take Rush's word over 1,700 scientists any day of the
>> week. I mean what do they know compared to Rush?
>> Hawke
>You cooked the data, you got caught, you lose!

Nobody "cooked" any data but , as usual, wingers lied.

== 6 of 7 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 1 2010 10:16 am
From: Claudius Denk

On Dec 10 2009, 6:58 am, Cliff
<> wrote:
> [
> 1,700 UK scientists back climate science
> (AP) – 3 hours ago
> LONDON — Over 1,700 scientists in Britain have signed a statement defending the
> evidence for human-made climate change in the wake of hacked e-mails that
> emboldened climate skeptics.
> ....
> ]

1700 scientists, not one of which is willing to debate. In contrast
us skeptics have 30,000, all of which are perfectly open to debate.

== 7 of 7 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 1 2010 10:18 am
From: Cliff

On Sat, 12 Dec 2009 15:09:53 -0800, Hawke <> wrote:

>Crossfire wrote:
>> Hawke wrote:
>>> Cliff wrote:
>>>> [
>>>> 1,700 UK scientists back climate science
>>>> (AP) – 3 hours ago
>>>> LONDON — Over 1,700 scientists in Britain have signed a statement
>>>> defending the
>>>> evidence for human-made climate change in the wake of hacked e-mails
>>>> that
>>>> emboldened climate skeptics.
>>>> ....
>>>> ]
>>> That may be, but Rush Limbaugh thinks they are wrong, and that's all
>>> the right wing guys around here need to know to form their opinion on
>>> the subject. They would take Rush's word over 1,700 scientists any day
>>> of the week. I mean what do they know compared to Rush?
>>> Hawke
>> I believe Algore. Algore invented the Internet. "Love Story" was written
>> about him and Tipper. Algore cleaned up Love Canal, and plowed fields in
>> Tennessee while going to school in New York. Algore has pictures of
>> Polar Bears dying from global warming, and has shown us that below the
>> surface of the earth the temperature is over a million degrees F. He has
>> projected Florida being under 600 feet of water. What is there not to
>> believe?
>Well, I believe Rush. He said he wasn't a drug addict. He said that he
>didn't have people score Oxycontin for him. He said he didn't need to go
>to drug rehab. He's highly educated

"he enrolled in Southeast Missouri State University but left the school after
two semesters and one summer. According to his mother, "he flunked everything",
and "he just didn't seem interested in anything except radio.""

>and he knows everything about
>science and the field of climate change. He's a real expert on the
>subject and he has no bias towards the energy industry. Yeah, Rush is
>much more credible than Al Gore. Right?


== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 1 2010 10:57 am
From: "Steve B"

"Winston" <> wrote

> It's a lot faster and less trouble to simply put the stuff on the curb
> with
> a "Free" sign on it.
> --Winston

I don't have a curb.


TOPIC: wtb: sheet metal brake

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 1 2010 10:55 am
From: "Steve B"

Smaller one. What would be a good older quality American brand, and how
much should I pay? I'd say 3' long max.


TOPIC: Iny New Year's Resolutions???

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 1 2010 9:59 am
From: "Existential Angst"


I got a few.

1. I'm not going to allow The Family to slaughter live steer in the living
room any more -- mostly cuz I can't take the chanting, and cuz even with the
center drain in the newly-tiled floor, dat shit ain't easy to clean up.

2. When I throw my cats in snow drifts, I will throw them in drifts not so
deep that I have to dig them out with a shovel.

3. That I will pull my cats' tails no more than once per hour.

4. That I will never piss in the sink -- not that I ever have, just saying
that I never will.

5. That if I ever do piss in a sink, it will be in my newly patented
Bachelor Sink, with the front lip and mini-flushometer -- green indeed, if
only from the corroding brass.....

6. That I will from hereonin spell "muthafucka" correckly:

7. I will no longer refer to the Wife's family collectively as "the
shitboxes" -- at least not audibly.

8. (a) I will no longer bring metal splinters into the bed.
(b) If I do, *I* will pull them out of my Wife's ass, instead of
making her go to the ER.

9. I promise promise promise that this is the year my video and book, You
Too Can SYOD to a Wealthier and Healthier You will be published.

10. If it's the last fukn thing I do, even if it requires hypnosis and
goddamm drugs, I'm going to CANCEL that goddamm fukn CableVision, and make
do with effing Antenna TV.

It just ASSTOUNDS me how I not only shove a fukn mindnumbing and
mind-fucking needle into my own already poorly-functioning brain, day after
fucking day, but I ***PAY*** fucking $60 a month for the fucking
privilege...... simply asstounding....

11. When I pimp out Jon Banquer (the
thieving/inept/disruptive/secret-selling employee of Qualcomm), for extree
side cash, I promise from now on not to arger so much with the clients who
want partial refunds.

OK, dats it. I'll keep you posted on my muthafucking progress.
Gotta go, cuz a new Gangland is coming up on History, and the phone is
ringing -- I think it's an irate client wanting their money back again, cuz
jb wound up biting them again.
Sheeit, ahm not givin that client a dime.

EA, hopefully PV'd in at least different, more inneresting ways in 2010 than
in 2009.

TOPIC: Time to get tougher

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 1 2010 10:01 am
From: "RD (The Sandman)"

Deucalion <> wrote in

> On Thu, 31 Dec 2009 17:45:56 -0700, wrote:
>>On Thu, 31 Dec 2009 17:51:10 -0600, "Lib Loo"
>><heezback@crazymother.kom> wrote:
>>>"Ed Huntress" <> wrote in message
>>>> Gunner is into us taxpayers for over $300,000: $30,000 for stents a
>>>> few years back; $275,000 for his heart operation more recently; and
>>>> an unknown (some know, but I don't care) property tax lien. He
>>>> can't even pay the interest on the "loan"; if you look at how
>>>> California finances its unpaid hospital charges for those who don't
>>>> have Medicaid, you'll see it's a three-tiered system, with the
>>>> county, the state, and the feds all pitching in. They pay off a
>>>> percentage of the medical charges and then pay down the interest
>>>> that they charge him -- which he can't pay, anyway.
>>>> What Douchebag is referring to is the fact that Gunner jokes about
>>>> the "liberal-written" laws that required the hospital to treat him,
>>>> even though he was uninsured and indigent. Those are the same laws
>>>> that he laughed at and disparaged for years before he had to take
>>>> advantage of them himself.
>>>> In other words, Gunner is a hypocrite on this issue, and is alive
>>>> today because of laws that he attributes to "leftards." That makes
>>>> him a fairly typical rightard. d8-)
>>>> --
>>>> Ed Huntress
>>>Money well spent if you ask me.
>>And what about his family, who together have leeched some 10 times
>>that of gummer himself. I suppose that is also money well spent,
>>right, nitwit?
>>> I would rather see money spent on a war hero
>>>like Gunner
>>War hero? Is it April 1st already?
> It should be. Gunner was lying about getting the M16A2 issued to him
> in Vietnam a couple of days ago. It wasn't manufactured until years
> later though.

I assume you are referring to the M16A2 specifically. The M16 itself was
issued in 1969 in plenty of time for service in country.

Sleep well tonight,

RD (The Sandman)

Let's see if I have this healthcare thingy right. Congress is to pass
a plan written by a committee whose head has said he doesn't understand
it, passed by a Congress that hasn't read it, signed by a president who
hasn't read it, with funding administered by a Treasury chief who didn't
pay his taxes because he didn't understand TurboTax, overseen by an obese
Surgeon General and financed by a country that's nearly broke.
What could possibly go wrong?

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 1 2010 10:12 am
From: pyotr filipivich

I missed the Staff Meeting but the Minutes record that Gunner Asch
<> reported Elvis on Thu, 31 Dec 2009 05:15:14
-0800 in misc.survivalism:
>On Thu, 31 Dec 2009 05:37:28 -0500, Strabo <>
>>Ed Huntress wrote:
>>> "Scout" <> wrote in message
>>> news:CarZm.93914$We2.1563@newsfe09.iad...
>>>> Ed Huntress wrote:
>>>>> "Hawke" <> wrote in message
>>>>> news:hh3rq5$4ej$
>>>>>>>>> Hawke
>>>>>>>> Ignorant doofus.
>>>>>>>> This country was never a democracy. Was and is a Representative
>>>>>>>> Republic.
>>>>>>> And how is that different from a representative democracy?
>>>>>> Don't try to make a fool of the boy with your trick questions, Ed.
>>>>>> Hawke
>>>>> Golly, I'm just asking a simple question. They say there's a
>>>>> difference. They should be able to tell us what the difference is,
>>>>> wouldn't you say?
>>>> I can tell you.
>>>> Are you listening.
>>>> Depends on WHOM is being represented.
>>>> In the example I'm using let's say that only the clergy are represented
>>>> because this is a Theocracy.
>>>> It's certainly a republic.
>>> Not in the sense of "res publica," the people's thing. That would be a type
>>> of pure oligarchy, not a republic.
>>Article IV
>>Section 4. The United States shall guarantee to every state in this
>>union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them
>>against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the
>>executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic
>>It IS the people's thing. That's the representative part.
>>It is a republican thing. That's the form.
>>The word 'democracy' was intentionally avoided in the Constitution
>>per consensus that the United States should not be construed to be
>>a democracy.
>>The proper appellation is 'Constitutional Republic.'
>> From the War Department, 1928
>>The difference between a republic and a democracy was once widely
>>understood in America. The U.S. War Department (superseded by the
>>Department of Defense) taught that difference in a training manual
>>(No. 2000-25) published on November 30, 1928. This official U.S.
>>government document, used at the time for the training of American
>>military personnel, said of democracy:
>>"A government of the masses."
>>"Authority derived through mass meeting or any other form of
>>'direct' expression."
>>"Results in mobocracy."
>>"Attitude toward property is communistic - negating property
>>"Attitude toward law is that the will of the majority shall regulate,
>>whether it be based upon deliberation or governed by passion,
>>prejudice, and impulse, without restraint or regard to consequences."
>>"Results in demogogism, license, agitation, discontent, anarchy."
>>It went on to state: "Our Constitutional fathers, familiar with the
>>strength and weakness of both autocracy and democracy, with fixed
>>principles definitely in mind, defined a representative republican form
>>of government. They 'made a very marked distinction between a republic
>>and a democracy and said repeatedly and emphatically that they had
>>founded a republic.' "
>Isnt it absolutely fascinating that our PoliSigh grad Parakeet..simply
>cannot understand what the devil we are talking about.
>Im not sure if the poor sod is actually that stupid, or really didnt
>graduate from anything beyond the 8th grade.

Bbbzt. Not quite. He writes as one who has been to college, and
possibly even post graduate schools. After all, there are some
propositions which are so outlandish, that only someone with a college
degree would believe them. Now, if he had taken up a trade or other
meaningful work, and avoided the ossified toxic atmosphere
accompanying "liberal studies", then he might not be so ... well -

I sued to be a liberal arts major, but I got better.

>Pitiful actually..stunningly pitiful
>But then...he is typical of the average Leftard.
>Dumb as a box of rocks and as pigheaded as..well...shrug

Schooled beyond his ability, but buzzword & jargon compliant.
pyotr filipivich.
Just about the time you finally see light at the end of the tunnel,
you find out it's a Government Project to build more tunnel.

TOPIC: 45 ACP ammo

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 1 2010 10:03 am
From: "Ed Huntress"

"cavelamb" <> wrote in message
> Ed Huntress wrote:
>> "Wes" <> wrote in message
>> news:BJd%m.293051$
>>> Hawke <> wrote:
>>>> If you have a .380 why would you want to use lead bullets? Guns that
>>>> shoot .380 ammo are not good for anything but short range self
>>>> defensive
>>>> purposes. They are not guns that people shoot very much.
>>> Actually my Bersa 95. normally using some reloads built around a 102g
>>> Lee RN is one of my
>>> favorite guns. Cheap to shoot, actually has a bit of recoil and easy to
>>> conceal and
>>> carry. Fixed barrel blow back, pretty accurate. Knocks over the plates
>>> on the plate rack
>>> reliably.
>>> Ed likes a .32 Mag iirc, so don't diss minor calibers.
>> BTW, if Hawke etc. don't know this, the .32 H&R Mag is a hunting caliber
>> for small-to-medium game, not a defense caliber. I bought my Ruger SSM
>> specifically for hunting javelina, which weigh around 50 lb.
> Wahat???
> Yankees...

No. I call it a javelina. It has the wrong number of toes to be a pig. <no

Ed Huntress

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 1 2010 10:06 am
From: "Ed Huntress"

"Stuart Wheaton" <> wrote in message
> Ed Huntress wrote:
>> "Buerste" <> wrote in message
>> news:_APZm.16133$eH1.15643@newsfe16.iad...
>>> "Steve B" <> wrote in message
>>>> "Buerste" <> wrote
>>>>> Join the NRA and get an education about how many and how far reaching
>>>>> new anti-gun laws are going to be coming up. THEN make those
>>>>> statements. Or, close your eyes, cover your ears and pretend.
>>>> I think that's his most common position. You have described him to a
>>>> T. Him and Ed already know everything there is to know, so why let
>>>> anything new in?
>>>> Steve
>>> Notice that Interpol now has complete immunity, thanks to Obammy, and
>>> can do his and the UN's bidding with no accountability. Interpol agents
>>> can do any illegal search and seizures on any American citizen on US
>>> soil and citizens have no rights.
>> A complete lie. You're really hitting bottom, Tom. Interpol agents, under
>> the new agreement, can't do anything they couldn't do before -- which
>> extends no farther than helping communicate between US law enforcement
>> and that of other countries. The agreement is about easing diplomatic
>> procedures to allow coordinated law enforcement against international
>> drug rings, porno rings, terrorists, and so on work together more
>> quickly.
>> You bullshitter.
> Just remember that Tawm and the rest of his parish are probably running an
> international kiddie porn ring, and funneling the profits to some Irish
> catholic Freedom Fighters (terrorists), so he has reason to fear Interpol.

<g> The more likely thing is that they've been handling and sniffing too
much lead. When we hear how much of it they've handled, I think we have the
answer to where they come up with some of their ideas.

Ed Huntress

TOPIC: Ross McKitrick & the WSJ

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 1 2010 10:04 am
From: Claudius Denk

On Dec 29 2009, 6:03 am, columbiaaccidentinvestigation
<> wrote:
> On Dec 29, 4:13 am, "I M @ good guy" <I...@good.guy> wrote:""
> green house gasses transfer energy.

Aha, then you would agree that those that say greenhouse gases trap
energy are either mistaken or dishonest. Right?

Answer the question.

TOPIC: Recipe: Butter quiche crust

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 1 2010 10:16 am
From: "Ed Huntress"

"CalifBill" <> wrote in message


> The secret to flaky pie crusts is COLD. Make sure everything is cold.
> Colder than room temp. Cut the butter / shortening in with a pastry
> cutter or a knife. Then chill the dough ball before rolling out.
> Americas Test Kitchen had the best crust recipe, but they seem to be a pay
> site now.

Cold is good. Going light on the water is good -- that's called a "short"
crust. Really nice, but very hard to roll.

Ed Huntress

TOPIC: But I thought tree give off carbon dioxide

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 1 2010 10:17 am
From: Larry Jaques

On Fri, 01 Jan 2010 10:38:47 -0500, the infamous Ned Simmons
<> scrawled the following:

>On Thu, 31 Dec 2009 21:29:39 -0800, Larry Jaques
><novalidaddress@di\/> wrote:

>>How efficient would you say a wood burning stove or fireplace is, Ned,
>>compared to a professionally run and serviced heating boiler system?
>Catalytic stoves are rated as high as 80%, while modern gas furnaces
>are 90%+ efficient. But there are too many variables in woodstove
>design and operation to rely on a single number. So a 2 to 1 ratio is
>a conservative number, erring in favor of gas, and close enough to
>debunk a claim of 40x CO2 emissions from a woodstove.

Crikey! We'll just have to agree to completely and antithetically
disagree on this one, too, Ned. Ciao!

Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is Forgiven.
Gee, ain't religion GREAT?


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