TODAY IN JUDAISM: Shabbat, February 20, 2010 Posted: 19 Feb 2010 06:07 AM PST | | |
Today is: Shabbat, Adar 6, 5770 · February 20, 2010
• Moses Completes the Torah (1273 BCE)
Moses completed the book of Deuteronomy, concluding his review of the Torah which he began several weeks earlier, on the 1st of Shevat. He then wrote down the completed Five Books of Moses, word for word, as dictated to him by G-d. This scroll of the Torah was put into the Holy Ark, next to the Tablets of Testimony. Links: Moses' Passing Giving of the Torah • First Print of Torah with Onkelos & Rashi (1482)
The first edition of the Five Books of Moses (Torah) with the Targum Onkelos (Aramaic translation of the Torah) and the commentary of the famed commentator Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki, known as Rashi, was published on this date in 1482. It was published in Bologna, Italy by Joseph b. Abraham Caravita, who set up a printing-press in his own home. Links: Onkelos Rashi • Passing of R. Shmaryahu Gurary (1989)
Rabbi Shmaryahu Gurary ("Rashag") was born in 1898; his father, a wealthy businessman and erudite scholar, was a leading chassid of the fifth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Sholom DovBer Schneersohn (1860-1920). In 1921, Rabbi Shmaryahu wed Chanah Schneersohn (1899-1991) the oldest daughter of the 6th Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn (1880-1950). When Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak passed away in 1950, there were those who saw Rabbi Shmaryahu -- an accomplished Chassidic scholar and elder of the Rebbe's two surviving sons-in-law -- as the natural candidate to head of the movement; but when the younger son-in-law, Rabbi Menachem Mendel, was chosen as rebbe, Rabbi Shmaryahu became his devoted chassid. Rabbi Shmaryahu served as the excutive director of Tomchei Temimim, the world-wide Lubavitch yeshiva system -- a task entrusted to him by his father-in-law -- until his passing on the 6th of Adar I in 1989. Chitas and Rambam for today:
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most popular rolex for women, rolex miami florida Posted: 19 Feb 2010 05:35 AM PST 6t6yeu8i9 Jubi'le* Quar_tz Me.n Witho,ut +Diamond +Bez.el *OptionSup+e*rlegg-era J12. Chron_ograp,hLo,uis V_uitton+ Bags+ & Wa,ll,etsAlai*n Si_lberstei'nPa-neraiDa.togr,aphCa'sabl*anc-a SS Br'ace-letAlu+miniumN,avi+time.rSkyrace-r Ra_ven_ Chronogr+aphLo*ui+s Vui_tton' Bags & .Wal'letsT*imewalke-r. Seri,es Chrono+graph'Lo'nginesB.R0'1 96Louis, Vui'tt.on Bags -& Wa,llet_sCalatra'v_a Chro+nogr_aphLu'minor C_lass_icTourbi.llio*n C_hronogra,p' Chr,onogr,aphKi'riumP*reside.nt 1'8k & S-STiffan-y &, CO Ear,ingsG.ucc*i Ba-gsClas,sic San+t_os Series' Sant+o,s Classi+cM.onogram+ Colle.ct.ionChrono*graph, Ind*icator_ by .Exte_rna-Flyba*ck Spor+ts Ch*rono*graphP'iagetFe_rra-ri'o'nteOval S_e'riesCuff_link'sKeyc'hainsS* T' Dupo.nt G-old S_eriesM,ont .Bl-ancLadys 'Quar'tzBr'eitl-ingAss'ioma ,Heure_s R.etro C-hronogra-ph'Sport.s Series- C,hronog+raphAll'ongee_ -CeintureG-ucci. Rolle-rRo_yal Oak- To'urbillo+n Ch,ro'nographAq-uarac'er. Calib-re S C*hr,onographR.icha'rd+ Mill*eDupon.t Li,mited Ed+ition _Ser+iesA-quara,cer Auto_ma.ticC*omplicati_o+ns Chr+onograp_h18Kt/,SS, Two 'Tone R,ose *Gold. Oyster* Datej_ustRoy,al_ Oak To'urbill'on. Chro,nographG.rand +Com+pli-cation*J12 Whi'te .Tourb-illion'Fer'rari Gr'anturi'smo Ra,ttrap.ant,eJ12 W*hit,eLimite_d _& Numb-ered 'Editio*nsS.peedm.aster Pr,ofess*ional ,C-hronogra'phG'irard _Perreg-auxLo-ngit*ude _Chro'nograp_hFerr-ari Rattr*apante_Astr-onomi*cal Ce+lesti+al +Doub*le Dial*BR Gran,d +Compl+ication. Chro-nogr.aphOm'ega *De Vi-lle Co -Axia.l Chro'nogra.phCraz.y' HoursLou,i,s Vuitt.on Bag's & 'Wall_etsGran +Tu+rismo ,Chro-nogra.phSt Du_pont -Ba,llpoi*ntDoubl_e E_agle Aut-omat,ic Chr'onog,raphL,ouis_ Vuitton, Ba+gs & .Wall*etsCon*quis,tador ,KingTa'igaC'onc-ordSl+ytech Ch,rono-gra-phCrazy H,ours' T.ourbill.on Powe+r In_di-catorF'ormul+a 1 K+imi Rai'kkon-en 'EditionC*razy *Hours *T*ourbillon+Sp'orts -Serie+s Chron+ograp+hTes-lar (Di.a+mond 'bezel)*De Vill'e Co+ Axia_l 3 f-aced C_hrono.meterC*hr-onogr_aphe* Certi'fie Chr'ono'metre_Ratt.rapante,Sport_ Evo_lution .Impa.ct Tou,rbill_onC-artie,r Rolle+rba-llSpit-fire -Mark X*VOr.isDatog'raph *Perpe*tualS-antos _100+ Sk,eletonMo_on_phase+Grand Co,mpl.icatio'n Moonp.has-e Ch*ronog-raph*Star C'hronogr_aphSpe.e.dMaster- Date'Patek P,hili-ppeCh.op-ard Pen.dan+tMast*er Geogr'ap_hic A-utomati+cNa-utilu+sRett-angolo C-hron.ogra_phStar' Plati-nu*m Chron*ogr_aphLu*ggage S'trapRoy'a_l Oak- Tourbi-llon Ch-rono*gra_phBracel'et-Loui's Vuitto-n &, Walle_tsC.lassi,co Tourb,ill*on Chron_ogr-aphPano_mat'ic ,Chron_ograph+Louis V.uitto.n .Bags & Wa'll_etsLong,inesL,ouis *Vu_itton, Bags, & Walle.tsRoya+l+ Oak 30_th _Anniv,ersary C-hron'ographH-ublot+J'12 Supe-rle.ggera Ch_ro,nogra+phLouis V+uitto*n Ba_gs &* Wallet_sLug,gage S+tra_pMon.tbrill_iant D,ator.aUtah' Leathe.r+Louis. Vuit+ton Bags *&. Wall'etsAi*gnerBR01 -97' Power- Reserv,e18Kt+/SS_ Two _Ton.e Rose G*old Datej*u'stFull. Stain*less ,Stee.l Jubile*e 'Datejust_Car+tier' Cufflin.k+sJ12 Bl.ack To_urbi*llionFi+er,oSup'erlegger'a J1,2 B-lack Ch_ronog-raphN*avit+imer, Chron,oMaticS+por_tivo. Chronog,raph-J12- GTM C,hron,ograph-Empori_o Arma.niVeg_as Au_t_omatic_Chron*omet_er Mo+onphase L'imi*ted Edi+tion'Ver_ona N+uovoSp'ort Chr'onog_raphE,uro 20-08 L*imi-ted Edi,tion .Chrono_grap.hSa'ntos +100 Fl-yin*g Tour.billi'onJubile+e Dat-ej'ust 18k -& SS-Co._Axial' Autom,ati*c Chro-nomete+rSport' Class*iqu+eCh,ronograp.hCrazy' Ho'urs Tou,rb-illion_J12 *Superle.gger+a C-hronog'raphD+ouble A,u*tomatic ,Chron_ograp-hCon.quistad*or '21 Ser_ies '21 Qua_rtzSp,eedma*ster P-ro,fessional' C.hronogra+ph'Louis _Vuitt-on B'ags & W'alle'tsC'asabla-nca Chro.nogra+phRot_o,nde Tourb.ill-on Pe+rpetu'al C'alendarC_hri+stal- Brace+letA_ssioma ,Chron,ograp.hChr'istia*n Di*or Cu-fflin_ksSeamas*t'erJ12 Whi.te L+ea.ther B'andVe*gas A+utomat+icPens,Aquar.ace*r Ca_libre, S Chr,onogra'ph Lapt'ime+Exca'libur C-hr+onographH_an'dbag-s & W'allets J1-2* Clas.sic C-hronog,raphSp*ecial_ities +Olympi,c Co,llect'ion. Tim+elessDoub*le' Eag+le Automa.tic .Chron.og-raphVegas. A*utoma+ticB.aignoireL,ouis. Vuit.ton- Bags & 'Wal*letsF-ull S'ize_ Five Tim.e Zon_e W-atc,hes 4'7mm Leath,er B+and*Pano +Retro G.raphPo,li.ceRo-lex Sp+orts M+odels_Louis V,uit_ton Bag*s' & Wallet+sCa,rtie*r Ball.poi.ntDe Vill'e CoA_xial 'CoAxi,a-l Rattrap+ante-Louis 'Vuit_ton Ba+gs *& Wall,ets,Oyster D,ateju.s't 18k* & SS'GC Div,er Chic +Chron,og*raphS+port _Evolut*ion't Tour+billon+Phi+lip S+teinLoui,s Vu.itt'on Bags .&* Wallets'Fu'll St-ainless *St.eel D+atejust.Louis V_uit_ton_ Bags &. Wallet.sErg_onMa+xi Mari*ne- Chron*omete.rLou-is Vuit'to_n Bags* & Wall,etsPo.rtug+uese. Classi+cLi_ghte*rsCasa'blanca C*hron.og+raphSea,maste_r A-qua Te-rra Ch_ron+omete*rPano*maticL+ouis Vu_it*ton Bags ,& W'allets'De *Ville* Co ,Axial 3 'faced, Chron+o-meterSeam'aster-s Aq-ua Ter_ra Au,tom_aticBl,ancp_ainM-iglia+ Gran T'uris,mo XL. Chron_ograph,Ga_ry Suffi.r *Chronog+ra'ph Aut-omaticSp*ort,s S_eries C*hro,nogra-phJubi,le Quar*tz M.en With*o*ut Dia,mond- Bezel O-ptio.nMa*ster *Banker+ Tourb*illo,n Chrono-g+raphConc_ordGuc,ci_ Cufflin.ksOme'g-a De V,ille -Co Axia'l -GMTSch*affh-ausen +Aquatime'r Ch,ro-nographBr,e.itling*Brace,letDi-orSkelet*o.n Automa,tic*Dewit*tOyst+er Pe*rpetual _SSGu*cci* Rolle,rboxse*tsRado'Admi,ral's 'C*up Compe+ti_tion Vict,or_y Chall+eng.eRett+angoloTh-e Li+nkD_e Vil+le C+oAxial 'CoAxial+ Rat*tr*apante,Roto+nde de C-art,ier Tou*rbi*llion .Chron,ogra,phSuperl-egger_a ,J12 Bl'ack Ta*chy*metre 'Chronog.rap-hNBA+ Star Ya+o_ Ming Lim+ited -Edi.tionG*ucci Ke*ychai_nsRa+ttrapa,n*te Automa_t.icJout *& Nu*it Auto*maticC-urvex- 'Automat.icR*oyal O,ak C+hrono*graphIWCF*ul+l Stain*les-s Ste-el Da_tejustNa_vit-imer R_ange,Pres+iden_t Whi'te Gol_dJ12 Wh,ite To-urbil'lio,nGMT C-hr'onograp'hLi-mited &+ Number-ed Ed+itio-nsClas+sique, Comp,l-icationsS*e,amaste*rs Aq+ua Terr.a Au_toma.ticPan-omati.cMont_ Bla'nc K-eychai,nsJu.bilee Dat+ejus't SS.Lou-is Vuitt.on+ Bags &* Wallet_sCo'ncordC_onqu+istad.orMust, 21 S_er+ies Must '21 Ch-r_onogr'aphLi'mited &_ Numb.ered. Edition.s+Gucci Cu-ffli,nksCa'rtie-r Roll'erballB+l*ack Mura+kamiGr*ande' Sonn*eri'e Tou*rbil+lon Mo-onphr_ase Chro*nogr-ap_hLoui_s Vuitt.on Bag*s +& Wall'etsSmall' Seco-n-ds Ed+itionC-lassico 'Tourb_illon',graph,Santos- 100 -Skelet'onL-ocketIWC_Hap,py _Diamon.ds S-port O.valLouis- Vu,itton B_ags ,& ,Wallet+sCali.bro 30+3 Chron,og-raphBR.01 97 P+owe*r Rese-rv-eSubmersi_bl-e 197'3Louis- Vu+itton -Bags .& Wall+etsNe.cklac-eLi-nk Calibr+e* 5 Auto.maticMa*ster, M+oonCasa*blanca* SS ,Bracel+etBvlg'ariK.ing_ Conqu+istador_ Cor.tez' Chron*ograp.hPlat_inum/,Whit+e Gol'd Pre,sidentia,l +Datejust-Spitf'ire _Ch'ronogr.aph Aut,oma+ticJ.12 Two* tone Ch.rono'gra+phLo.uis Vu_itton _Bags '& W'allets.Link s_eries+ Ch*ronogr*aphM,ille Migl'ia C-hron_ograph_ R*ubber_ Strap*Tortue +Se_ries18K-t/SS_ Two To*ne J,ubi*lee Da.tejustVe.gas -Automa,t+icDiagon+o R.ubberMo,na*co 24 C*alibre *Autom+ati-c C*hronog,raphA'ssioma* Chrono+grap-hNavit'imer .125E ,Ch*ronogra+phB' ZeroPo_rsc-he Desi_gnOm'ega De+ Vi_lle 'Co Ax*ial GMTRo+le,x Da,tejus'tsTou'rbilli*on,graphMill*e _Miglia, Chrono*grap.h Le,ather S_trap.Ma.ster *Banker T-ourbi-llo.n Chrono.g*raphCo.nstel,lation C+l.assicL.umin+or Su_bmersible'Navi*tim,erGrah+amAqua.racer+ Au_tomat,icLoui's Vui-tton Ba+gs -& Wall.ets-Archi+tecte Au,to.maticPre'side,nt .18k Go.ld1815 'Ch.rono.graph.BR01 *96Compli-cation* Perp'etual. Cale,nda'rLo+uis V.uitto'n Bags &+ Wal,let-sCorumPre'c'ious M+etal F-ligh't Deck +MBM,ontbril,liant .Dator-aL+umin.or Ma-rina Tour-bill_on_De Vill*e CoA*xial* CoAxi+al Ra.ttr*apant+eRett*angoloS-kel*eton 'Automati.cLoui-s 'Vuitt.on Bags &* Wal-le.tsBaby ac-ce_ssories_Aqua-racer C'ali'bre S C-hro'nograp,hLoui,s Vui,tton B'ag,s & W-allet+sAudema'rs Pi+guetSu+pe'rleggera' J*12 W*hiteZe+nithLoui.s V*uit,ton Bag's & W'all+etsEuro 2-00*8 Limi.ted+ Editio'n C-hronograp'h1-8Kt/SS- Two T,one P,resi_denti-al ,Datej.ustPant_hereThe' Ma,rin'erRatt*rapante -Chro.nogra+ph*Luminor G*MTAdm'iral'-s C'up Tide,s 4,8Seamas,te+r Aqu-a TerraI_W.CPresid+ent 18-k Go_ldAstr,onomic'al+ Celesti*al D_ou+ble Dia_lGrand, Comp-licat,ion .Chr.onograph,BMW+ Ora*cle To_urbillon' Chro.nogra,phJae*ger L+eC,oultreT+ortue 'Ch'ronograp.hMast+er Cl_assi-c A'utom,aticDa.tograp-h Perp.etu_alFormul*a 1 S+e*ries Chr-onog*raphDa*mier C,anva.sMill_enar'yAs_sioma A*utomat*icLong* Isla*nd C.hrono'grap,hAssi*oma A_utomati_cRo,yal _Oak 30t'h Anni,v-ersary Ch,ron_ogra.phChan'elSpee+dmast-erD'iagono T_itan,iu+mGMTLoui_s _Vuitto,n Keycha.i+ns1932. Moon.phaseC+razy C+olor, Dre*amsGra-nd Comp+l'ication, Mo,onphase, Chro*nog_raphMigli,a 'Mille _GTConqu-ist-ador S*CG.rand Co.mplic,ation -Moon,pha*se Chrono_gra,phOval_ Serie*sCraz-y *Hours-Tour'billion C'hro.nograph*Car-tie*r Rolle*rbal*lLaure-ato EVO+ Chro_nogr.aphLou-is Vu'itton* B_ags &. Wall'etsSp*itfir+e Ma-rk XVTif-fany* & CO +Bra'celetsNe_w, Santo+s Ser*ies Sant+os* 100G-rande S'onneri_e- Tourbill.on Mo'onph_rase C'hrono'g-raphM.axi Marin_e C,hrono_meter.Preci'ous Met*al F*lig,ht Deck. Ch-ronog-raphLo*uis V'uitt'on Bags *& .Walle+tsAlumin.iu_mMaster 'Banke+r Tou-r,billon Ch,r.onogr*aphWeld'erCasa_blan*ca Ch_ronogra*phChr'ist-ian -Dior, Keychai.ns'J12 Tw+o tone C_hrono+graph-Jub*ile *Quartz M'en W,ith ,Diamon-d -Bezel Op'tion,Mon,tBlanc C_uffl*inksPa'noma-tic Chr'onogr'a_phRolex *new- model,sMus.t 21 .Serie's Mu*st 21' Quart'z18Kt/S'S Two. Tone ,R'ose Gold _Pre,siden_tial_ Datej+ustSke-leto-n Autom+at-icFier-oCarr'era _Calibre *1Ca.lat_rava Chr+ono*grap'hLumi*nor Cla+ssic*Baign*oireAven'ger. Tit+aniumCl-ass*ic Tour-billi'on_ Skel.etonS*uperlegge-r.a J12 B'lack C,hr+onogra-phEasy D*iver- Ch,ronograp-hMon_og_ram Col,lectio.nJ_12 Two to-ne .Bla_ckDe Vil_le' Co Ax,ial 3 f,aced -Chrono'met'erRatt_ra.pante* Chro-nographCl'a*ssique' Complic,atio_nsSli-m Ca*se Au,tomati-cM_iglia_ Gran Tur+is'mo XLOme*g,a Sea_maste'r Spe_cial .Editio-nLou_is Vuitto+n Ba+gs & W'all-etsLim*ited .& Numb* Editi+onsA-qua.racer C.alibre' S Ch*r+onograp*h La-ptim'eMont, Blanc Ro+llerb* Vuitto.n Bag's & .Wall+etsOme,ga S+eamast*er Pl-ane,t Ocean- Chro*noGC _Dive_r C'hic Ch*ronogra,ph.Monac,o Chron-ograph+Inst,rument, BR A_ir_borne L+imi+ted Edit*ionR,oya_l Oak 3+0th .Annive*rsa.ry Chron*ograp_hGran+d 'Complica-tio,n Chr_onograp.hVI'NTAGE 12-6Arch*itec_te. Chron*ogra,phMast,er Ba_nker_ Tourbill-on C.hro-nograp*hSuperl,egger-a J*12 Whi+teG+rand Car+re-ra Cal*ibre Ch_ron,ographV_eron+a*c Qua_rtzU.lysses Na.r'din18+84 Hercul'es _Series-Full* 18K Go-ld ,Yacht_mas'ter II-Louis' Vuit'ton +Bags +& Wallets'Br.ushed S_te-el Series,Carti_er* Pen*dantChan-elGMT_Cra,zy Color, D.reamsL*ouis V+ui-tton Bag's & W'allets'O*mega S'peedmast*er Sn,o-opy Edit'io.nBR01 9-7 Powe.r Res-erveTo-u'rbillo*n Po*wer Res_erve*Louis Vu_it*ton Ba_gs &- Wallet+sSli*m Case- A,utomat,icOys+ter D'atejus*t W_hite G-oldSta*r Chro-nog+raphRo'tonde. Tour.billo+n Per.petual *Calen-d-arJ12 'Black To+urb-illio.nCo.mplic-ation -Perpetu'al Cal*end_arHerm-es C-uff,links'Sports C+ol-lection +Conq'uestGu_cc'i Bags.Lumi.nor Po'wer Rese.rveFe,rrar+i Gra'nt_urismo+ GMTJ12 +GT+M Ch,ronogr*aph19*32 Mo*onph_aseClassi'que A_uto-mati*cMonac_o Chron.ograp+h1,884 H-ercules, Se_riesT*ourbil.lion C.lass+ic .Collecti,onDee'ps'ea Sea' Dwe'llerCas*abl-anca +Tourbil_lon Chr-on+ographJ+12 Whi-t+e Chro*nographL_oui+s V_uitton B'ags & 'Wa.llets.GrahamRo+l'ex Datej,ustsBv+lgari' *Pendan'tLouis' Vuit.ton Bag.s & W*all.etsCas'abl'anca Lea_ther .Ban+dLo,uis Vu,itton -Bags & +Wall_etsS_arato+gaLoui+s Vui-tton B*ags &_ W+allets'Louis ,Vu*itton Bag_s &+ Wallet+sHand_bag*s & _Wall,ets Brus'hed S,tee_l Se_riesHublo'tDiag,ono +Scub,a Ch,ronogra,phLo-uis Vui.tto*n Bags- & W'allets*Gra-nde Comp-lica*tio+ns Perpe-tua-l Ca'lende*r Chro,nograp.hM+ille ,Miglia* Chronog-r+aph Rubb*er .StrapSar+ato.gaM,aster Co+llec*tio*n Mast*er A-utomatic+ B,ig Da_teRotonde_ de, .Tourbil'lion C-hro.nogr_aphP,ensLouis 'Vuitt.on B+ags -& Walle_tsLan,ge*mati+k Big -Date_Bregue-tHappy *Diamo.nd*s Spo'rt Squ_areFul*l St,ainless' S+teel Jubi+lee' Datej_ust_1932 -Moon-phaseMov-adoMi_ll.e Miglia .C+hronog+raph .Leathe*r Strap+Lo,uis V-uitto.n Bags. & ,Wallets' Vui,tton Bag's ,& Wa+lletsSER-otonde. ,Tourbillo-n Ca'le'ndarChr.onogr-aph In'di*cator 'by Exte*rnaB Z+er+oLouis* Vuitt_on- Bags & W*a+lletsP+icca,dily (Dia_mo.nd bez_el)Prec-ious _Meta_l _Classico- Go+lden' CrownCor+umLou+is Bags. &- Wallets-C-onstel.lation C,l_assicL-ouis Vu.itton' Bags -& -Walle*tsEnicar_Ro'ger ,DubuisSea'm'aster Aqu'a Ter.r-a Chrono,meter-Flybac.k* Spor-ts Chron'ogr'aphPort.ugu,ese Clas_sicC'razy C_o.lor Drea,msR,olex D+atejust_sN*autilusL_ouis_ V.uitto+n Bags ,& Wall*ets*Tank Fr-ancais*eAss-iom_a Heures_ Ret,ro- Chronog*rap-hTourbil.lon P,owe,r Re*serveTai'ga.Blanc'painOy,ste*r Date'just ,18k & SS+B_vlgariCh.ronogr*aphe +Ce*rtifi-e Chro.nometre*Lumi+nor ,Regatta-Tif-fany & .CO Br.a_celets+Louis V,uitt-on Ba+gs &* Wallet+sCor-tina* Chro*nograp,h (Br-acelet')A'quarace_r Cal_ibre, S C.hronog+raph Lap,timeT'esla'r (D+iamo'nd beze-l)L+ouis *Vuitto'n & Wal-l,etsJ12 W_hit*e Leat'her, BandLug_gage 'Stra.pGrand,e Com+pli.cations _Pe,rpetu-al Calen_der +Ch+ronog,raphChr'istian- Dior' Key_cha.ins |
DAILY MITZVAH (Maimonides): Shabbat, February 20, 2010 Posted: 19 Feb 2010 05:31 AM PST | | |
Adar 6, 5770 · February 20, 2010 Today's Mitzvah Important Message Regarding This Lesson
The Daily Mitzvah schedule runs parallel to the daily study of 3 chapters of Maimonides' 14-volume code. There are instances when the Mitzvah is repeated a few days consecutively while the exploration of the same Mitzvah continues in the in-depth track. Positive Commandment 245 Conducting Business Leviticus 25:14 "And if you sell something to your neighbor, or buy something from your neighbor" The Torah deals with every aspect of our lives; not only with the way we pray and study, but also the manner in which we carry out our business. This Positive Mitzvah establishes guidelines for our business dealings and governs the way we buy, sell, and transfer ownership of property. These guidelines include writing business contracts, paying for goods with money, or exchanging one item for another.
By Malka Touger More articles... |
Malka Touger is a world-renowned teacher and lecturer. She has authored and co-authored several best-selling books and produced a number of educational videos in both English and Hebrew. Together with her husband, Rabbi Eliyahu Touger, and her seven children, she lives in Har Nof, Jerusalem. | | | | | |
"TODAY'S DAY": Shabbat, February 20, 2010 Posted: 19 Feb 2010 05:17 AM PST | | |
Adar 6, 5770 · February 20, 2010 "Today's Day" Thursday | 6 Adar I | 5703 | Torah lessons: | Chumash: T'ruma, Chamishi with Rashi. | Tehillim: 35-38. | Tanya: Moreover, even in (p. 119) a great extent. (p. 119). | | From my father's sichot: It is a magnificent gift of G-d to merit an innate sense - a "feel" - for doing kindness to another, to derive deep pleasure from it. This can develop to the point that one cherishes the other more than oneself. He may find many explanations as to why he deserves his own tribulations, G-d forbid, but to do so with regard to another's suffering - is absolutely impossible. Shabbat | Adar Sheini 6 | 5703 | Haftora: Vatishlam kol ham'lacha. In the haftora b'rachot we always say ne'eman v'rachaman ata, and toshia ut'samach (p. 187). | Torah lessons: | Chumash: Pekudei, Shevi'i with Rashi. | Tehillim: 35-38. | Tanya: The explanation of (p. 157)...Man will understand. (p. 163). | | It is a tradition among the elders of anash1 that the Tanya is a compilation of words of counsel given by the Alter Rebbe to anash at yechidus during the years 5540-5550 (1780-1790). In the summer of 5552 (1792) he began arranging the Tanya in the form it now has. A year later, there were already numerous copies, and in time, there were corruptions of the text and even falsifications. For that reason the Rebbe then moved quickly to have it printed. Another version: For twenty years the Rebbe wrote his work, the Tanya, painstakingly examining every last word. By the year 5555 (1795) the text was pure and clarified and he granted permission to copy it. When copies became numerous and corrupted he had it printed. The Tzemach Tzedek related that on the first Rosh Hashana of his life (in 5550, 1789) the Alter Rebbe spoke on the statement in the Talmud, He is administered an oath, Be a tzadik... This discourse is in fact the first three chapters of Tanya.
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ArchitectureWeek Notes No. 463 Posted: 19 Feb 2010 04:54 AM PST Dear ArchitectureWeek Readers, ArchitectureWeek No. 463 is now available on the Web, with these new design and building features, and more. This Notes edition is sponsored by the U.S. Green Building Council: Build Your Path to Success with USGBC Start building your career with LEED Core Concepts & Strategies, an online course that you can take anytime, and that provides essential knowledge of sustainable building concepts that are fundamental to all LEED Rating Systems. Learn more about all the resources USGBC offers LEED and green building professionals: -- * -- BECHTLER MUSEUM BY BOTTA by Debra Moffit-Leslie Clad in a glazed terra cotta tile that lends it an orange hue and a sleek feel, the Bechtler Museum of Modern Art in Charlotte, North Carolina, shows Swiss architect Mario Botta shifting subtly from his signature brick and stone. A mortar-free terra cotta rain screen clads the essential forms of the small museum. The massing block of a fourth-floor gallery reaches out over an entry plaza below, underpinned by a column wrapped in a double-tapered sheath of tiles. The building's exterior surface combines flat, single-thickness tiles with tiles of triangular cross section, forming textured patterns and creating a play of light and shadow throughout the day. In using the terra cotta, Botta has described his concept of the building as a clay mass carved out by light. The museum opened on January 2, 2010, as only the second building of Botta's in the United States, after SFMOMA (1995), although his work has flourished in Europe and Asia in the meantime. Botta says he maintained the open area in an Italian piazza style to give people on the street a sense of being part of the structure. He also aimed to create the feel of a welcoming Southern front porch. Throughout the 36,500-square-foot (3,400-square-meter) building, one gets the sense of being integrated - aware of and able to see what's going on, both inside and out, from all four levels of the building. ... full story continues online (20 images, four free): Structures in Revit by Thomas S. Weir, Jamie D. Richardson & David J. Harrington An important thing to understand about Revit Structure, and its approach to structural modeling, is that it is object-oriented rather than line-based as in traditional 2D drafting. ... full story continues online (10 images, two free): People and Places by Nancy Novitski C.F. Moller in Horsens, Denmark - DDI Architects, PC, with Odell Associates in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - LMN with MCM and DA, and HBBH with VIA and PWL in Vancouver, Canada - WATG in Yountville, California - Sasaki Associates in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Holzman Moss Bottino Architecture in Dover, Delaware - merzproject in Show Low, Arizona - Clark Nexsen in Norfolk, Virginia - Interactive Resources in Novato, California - EwingCole in East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania - IA Interior Architects in Los Angeles, California - SHW Group in Houston, Texas - Elkus Manfredi Architects in Boston, Massachusetts... ... short stories continue online: -- * -- Subscribe today - help build ArchitectureWeek with your support! 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LESSONS IN TANYA: Shabbat, February 20, 2010 Posted: 19 Feb 2010 01:47 AM PST | | |
Adar 6, 5770 · February 20, 2010 Today's Tanya Lesson Likutei Amarim, middle of Chapter 31 ואחר כך יבא לידי שמחה אמיתית, דהיינו, שזאת ישיב אל לבו לנחמו בכפליים אחר הדברים והאמת האלה הנ״ל He will then arrive at a true joy, as follows: In order to comfort his heart in double measure, let him — in the wake of the above words of truth concerning his lowly spiritual stature — tell himself the following. The comfort is dual: not only is his depression eliminated, but he will also attain a joy which he would never experience were it not for his earlier depression. לאמר ללבו: אמת הוא כן בלי ספק שאני רחוק מאד מה׳ בתכלית,ומשוק׳ ומתועב כו׳, Let him say to his heart: "Indeed, without a doubt, I am far removed, utterly remote from G‑d, and am despicable, contemptible, and so on. אך כל זה הוא אני לבדי, הוא הגוף עם נפש החיונית שבו But all this is true only of me — that is, my body and the animating soul within it. אבל מכל מקום יש בקרבי חלק ה׳ ממש, שישנו אפילו בקל שבקלים,שהיא נפש האלקית עם ניצו׳ אלקות ממש המלובש בה להחיותה, Yet within me there is a veritable 'part' of G‑d, which is present even in the most worthless of my fellows, so that even if I am no better than he, I still have this 'part' of G‑d within me, namely, the divine soul and the spark of G‑dliness itself clothed in it, animating it. רק שהיא בבחינת גלות It is only that when the body and animating soul are in such a lowly state, the divine soul is in exile within them. ואם כן, אדרבה, כל מה שאני בתכלית הריחוק מה׳, והתיעוב ושיקו׳ "If so, then, on the contrary, the further I am removed from G‑d, and the more despicable and contemptible, הרי נפש האלקית שבי בגלות גדול יותר, והרחמנות עליה גדולה מאד the deeper in exile is my divine soul, and all the more is it to be pitied. ולזה אשים כל מגמתי וחפצי להוציאה ולהעלותה מגלות זה,להשיבה אל בית אביה כנעוריה, "Therefore, I will make it my entire aim and desire to extricate it from this exile, and to 'return her to her father's house i.e., to restore it to its source and its original state as in her youth,' קודם שנתלבשה בגופי, שהיתה נכללת באורו יתברך ומיוחדת עמו בתכליתו i.e., as it was before being clothed in my body, when it was completely absorbed in G‑d's light and united with Him. וגם עתה כן תהא כלולה ומיוחדת בו יתברך, כשאשים כל מגמתי בתורה ומצות, להלביש בהן כל עשר בחינותיה כנ״לי "Now too will it likewise be absorbed and united with Him once again, when I concentrate all my aspirations on the Torah and the mitzvot, in an effort to clothe therein all [of the soul's] ten faculties; i.e., by applying my mental faculties to Torah study, and my emotive faculties to the performance of the mitzvot with the vitality lent them by the love and fear of G‑d, as explained above in ch. 4. Thus will my divine soul be reunited with G‑d. ובפרט במצות תפלה, לצעוק אל ה׳ בצר לה מגלותה בגופי המשוק׳, להוציאה ממסגר, ולדבקה בו יתברך "Especially in fulfilling the mitzvah of prayer will I try to release my divine soul, by crying out to G‑d because of the distress of its exile in my loathsome body, so that He release it from captivity and bind it to Himself." וזו היא בחינת תשובה ומעשים טובים This service of G‑d, in which one seeks to restore the soul to its source, is referred to as 1 "teshuvah with good deeds." This is an oft-used Talmudic expression denoting the mitzvot (as in the statement, "One hour of teshuvah with good deeds in this world is better than all the life of the World to Come"). At first glance, the juxtaposition of the two seems incongruous; teshuvah deals with atoning for one's past imperfections, while "good deeds" are performed in the present and would seem to bear no relation to one's past. According to the Alter Rebbe's statement, however, that one's performance of the mitzvot should be motivated by a desire to return his soul to its source within G‑d, the connection between the two is clear: the "good deeds" themselves actually constitute teshuvah, which means "return". As the Alter Rebbe continues: שהן מעשים טובים שעושה כדי להשיב חלק ה׳ למקורא ושרשא דכל עלמין This denotes the "good deeds" which one does with the intention of returning the soul which is part of G‑d, to the [Divine] source and root of all the worlds.
By Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi (1745-1812), founder of Chabad Chassidism (Free Translation) More articles... |
Elucidated by Rabbi Yosef Wineberg. Translated from Yiddish by Rabbi Levy Wineberg and Rabbi Sholom B. Wineberg. Edited by Uri Kaploun. Published and Copyright by Kehot Publication Society | | | | | |
DAILY DOSE: The Infinite Within Posted: 19 Feb 2010 12:01 AM PST Adar 5, 5770 · February 19, 2010 The Infinite Within By Tzvi Freeman There are those who chase the infinite - and find they cannot live. There are those who chase all things finite. Their life is not worth living. Redemption is when the infinite is at home within our finite world.
By Tzvi Freeman
From the wisdom of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, of righteous memory; words and condensation by Tzvi Freeman. To order Tzvi's book, "Bringing Heaven Down to Earth, click here. Rabbi Freeman is available for public speaking and workshops. Read more on his bio page. | | | | | |
LESSONS IN TANYA: Friday, February 19, 2010 Posted: 18 Feb 2010 10:05 PM PST | | |
Adar 5, 5770 · February 19, 2010 Today's Tanya Lesson Likutei Amarim, beginning of Chapter 31 In ch. 29 the Alter Rebbe began to deal with the problem of timtum halev, insensitivity of the heart. He quoted the statement of the Zohar that a body impervious to the light of the soul needs to be crushed. By crushing one's spirit, one crushes the sitra achra of his animal soul, whose arrogance is the cause of timtum halev. In chs. 29-30, the Alter Rebbe described various means of arriving at a feeling of contrition (lit., "brokenheartedness"); e.g., reflecting on one's spiritual failings in not waging an adequately strenuous battle against his evil impulse, and realizing that one's failure in this area places him on a level lower than that of the lowliest of his fellow Jews (as explained at length in ch. 30). But while these methods may effectively dispel timtum halev, they would seem to have an undesirable side-effect — depression. Ch. 31 deals with this problem. והנה אף אם כשיאריך הרבה להעמיק בעניינים הנ״ל כשעה ושתים להיות בנמיכת רוח ולב נשבר, יבא לידי עצבות גדולה, לא יחושם Even if dwelling long and deeply into the above-mentioned matters for an hour or two, to be lowly of spirit and contrite of heart, leads one to profound depression, let him not be perturbed. ואף שעצבות היא מצד קליפת נוגה ולא מצד הקדושה True, atzvut (depression) derives from the realm of kelipat nogah, not of holiness. כי בצד הקדושה כתיב: עוז וחדוה במקומו, ואין השכינה שורה אלא מתוך שמחה, וכן לדבר הלכה וכו׳ For concerning the realm of holiness it is written:1 "Strength and gladness are in His place"; and likewise, 2 "The Divine Presence abides... only in [man's] joy,... and the same joy is required for the study of the Halachah." אלא שאם העצבות היא ממילי דשמיא היא מבחינת טוב שבנוגה Any depression, then, comes from the realm of kelipat nogah, except that if the depression is due to spiritual matters arising from one's realization of his spiritual failings, it stems from the good contained in kelipat nogah; for, as mentioned in ch. 1, kelipat nogah contains both good and evil — the evil in nogah is the source of ordinary depression, and the positive element in nogah gives rise to spiritually motivated depression. Yet, even the element of good contained in nogah is, after all, kelipah. ולכן כתב האר״י ז״ל שאפילו דאגת העונות אינה ראויה כי אם בשעת הוידוים ( 3For this reason the AriZal writes that even worry over one's sins is appropriate only during confession, ולא בשעת התפלה ותלמוד תורה, שצריכים להיות בשמחה שמצד הקדושה דווקא but not during prayer and Torah study. These must be conducted with a joy deriving exclusively from the realm of holiness, as opposed to frivolity and the like.) Why then should one strive to crush the spirit of sitra achra with methods that lead to depression, which itself stems from the sitra achra of nogah אף על פי כן, הרי כך היא המדה, לאכפיא לסטרא אחרא במינה ודוגמתה Yet, this is precisely the method of humbling the sitra achra — through something of its own species and kind; i.e., the sitra achra is most effectively attacked by utilizing the good contained within it as a weapon against itself. כמאמר רז״ל: מיניה וביה אבא לשדיה ביה נרגא, ופגע בו כיוצא בו As our Sages expressed it: 4 "From the forest itself comes [the handle for] the ax [which fells the forest]"; and in a similar vein, 5 "He encountered one of his own kind." ועל זה נאמר: בכל עצב יהיה מותר, והיתרון היא השמחה הבאה אחרי העצב, כדלקמן Of this sadness resulting from contemplation of one's spiritual state it is written, 6 "In every sadness there will be profit." The profit lies in the joy which follows the sadness, as will be explained later — i.e., in what way the sadness itself leads to joy. אך באמת אין לב נשבר ומרירות הנפש על ריחוקה מאור פני ה׳ והתלבשותה בסטרא אחרא נקראים בשם עצבות כלל בלשון הקודש׳ In truth, however, the state of being contrite of heart and bitter of soul i.e., remorseful over one's remoteness from G‑d, and over the fact that one's soul is clothed in the sitra achra, — this state can by no means be described in the Holy Tongue (Hebrew) by the term "atzvut". The word atzvut, meaning "melancholy", stems from a root which means "constricted". In this context, it refers to a numbing depression that constricts one's heart, blocking out all feeling, as the Alter Rebbe continues: כי עצבות היא שלבו מטומטם כאבן ואין חיות בלבו For "atzvut" means that one's heart is as dull as a stone, and that there is no vitality — arousal of feeling — in his heart. אבל מרירות ולב נשבר, אדרבה, הרי יש חיות בלבו להתפעל ולהתמרמר But "bitterness" (merirut) and contrition are just the opposite, since the very fact that one is moved to be embittered is itself a sign of life, רק שהיא חיות מבחינת גבורות קדושות, והשמחה מבחינת חסדים,כי הלב כלול משתיהן, except that this vitality derives from the holy attributes of severity (gevurot) and it therefore expresses itself as bitterness, whereas joy derives from the holy attributes of kindness (chasadim), for the heart contains both these attributes — kindness and severity. At any rate, we see that the dejection accompanying one's disappointment with his spiritual situation stems from the realm of holiness, unlike atzvut, which derives from kelipat nogah. 7 והנה לעתים צריך לעורר בחינת גבורות הקדושות כדי להמתיק הדינים,שהם בחינת נפש הבהמית ויצר הרע כששולט חס ושלום על האדם, At times one must arouse the holy attributes of severity (gevurot) in order to temper (lit., "sweeten") stern judgements, which in this context denote the animal soul and the evil inclination, whenever it (the latter) dominates a man, G‑d forbid, כי אין הדינים נמתקין אלא בשרשן for stern judgements i.e., restraints on one's spiritual wellbeing can only be "sweetened" by means of their source. All evil is simply a degenerate form of the attribute of severity (gevurot) that derives from the realm of holiness. Myriad "contractions" (tzimtzumim) and descents of this attribute transform it to evil, the evil of kelipah. Naturally, this includes also the sitra achra of one's animal soul and his evil impulse. In order to elevate or "sweeten" evil, to return evil to the realm of holiness, it is necessary to bring its source to bear on it. In terms of one's divine service, this means crushing one's evil impulse by merirut, bitter remorse, which derives its vitality from the holy attribute of severity — the source of the evil impulse. ולכן אמרו רז״ל: לעולם ירגיז אדם יצר הטוב For this reason our Sages said: 8 "One should always incite the good inclination to anger [against the evil inclination]." Since anger stems from the attribute of severity, it is capable of "sweetening" the evil inclination. והיינו בכל עת שרואה בנפשו שצריך לכך The word "always" ("one should always incite...") is, however, to be understood in a qualified sense. Joy, not severity, is usually the proper setting for divine service. Thus, when our Sages state that one should always incite the good inclination, this means — whenever he finds it necessary for himself; as, for example, when one sees that the arrogance of his animal soul does not permit the light of his divine soul to penetrate his heart, causing timtum halev. אך שעת הכושר שהיא שעה המיוחדת וראויה לכך לרוב בני אדם However, the appropriate time for this "anger" of the divine soul at the animal soul, meaning, the time which is opportune and fitting for most people, היא בשעה שהוא עצב בלאו הכי ממילי דעלמא, או כך בלי שום סבה is when one is in any case depressed over mundane matters, or just so, without any discernible cause. 9 אזי היא שעת הכושר להפך העצב, להיות ממרי דחושבנא הנ״ל This is an opportune time for redirecting the depression toward spiritual matters, to be among the "masters of accounts" mentioned above, i.e., to engage in soul-searching and spiritual stocktaking, ולקיים מאמר רז״ל: לעולם ירגיז וכו׳ כנ״ל and to fulfill the previously mentioned teaching of our Sages, that one should always incite his good inclination against his evil inclination, since both of these paths harness the attribute of severity. ובזה יפטר מהעצבות שממילי דעלמא He will thus also be rid of the depression brought on by mundane matters. I.e., redirecting his depression into soul-searching, and into anger at his evil inclination, will dispel the mundane depression.
By Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi (1745-1812), founder of Chabad Chassidism (Free Translation) More articles... |
Elucidated by Rabbi Yosef Wineberg. Translated from Yiddish by Rabbi Levy Wineberg and Rabbi Sholom B. Wineberg. Edited by Uri Kaploun. Published and Copyright by Kehot Publication Society | | | | Dedicated in honor of Rabbi Dovid Labkowski. | | |
"TODAY'S DAY": Friday, February 19, 2010 Posted: 18 Feb 2010 09:49 PM PST | | |
Adar 5, 5770 · February 19, 2010 "Today's Day" Wednesday | 5 Adar I | 5703 | Torah lessons: | Chumash: T'ruma, Revi'i with Rashi. | Tehillim: 29-34. | Tanya: For there are (p. 117)...forth on high. (p. 119). | | There is not the vaguest shadow of doubt that, wherever our feet tread, it is all in order to cleanse and purify the world with words of Torah and tefilla (prayer). We, all of Israel, are emissaries of G-d, each of us as Divine Providence has decreed for us. None of us is free from this sacred task placed on our shoulders. Friday | Adar Sheini 5 | 5703 | Torah lessons: | Chumash: P'kudei, Shishi with Rashi. | Tehillim: 29-34. | Tanya: To quote, by (p. 157)...quotation ends here. (p. 157). | | Studying Talmud and related works, studying Chassidus, and actual avoda, are all imperative. Not only can there be no thought of one superseding or being superseded by the other, on the contrary, their relationship is symbiotic, mutually enriching: An ignorant person cannot be a chassid,1 so the study of Talmud and halacha is an absolute necessity. Who is a chassid? He who conducts himself with piety toward his Creator,2 so there must be the study of Chassidus, and the ultimate purpose of all study is, after all, actual avoda.
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DAILY MITZVAH (Maimonides): Friday, February 19, 2010 Posted: 18 Feb 2010 09:31 PM PST | | |
Adar 5, 5770 · February 19, 2010 Today's Mitzvah Important Message Regarding This Lesson
The Daily Mitzvah schedule runs parallel to the daily study of 3 chapters of Maimonides' 14-volume code. There are instances when the Mitzvah is repeated a few days consecutively while the exploration of the same Mitzvah continues in the in-depth track. Positive Commandment 245 Conducting Business Leviticus 25:14 "And if you sell something to your neighbor, or buy something from your neighbor" The Torah deals with every aspect of our lives; not only with the way we pray and study, but also the manner in which we carry out our business. This Positive Mitzvah establishes guidelines for our business dealings and governs the way we buy, sell, and transfer ownership of property. These guidelines include writing business contracts, paying for goods with money, or exchanging one item for another.
By Malka Touger More articles... |
Malka Touger is a world-renowned teacher and lecturer. She has authored and co-authored several best-selling books and produced a number of educational videos in both English and Hebrew. Together with her husband, Rabbi Eliyahu Touger, and her seven children, she lives in Har Nof, Jerusalem. | | | | | |
TODAY IN JUDAISM: Friday, February 19, 2010 Posted: 18 Feb 2010 09:07 PM PST Today is: Friday, Adar 5, 5770 · February 19, 2010
• Moses' Last Day of Leadership (1273 BCE)
Moses passed away on the 7th of Adar. Following G-d's instruction that Joshua should succeed him and lead the Jewish nation into the Land of Israel, Moses transferred leadership duties to Joshua on the day before he passed away. Thus the fifth day of Adar was the last day of Moses' leadership. Link: Moses' Passing Chassidim never say farewell, for they never depart from each other; wherever they are, they are one family
- Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak of Lubavitch (Hayom Yom, 10 Adar II)
Chitas and Rambam for today:
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Acai Berry Elite Review Posted: 18 Feb 2010 06:58 PM PST Acai Berry Elite Review Acai Berry Elite is one of the capsule types of extracted Acai berry. There seem to be a lot of these types of Acai supplement available but don�t forget the juice type of supplement�s that are also available if these suit your lifestyle better they can be quite a refreshing drink full of nutrition and goodness. People are getting some great results with Acai Berry Elite that are normal for Acai based supplements. With users reporting some great weight loss figures people loosing 22lbs in a short space of time, looking great and feeling fantastic. But remember the Acai berry is not just about weight loss. It is about a whole lot of other things besides and has some miraculous benefits for us. These benefits are in many areas of the body, a lot of these benefits are due to the amount of antioxidant�s that the fruit contains. Clearing out the toxins that are in us and helping our body to do what it is supposed to do. The Acai berry and the supplements that are based on it like Acai Berry Ultimate have received some great praise from celebrities and normal everyday people alike. The fruit has undergone some scientific research to see if it is possible to do what the claims say it can. Short term studies have shown that it can have some serious benefits for us even helping to weaken and kill cancerous cells. Longer term studies are ongoing which will be interesting to see. Click here to get a FREE Bottle of Acai Berry Elite!!! Anti-oxidant cleansing is all the rage right now. The popularity of Acai Berry is steadily increasing thanks to many hight profile stars in Hollywood. Celebrities are now using Acai Berry to give them the anti-oxidant fighting superpower they need. Acai is now becoming the berry of choice amongst the celeb elite! | |
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e in 90 Minutes: From Baby Naming to Chupah - Jewish Lifecycles (Part 5 of a 6 part lecture series) Posted: 18 Feb 2010 06:21 PM PST |
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VERTU Signature Posted: 18 Feb 2010 05:44 PM PST Vertu creates phones for discerning individuals who demand the best in everything they buy. The product of years of development, each Vertu is a complex masterpiece. It combines the finest materials with the highest traditions of craftsmanship. While other phones are mass produced by the millions, a Vertu is hand-built in England, one at a time. Inevitably, Vertu can only make such phones in very limited numbers: each one is rare, precious and highly exclusive. Vertu has always been in a class of its own. Born from a pioneering vision to create the world's first luxury phone, it has been driven by a relentless obsession with perfection ever since. Today, it is recognised as the pinnacle of mobile phone excellence in more than 50 counties around the world. Backed by the unrivalled technology and resources of Nokia, yet fiercely independent, it has built a reputation for quality second to none, even among the finest luxury goods. VERTU Signature S Design Gold Vertu Signature S Design Silver VERTU Signature Gold & Platinum VERTU Signature Gold Polished VERTU Signature Stainless Steel Matte VERTU Signature Stainless Steel or Yellow Gold VERTU Signature Cobra Boucheron Limited Edition VERTU Signature Cobra Boucheron Limited Silver Edition VERTU Signature Python Gold VERTU Signature Python Platinum Vertu Goldvish Mobiado Tag Heuer VX id:qw345t6y Acai Berry Elite Review Posted: 18 Feb 2010 12:44 PM PST Acai Berry Elite Review Acai Berry Elite is one of the capsule types of extracted Acai berry. There seem to be a lot of these types of Acai supplement available but don't forget the juice type of supplement's that are also available if these suit your lifestyle better they can be quite a refreshing drink full of nutrition and goodness. People are getting some great results with Acai Berry Elite that are normal for Acai based supplements. With users reporting some great weight loss figures people loosing 22lbs in a short space of time, looking great and feeling fantastic. But remember the Acai berry is not just about weight loss. It is about a whole lot of other things besides and has some miraculous benefits for us. These benefits are in many areas of the body, a lot of these benefits are due to the amount of antioxidant's that the fruit contains. Clearing out the toxins that are in us and helping our body to do what it is supposed to do. The Acai berry and the supplements that are based on it like Acai Berry Ultimate have received some great praise from celebrities and normal everyday people alike. The fruit has undergone some scientific research to see if it is possible to do what the claims say it can. Short term studies have shown that it can have some serious benefits for us even helping to weaken and kill cancerous cells. Longer term studies are ongoing which will be interesting to see. Click here to get a FREE Bottle of Acai Berry Elite!!! Anti-oxidant cleansing is all the rage right now. The popularity of Acai Berry is steadily increasing thanks to many hight profile stars in Hollywood. Celebrities are now using Acai Berry to give them the anti-oxidant fighting superpower they need. Acai is now becoming the berry of choice amongst the celeb elite! | | Acai Berry Elite Review Posted: 18 Feb 2010 12:41 PM PST Acai Berry Elite Review Acai Berry Elite is one of the capsule types of extracted Acai berry. There seem to be a lot of these types of Acai supplement available but don't forget the juice type of supplement's that are also available if these suit your lifestyle better they can be quite a refreshing drink full of nutrition and goodness. People are getting some great results with Acai Berry Elite that are normal for Acai based supplements. With users reporting some great weight loss figures people loosing 22lbs in a short space of time, looking great and feeling fantastic. But remember the Acai berry is not just about weight loss. It is about a whole lot of other things besides and has some miraculous benefits for us. These benefits are in many areas of the body, a lot of these benefits are due to the amount of antioxidant's that the fruit contains. Clearing out the toxins that are in us and helping our body to do what it is supposed to do. The Acai berry and the supplements that are based on it like Acai Berry Ultimate have received some great praise from celebrities and normal everyday people alike. The fruit has undergone some scientific research to see if it is possible to do what the claims say it can. Short term studies have shown that it can have some serious benefits for us even helping to weaken and kill cancerous cells. Longer term studies are ongoing which will be interesting to see. Click here to get a FREE Bottle of Acai Berry Elite!!! Anti-oxidant cleansing is all the rage right now. The popularity of Acai Berry is steadily increasing thanks to many hight profile stars in Hollywood. Celebrities are now using Acai Berry to give them the anti-oxidant fighting superpower they need. Acai is now becoming the berry of choice amongst the celeb elite! | | VERTU Signature Posted: 18 Feb 2010 12:15 PM PST Vertu creates phones for discerning individuals who demand the best in everything they buy. The product of years of development, each Vertu is a complex masterpiece. It combines the finest materials with the highest traditions of craftsmanship. While other phones are mass produced by the millions, a Vertu is hand-built in England, one at a time. Inevitably, Vertu can only make such phones in very limited numbers: each one is rare, precious and highly exclusive. Vertu has always been in a class of its own. Born from a pioneering vision to create the world's first luxury phone, it has been driven by a relentless obsession with perfection ever since. Today, it is recognised as the pinnacle of mobile phone excellence in more than 50 counties around the world. Backed by the unrivalled technology and resources of Nokia, yet fiercely independent, it has built a reputation for quality second to none, even among the finest luxury goods. VERTU Signature S Design Gold Vertu Signature S Design Silver VERTU Signature Gold & Platinum VERTU Signature Gold Polished VERTU Signature Stainless Steel Matte VERTU Signature Stainless Steel or Yellow Gold VERTU Signature Cobra Boucheron Limited Edition VERTU Signature Cobra Boucheron Limited Silver Edition VERTU Signature Python Gold VERTU Signature Python Platinum Vertu Goldvish Mobiado Tag Heuer VX id:qw345t6y If a relaxing moment turns into the right moment, will you be ready? You can be with CIALIS. Posted: 18 Feb 2010 12:14 PM PST Sexual Health Restore your sex life, or just give it a little kick. Erectile dysfunction (ED), sometimes referred to as impotence, is the inability for a sexually active male to obtain and sustain an erection for sexual purposes. In the past, this has been very embarrassing for men, and a source of anxiety for their partners, and, in fact, there has been very little diagnostic testing or treatment options available until very recently. This problem affects at least 30 percent of all adult males, and 85 percent of the causes of ED are organic and due to an actual physical problem. In general, only 15 percent are of a severe nature, which is to say, the inability to obtain any type of erection whatsoever. With the advent of the safe and effective oral medications Viagra (Sildenafil) and Cialis (Tadalafil), the entire evaluation and treatment process for ED has become revolutionized. Since 1998, the number of patients seen by physicians has doubled, and up to 75 percent of these patients will respond very well to Viagra. The remainder might need other treatment modalities, some of which include combinations with Viagra or Cialis. Any physician can prescribe Viagra and Cialis; however, being seen by a doctor is not necessary in order to try the medication and see if it works well for you. These medications are proven to be effective, and are safe enough to be taken by men who are taking other medications as well. What are you waiting for? Restore your sex life to normal, or just give it a little extra kick. Millions of men use Viagra and Cialis today, improving their sex lives permanently. The boost to their confidence is undeniable, and their relationships are stronger and more intimate. Try it today to see if it's right for you. Sex can be one of the most enjoyable parts of your life. It strengthens relationships and adds excitement. Always be ready. If you have a problem getting or keeping an erection, you are not alone. In fact, more than half of all men over forty have difficulties getting or maintaining an erection. This condition, called erectile dysfunction (ED), occurs with younger and older men as well, but there's a safe, effective and easy method of treatment: Viagra. When the time is right, you'll always be ready. ------------------------------------------------------------- If a relaxing moment turns into the right moment, will you be ready? You can be with CIALIS. Relax and take your time. CIALIS is the only ED tablet clinically proven to both work up to 36 hours and work in some men as fast as 15 minutes. With CIALIS you don't have to hurry if you dont want to and you don't have to schedule your love making. You and your partner can relax and take time to choose the moment that's right for you, whether it's right now, or later on. You've got time. | | lpga rolex championship, lost rolex watch Posted: 18 Feb 2010 12:13 PM PST � 6t6yeu8i9 Omeg,a 300 M -Raci_ng C,hronom.eterDio-rRo_yal 'Oak 30th- Anniv,ersar_y _Chron,ograp*hLouis. Vuitt+on Bag,s &. Walle_tsOme,ga Sea.mas+ter R+ailm+aster- Chro'nogra.phTh-e Marin,erFormu+la 1 ,K*imi Ra_ikkonen 'Edi.tionDe _Vil.le Co* Ax,ial Chro+nom-eter.Rattra-pante Ch-ron_ograph'Corum'Roya,l O*ak Chrono*grap+hConq.uista*do.r KingSu+perle-ggera -J1-2 Whit,e Chr, DateS-tar Chr-onogr.a-phSt _Dupont *Fountai,nD+e Vill-e CoAxi*al 'CoAxi'al .Rattrapan_teSp'eedmas.t'er Bro*ad Arrow,Diago_no _Tita_niumFull' St+ainle-ss Stee-l ,Dateju*stJ12 T-wo t,one- Chro_nogr.aphBl*ancpainR*adiomi_r T'ourb-illion_Oyster -Day* date 1*8*k Gold181'5- Chro-nograph,Tra.dition+ Tourbi'll*on Coll,ectionS'ubme-rsib_le 1+973To.urbillon_ .Regulator+Omega_ Sea-mast_er Plan-et' OceanWe,l.derLouis ,Vu+itton -Bags &- Wa-lletsJ1,2 Cla+ss-ic Diamon,ds'Datogra.phLimi_ted *& *Numbere,d Editi+onsCl'assic- .Round'Limited F*F E-diti*on Ch_ronogra'phVari'a'ntes T_ourbill*on' SportsPo*rtof'ino- Automa_ti-cChop*ard P*endant.Seama'ster Di*ver .Series*Gucci_ Keyc'hainsT'u_rnograp.h SSLon*gi,tude' Chron-ograph18.K-t/SS Two 'To*ne R.ose Gold- P-resid.ential Da't.ejust,Mille Mi.glia' Chr*onograp'h Lea*th-er St.rapAquan,aut *5066aSu-perle_gger,a J12- White.Fu.ll Size *Fiv.e Ti*me Watch'es 4+7mm .Leath'er -BandChopa_rd'Conquis.tador. KingT_ourb+ill-ion Chr,ono'graphsC.raz_y Hou'rs Tourb_illon-Loui,s Vuit'ton .Bag*s & W'allets_Roto+nde Tou'rbi'llon .Perp*etual- Cale'ndarSport- Clas+si,queCh.rono_graphP_orsche D.e.signMont ,Blanc+ Keyc,ha*insEspe,ranza'Profe*ssi_onal -Golf Wat+c_hAquati-mer *Chrono-grap.hFull St+ain.less- Steel D+ate,justS,uperleg_ger_a J12 B,lack_ Chro_no+graph'Monza C*ali+bre 36Ta'nk+ Americai,ne'Luminor+ Mari_na ,SS B*racele,tRoa+dster*Red Devil+ Ba'ng Li*mit_ed Edit+ion C,hronog'ra+phMontBl,anc +Cufflin_ks-Jubil_e Quartz' Me-n Witho,ut- Dia+mond Bez*el Op*tio,nLange *1 Mo.onphas*eBen-tley -Motor*sSubm'ersibl_e 'Moonphase*Milg-aussM_us+t De Cart_ier+Ulyss*es Nar.din+Ulys,ses Nar.dinMu+st 21- Serie+s Mu,st 21 +Qu*artzTourb-ill-ion 'Moonpha*seJa.quet *DrozAq'uarac'er Ca'li'bre 5+ Autom-atic Ch*ronog*rap*hVer+sace C-uffl.inksMerce-des+ Ben'z SLR .Chronog-r,aphPres,iden,t 18*k & S_SNomad,eDiago-no Sc.uba _Chronogr'a.phSubm*ersibl*e 1973G'ran , C+hronog*raphF+ormu'la 1 _Ser,ies Chro+nogra'phDup'ont L+imit_ed -Edition -Ser,iesWat-che-s Lou,is Vu-itton Bag_s. & Walle,ts'Aquarace'r Cal'ibre* S Chr*ono_graph +Laptim'eD & G+ Ke*ychains,P,arisDew,ittSup*erleg_ge_ra J12 Bl+a*ck Chr'onogra,phMig.lia ,Power C,ontrol, Gra'n T'urism*o XLCor,umR.attra.pant_e Chro,nographB*allo+n G,lass Mas-ter. Ge*ograph+ic Auto**y Diamond's Spo_rt +Oval18,84 C+hro-nograph+ZenithJ+12_ Classi+c ,Chronogr*aph.Link ser-ies ,Chron*ogra_phCl'assic, Chronog-r_aphFormu-la 1 S+e+ries Fo*rmula .118K*t/SS *Two T,one Dat_ejus+tD'e Vill*e Co Axi,alAqu*ara.cer Cal+ib-re S' Chrono.graph18.K*t/SS ,Two T+one Rose ,Gold_ Presi+denti-al+ Datej+ustJ12 -B,lack ,Chron+ograph.Jubile*e Date.just '18k '& SSL-ongi'nesMonz'a Ca'libr,e 36,J12 White, L-eath*er Ban,dClassi,c Squ,ar_e Aut*omaticSea*m-aster _Co_Axial.J_ubile Q_uar'tz Men Wi'thou.t -Diamo.nd Bezel+ Opt_ionSea-master_ Dive_r+ Series+Tech.nomari*nePash.a C Ch.ronog+rap+hFormul.a '1 Se-ries F.ormula '1 Chr+onogr'aphJ1+2 Clas-sic _Diamon-ds'Mont 'Ballpo-int-Auda_ce C1 Chr*onogr' ,Titani_umSlim, Cas_e Aut*omatic18.15. Chr_onograp'hMil_lenaryR_oadste-r, Chronogr+ap'hBR 01. RAIDS-an,tos 100 -Chr,onograp*hLo,ngitud'e Chro'nog+raphTank* Fr-anc*aise 'Chrono*graph-Classic,Admira_l. S Limite,d E'dition-Jubil-ee Da*tej-ust S+SCrazy* Hours _Colo*r Dre,ams To.ur+billon_Louis V,uit-ton, Bags & W_allet,sA+ssioma. Heu'res .Retro Ch.ronogr-ap+hLangema-tik .Big D,ateTi_ffany *& C'O Neckl_ace-Tiffan-y & CO* Br_ace*letsClas'sic .Santos ,Serie's Sa.nt.os Cl+assicLu_ggage_ Stra.pBaign+oir,eRoadste'r+ Chron*ographF_or'mula -1 Series. Fo,rmula +1Com'plicatio'n+s Chrono'graphM_onaco. 24_ Cali+bre A*utomat-ic Ch.ron,ogra,phMont- Blanc, Keycha-insSp'o-rts S-eries Ch'ro,nographCl-assi+c Ch_ron_ograph+Miglia_ Gr-an Turi*smo X+L,haseCar+tier Pe-ndant,Chron,ogra-ph I.ndi*cator+ by Ext_ern'aElliptic'aGa+ry Suf_fir C.hron+ogra+ph Auto+maticB_v.lgari Pe'ndan.tCr_azy H'ours Tou*rbil+lio+nLouis ,Vuitt.on +Bags & Wa.lle-tsPa'rmigi_ani +Fleurier-Superl+egger+a_ J12 Blac,kK-eychains,Full_ 18K _Gol.d Yacht'mas.ter II.Loui.s Vuit-ton' Bags & W'allet-sGi.rard P'erreg' Leat_her B-andL-uggag-e Str'apParmigi+ani_ Fl+eurie,rS T Du,pont +Replic_a Ligh*ters ,Coll'ect,ion +2006La*niere_s Serie.sMas*ter Con*trolN'avi_timer H'e_ritageA. La_nge & So,hneL.ouis Vu_i'tton Ba-gs & W'alle+tsSuper-leg.gera J+12 W+hiteBR' S-Jaquet Dr,ozA-dmira+l's Cup* Comp,eti,tion *40Form_ula, 1 S.eries ,Formul,a 1-Classic **gaNaviti,m*er Her_itageLou-is' Vuitt+on .Bags &_ Wallets-C-hronogr+aphSar'at,ogaLou,is Vui*tton -Bag-s & Wall-et+sCurvex A.u_tomaticN.avitim,er H'er*itageE.DCIO,N Limita,da C,hro,nographD-iago-no ,TitaniumP*recio,us _Metal F'l_ight Deck+ MBPa,sha ,Seat.imer 20'06Ca,rt+ier R.ollerball'E'asy Div,er C-hron,ograph_Compl'icatio.n Moonp.ha-se -Franc.aiseArc.hite+cte C_hronog+raph*Archit.ect,e GMTN*omadeA.quara-cer* Cali-bre S,in Si-lberstein+L.ouis Vu,itton B-ags- & Wall'etsD*ouble ,E-agle Chr,on,ometer Mi-d +SizeS*pitf*ire M*ark XVM,ont B,lanc Ro*llerb*allC_onco+rdCon'cor.dDupont L+im-ited, Edit-ion Serie_sI'mperia.l T-ourbi'llon M' _Chron'ograp*hF1 D_ual Time+ Ch,ron-ograp+hDay ,Date T'ourbillo'nSe,amas-ters* Aqua .Terra Au'tom+aticOme+ga Se-ama_ster S,pec+ial +Edition_J12 Cla+ssicL_adys .Quart'zGC +SE ,1 Chr*onograp_hAd,miral S 'Lim,ited+ Edition*F.ull S.ize F.ive Time ,Z-one W.atche_s 47mm L.eath*er Ban+dRattr_a.pante Chr-onogr*aph-Louis +Vuit+ton B+ags &, Wal*letsOmeg,aGol-den T*ourbi+ll.on Panor'amiq+ueSeama*ster+ Aqua .Terra, Ra*ilm*asterLo-uis Vu'itt,on B'ags & Wal*let,sSeren.ade,Emporio -Arma*niNav_itime+r C+hronoM,aticFu'll Sta'i+nless Ste_el * Speed+master *Snoo-py Edit'ionS,kyra*cer 'Raven Ch_ronog.r'aphFormul,a 1 S_e-ries Fo_rmula 1* +Chrono+graph,Vegas Au*toma+ticB'aigno.ire A-llongee'Chan-elAqu,arace.r Cali'bre _S Ch-ronog_raphMon.t B-lancC,arb_on Chr+onog*raphJ12 -Class_ic'Cortina C'hrono-gr_aph (Br,acel+et)S'eamas+ter A,qua Ter+ra_ Chronom-et-erGrande- Son+nerie. Tou-rbillon .M+oonph+rase +Chron'ographT-hou_sands of ,Fee*t CS3_ Chro'nogr,aphCo*mplic.ation -Moo*nphase Ch+ron+ographC-la'trav_a Classi'cLouis- Vuit.t-on Bags &_ W*alletsJ1,2 Bla+ck C.hrono+gr+aphCasabl,an'ca Ch_ronog.raphMig-lia M+ille* GTCra'zy .Hours To'ur'billon,Crazy+ Ho.urs Tour*billi*onLoui.s 'Vuitt*on Ba'gs & Wa'lle.tsSere'nadeGr*and .Compl+icatio-n Ch+rono,grap'hAudemar.s Pigu.etN.ew S,antos Se.ries *Santo's, 100Mill+e Migl,i+a GMT+ Stai-nless Ste+e,l Bracel+etSea,ma.ster Aqu+a Ter'ra Ra*ilmas-te'rLouis V*uitton- -Bags &. Wallets.Bl-ack Mu+rakamiP'ortof'ino 'Auto*matic*Piag*etLouis ,Vuitt.o*n Bag,s & Wa,llet*s18Kt/*SS T+wo Tone+ Ju,bilee Dat.ej.ustForm*ula* 1 Kimi+ Raik.ko*nen Ed_itionTe'chno+marineP.hilip. Ste+in-Watch_es Lou,is Vuit+ton +Bags &' Walle_ts19-32 M+oonpha_seOyst*er D'ateju'st SSB,*sLumi,nor Ma.rina .Tour+billo,nSpor_t Classiq-u_e Chro-nographJ+12 _Blac_k Ch-ronogra+phC'arrera C_hron_ograp+h Tachy.me_terLo,uis Vu*itton. Bags +& W_alletsAq+u'aracer -Autom*atic_Omeg,a De Vill.e Co ,Ax+ial Ch.ron-omete'rSpit+fire Chro+n'ograp*h Automat-icLou*is Vu+i+tton -Bags *& Wallets,Whit_e Mu+rakam_iRever.soJaq+uet- DrozBen't'ley M*otors_ Chron_ographD,ia_gono C-hrono+graphFu-ll *Stai,nles.s Steel J*ubile_e D*ateju-stRoger, D,ubuis*Chro*nographe +Cert*ifi-e Ch.ronome-treBR,01 96Po_rtu,guese C,ompli*cati.ons,Grand- Compl-ication_ Moo,np,hase Chro_n*ographLu_minor .Reg'attaVeg-as Au_tom*ati.cF1 D+ual Time +C_hronog*raphFul.l Stai-nl.ess *Steel_ Date*justSpee*dmast,erOm-ega Sea-m+aster 'Planet ,Ocean,Rol'ex Da.teju+stsMaxi+ Mar'ine Chro_n*ometerL-ouis, Vuit+ton .Bags &* Walle*tsLu.minor C_lass,icBe,ll & Ros,sAdmi'ral'.s -Cup Tid'es 48C'onquis.tador, K-ingTa*chymet_re _Chronogr*ap+hMigli*a Mill,e GTGu*essTi_me W+alk'er GMT. Automa*tic ,Chr-onograp' Vu_itton B_ags & *Walle+tsL+ouis- Vuitt*on &' Walle-tsCo*rtina C,hr'onograph' (Le+ather* str_ap)Roge,r +DubuisI_WCChron_omat, Ch,ronogra'phChro.n'ometre' Navitim_e_rElliptic-aD.ual tim.e -Chrono*meter'Aquana'ut 5'066aPear+lma*ster .White *Gol+dHandbag.s_ & Wal*lets Ast_rono+mic'al Ce.lestial, Dou*ble D.ialJ*ewelry- & A,ccessori'es- Dupo'nt Cu+fflin-ksGuc-ci Ballp+ointL,ouis .Vuitt.on *Bags &+ Walle+tsLou_is Vu-it'ton Ba_gs & ,Wall*etsDe. Ville C_o Axi,al C*hr* 21* Mus.t 21 .Chrono.graphS+eama*ster Pr+o 30+0m* 300m+ GMTPr*esident '18k, & S*STort'ue Serie,sTi+ffany, & CO B,racel+e+tsAquar+ace,r Tou+rbillon' Chrono+g*raphLoui+s Vui,tton B-ags &, ,Walle*tsD &+ G Ke.ychainsFu_ll .Stainl,ess _Steel* Da*tejustA.igne.rOyste'r Da*y da.te 18k G-oldPic'cad_ily (_Dia*mond _bezel)Co+_Axi-al Auto,matic' Ch-ronome.terPr,eci'ous Me+tal_ Flight .Deck 'MB_Tiffany &, CO. Neckl.aceIns_tr*ument BR_ Air'bo,rne Limi.ted. Edi-tionAdmi+ral S' L_imited ,Edi'tionJ1+2 Cla,ssic' Diamo.nds Chr'onogr-aphL,ouis *Vuitt'on Bag_s _& Walle,tsAq.uarac+er Autom,atic_Nav'itimer _Ra+ngeHa_ute Ho.rlogerie- T*ourb+illonLoui-s' Vuitt,on B,ags & _Wallet'sLoc'ketT,eslarPr.ecious- Meta-l Flig-ht D,eck -Chronog.raph*Speedm*ast'erClatr+av+a Class'icBe-ll & R-ossEn*icar.Esper+anzaS'tar Ch.ronog,ra.phDual Ch_ron_ograph_Navit.imer 1.25,E Ch+ronogr'aphOm_ega D,e Vil+le C-o Axial G+MTPa.sha C. Chr.onogr.aphNi*colas_ Rie,ussec+ Chronog+rap-h P,latinu'mMil+le Migli-a GMT *St,ainless -Stee'l Bra_celet*Ch_rono Bank_erOme,ga Sp,e'edmaste+r Snoo+py Ed,itio*nGla'shutt+eSotiri,o ,Complic+ation_s Tour*bill.onLoui*s .Vuitton *Bags. & 'Walle_tsOmega D-e+ Ville *Co A.xial. Chro'nometer+Audemar_s Pig'uetAr'man,i Keyc_hai_nsKin.g Con'quistado-r Cor*t*ez Ch*ronogr_aphB,entley M-otor's T-Navitim-er 1,25E Chr_on_ographM.onza *Cal,ibre 3+6Mille -Migl+ia -Rubber S.trapPi-ccad'ily (*Diamo'nd. beze_l) Chron*ograp+hLoui_s Vui+tt'on Bags' & .Wall+etsCar.tier Pen'd_antHappy ,D.iamonds+ Spi_rit Edit_ionLi.ghte,rsMi,lle- Miglia G*M*T Rub-ber Str+apAdmir*al'-s Cu.p 48Se.amaste*r *Co_Axial*Limit_ed, & Num*bered *Ed+itionsE.rgonLu.ggag'e Stra'pJ12 S+up,erlegger*a Ch,ron'ogra'phLoui,s Vui*tton 'Bags & W+a+lletsL+ouis- Vuitt.on Bag-s &_ Walle*tsTourbi'llio-n Ch-ronogr'aphsS.pee-dmast'erRatt_rapa,nte C-hronogra_p-hJubile, Quart.z Men- Wit_h Dia*mon*d Beze-l Opti+onBMW ,Ora'cle T*ourb'illon -Chron'ograp'hPla*tinum/W*hite' Gold Pr'esi,den-tial D*atej_ustPe_arlma'ster W.hite, GoldAlu*mi+nium Ch*ronogr-ap,hRadio,mirMon.t Bl_anc K.eychai.nsMus-t 21 S_er_ies Must ,21' Qua,rtzLight'ers-Timewal+ker* Chr.onogr_aphSmal_l Sec-ond-s Edi,tionFor*mula 1* Ki*mi R.aikko,nen Ed_ition_Rattra-pante' Auto,matic+Noma_deNew Sa_ntos_ Serie.s Sa-ntos, 100Co+rumO'yster D.at_ejus't White, Gold'Pors-che D.esignFli'g+ht Deck C-h,ronograph+ 'Tourbillo'n*Lumin+or Aut.omat+ic Tou,rbillion'Bai.gno'ireS T 'Dupont ,R-eplic.a Lighte'rs* Collec'tion, 200-6Variant'es _Tourbi,llon +Spor.tsBai+gnoi*re All+onge-eS T Du'pont Re_pl_ica Li.ghter+s Col'lec*tion -2006Happ.y D+iamond,s Spir,it Edi.ti_onHaute ,Horl+ogeri.e +Tourbi_llonS_ubmers+ible M'oonp,hase-Loui+s Vuitto-n Bags' & -Wallets.Diag.ono' Scuba- Chron*ograp*hBR.01 9'6Spitfir-e M,ark XV,Sarc,arMo.nt Bla,ncCo_Axi+al P+ow*er Rese+rveD'upont L.ighte-rs Co'llection- 2,005M-ont Bla_nc Key_ch'ainsCha+nelCa-rtie+rOyster, Day d,at,e Wh-ite Gol-dLo*cketLo*uis Vu'itton_ Bags *& Wall,ets_Chron+o B*ankerR.adoAdmi+ra*l's Cu_p Tide_s 48Pr.eciou,s M,etal F+light, De_ck Chron*ogr-aphA.yrton Se+nna,Louis ,Vuit_ton +Bags & W*allet*sSport- E'volution, Imp_act T.ourbi+llonLu-mino.r M'arina +SS Br_acele*tLink _Aut_omatic C,hron'ogra.phScha+ffh.ausen's 'Watches ,Spitf-ire C,hro+nographB_en*tley Mo*to_rs Chrono-grap,hImpe+ri-al Tourb*illon+ Moon+phrase_ Chro.no_grap*hJaquet 'Dro.zNavit_imer+ Chr-onoMatic,J12 *Whi_te Chron+ogr_aphRever-soB.ig P_ilotChan'e.lRoger' Dubuis,Roya+l Oak _Chron'ograph,Na*viti.mer C,hronoMa-ticGC+ SE 1, Chro+nograp_hJub+ile_e Datejus+t, SSPo*rtuguese -C.lassicTr,adi_tion* Tourbi,llo'n Col_lectio'nOmega* Seama'ster P'lanet_ Oce,anSu*nsetP-earlm*aster '18k_ GoldBla.ncpa_inM.ille Mi*gli'a GMT St-ainle-ss S-teel +Br_acelet.Flight +Deck -Ch'ronogra+ph Tour,billo'nPash_a S'eatimer+ 2006'P_ano Ret_ro Grap-h'J12 Black_ -ParisM+ille Mig_lia G,MT R'ubber -Strap,Paner-aiLu.mino,r Subm.ersib.leChr+onogra,p.he Ce.rtifi-e Chro'nometreF+l.ight Dec,k T_ourbi_llo*nClass'ic Sq.uare Au.tomat'ic,Trad_ition _Tourbill'on .Collect_io+nSuperl+egge*ra J12. White_Penda'nt'Tiffa+ny & CO, Eari-ngsPan'ther,eRa_doEmp_orio Arm-aniR_ad.iomirCh+rono ,BankerC,as+abla.nca Tour,bil'lon Ch+ronogra-phLa,ngemat.i*k Perpe-tual.Vinta'ge 1945 -X+XL Ch+ronograph,M'ont B-lanc Ball.po_int | VERTU Signature Posted: 18 Feb 2010 12:12 PM PST Vertu creates phones for discerning individuals who demand the best in everything they buy. The product of years of development, each Vertu is a complex masterpiece. It combines the finest materials with the highest traditions of craftsmanship. While other phones are mass produced by the millions, a Vertu is hand-built in England, one at a time. Inevitably, Vertu can only make such phones in very limited numbers: each one is rare, precious and highly exclusive. Vertu has always been in a class of its own. Born from a pioneering vision to create the world's first luxury phone, it has been driven by a relentless obsession with perfection ever since. Today, it is recognised as the pinnacle of mobile phone excellence in more than 50 counties around the world. Backed by the unrivalled technology and resources of Nokia, yet fiercely independent, it has built a reputation for quality second to none, even among the finest luxury goods. VERTU Signature S Design Gold Vertu Signature S Design Silver VERTU Signature Gold & Platinum VERTU Signature Gold Polished VERTU Signature Stainless Steel Matte VERTU Signature Stainless Steel or Yellow Gold VERTU Signature Cobra Boucheron Limited Edition VERTU Signature Cobra Boucheron Limited Silver Edition VERTU Signature Python Gold VERTU Signature Python Platinum Vertu Goldvish Mobiado Tag Heuer VX id:qw345t6y NEWS: Kosher Finds in Vancouver, Martinique Gets a Chabad House, and more ... Posted: 18 Feb 2010 09:01 AM PST | Acai Berry Elite Review Posted: 18 Feb 2010 08:30 AM PST Acai Berry Elite Review Acai Berry Elite is one of the capsule types of extracted Acai berry. There seem to be a lot of these types of Acai supplement available but don�t forget the juice type of supplement�s that are also available if these suit your lifestyle better they can be quite a refreshing drink full of nutrition and goodness. People are getting some great results with Acai Berry Elite that are normal for Acai based supplements. With users reporting some great weight loss figures people loosing 22lbs in a short space of time, looking great and feeling fantastic. But remember the Acai berry is not just about weight loss. It is about a whole lot of other things besides and has some miraculous benefits for us. These benefits are in many areas of the body, a lot of these benefits are due to the amount of antioxidant�s that the fruit contains. Clearing out the toxins that are in us and helping our body to do what it is supposed to do. The Acai berry and the supplements that are based on it like Acai Berry Ultimate have received some great praise from celebrities and normal everyday people alike. The fruit has undergone some scientific research to see if it is possible to do what the claims say it can. Short term studies have shown that it can have some serious benefits for us even helping to weaken and kill cancerous cells. Longer term studies are ongoing which will be interesting to see. Click here to get a FREE Bottle of Acai Berry Elite!!! Anti-oxidant cleansing is all the rage right now. The popularity of Acai Berry is steadily increasing thanks to many hight profile stars in Hollywood. Celebrities are now using Acai Berry to give them the anti-oxidant fighting superpower they need. Acai is now becoming the berry of choice amongst the celeb elite! | | | | |
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