If a relaxing moment turns into the right moment, will you be ready? You can be with CIALIS. Posted: 25 Feb 2010 06:53 AM PST Sexual Health Restore your sex life, or just give it a little kick. Erectile dysfunction (ED), sometimes referred to as impotence, is the inability for a sexually active male to obtain and sustain an erection for sexual purposes. In the past, this has been very embarrassing for men, and a source of anxiety for their partners, and, in fact, there has been very little diagnostic testing or treatment options available until very recently. This problem affects at least 30 percent of all adult males, and 85 percent of the causes of ED are organic and due to an actual physical problem. In general, only 15 percent are of a severe nature, which is to say, the inability to obtain any type of erection whatsoever. With the advent of the safe and effective oral medications Viagra (Sildenafil) and Cialis (Tadalafil), the entire evaluation and treatment process for ED has become revolutionized. Since 1998, the number of patients seen by physicians has doubled, and up to 75 percent of these patients will respond very well to Viagra. The remainder might need other treatment modalities, some of which include combinations with Viagra or Cialis. Any physician can prescribe Viagra and Cialis; however, being seen by a doctor is not necessary in order to try the medication and see if it works well for you. These medications are proven to be effective, and are safe enough to be taken by men who are taking other medications as well. What are you waiting for? Restore your sex life to normal, or just give it a little extra kick. Millions of men use Viagra and Cialis today, improving their sex lives permanently. The boost to their confidence is undeniable, and their relationships are stronger and more intimate. Try it today to see if it's right for you. Sex can be one of the most enjoyable parts of your life. It strengthens relationships and adds excitement. Always be ready. If you have a problem getting or keeping an erection, you are not alone. In fact, more than half of all men over forty have difficulties getting or maintaining an erection. This condition, called erectile dysfunction (ED), occurs with younger and older men as well, but there's a safe, effective and easy method of treatment: Viagra. When the time is right, you'll always be ready. ------------------------------------------------------------- If a relaxing moment turns into the right moment, will you be ready? You can be with CIALIS. Relax and take your time. CIALIS is the only ED tablet clinically proven to both work up to 36 hours and work in some men as fast as 15 minutes. With CIALIS you don't have to hurry if you dont want to and you don't have to schedule your love making. You and your partner can relax and take time to choose the moment that's right for you, whether it's right now, or later on. You've got time. | |
Obtain a University Degree based on your professional experience. Posted: 25 Feb 2010 06:51 AM PST AFFORDABLE ONLINE BACHEL0R'S, MASTER'S & DOCT0RATE DEGREES Add Bache1or's, Master's or Doctorate Degrees to your resume in just 4-6 weeks and open avenues to promotion and better jobs! At your Own Pace! At your Own Schedule! At your Own Convenience! No Examination! No Study! No Class! Regardless of your location, you can receive a degree in your desired field. All you need is sufficient knowledge, military, or professional experience and you are on your way to an instant degree in your relevant field. Earn a recognized University Degree based on professional experience within a few weeks! Get your desired degree on the basis of your Prior Knowledge and professional Experience. Give us a call NOW! +1-801-461-5023 Please leave us your: 1) Your Name 2) Your Country 3) Phone No. with country code if outside USA We will get back to you ASAP 2w8u9o0p |
Purim with the Rebbe Posted: 25 Feb 2010 06:47 AM PST | | |
Adar 11, 5770 · February 25, 2010 A Short Story
As told by Rabbi Chaim Moshe Bergstein I was nine years old when I went into my first private audience with the Rebbe, of righteous memory. The Rebbe asked me whether I was wearing tzitzit, and I answered affirmatively. (They were tucked into my pants.) Then the Rebbe asked me if I knew how many strings are on the tzitzit. I responded that I did not know. "Why not?" the Rebbe gently asked. "I had never counted them," I responded. "Have you ever received money?" "Yes." "Do you count your money?" "Of course I do," I responded, finally understanding what the Rebbe was patiently trying to explain. "What is more important?" the Rebbe continued. "Money that is temporary, or wearing tzitzit, and thereby fulfilling Divine will?" The Rebbe then asked me what I had learned that day. The hour was around nine in the evening, but my mind suddenly went blank. However, I did remember what I learned the day before, and I told that to the Rebbe. The Rebbe smiled at me and, somehow, I felt the Rebbe knew that it was not that day's learning I was repeating... I feel that the Rebbe wanted to teach me that we should not just do mitzvot, but contemplate what we are doing, even to the extent of which a child is capable. The Rebbe spoke to me so nicely that I did not feel berated or put down; rather, I felt that the Rebbe truly cared about what I knew and what I was learning. At the end of the audience, the Rebbe closed his eyes and gave me many blessings and told me to give nachat to my parents. Click here to join the discussion on this story. | This Week's Features | | | | |
If a relaxing moment turns into the right moment, will you be ready? You can be with CIALIS. Posted: 25 Feb 2010 06:45 AM PST Sexual Health Restore your sex life, or just give it a little kick. Erectile dysfunction (ED), sometimes referred to as impotence, is the inability for a sexually active male to obtain and sustain an erection for sexual purposes. In the past, this has been very embarrassing for men, and a source of anxiety for their partners, and, in fact, there has been very little diagnostic testing or treatment options available until very recently. This problem affects at least 30 percent of all adult males, and 85 percent of the causes of ED are organic and due to an actual physical problem. In general, only 15 percent are of a severe nature, which is to say, the inability to obtain any type of erection whatsoever. With the advent of the safe and effective oral medications Viagra (Sildenafil) and Cialis (Tadalafil), the entire evaluation and treatment process for ED has become revolutionized. Since 1998, the number of patients seen by physicians has doubled, and up to 75 percent of these patients will respond very well to Viagra. The remainder might need other treatment modalities, some of which include combinations with Viagra or Cialis. Any physician can prescribe Viagra and Cialis; however, being seen by a doctor is not necessary in order to try the medication and see if it works well for you. These medications are proven to be effective, and are safe enough to be taken by men who are taking other medications as well. What are you waiting for? Restore your sex life to normal, or just give it a little extra kick. Millions of men use Viagra and Cialis today, improving their sex lives permanently. The boost to their confidence is undeniable, and their relationships are stronger and more intimate. Try it today to see if it's right for you. Sex can be one of the most enjoyable parts of your life. It strengthens relationships and adds excitement. Always be ready. If you have a problem getting or keeping an erection, you are not alone. In fact, more than half of all men over forty have difficulties getting or maintaining an erection. This condition, called erectile dysfunction (ED), occurs with younger and older men as well, but there's a safe, effective and easy method of treatment: Viagra. When the time is right, you'll always be ready. ------------------------------------------------------------- If a relaxing moment turns into the right moment, will you be ready? You can be with CIALIS. Relax and take your time. CIALIS is the only ED tablet clinically proven to both work up to 36 hours and work in some men as fast as 15 minutes. With CIALIS you don't have to hurry if you dont want to and you don't have to schedule your love making. You and your partner can relax and take time to choose the moment that's right for you, whether it's right now, or later on. You've got time. | |
Sex can be one of the most enjoyable parts of your life. It strengthens relationships and adds excitement. Posted: 25 Feb 2010 06:38 AM PST Sexual Health Restore your sex life, or just give it a little kick. Erectile dysfunction (ED), sometimes referred to as impotence, is the inability for a sexually active male to obtain and sustain an erection for sexual purposes. In the past, this has been very embarrassing for men, and a source of anxiety for their partners, and, in fact, there has been very little diagnostic testing or treatment options available until very recently. This problem affects at least 30 percent of all adult males, and 85 percent of the causes of ED are organic and due to an actual physical problem. In general, only 15 percent are of a severe nature, which is to say, the inability to obtain any type of erection whatsoever. With the advent of the safe and effective oral medications Viagra (Sildenafil) and Cialis (Tadalafil), the entire evaluation and treatment process for ED has become revolutionized. Since 1998, the number of patients seen by physicians has doubled, and up to 75 percent of these patients will respond very well to Viagra. The remainder might need other treatment modalities, some of which include combinations with Viagra or Cialis. Any physician can prescribe Viagra and Cialis; however, being seen by a doctor is not necessary in order to try the medication and see if it works well for you. These medications are proven to be effective, and are safe enough to be taken by men who are taking other medications as well. What are you waiting for? Restore your sex life to normal, or just give it a little extra kick. Millions of men use Viagra and Cialis today, improving their sex lives permanently. The boost to their confidence is undeniable, and their relationships are stronger and more intimate. Try it today to see if it's right for you. Sex can be one of the most enjoyable parts of your life. It strengthens relationships and adds excitement. Always be ready. If you have a problem getting or keeping an erection, you are not alone. In fact, more than half of all men over forty have difficulties getting or maintaining an erection. This condition, called erectile dysfunction (ED), occurs with younger and older men as well, but there's a safe, effective and easy method of treatment: Viagra. When the time is right, you'll always be ready. ------------------------------------------------------------- If a relaxing moment turns into the right moment, will you be ready? You can be with CIALIS. Relax and take your time. CIALIS is the only ED tablet clinically proven to both work up to 36 hours and work in some men as fast as 15 minutes. With CIALIS you don't have to hurry if you dont want to and you don't have to schedule your love making. You and your partner can relax and take time to choose the moment that's right for you, whether it's right now, or later on. You've got time. | |
rolex 50th anniversary submariner price, best rolex watch winder Posted: 25 Feb 2010 06:35 AM PST 6t6yeu8i9 The, M,ariner,Lumin.or Arkt.osSea,master*s_ Aqua Te,rra* Aut*omaticSun.setD -& G K,eych'ainsL.ou'is Vuitto*n Bag.s &* Wal_letsLou-is V'uitt+on B*ags & Wal,letsG+rand+e Co+mpli-cations +Per_petual ,C'alend_er Chr+onograp,hCla'ssic' RoundM-ont B*la,ncChr.onosw'issLo.uis Vuitt+on Ba'gs* & Walle'tsSo'nat.a Chron+ograph. +Colle*ctionF+lyback -Spor.ts Chro,nogra'phO.mega Sp-eed,mas'ter Pr,ofession'a+lJ12 C+lassicN-avi'timer *Moonp*hase C'hronog*r_aphCraz+y Hour.s T*ourbilli'onTo_rt'ue Ch,ronograph_Ca,rbon Ch-ron-ograp*hOval, Series_Compli_cati*on 'Moon-phase Chr*onogr+aphL+oui's Vuitto-n B,ags &+ Walle+tsA,quat*imer Chro-nogr-aphBR _01 R*AID,De Vi+lle Co A'xial* 3 fac*ed C'hr-onome.terA L'ange &+ So*hneLu_minor Ma*rina' Rubb'er Ban*dRetta_n-golo -Chronog,raph+De Vi-lle Co A'xial. 3 f+aced C.hron'omete-rLou'is Vu,itton B_ags '& Walle.t.sRadoB*R01 96M,ilga,ussOyst_er* Perpetu+a_l SSDio'rLimit-ed & N.um'bered Ed'i*tionsPor*tugu,ese _ClassicL.oui-s Vu_itto,n Bags &+ Wal.let'sPoliceO_yster -Dat-eju'st SSCo*nquist'ado+r Chro*nogra*phMast-er C'olle'ction M_aster .A_utomati-c Chro.no*graphTour,bill+onSant'o.s 100 Fl,ying T'ou-rbillio+nI*nstru'ment B'R Air,borne+ Lim.ited Edit_ion,Navitim'er H'er*itage.De Vill.e C+oAxial .CoAxial+ +Rattra,panteHa'ppy+ Diamo.nds S_por_t Oval*J12 Cl.assic,Plat*inum/Whi,te+ Gold -Presi*dential* D_atejus.tDay +Date T'ourb.illonB'lack M.urak-amiSan't.os 100 F_lying_ Tou+rbillio.nChr.onoma,t -Chronogr+aphFe.rra,ri Gra-nturism-o R_attrap-anteJu*bilee. Dat*ejust, S.SFormu_la 1 -Seri*es Formu'la 1 *Chro,nograph*Rol*ex Spor.ts .ModelsO-yste_r Day+ dat.e 18k ,GoldCa,rrer-a C_alibre' 1C-hrono'graph-e Cer*tifie Chr-on_ometreJ1+2+ Class+ic Chron-ogra.ph,Langem'atik .Perpe-tualLo.uis +Vuitton -Bal_lpoi,ntPa+no Ret.ro Grap+h18Kt/'SS -Two To-ne -Dateju*stOri.sUtah, Le.atherGra,nd. Carre,ra C,alibre* Chron_ograp_hCla-ssicSp_eedMa-ster D_ate-Seamast-er- Aqua Te_rra- Railmas,te+rFormula* 1 Se*rie+s Form+ula *1 Ch-ronog_raphVIN+TAGE_ 126L.aur_eato -EVO C*hronogra_phSu-per Oc-ean*Rattra'pan'te Ch_ronogra_phAc.ademia C-hron-ogr_aphAl*ain _Silbers'tei_nAlumi,nium C'hro*nographLa+dys_ Quart'zLouis- Vu_itton ,Ba_gs & ,Wallets*Chronom,e,tre Na.viti.merMi_glia Powe'r C*ontr.ol Gran 'Tur+ism.o XLHan'dba*gs & 'Wallets, Lum.inor. Dayligh.tConq'uist*ador_ Chronog_raph,Panoma_ti-cMilgaus.sBR- SS,peedmast.er. Profes_siona_l Ch'ronogr'aphTi-ffany- & CO N_ec_klace'Seama-ster+ Aqua- TerraPo*rtof*ino Aut+omati,cCa+rrer_a Ch.ronog-raph T.achym.eterDi_orOv'al Serie+s,Zenith,Slyt+ech Chro,nogra-ph+White M'urakami.boxs.etsPol.i,ceJ12 Cl*assicS_p.itfir+e Mark_ XVJ1_2 Whi+te Tou_rbillio,nSupe*rleg'ger*a J12 .Bla+ck Ta-chymet_re Chron_ogra+phAdm+iral's- Cup+ To.urbil*lion 48B'rushe_d +Steel S_eriesL,oui.s V,uitton _Bags_ & Walle,tsMas_ter,pie.ce Whi_te G_oldUtah ,Leathe_rO*mega' Seam,aster 300_ 'M Chrono-me'terLouis _Vu_itton' Bags &, Wall-etsCo'mp*lication-sOmega' 'De Vil+le Co _Axial G*MTA+lumini*umSar,carLo-uis Vu+itt.on Bag+s &, Wal'letsSt+ Dupo'nt Foun_tainD_upont _L'imite'd Edition_ Se,riesF,ull 'Stainl_ess St,ee.l Date*justCon,quist-ador*BR01 To.u'rbillon R.ubbe.r _StrapP,armi_giani Fl'eurier-Co_mpli.cation M'oo*nphas+e Chr'onograp+hCorti+na C+hronogr'aph _(Brace_let)+Ful.l Stain_less S*teel 'J-ubilee *Datej'ustThe_ Mari,nerL,ouis -Vuitt_on Bags' & W_al.letsT'ag Heu-erFa+cetoPar.isTh_ousa.nds of, Feet CS'3. Chronogr*aphS.up*erleg.gera J1-2 Wh*ite Ch+ronogr_aphT,ech*nomarin,eRoyal_ Oak. 30th_ Anni,vers-ary Chr*onogr_aphSan+tos- 100 F*lyin_g To-urbil*lionLo,ng _Island Au+toma+ti-cHerm+es Cuffl.in.ksPano_matic_Royal O*ak 30+th _Anni_versary* Chr.onograph'Migl'ia G.ran _Turism+o X*L Chr-onogra_phCartie'r B'all-pointFor_mula ,1 Se.ries +Chro+nographF.ormul_a 1 K*imi .Raikk'onen 'Edit,ionDup_ont. Limited. Ed*ition_ Series+Om'ega De V_ill,e Co +Axi'al GMTCr,azy 'Hours *Tourb_ill*onGran- Turi.smo Ch'ronogr.aphG.C -Diver C-hic Ch.ro,nograph+BR S,Must 2-1 Seri*es +Must, 21 Qu.artzJ12- Tourb*ill*onChr.onos,wiss'Thousan.ds of F,eet C,S+3 Chrono.grap,hAquara,cer ,Calib*re +5 Autom*ati'cTiff*any & ,CO Ea_ringsPi_ccad.ily (D'iam_ond b'ezel)J'out- & N,uit Au.tomaticT-T3 'Chrono,graphO,m_ega S*peedmas.ter, Snoo-py Editi-on-Tourbil'lon P,ower R_eserve-Lou+is .Vuitto-n Rolle*rbal-lRolex +new, model+sGuc*ci Bal'lpo'intH+ermes -Watches-Long +Isl,and Chr*onog'raph+Patek *Philip,peBR01. 94 -Ch_ronograph*BR0-1 96Jae,ger L,e.CoultreTo,r*tue Seri+esLi+mit+ed & Num'bere+d E.dition,sArmani ,Keyc+ha*insCart*ier- Ballpoin.tM_aster_piece. White +Gold*18Kt/'SS Tw'o Ton,e O*yster Da*tej.ustDiago-n+o Sotiri*o _Chronogr,aph*Vers'ace C.ufflinks'Specia_litie*s O_lymp'ic Col+lecti-on Ti,meless.Guc+ciCla*ssical' Bi_llionair.e _Tourbi'llonS.chaffh*ause'n Pil_ot's+ Watche-s Spi-tfi_re Chrono'g-raphG'uessJ12+ Cla*ssic- Chrono,graphL.ou'is Vui+tton Ba_gs+ & Walle_ts'Le Gra,nde C+lass.ique Quar*tz' 37mmNo.made*Speedm_aster+ Bro_ad Arro,w.The M*ariner-Chop.ardRa.doPens*Omeg'a De Vil_le+ Co Axia_l GMT*Lau.reat-o EVO C*hronogr,aphL,ouis *Vuitt-on .Bags &, Wal*letsAyr'ton S'en'naAdmiral_'s C,up *Compet_iti_on Victor+y, Chal,lengeLoui+s -Vuitton- Bag-s & Wa+lle-tsCompli+cati+on M-oonp'hase, Chro-nographLo-ui's Vu'itton Ba'gs _& Wa'lletsDia*gono- Scuba. C.hrono-graphJe.welry &+ Acce*ssor.ies_ Ferrar-i Gra*nt-urismo R.att*rapa*nte1815 -Chrono.graph.Lumi-no,r Reg_attaDa-tograph, Perp*etual,Ra,diomi+r Tou'rbillionC.asab*lanca_ T,ourbillon_ _Chrono'graphPla-tinum_/Wh-ite G'old P+residen+tial' Dat.ejust'Ful'l 18K G*old Yac+h_tmast'er IIMon+t B,lanc+ Keychai'nsGra.nd C-ompli'catio*nPanth-ereGu,cci B+allpoi,ntLo'ui*s Vui,tton B'ags &' Wal+letsLan.gematik_ _Perpetua'lB_aby acces's-oriesDu.al time. -Chronomet'e+rNavi'timer Her*ita+geSc.haffha'usen P-ilot+'s Wa*tches S+pitfi-re* Chro+nogra+phNeckl.aceSp,itfire- M.ark .XVRolex D_at'ejustsL,imi+ted S'port's Edit'ion Ch'ronog-rap,hLouis Vu'it-ton Bag,s ,& Walle.tsLum-inor' Classi+cComp.licati'ons ,Chrono-grap,h Tour,bill-ion'Navitime-rL,uminor G'MT,Class-icSpo-rt Class.iq*ue Ch,rono'graphB+lancpa-inInst*rument' B_R Airbor.ne+ Limite+d .EditionMo.n_aco 24 ,Calibre- -Autom.atic Chro+n-ograp*hRoyal O+ak+ Offsh.ore T3Lo,uis V-uitt,on Cu,fflin*ks+Louis_ Vuitton +Ba,gs & +Wallet-sSEL'ink Ca.libr+e 5 A'utomat*icR+otond-e Tou.rbill+on Perpe_tual C-alend'ar'Sport C-hrono.graph,Ti,tan Chr+onogr.aphCa*latrav.a Chr+on*ograph.Christ,al _Diamond, Bra,celetMer+ce-des Be,nz _SLR C.hronogr_aphMa+xi +Marine Ch-r+onomete+rMaster- Moon.Aven+ger 'Titaniu-m'Happy -Diamond.s S,port Squ.ar+eLighte-rsAqu.arace+rBR*01 9*7 Powe*r Re-serveAq+uar-acer Cali'b.re S *Chron+ographSch,af_fhause,n Regul_at_eurEnica,rMono.gram- Perf-oLo*uis Vu.itton .Bags_ & Wall'etsP'rofi,le XL C.hrono'graph.Louis- V+uitt.on Ba.gs & W_alletsLu*mi*nor Cla'ssic+Royal O_akH'aut'e Horlog+er.ie To,urbil+lonCla+ssic Ca,rre,raSport' Cla,ssi_que Chr*onog*raphTou_rbill.on- Power R,eserv'eAy.rton Sen*n,aLanier+es 'Series,Black Mu,raka,mi_BR01 9.7 Power ,Reser+v+eExca+libur _Chron+ographC+hron*o B-ankerLo*uis Vui+tt*on Bags *&_ Wallet_sMa*rine Chr_onogr+aphLan,gem_ati_k Perpe-tualSc-haffha'usen* Regul'at+eurOyst_er Da_y d*ate 18k_ Gold,Com_plicati_on Mo.onp,hase C_hronog*raphCo.nqui,stador- +KingSo+tiri*o Compli.cation+s +Tourbil-lon_Casab'lanca *Tour_billon C.hro+nograph*Aqua+racer .Calib.re. S C+hronogr*aphD.iagono S*cuba' Chron'o.graphMo'nt _BlancChro*n+omatic C*er*tifie Chr_onom,etre-Jewelry. &' Access,or*ies Pash+a CFe_rrari ,Gran+turism_o+ GMTAqu'ara,cer Cal'ibre .S Chron+ograp-h. Laptim+eDia_gono+ Sotirio+ Ch.ronogra.ph.Tortue. Seri_esPiccad-ily, (Dia'mon_d bezel.)Guc*ci Ballp'oi.ntTourb*ill*on Power' R,eserve*Louis _Vuitto.n B-ags* & Wallet*sLimi*ted F-F Ed_ition +Chron.ogra,ph_Maste*r Moo_nUlysses+ Nar'dinF,ull .18K Go'ld Yacht.m.aster II+Gra-nd Compl.i-cationL.ouis_ Vuitt,on Ba-gs &, Wal*letsNom_adeLon*gitud_e Chro'nogra,phAqu*ar-acer C*alibre- 5 Aut-omati,c. Chrono*gra,phLoui-s Vuitt.on -Bags &. Wa+lletsSp,eedM,aster 'DateO-yste_r Day *date. Whit'e Gold+Chr+onomete,r Moo,nphas,e Lim_ited Ed_it+ionPia_getMill,e' Migl*ia GMT Ru,b,ber Strap'Porto,fi*no Aut-omatic.Conqu.istad+or. KingTank,Na*vitimer _Heri'tag-eLou,is Vui.tton- Bags & _Wall*ets'Audemar's Pi*guetTi'ffany &_ CO, Neckla,ce-Port*ofino _Auto*maticJub'ile Qu*artz 'Me+n With. Diamo+nd Bez*e.l Option_Class+ic Sq-uare A-ut+omatic+Fra-nck Mulle-rLou-is- Vuitto_n Bag*s &+ Wall.etsAquara'cer*Locket_Lou+is Vu,itto.n Bags &' W+alletsEDC.ION *Limita'da Ch'ronog+ra,phBrei+tlingJ1,2 Wh_it+eConcordM+ont B,la,nc Fou+nta'in Pe'nPreci+ous Me.tal Fli*gh-t Dec+k Chron.ogr'aphThe+ Mar.inerNa'vitime.r Heri_tag-eJ12 Cl,ass_ic +Diamon*ds Chr-onograp*hCo.mpli*catio,ns Ch*ronogr_aph*Superle*ggera +J12+ Whi.tePre-sident W.hite G*oldBR_ SLum,in,orPas-ha de Ca'rtie-rB-rushed .Steel +Seri+esMovad.oLoui,s V*uitton* B,ags &, Wall_etsSeam'asterMi_g'lia Gr_an Tu+rismo _XL Chr'onog+raphTT3' Chro*n,ograph_GC SE 1 *C'hronog+raphRad+io*mir Tou_rbill*ion,Oyster Da_y d*ate. 18k Gold-Po+rtug,uese Ch+ronogr.aphBab'y ac_cesso.rie_sVer'sace Cu'fflin_ksBvlga*ri P,end_antGary+ Suffi+r C_hron_ograph A,utom.aticCa_sab+lanc'a SS B,racelet'Full' 18K G_old P*res'ide,ntial _Day Da_te, Fu-lly I*ced D+ial_Armani. Keycha'in,sPano *Retro _Gra+phDupon.t Re+plic*a Li'ghters' Col'lecti.on 2005L,ouis *Vui-tton +Cuff*linksL.angemat+ik +Big Date.Bai'gnoi,re Al_longe'eAven'ger _Titani'umCrazy* H_ours T_ourbi,llon Pow.er_ Indi+catorG-irard P'e*rregaux,Locket_Sports. C'hron+ograph+AignerF'errari* Gr.anturi_smo' GMTLou.is Vu,itton .Ba-gs & W+allet+sLange+ 1Se+amaster. Aqu*a T+erraCart_i+er Pendan.tTor'tu'e Chr.onographA_u+demars -Pigue+tPortu-gue+se Chro-nog'raphGu_cci R-oll'erLouis V*uit+ton ,Bags & *Wa_lletsAign+er_Port'uguese FA- Jo'nes E.ditio,nPrec-ious ,Metal' Cl+assico G,olden, Crown-Oy,ster Da'teju,st 1_8k & -SSTwen*ty *4Formu+la 1 In-dy 50_0 Edi-ti_onBvl,gariSpeed.maste-r Br,oad, Arrow1*8Kt/SS+ +Two T,one Pr'esident+ial Da'te_just'Chronog.raphLo_uis V-uitt,on Ba*gs +& Wallets_Fiero.C+razy H,ours T'ourb-illon. Power I-nd_icator,Loui+s Vui.tton Ba'gs +& Wall'etsCo'mplic-ation'sComp,licatio+n Mo-onpha'se* Chro_nograph,BR 0,1 RAI,DPash,a De_ Cart,ier Po'wer Rese*rve,Suns_etCon+stell.ation C-lassic.D+e Ville. Co+ Axial. Chr'onomet+erCo_Axi-al_ Powe'r Rese_rveEm,pori+o Arm*aniS_peedMaste.r +DateSu_perl-egge-ra J1,2 WhiteT_iffany* & CO* Neck-la'cePro+fessiona*l_ Golf +WatchD.ouble *Eag+le Autom*at*ic Chron*ogra'phSl*im 'Case _Automatic,Louis- Vui_tt,on Bag*s & *Wallet'sNicolas, Rieu's_sec C,hronograp_h Pla,t,inumSp+eedmaste_rJ1'2 Cl-assi_cCurvex+ Autom*aticC.hro,nome-tre Nav,iti.merUly*sses ,NardinG*rand C+om_plicati.onMil,lena,ryBR01* 9_4 Chr'onogr-aphRoya-l Oak ,Off-shore T3-P,anerai-Moon.phase_Mille 'Miglia- GMT* Rubb+er S_trapJout, & N-uit Aut,oma*ticSa.ntos 1+00 Sk.eleton*Sarca'rMo-nt -Blanc Ba-llpoi-ntSa*ntos* 100. Flying+ Tourbi_llio+nS-ELouis Vu,itton_ Ba'gs & Wa'll-etsSa+ntos 100* F.lying To_urbi*ll+ion188,4 Hercu.les S.erie+sCla,ssique A*u'tomaticJu_bilee+Sp,ort Cl.assique' Chro+n,ographC-lassic* Ro+undDatog,r+aph Per.petualV*a+riantes T,our,bill.on Sport.sLou*is* Vuit-ton B-ags & -WalletsA.q'uaracer *Ca+libre* S Chron,ograph, La*ptim-eInstru_me'nt BR Ai,rb*orne Limi'te-d Edi.tionLock+e*tDeepsea _Se+a Dwell,erSena+tor N_a+vigat_or Chron.og-raphExcal*ibu+r C'hronogra-phBrus_hed. St-eel Se+riesB_rushed +Ste,el S+eriesChr+onog'raphR+olex Da_teju-stsAu_demars_ Pig,uetLou_is .Vuitt_on B'allpoin,tMast+er Cl'ass*ic Auto,mati.cGran-de Son+neri.e Tou,rbi-llon Moo-nphra-se Ch.ronog*ra,phMaster+pie+ce Whi,te Gol'dCa-latrav*a Ch_ronograp*h'Seama.sterBR'01 97 Po*w+er Res_erveT+ommy .Hilfi*gerDupon+t- Limit,ed Edi.tio*n Seri_esCh_ronograph' Indi.c+ator b'y Exter.naGC S*E 1. Chrono_gr.aphOmega_ 'Seamas.ter R-ailma+ster C+hronogr.aph-Chop'ard +PendantRa'tt,rapant*e C.hronog,raphMont* B.lanc* Rolle_rballPro,fe'ssiona-l Golf +Watc.hMa'ster Cl_assi+c Au_tomat'icCurve_x .Automati'cF1, Dual -Tim.e Chronog'ra'phClassi_cal+ Billio.na'ire Tou+rbil+lonC_uffli.nksFace'to*Chron+omatic Ce.rtif.ie Ch+ronome*tre'Diag+ono -RubberH'aute Ho'rlo*geri'e Tourbi'l,lonRo,adster+Lani_eres Seri'es_Milgau,ssConc,ord'DiorGu-cci* G Classi,cM'ont +Blanc_ Ballp.ointL-ouis -Vuitto,n B_ags & Wa.lletsM,ille, Migl'ia .Chronog-ra-ph Rubber+ St*rap.Louis' Vuitton *Bags+ & Wa-llet_sNBA S.tar -Yao* Ming Li*mi-ted Edi_tionR,oyal Oa,kRoy-al+ Oak Chr+onogr_aph ,Limit*ed Ed-itionT.aiga'Gucci ,Key*chai-nsDe -Ville+ CoAxia.l CoA,xial Ra.tt_rapan,teCa_rbon C.hronogra_ph*Ballo,n Glass_ Sly_tech C*hron-ograph,Spit,fire' UTCSpi+tfir'e Ma.rk XVVIN+T_AGE 126Lo'u+is Vuitt*on B.ags & 'Walle.tsO,mega 'Seamas,ter Spe-cial. E_ditionS.pitfir,e Mar_k XVC,lassi,c Sant,os S*er.ies Sa,ntos Cl.ass,ic |
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Cla+ssique C'h,ronograp.hTita,n Ch+ronog.raphCh_ronog*raph, In+dicator b-y Ext.erna_Chr.istia-n Dior- Cu_fflinks'Seamast+e*r Pro 3.00m S*eamas'ter 300.m GM-TJ,12 Whit,e C,hronograp-hSpee*dMas-ter +DateNec*klac.eDiag'ono T,ita.niumD+atograp+hWel.derMill*e ,Migli,a Chro-nograp,h Rub_ber_ StrapT,iff,any & CO' E*arin_gsRad.iomir Tou-rb-illi,onDe 'Ville CoA.xi*al C_oAxial, Rattr_apante,BR* 01 R*AIDMille. Migl*ia* GMT Sta,inle,ss Ste.el Br.acele,tRo*tond-e de 'Carti+er Tou'rbill,ion *Chronogr*aph+Jout+ & Nui,t Automa+ticR_adio_mirLou_is *Vuitt'on Bag-s & ,WalletsR*adio'mi+rPanther_eN.avitimer .Moo-nphas*e Chro-nogra_ph_Luggage S*trap'Lumi_nor M,arina R+ubb'er Band*C_o_Axi,al Auto'matic' Chr'onometer,Sl*im Case- A_utomaticL-umin+or' Marina S*S Br'ac-eletO_mega .Seamaster' 300. M G*MTNavi,ti.mer Chron-oMa,ticLoui_s_ Vuitton 'B'ags & W-allets_Form,ula 1 -Indy' 500- Edition'Sp-itfire .Mar'k XV.Longine*sRed D_evil' Ban.g Limite'd* Edition- Chr+onogr,aphTime*walke_r_ Series 'Chrono+grap+hBrus,hed- Ste.el Se'riesJ1.2 White- L*eathe*r Ban.dTwen-ty 4Pr+eciou,s Met_al Flig.ht D_eck_ MBBab.y access-or'iesMilg-auss-Tor-ino Chro*nogra*phLo'uis -Vuit*ton Bag,s & Wal,lets,Monaco_ 24 _Cali.bre -Automati+c- Chro.nographJ+12 S'upe+rleggera +C+hronogr_aph_Blanc'painB.R01 Tourb,illo,n R'ubber S,tr.apVega's Automa*t_icMoo+nphase*Aquarace_r .Calibr'e 5 .Automat,ic Ch_ron_ographSE,Mono_gram P,e+rfoTach-ymetre 'C.hronogr-aphGra*nd Co'mpl,icat_ion Moo+nphase *C'hrono+graph,Limited S'po*rts Edi_tion C,hron,ogr'aphLimit.ed Sp.or_ts Edit*ion+ Chrono'gr_aphBaig.noi.reAquar,acer Ca-li_bre 5' Autom*aticAq,ua-racer Cal'ibr_e S -Chron+ograp+hMust D'e Cart+i_erSpeedm,aster _Br.oad Ar*rowNavi,t.imer Ran-geLou'is' Vuitt.on Ba.llpoint-Dual t-ime C-hro_nom_eterS'ports* Seri*es Chron+ograph'Picca-dily *(Diam*ond, bez_el)Mon_ey C+lipLou'is _Vuitton_ Ba'gs & W+allets*Necklac'eB'rushed, Steel- Se,riesA La+nge ,& Sohn*eR,otonde d*e C+artier+ Tou_rbillio_n _Chrono.graphS.chaff-haus.en P*ilot's, Wa_tches- Spitfir_e Chr_ono_graph_Conqui,sta*dor S.CClas'sical Bi.ll'ionaire T'ou+rbillo_nLou+is V_uitton B*ags &+ Wa,llet*sPens'Sonat*a Chrono.graph. Co,llec+tionCart.ier' Cuffli'nksOys't+er Dateju'st SS-Class,icPra-da K,eyc-hainsLau-rea*to -EVO Ch,ronograp-hBe*ntle_y GT 47*mm Ed,iti-onPas+ha de Ca.rtier,Seam+aster' Aqua' Terr+a Chr-onom-eterDa+tograp-h.Classic+al Bill_iona,ire+ Tourbil.lonB'R01 9+6E.rgonC.lassi+que Com.plicati*ons.Supe*rlegg'era *J12 Bl_ack T-achyme+tre C,hronog,raphCl_a.trava C-las,sic1884 'Chro_nograph,L'angema-tik Bi_g Dat-eEnic_arDo,uble E*agle C'hron,ometer ,M-id Size*Supe*r OceanD*u_al Ch-ronograp*hCarre-ra* Chronog,ra.ph Ta.chym,eterLoui-s Vui_tton. Ba,gs & W'allets_Louis_ Vuit-ton Ba.gs *& Walle*tsNau,til,usTou-rbil-lonPrada, Ke.ychain+sGues,sSkyrac,er- Raven .Chron-ograph.Elli,pti_caLin'k Cal_ibre 5 A'utoma,ticT'iff_any &, CO N,ecklac*eMig*lia ,Gran Turi.sm'o XL Chr*o.nograph_Tank .Fran.caiseBe'll &+ Ros-sAqua*race'r Calibr'e 5 Au*toma.tic C.hronog*rap_hCh'ronom+eter Moon.phas+e Limi_ted. Editio'nRo,yal +Oak Tou*rbi_llon Ch'ronog'raphAq+uana.ut_ 5066_aTortu.e Chron'ograp-hAl*uminium 'Ch,ronogra_ph181+5 Chro+n,ograp,hRoyal_ Oak Of*fsh+ore T3_Sli'm Case A+ut_omaticThe, Mari+nerL.an'ge 1Lu'minor S-ub*mersib,leSkelet.on Au+t.omati_cArch_itecte G-MTB' ZeroCl'assi*c S,quare' Automati-cVI.NTAGE *126*Chro.nometer M_oo,nphase 'Limit,ed -Editi+onPano'mati*c Chr'onograp'hCo*nquista'dor K-ingRoa_ds.ter ,Chronogra_phCha+nel,Oys_ter Day _dat.e Whi'te G,oldTan*kSpi'tfire 'Chro*nograph _Au-tomati,cSarca*rMill.e Migl_ia .Rubber S+tr.apSpeed'maste.r B,road A.rrowB Z_e-roDupon.t Limi,te.d Editio_n 'SeriesAq.uarac.er A,uto*matic Ch,ro-nograph+Datogra-p-hVersac-e Cuff.linksL*ouis+ Vuit_ton B-ags+ & Wal*let-sSport _Clas-siqu'eChronogr_aph,Marin*e Chron-og'raphLa'nge *1Spo_rts Colle'c*tion Conq_ue+stOval+ Series'boxse.tsB,lack M*urakam*i*Assiom+a Heu-res Retr+o C+hronogr+aphAr*chit-ecte +Au_tomati+cSeamast-er D,iver -Ser*iesLock'etBall+on 'Glass _Jubi.le Qu-artz 'Men 'With,out Dia*mond .Bezel 'Opti-onA,rchitecte_ GMT-Dig,ital Ser'ie+sLumino+r Au,tom'atic 'Tourbill,ionPas_ha De+ Ca'rtier -Power *Reser,veOme*g'a De Vill+e Co* A_xial -GMTSeam_aster +Co_A*xialOme_gaGu.cci .Bal.lpointM-onogram' Pe+rfoSu-bmersib*le M,oo+nphaseLo.uis V-uit+ton B'ags *& Walle,tsTurno,gra_ph SSC_asabla'nc.a Leat-her Ba'ndRo.yal Oa+k 'Chronogra_p+hChopar.dCl-assic* Squar.e Autom+aticP+ea'rlmast.er Whi*te Gold'C*o_Axial _Po.wer Res+erveFor'mu*la 1 S_eries -Chro.nogr_aphCart*ie,r Cuffl*ink-sOmeg_a De Vil+le Co- Axia+l Chr_on*ographAl'ain, Silber,stei,nBlanc*pain19*32 'Moonph-aseCh_ronog*rap'he Ce_rtifi+e Chro+nome*treLumin'or _GMTCa*rrer-a Cal_ibre 1_Lock+etLo'uis V,uitton+ Bags+ & Walle+tsHa-pp-y Diamon'ds Sp*ort Sq,uar.eCart-ier Bal*lpoin,t.Movad+oVariante.s. Tourbil'lon _SportsI.ns'trument' BR. Airbor+ne+ Limite+d E*dition*Loui,s Vuitton* Ba.gs & Wa+ll_etsPl,atinum'/White 'Go'ld Oys*ter Da-teju_stPe_ndantJ1.2 -Classic +Chrono-graph+Mon*ogr-am Pe+rfoJ1,2 Clas.sic Diam,onds +Ch'ronograp+hSubm'e.rsible_ 1973Gr*and Co,mplic'at'ion Chro*no'graphT+housand's _of Feet .CS3 +Chrono.g_raphT,urnogr_aph SSL*ouis, Vuitto_n B'ags' & Wal.letsG+MT Chr'onograp'hL.ouis Vui.tton+ B-ags &_ Wallet-sEuro *2008 +Limi+ted E+ditio-n C+hrono-graph18Kt./SS T.wo +Tone +Jubile_e +Dateju+stFaceto.J12 ,Blac+k Tourb_i+llionP*anther+eSports+ Co+llecti'on- Conq.uestCa*rbon* Chronog-raphLo-ng Is.lan-d Auto*mati,cVa-riantes- Tourbi_l'lon S.ports_Oyster .Dateju-st 18k- & SS*Sport_s .Chronogr,aph*Happy D-ia-monds *Spor_t OvalA_llon+gee- Cein'tureFer_rari* Scuderi.a C,hro'nograph'Class+ique- Compli+cat.ion T-ourbil+lonFul-l ,18K Gold _Pre_sidenti.a-l Day Da+te, F_ully I,ced D_ia+lBvlg-ari Cu_ffli,nksLoui+s _Vuitton+ Bag.s & ,WalletsTa,nk ,America,ine*Skyrac,er Ra*ven .Chron*ogra,phSpo'rt Ev.olution' I.mpact Tou*rbil,lo*nLumin-orLo.uis V,uitton B*ags -& Wall*et'sDatograp-hLo*uis -Vuitto,n B.ags &, Wallet.sCalat*rav'aForm+ula 1 Se'rie+s Form*ula, 1Cla'ssicMer+cedes -Be'nz SLR C,hr.onogra+phFul+l S-ize Fi.ve Time 'Zone .W-atche,s 47mm_ Lea*ther Ban+dLu*mino_r Automa_tic ,Tourbi,llionM,ov'adoForm.ula' 1 Indy. 500 -Editi,onSpec+iali'ties_ Ol.ympic .Colle-ctio.n Time+lessCl*assic+ Quart-zRoya'l Oak. C.hronogr'aph Lim*i-ted E'ditionCho,p+ardCurvex, A'utomatic+Clas-sic_ RoundE+rgonSc'haff.ha_usen Pi.lot'+s Watch.es S-pitfir.e C'hronogra'phL_ouis -Vuit-ton ,Bags & W+all*etsJ12. Blac_k Navit'imer. Ra*ngeForm'ula 1- Se+ries C,hro_nograph.Mont Bl_anc ,Ball*poin+tRoya+l Oak .Offs,hore .Chronog,raphMo,n,t Blanc B-allpo*i_ntGolden 'Tou.rbi.llon Pan+oram-iqueLou_i,s Vuit-ton B-ags ,& Wal'letsLu'minor G*MTLo+uis V,uit.ton B-ags &+ Wallets'Mont.Blanc C*uffl,inks.CorumL-au.reato EVO' Chro,nogra+phA' Lan*ge &, SohneM,onogra_m Co+lle'ction-Luminor .Aut'omatic 'Tourb_il*lionSp,ort X*XL C+hronograp'h+ Autom*aticHand.bag's & -Wall,ets De V*ille* Co Axi+al C_hr.onometer'Cr_azy Hour-s Tou*rbi'llonCasa,bla*nca ,Leath.er Band*Serena,deF.err'ari Gra.ntur'ismo -GMTRadi*om*irAdmir'al's C*up Ch*ron+ogra.phLou*is Vuitt+on ,Bags & _Walle*tsSl*im +Quart.zCraz'y Hours +Tou'rbillion,Jewe+lry .& Acces,sori*es Tou.rb_illon Re.gula-tor_Pasha d+e Cart.ier C-hrono+gr+aphL-ouis V'uitto*n Bags_ & W.alle*tsSpe.edmaste+rJubil,e .Quart'z Men *With.out Di*amond *Bezel O+p_tionLumin'o+r Mar+ina SS B,race'letLou_is Vu,itt+on Bags- &* WalletsK_ing+ Conq+uis.tador. Cortez_ Chrono*g'raphSpo.rtivo. Chr_onograph*Mus.t 21 S'eries .M.ust 2,1 QuartzV-er,sace -Keyc*hainsC*omplic'ation .Moonph-ase_ Chrono_gr-aphLou'is V*uitton_ Cu'fflinksA, Lange' & -Sohne-Portugu,ese P-er,petu_al Calen,dar'Sport C,lassiq.ue, Chr*onogr.aphHa*ppy Di-amonds S_port +OvalP-ortug.ue,se Per'petu_al Cal'enda,rOri-sFlight* Deck .Chr,onogra'ph ,Tourbillo'nFi_eroLou+is 'Vuitt*on Bag's & W_alletsT.o*urbil-lonTo*urbill_ion Moon.ph_asePas+ha Seat*i+mer 200'6A Lang.e &. Sohne.Lani,eres S-er*iesNec.klac*eGran T*uri_smo Chron_ogra+phLe_ Gr_ande Clas_siq*ue Q*uartz -37mmLo'uis Vu.itton, _Bags &_ Walle-tsJo'ut & Nu+it A-uto.maticL_ouis, Vuitto*n Bags. & Wa-llet-sSl*im Ca'se Aut.omati.cNew S,antos+ Serie,s Sa*ntos 10_0J1'2 Class_ic+Compli,cation,s 'Chron'ograp_h Tou,rbillio_nTiff_any & C,O +Brac*eletsMonz_a Cal'ibre *36S-unsetGu_cc*iFerrar'i +Scuder'ia C*hronog+raphL'ouis V-uitto,n Bags. &+ Wallets'J12 T-wo t_one- Chronogr,aphV_IN+TAGE 12'6Cortin_a Chr'onog.ra_ph (Lea-ther st*rap)C_hris_ti'an Dio_r Cuff.linksPo.rto'fin*o Autom,aticT+T1L+onginesOm-ega S-p+eedma_ster Sn.oopy. Edit-ionOmega* Spee'dma'ster +Racin+g Chro'nome.terAq,uaracer+ Ca.libre .S Ch-ronogra'ph -Lapti-meChan,elbo'xsetsM-igl*ia G+ran Tur.ismo .XLSchaf_fhaus+en _Regul_ateur-Monac_o Chro.nogra,phLou,is V_uitton- Ba.gs & W.alletsS*pitf.ire, Mark XV'Seam'aste_r Aqu'a Terra, Chr_ono,meter+Porsche- Desi.gnCo_nstel-lat'ion Cla.ssicJ'12 Tw'o to_ne B_lackHappy' D,iamonds _Sp'ort _OvalSport_ Clas*s-ique C-hronogr'aph_Gucci' BagsP+asha .CPa'nthereLou_is 'Vuitto'n Bags' & Wa,llets-Class_icBel,l &* Ro,ssOyster ,Perpe.tual *18*k Go*ldSuper'legg-era J.12 B'lack Tac,hy*metre_ Chrono'gra,phTommy -Hi_lfiger+1884 H*ercule,s Se'ries'Brushe_d Ste'el Se-riesSer*en,adeLong,itu*de Chro-nogra-phLo.uis* Vuitto*n Ba+gs & W*allet,sFerr.ari- Scuderia+ C.hrono-graphKir,ium-Ser'enadeSa*ntos. 100 Chr+o.nographS* T Du.pont ,Repli_ca L*igh'ters Col.lect-ion _2006Gl.ash*utteDupo+nt_ Repli*ca Ligh,ter*s Collec+tio,n 2005C_on-quistado.r K*ingCh*ronogr-aphT+radit*ion* Tourbi*llon .Coll+ection-Jubile *Quart-z M,en W_ith Dia-mond ,Bez'el O.ptionAd_mir+al S Li_mite+d Ed*itionOy*ster D.atej_ust* White Go.ldRed. De*vil B'ang Lim-ited+ Editi+o,n Chr*onographS_ea*master_ Di.ver Se*riesSeam,aste,r +Diver Ser'ie+sHap-py Diam_onds S,port' OvalPa'n-omaticO_yster* Day *date .18k Go'ldCh,ris.tal Diam*ond* Brace+letKir+iumS_porti-vo +Chrono-graphGla.shutt-ePas_ha, de C,artie-r Chro'nogr'aphRoton.de de_ Cart'ier ,Tour.bill_ion Chron,ogr_aphS.lim Qua-rtzTa'nk A_mericai.neCh.ro*noswiss,Chop_ardBR01* Tourb+illo_n Rub_ber St_rapA'dmira,l's Cu*p 'Tide's 48Le- Grand_e Class'ique, Quart*z 37_mm_PoliceLo'uis V*ui'tton Bags_ & Wa*llets'S_uperl-eggera* J12 Bla,ck_ Chron'ogra+phPor.tuguese. FA' Jones _Edit,ionMu'st De .Carti+erComp,lica*tion *Per-petual C'alend.a'rJ12 'ClassicC.asabla*n,ca Chro+nog+raphTank +Ame*ric'aineJ12 W*hite ,Tou+rbill'ionCort+i,na Chron+ograph+ (B*rac,elet)C*hristal. Br.acelet,Tori,no C'hrono*graphP-ortofi,no Auto-mati,cLu*mino_r Mar*ina SS *Brac'eletWe.lderB_MW O_racle' Tourb.illon+ Ch,ronogra.phM,iglia Pow.er Co+ntrol- Gr'an 'Turis_mo XLL_ouis V.uit-ton Bag.s & Wal'l-etsOme,ga S,eamast*er P-lanet O,cean. Chron_oMerced*es, Ben'z SLR Chr+o*nographL+ouis V*ui+tton Cu*ffli'nksLou.is Vui+t.ton Bags* & Wa,llet.sTaigaG,ucc-i G Cla_s+sicThousa-nds. of Fe'et CS3_ Chro.nogr+aphG*rande C+omp-lic.ation.s Perp_etual+ Cale*nder Chr-ono_graph+Louis -Vuitto.n Ba'gs & W+all-etsJ12_ Two+ tone* Chro_nograp_hSch*affha_usen P+ilot''s Watc,hes S'p*itfire C+hronog+r'aphSeam-aster- Aqua, Terra,Pe'arlmaster_ 18,k Gold*J12. Black. Chron.ograph*Gucc-i G C-lassi+cTh*ousands- of- Feet C'S3 Ch,rono+graphS.pe*edmas_terJubi*le Qu*artz' Men Wit*hout' D_iamond* Beze-l Option*Loui+s Vu_itton- Bags &. Wall+ets-Pane_raiC.artierBv'lga+ri Penda'ntC+ompl*icati'on Perp+etual 'C.alend-arCrazy H-ours- Col_or .Dreams' Tourbi+llo_nMille M_i'glia Rub*be.r Str+apGrand- Compli*catio.n Ch.ron_ogra+phGran-d Co,mplic,ation*Ferrari +Gr,anturism_o Ratt'rap+anteHu*blo_tConco*rdCra-zy Hour+sBvlg-a'ri Cu,fflink_sSant'os 100 F'l,ying *Tourbil-lionPor_t_uguese Ch.ronog+r.aphBR0,1 94 Chr.o-nograph-Navit'imer- 125E Ch.rono'graphT_housa,nds. of Fe,et C_S3 +Chrono+graphGa,ry Suf.fi_r Chr'onograph- -Automa-ticI.WCHappy- Di+amonds _Sport O*v_alCasab+lanca+ SS B-racel,etPe.arlmas*ter Whi+te G_old*Oyster D.at'ejust Wh.it*e GoldAd*mira'l's Cu_p* Chron-ographAd+mira'l's *Cup Ti,des '48Di*orLumi*nor M,arina* Le'ather Ban+dFu_ll Si'ze Fi,ve Time, _Zone Wa'tches 4,7-mm Le'ather .BandPash-a Cbo,x+setsOme'ga S+peedm_aster Pr+ofe_ssion,alRet+tangol,oLo-uis Vu+itto,n Bags -& W_alle+ts1884' Hercu,les Ser_iesR+ed' Devil B.an,g Limit,ed Edi*tion _Ch.ronogra.phLo.uis Vuit_ton ,Bags _& Wal_letsLo'uis* Vuitt'on Bag,s &_ Wallet+s' |
rolex chicago il, deep sea rolex review Posted: 25 Feb 2010 04:58 AM PST � 6t6yeu8i9 To'urbill-ion. Moonp*has,eJ12 'White T,ourb-illion,Oys*ter Datej'ust S'S,Navitimer, H*eritage*Ju+bile Quar*tz *Men .Without, Diamo+nd B*ezel ,Optio*nOy*ster. Day date, 18k_ Gold'Louis, Vui,tto,n Bags. & Wall*ets1*8Kt_/SS Tw*o Tone P_re-sidenti,al Da*te'justChro'noswis_sLo_uis. Vuitton' B+ags & W.allets_Supe-rle+ggera J.12 W-hiteLu.minor* Marina. Tou*rbi.llonE-rgon,Titan -Chronogr'aphW.hit+e Mu.rakam,iMille M'ig_lia Rubbe-r St*rapJ12* Bla.ck Moo_n,phaseF,erra.ri Gra,nturis*mo Rat_trapa,nteTT3+ Ch,ronogr,aphFi.ve T+ime Z+one Wat_ch- Stainle_ss 'Steel*Lou_is Vuitt*on Ba+gs &. Wal.lets1932, Moo+nphase-Elli+pt*icaLouis. Vu_itto,n Bag.s & W+alletsM.ont B.lanc- Keyc'hain*sSlyt,ech C+hrono.graphJ.12 Blac*k To,urb,illion'Chronogr.aphe+ Certi+fi+e Chr*onomet*reSp_eedm-aster Pro-f'essiona*l C'hronogr*aphPr.ofessi.ona.l Golf W+atch+Fo_rmula 1 S_erie-s F_ormula+ 1Taig-aP_aneraiM-iglia G*ran+ Turis,mo X+L C*hronograp-hb-oxsets_Lou+is Vu'itton* Bags &- Wallet-sCart+ier C+uffl-inks,Luminor* Dayl,i*ghtFor-mula 1 'Kimi R.aikko'nen *Ed'itionChro*nog,raph+Mille Mi-glia' Chro*nogr,aph R*ubber *Str'apClas,sic S-antos +Se.ries S,antos Cl,as+sicG'irard- Perregau*x.Star Chr.ono'graphA+quatim-er* Chrono.graphC*alibro_ 303 .Chron_ogra*ph'Chopard' Pendan*tOm+ega.Must 21 *Serie+s .Must 21 C-hro+nogra,phLouis_ *Vuitto_n Bags ,& W'alletsOy-s_ter P,erpetua.l 1*8k Gold.Tommy H*ilfi+ger_Rettango*lo*Lumi.nor Marin_a Rub*ber_ Ba_ndTou.rbillonC,lass'ique Co*mpli,cat_ion Tour.billo.n*Luminor A_rkt.osL'ouis Vuit-to'n Bags .& Wa'llets.Fran,ck Mul-lerJ_12 S+uperlegge.ra. Chrono-graphC-hr,onometr+e Nav'itime+rPen'dan*t1932 Mo'onp*haseLou_is ,Vuit*ton Bags ,& W'alletsL*o,uis Vui-tton *Bags &. Walle-tsDat+ogr,aph 'Perpe-tual-Royal Oak, Off+sho*re Ch,ronograp,hCa+libro 3*03 C'hronog-raph'Light-er_sRotonde* T_ourbillo.nD*iagon+o Tit_aniumLa.dys Qu,artzSp*or.t Evolut.ion- Impact_ Tou*rbillo,nSl_ytech, Ch_ronograph*Sport_ Ev.olution* Chr-on'ograph+Master' Mo*onCalib+re 36'0 Autom'atic.Seama_st+ers A.qua Te-rra Au+tomatic.Tour'bil'lion Moo_nphas*eTwe-nty 4,Te'slarF,ormul-a 1 Ind-y 500 ,Edi-tion18K,t/SS- Two* Tone- Presid,enti'al Dat.ej.ustClas_sique- Auto,mati+cAstro'nomic*al Cel*es-tial Do_uble D-ia,lLumin+or M'arina Le'ath_er Ban,dAqu'aracer +Cali_bre S. Ch+ronogra*ph Lapt+im+e18Kt+/SS ,Two T*one Ros'e G.old Oyste+r' Datej*ustA'cadem,ia Chr+onog*raphLoui_s .Vuitt,on Bags &* .Walle'tsSchaf.fhause+n Re'gula'teur-Curve.x Autom+atic_Dual +Chron*ographF*ranc*k Mulle_rJ1'2 Black+ T*ourb,illionMig.lia G_ran T'urism-o XL*J12, Tourbi-llon*Migl*ia Gran' Turi*smo XL.Salva+tore ,Ferra*gamo .Ke'ychain+sboxse.tsDup*ont Cu'fflin+ksR.oton.de d*e Cartier' *Tourbilli,on C.hronog+r.aphConst_ellat*ion+ Classi+cC,lassi+c Quar.tzLoui_s Vuitt'on* Bags -& Wal*let_sMova*doJ12 *Tourb,illonRe,ttang-ol*o Chrono.gr*aphCa'rtier Pen,dan_tDe Vi'll.e Co Axi+al.Louis 'Vuitt*on B'ags & Wa*lletsB+R01 9-4 C.hron,ograph+Baby. access_ori-esLouis_ Vui_tton Ba,gs- & Walle-tsM,oney_ ClipJub'ilee+Guc+ci B'allpoint-Mille _Migl+ia _GMT Rubb*er S,tra'pSubm.ersible _1-973Ratt.rapa_nteCa*latr,ava Chro'nogra'phLoui*s V-uitto_n Bags. & Wa-lle-tsImp_erial _Tourb*ill.on Moon'phra.se C,hronogr'aph.Jubile*eTomm*y Hil+figer Ch'ro,nographL.ouis_ Vuit*ton ,Bag,s & Walle,tsFul*l *18K Gol,d P'residen+tial' Day D+ate,' Fully +Ic*ed Dial*Mille -M,iglia, Chrono*graph* Leath*er Str.apSe_ama-ster, Aqua T-erra Ch+ron.omete+rEn_icarSp'eedmast+erT-imewalke,r S'eri,es Chrono,grap'hMo,ntbr,illiant D.a-toraD & *G Keyc,hains.Do*lce &- Gabbana-C'oncordLou-i*s Vuitt,on B*ags &+ Wall-etsLo-uis Vui_tton B.a,gs & Wall-etsL+im+ited Spor'ts _Editi*on Chr,on*ographF_orm,ula 1 ,Serie.s Formu'la 1P'ano 'Retro+ Graph_Tank *Franc+aise +Chron+og.raphRa-diomirC_asa'blan'ca Tour+bill-on Chron.ogra.phTT+1Admi_ral's C'up *Comp,etition '40Ha.nd*bags & Wa*llets. A La_nge +& Soh_neO.mega +De Vi.lle .Co Axia.l Ch.ronomete.rLo,uis. Vuit'ton Bag_s & +Walle*tsPa_tek Ph+ilippe*Guc'ciLan_ge 1Lo_uis V+uitto-n Bags &* Wa+llet+sSeam,aster Aq,ua Te.r_ra Chro_nometer*Guess_S-erena,deCurve'x Autom.ati'cCart.ier Ba,llpoi_ntL*umino-rMont Bl+anc ,Roll-erbal.lThe_ Mariner_M*ont B+lanc Rol*lerba+llL*ouis Vu_itt.on B+ags & Wal.lets+Co_.Axial+ Auto'mati-c Chronom_et'erCarti_er. Roller,bal*lPrad_a Keycha*insPhi*l-ip SteinL,an*gematik- Big D_a_teLou.is Vuitto,n Ba+gs &- Wall'etsMo_ntBla-nc Cuff*links+Le-ather' band Da't_ejustRadi_om,irVe-gas Autom,ati+cLumin.or Cl-assi-cAssiom*a C'hron-ograph_Carrer_a Chr_onog*raph. Tac,hymeterC_hr-onome'tre N_aviti'merGuc*ci G 'Clas,sicMill*e M'iglia Ch_rono-graph -Rubbe,r Str-apFe+rrari G.ran-turi+smo GM.TFor,mula 1' Indy 5*0+0 Edition.A.venge*r Titaniu_mGucc_i Cu-fflin.ksM*aster*piece 'Whi+te Go'ldAqu+aracer Au.toma*tic Ch_ronog_ra+phClas*sico+ Tou_rbillon +Chron.ogra-phClat,rav*a Cl-assicSu,nsetOy'st'er Da.tejus.t SSNB,A Sta,r Yao Mi*ng L,imi,ted E,ditionGr'ande 'C'omplic,atio'ns Perpe*tua_l Cal.ender _Chronog.rap_hExca,libur ,Chron'ograph.Ea,sy Div,er -Chronogra'phC,lassic_Dolce '&+ GabbanaC*hr.onogra+phe Cer*ti*fie Chr'on*ometre-Turno-graph .SSJ_12 Whi-te Tour.bi'llionCom+pli'cati.on Moonp.hase C+hro,nograph_T.ime Walke_r G,MT A-utom+atic Ch+ronogra'phDou*ble E_agle *Chr*onome,ter Mi_d Si-zePan.the*reCo_Axia-l Pow'er. Reser.veF1 Du,al T*ime Ch-ro,nogr'aphHub-lotRo'yal _Oak Chro*nog,raph Li,mite.d Editi.onRot-onde _To.urbil,lonC+ufflin,ksLoui.s V+uitton Ba,gs &. Wall,et's18Kt/_SS Tw+o Tone' Jubile,e D,ateju,stV-ersace C*ufflin-ksFiv*e .Time Zon.e Wat'ch 'Stai'nless _Ste_elLaurea,to *EVO C_hronog-raphDe *Ville* C+o Ax.ial 3 f.aced 'Chronom.eter-Keyc-hainsAq.uarac.er' Cali_bre 5* Automat-icE*rgon *Chron,ographO,me*ga S+eamaster' S'pecial E-ditio_nSup-erlegge*ra *J12 _Blac-k Tac-hymet're Chrono-gra,phCarre.ra_ Chro+nogr_aph Tachy'mete'rKir.ium *Formul,a 1Lou_is Vui+tto'n Ba.gs &- Wallet.sMil-le Mig'lia GM'T Rubb'er S,trapCh+r_onomete,r Mo'onphas*e Li.mited 'Editio+nJ'ubilee Da'te.just _18k & S_SM.ille Migl_ia .Rub-ber Strap*Erg*onC*razy Hou,rs C,olor Dr,ea*ms To*urbil,lonFer+rari *Scu+deria G*MTRed. Devil ,Ban,g L'imited Ed,it*ion C'hronogra,phPe-arlm_aster W'h.ite G'oldCl+assica*l Bil*lionair*e Tour'bi*llonL.ouis Vui_tton, Bags -& .Wallets,Mig.lia Mill*e, GTLouis_ Vu.itton Ba+gs &_ Wall_etsSe,ama*ster Aq_ua Ter*r,aAquara'cer C,alib_re S Ch_ronog-rap'h Laptim_eS*peedm*aste-rMaxi Mar'ine. Chro,nometer*Lu,minor M_arina_Bre_guetGuc+ci Ba_ll+pointL+ouis V.uitton _Cuffl-ink_sTho+usan,ds of F,eet. CS3 Ch*ronog-raphS.arcarPa.s+ha de Car'ti*erErgon+Gra+nd Car*rera C*alib+re Chr+onogr-ap_hConcor_dMu_st De C+artierA*rc-hitec.te C'hrono+graphWeld.e.rSuper_leggera +J_12 White' Chr-onog'raphLoui,s _Vuit'ton Bag.s & ,WalletsP-a.neraiSeam'as+ter Aqu*a Te.rra R'ailma+sterChr+on_o Bank+erPash-a C*Loui.s Vuit,ton B,ags & W*alle+tsC,hopardSma.l-l Secon_ds Edi_tionSt*ar' Plat*inum C,hron,ographPa_n-o Retro G-raphB_R SPo.rtug.uese C-l'assicGu_cci B*agsBR S,Ro*adster_ Ch+ronog-raphLumi.no+r GMTPic*cad.ily (_Diamond, bezel+)J.12 White* Ch_rono-grap*hOmega Se*a.master 3_00 M *Raci-ng Ch_ron-ometerL'ouis' Vuitto*n +Bags & ,Wallets,Ha,ppy Di,amondsC-alatr,a.va Chrono+graph'1884_ Hercu_l-es Seri+esCala.trava 'Ch.rono'graph-Cortina+ Chr+onograp,h (.Leath-er stra_p)Sub,mersib'l,e Moo*nphaseED-CI,ON Lim,itada Ch*r.onograph,Jubil_e Q_uartz Me*n Wi,thout* Diam-ond B,eze_l Opti+onL*adys Qua,rtzG*lashutt*eK-ing -Conquis.tador C,ortez' Chr+onog_raph+Day Dat+e Tou.rb-illon*Master M-oonDo'ub,le Eag*le Ch-ronomet'erAqua_rac_er Ca-libre. S Chr_ono.graph L.aptime.Seama+ster -Pro 3.00m ,Seama_ste.r 30-0m GMTDo,uble- Eag*le Ch.ronome*ter,Master C+ontro-lNew- Santo,s S-eries S-an'tos 10*0Lou.is Vuitto.n, Bags &* Wa'lletsS -T Du*pont .Replic*a Ligh_ters C,o+llection -20*06Skyra+cer R*aven' Chr'onograph*Oyste,r. Perpet'ual SS'Pr.ofess.ional G.olf _WatchAqu+ar,acerPr*ofes.sional *Gol-f WatchM.aste-r B.anker T-ourbi.ll'on Ch+ronograph*Jub.ile+e Dat*ejust 18k. & *SSO.megaNavit+imer- He*ritageJ.12 C'lassic _Di,amonds,Necklac*eN*avitimer. Ran+geOm.ega' Seamas_ter, Plane,t Oce,an Ch,ronoF-ieroMont*Bl'anc Cuf+flinks+Turno+g,raph .SSAqu_arace'r Auto_mati*cLumi-nor Marin'a R*ubber ,BandC+asab*lan'ca Leat-her Ban_d+Retta-ngoloLoui.s V.uitt.on Ba'gs &* Walle*tsCompl.icati'ons *Chron-ographT,ourb.illi.on C-hronog*raph18K-t/SS* Two -Tone R*ose .Gold O+yste,r Date*ju-stRoton,de To.urbill_on +Perpetu-a*l Calend*arBre+guet'Assiom,a 'Chronog.raphDi.gital* Serie.sLou_is Vui+tt*on Bags +& W'all'etsLouis +V.uitton. Bags & *Wall*etsO_yster* Da_tejust Wh.it.e GoldT-an'k Style W+atc*hes, Tank Di+vanRa-ttrapa.n-teMontbri.lli_ant ,DatoraL'ouis' Vu+itton B'ags* & Wallet.sK+irium*Porto.fino+ Automa'ticLon'g Is,lan'd Automa*ticAs_sioma .Autom_ati_cMo'nogram, Colle-ction.Lon*g Isla_nd Chron,o-graph_Cortin'a Ch+ronograp_h +(Leather .stra+p)Tank. S+tyle *Watches _Tan.k D*ivanT*ortue C.hronogr-aphAd.mira.l's 'Cup+ Tides 4*8Diag.on.o Titaniu.mMari*ne* Chron_ograp'hPolic'eLong. Isl,and .Chronogr.ap_hJaquet. Dr_ozErg_onOme_ga De V'ill+e Co Axi*a+l Chron_ographW-a.tches ,Teslar'Salvat.ore, Ferr.agamo, Key_chainsOme_ga _Speed,mast-er Ra+cing Ch'ron*ometer-Dato+graph_Casablan-ca Le-a*ther ,BandNa'vitim.erBrushe*d S*teel Se.ri,esLouis ,V,uitton_ Bags & _Wal'lets+Co_A,xial A-utoma.tic C'hrono+mete.rRadoDe V-ille- Co Ax+ial_Tradit.io_n Tou_rbillon' Collec,ti,on1884 C+hr-onogr*aphOyst*er Da'y dat+e Whi,te Gol,dPas_ha C_ Chr'onogra+phS.ports Chr+on'ogra.phLani+eres, Series_Bracel*etHapp+y D.iamon-ds Sp*ort S.quareLo_uis V*uitto*n .Bags & W+alle_ts18Kt'/SS .Tw_o Ton'e Ros.e Gold Oy*s,ter Datej+u,stCalat+rava, Chronog'r-aphSeamas,t*ers Aqu+a Terra+ Au*tomat.icLeath-er ,band D.atej+ustMont* 'Blanc+CorumPan*o .Retro Gra+ph_TankRo-yal O_ak Off+shore ,Chr-onogr.aphI-nstrum'ent -BR Air.borne L+imi.ted E,ditionN'ew_ Santos* S'eries, Santo_s 100Lo*ui*s Vui,tton 'Bags & Wa*llets-Roge,r Dub.uisO+meg,a Seamast.er 30'0 M, Racing* 'Chrono'meterTif-fany +& Co, Je.welr-yCarbon -Chro*nograp+hTo'urbillio_n C'hro-nogra*phSpeedm*aster 'Broa+d A*rrowCla.ssi-cal 'Billiona_ire* Tourbil_lonA'dmira.l S+ Lim,ited +Edition1.8Kt/SS* Two* Ton,e Datej*ust+boxse,tsJ-12 GTM Ch*ron*ogra'phSlim Q,uar.tzDe Vi_lle _Co Axi_a'l 3 fac+ed Chr+onomet.erCho*pard+ Pen*dantLu_min*or M.arinaHa+ppy D.iamo_nds Sp_irit E_di.tionRoyal- Oak+ Chr+ono.graph, Limit'ed Ed,itio'nHapp.y Diamon,ds'Titan C.hron_ographC+uff*links18_Kt/S+S Two .Tone +Rose+ Gol,d Pr,eside'ntial Da_tejust'S'port C+hronogra_ph_Tag Heue+rVi,nta_ge 1945+ XXL Ch.r_onograp+hBR01 9*2 -Automat'icLim+ited S+ports. Edi.ti+on Ch-ronogra.phTech_nomari+nePr_ada Ke'y.chainsOm,ega Se-amas+ter Ra+il,maste*r Chron_ograp+hLo+uis V-uitton .Bags, & W'alle,tsChrist,ian Di'or Ke,ycha*in_sMono_gram Pe+rfoL'uminor M'arin,a Tour-bi*llon.Crazy+ Hours_ Tourbi*lli'onCasabl.a,nca Ch+ronogr+aphBa.ign_oireTan_k S.tyle W,atches. Ta,nk DivanN-BA S-tar Ya,o M_ing Li_mited *Edi,tion_Crazy Ho_urs' Col'or Dre-ams T'ourbi.llonRoy*a_l Oak+ Chrono'graph.TankOme'ga,Mercede,s Benz_ SLR* Ch*ronograp-hM_illena+ryArc-hitec_te .Chronog_raphS-uperle,gg*era J12 .Bl-ack Ta,chymet-re Chro-nogr_aph'Sport* Evolut-ion *Chron.ogra.phMas+ter Geog_rap,hic* Autom-aticDew_ittAqu'a*racerS.uperlegg_er*a J12. Whi.tePor+tugues'e FA J*ones -Editio_nO+mega Se_amast*er Sp-ecial ,Editio*nMo*onphase, Aut,om+atique,Ferrari 'Sc.uderi_a GMT+Tradi_tion' Tourbil+lo,n Collect_i_onFormula' 1 In'dy 5-00 Edi,tionM'ille .M-iglia C+hronog+raph- Le*ather_ StrapAqu.arace+r _Calib*re 5 'Automa.tic, Chronogr,aphB_ri-ttScha_ffhausen. Pilo*t',s Watche-s S*pit+fire ,Chronog'raphJ1'2 Bla'ck To.urbi-llion+Oys-ter Dat.eju,st Whit,e Gol*dCl*assic San+tos. Series. +Santos ,Cla,ssicJ12 B'lack 'Santo,s* 100 Fl,ying T+ourbi.ll*ionMi'glia G_ran T_urismo +XL Chr*on+ographMa+ster *Moon*Gr,an Tu*rismo Chr+o+nogra.phAquarac_er *Auto*mati+cGucci .G Cl.assicOys't+er Day da-te. 18k .GoldSeam_a*ster ,Aqua Te-rra* Chronome_terW_hi,te Mur,akamiD_atogra*phS*port Cl,as_sique 'Chron+ogra'phJ12 GT*M Ch_ron_ographAqu*anau_t '5066aConq.uist+adorRo+tonde* .Tourb,illonBl,anc_painC,o_Axia_l Pow'er Res*erveAve-n'ger Tit+aniu+mLouis+ Vu,itton B*ags, & Wal_letsLoui.s Vu+itton _Bags' & .Wall-etsRoyal +Oak+ Tourb-illo+n Chr'onograp+h-NecklaceC,la,ssico T'ourb'illon C*hro-nograph.Cr*azy Col-or *Dream.sMaste+rpiec'e W*hite Go.ldGuc'ci R'olle.r18Kt/SS 'Two T,one- Rose +Gold O.ys+ter .Datejust-Torino+ Ch+ronogra,ph+18Kt/SS 'Two- Tone O-y-ster D.ateju'stRo*yal Oa-k Ch-ronograp'hAqua_racerL.imit-ed+ & Nu.mbered Ed-i.tions-Omega, Seam.aster Pl_an_et Oc'eanLumino,r Mar.ina .Leathe-r. BandBMW 'Orac+le To_urbil,lon C-hronog'ra_phGu+cci C*uffli'nksOys,ter +Day dat,e 18k- Gol_dJ12 +Two ton'e C'hrono.graphCal-atr*ava, Chronogr'aph*Full 18.K G*old, Pres*identi.al Day ,Da*te, Fu+lly Ic+ed D_ialCa*rtie.r Penda'ntTourb_il-lonRattr-apa*nte+ Chron,ograph-Road'ster Ch-ronog*rap-hB Z.eroMaster. Ban+ker T-ourb+illon -Chrono'gra.phSt -Dupont' Foun_tainB-R SMer-cedes, 'Benz *SLR Chro'nogr_aphEn'icarT-ortue, Series'Sena-tor. Naviga*tor, Chrono_graphB,ai'gnoir+eHappy D.ia'monds S+port O+val. |
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If a relaxing moment turns into the right moment, will you be ready? You can be with CIALIS. Posted: 25 Feb 2010 04:35 AM PST Sexual Health Restore your sex life, or just give it a little kick. Erectile dysfunction (ED), sometimes referred to as impotence, is the inability for a sexually active male to obtain and sustain an erection for sexual purposes. In the past, this has been very embarrassing for men, and a source of anxiety for their partners, and, in fact, there has been very little diagnostic testing or treatment options available until very recently. This problem affects at least 30 percent of all adult males, and 85 percent of the causes of ED are organic and due to an actual physical problem. In general, only 15 percent are of a severe nature, which is to say, the inability to obtain any type of erection whatsoever. With the advent of the safe and effective oral medications Viagra (Sildenafil) and Cialis (Tadalafil), the entire evaluation and treatment process for ED has become revolutionized. Since 1998, the number of patients seen by physicians has doubled, and up to 75 percent of these patients will respond very well to Viagra. The remainder might need other treatment modalities, some of which include combinations with Viagra or Cialis. Any physician can prescribe Viagra and Cialis; however, being seen by a doctor is not necessary in order to try the medication and see if it works well for you. These medications are proven to be effective, and are safe enough to be taken by men who are taking other medications as well. What are you waiting for? Restore your sex life to normal, or just give it a little extra kick. Millions of men use Viagra and Cialis today, improving their sex lives permanently. The boost to their confidence is undeniable, and their relationships are stronger and more intimate. Try it today to see if it's right for you. Sex can be one of the most enjoyable parts of your life. It strengthens relationships and adds excitement. Always be ready. If you have a problem getting or keeping an erection, you are not alone. In fact, more than half of all men over forty have difficulties getting or maintaining an erection. This condition, called erectile dysfunction (ED), occurs with younger and older men as well, but there's a safe, effective and easy method of treatment: Viagra. When the time is right, you'll always be ready. ------------------------------------------------------------- If a relaxing moment turns into the right moment, will you be ready? You can be with CIALIS. Relax and take your time. CIALIS is the only ED tablet clinically proven to both work up to 36 hours and work in some men as fast as 15 minutes. With CIALIS you don't have to hurry if you dont want to and you don't have to schedule your love making. You and your partner can relax and take time to choose the moment that's right for you, whether it's right now, or later on. You've got time. | |
If a relaxing moment turns into the right moment, will you be ready? You can be with CIALIS. Posted: 25 Feb 2010 04:28 AM PST Sexual Health Restore your sex life, or just give it a little kick. Erectile dysfunction (ED), sometimes referred to as impotence, is the inability for a sexually active male to obtain and sustain an erection for sexual purposes. In the past, this has been very embarrassing for men, and a source of anxiety for their partners, and, in fact, there has been very little diagnostic testing or treatment options available until very recently. This problem affects at least 30 percent of all adult males, and 85 percent of the causes of ED are organic and due to an actual physical problem. In general, only 15 percent are of a severe nature, which is to say, the inability to obtain any type of erection whatsoever. With the advent of the safe and effective oral medications Viagra (Sildenafil) and Cialis (Tadalafil), the entire evaluation and treatment process for ED has become revolutionized. Since 1998, the number of patients seen by physicians has doubled, and up to 75 percent of these patients will respond very well to Viagra. The remainder might need other treatment modalities, some of which include combinations with Viagra or Cialis. Any physician can prescribe Viagra and Cialis; however, being seen by a doctor is not necessary in order to try the medication and see if it works well for you. These medications are proven to be effective, and are safe enough to be taken by men who are taking other medications as well. What are you waiting for? Restore your sex life to normal, or just give it a little extra kick. Millions of men use Viagra and Cialis today, improving their sex lives permanently. The boost to their confidence is undeniable, and their relationships are stronger and more intimate. Try it today to see if it's right for you. Sex can be one of the most enjoyable parts of your life. It strengthens relationships and adds excitement. Always be ready. If you have a problem getting or keeping an erection, you are not alone. In fact, more than half of all men over forty have difficulties getting or maintaining an erection. This condition, called erectile dysfunction (ED), occurs with younger and older men as well, but there's a safe, effective and easy method of treatment: Viagra. When the time is right, you'll always be ready. ------------------------------------------------------------- If a relaxing moment turns into the right moment, will you be ready? You can be with CIALIS. Relax and take your time. CIALIS is the only ED tablet clinically proven to both work up to 36 hours and work in some men as fast as 15 minutes. With CIALIS you don't have to hurry if you dont want to and you don't have to schedule your love making. You and your partner can relax and take time to choose the moment that's right for you, whether it's right now, or later on. You've got time. | |
Sex can be one of the most enjoyable parts of your life. It strengthens relationships and adds excitement. Posted: 25 Feb 2010 04:07 AM PST Sexual Health Restore your sex life, or just give it a little kick. Erectile dysfunction (ED), sometimes referred to as impotence, is the inability for a sexually active male to obtain and sustain an erection for sexual purposes. In the past, this has been very embarrassing for men, and a source of anxiety for their partners, and, in fact, there has been very little diagnostic testing or treatment options available until very recently. This problem affects at least 30 percent of all adult males, and 85 percent of the causes of ED are organic and due to an actual physical problem. In general, only 15 percent are of a severe nature, which is to say, the inability to obtain any type of erection whatsoever. With the advent of the safe and effective oral medications Viagra (Sildenafil) and Cialis (Tadalafil), the entire evaluation and treatment process for ED has become revolutionized. Since 1998, the number of patients seen by physicians has doubled, and up to 75 percent of these patients will respond very well to Viagra. The remainder might need other treatment modalities, some of which include combinations with Viagra or Cialis. Any physician can prescribe Viagra and Cialis; however, being seen by a doctor is not necessary in order to try the medication and see if it works well for you. These medications are proven to be effective, and are safe enough to be taken by men who are taking other medications as well. What are you waiting for? Restore your sex life to normal, or just give it a little extra kick. Millions of men use Viagra and Cialis today, improving their sex lives permanently. The boost to their confidence is undeniable, and their relationships are stronger and more intimate. Try it today to see if it's right for you. Sex can be one of the most enjoyable parts of your life. It strengthens relationships and adds excitement. Always be ready. If you have a problem getting or keeping an erection, you are not alone. In fact, more than half of all men over forty have difficulties getting or maintaining an erection. This condition, called erectile dysfunction (ED), occurs with younger and older men as well, but there's a safe, effective and easy method of treatment: Viagra. When the time is right, you'll always be ready. ------------------------------------------------------------- If a relaxing moment turns into the right moment, will you be ready? You can be with CIALIS. Relax and take your time. CIALIS is the only ED tablet clinically proven to both work up to 36 hours and work in some men as fast as 15 minutes. With CIALIS you don't have to hurry if you dont want to and you don't have to schedule your love making. You and your partner can relax and take time to choose the moment that's right for you, whether it's right now, or later on. You've got time. | |
Obtain a University Degree based on your professional experience. Posted: 25 Feb 2010 03:36 AM PST AFFORDABLE ONLINE BACHEL0R'S, MASTER'S & DOCT0RATE DEGREES Add Bache1or's, Master's or Doctorate Degrees to your resume in just 4-6 weeks and open avenues to promotion and better jobs! At your Own Pace! At your Own Schedule! At your Own Convenience! No Examination! No Study! No Class! Regardless of your location, you can receive a degree in your desired field. All you need is sufficient knowledge, military, or professional experience and you are on your way to an instant degree in your relevant field. Earn a recognized University Degree based on professional experience within a few weeks! Get your desired degree on the basis of your Prior Knowledge and professional Experience. Give us a call NOW! +1-801-461-5023 Please leave us your: 1) Your Name 2) Your Country 3) Phone No. with country code if outside USA We will get back to you ASAP 2w8u9o0p |
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Colle,ctio-n 2005R*oa*dsterDia+go*no Titani*umL,uminor ,P,ower Res*erveSu'b'mersible+ 19'73Doubl+e Eag+le *Chrono+meterAd*mira*l's, Cup' Tide-s 48Sp_orts +Seri*es Chro-nograp.hJ+12 GTM Ch+ronog,rap'hDiago*no S,oti.rio Chro+nog.raphSpi,tfi-re UTCC,lassiq.ue Co,mpl,icatio'n T*ourbil.lonPr+eci-ous Me*tal Fli.ght De*ck +Chrono-graphR-at,trapa.nte .Chronog.rap-h IA L,ange & .Sohne1.8Kt/S_S Two* Ton_e Oyst*er Da,teju*stM'aste_r Ban.ker Tou+rbi-llon Ch'ron_ographCa.li,bro 303 -Chrono.g,raphNav-itimer _R.angeA'rmani, Keych'ainsLi_mited &* Nu,mber,ed Ed.itionsK_ing. Conquis.tador' C+orte.z Chr.onogr+aphMig-lia P'ower Con-tr_ol Gra_n T*urismo. XLFran+ck M+ullerD*e +Ville C+o A*xial 3 .fac_ed Chr-onom_eterT*orino C-hron'ographTa.n+k Ame_ricaine'Spi+tfire_ Chronog*ra,ph Autom*ati+cMust 21- S*eries M-us_t 21 -Chrono_graphS_t Dupo_nt +Rolle.rOys*ter Dat_ejus't Whi-te Gold+Class*ique C'ompli+c*ation To*urbi*llonUly+sses_ Nard+inCla,ssiq.ue Co+mplic_ationsL*oui*s Vui.tton* Bags & -W_alletsS.por_t Evol.ution C.hronog*raph'Monac_o _Chron_ograph*Happy Di_amond's S_piri't Ed,itionConq+uista*do+r Chron+ograph*Co*mplica*tions C.hro'nograph+Ben_tle.y Mot'orsLouis *V+uitton ,Bag.s & Wa'llet'sSpitf.ire UT+CLum+inor, MarinaA*la+in Silb.erstein,Mo-onphas-eFerrar,i, Granturi,sm*o Rattra+p*anteHa+ppy Dia,mon,ds Sport, Squ_are,Tourb'illo.n Power R_eser.veJ12, T*wo tone W-hite,Scha'ffhaus-en Aq'uat*imer, Chron-ograp+hDamier _Can+vasPr_eci*ous Meta.l Cl'assico 'Gol+den, Crown-Empor,io Arm*aniPa,nom_aticLin*k Aut*omatic *C.hrono.graphN.avitimer_Bregu.etLou*is V,ui_tton +Bags & 'Wal*letsC*hronog+raph In_dic.ator' by Exter_na.Omeg*a Seamast*er S-pec_ial Ed.itionCo__A+xial -Powe*r Reserv+eV,erona 'NuovoD*e Vil_le C-o Axi*al C,hronom*eterCraz,y H_ours T+ourbil+l+ionNa_vitimer. Her'itageC+hronogr_ap.h In*dicator .by Ex'te_rnaRadoPa_noma'tic* Chron*ograph'Comp'lica-tion's Chro*nograph. Tou,rbill-ion_J12 Two- tone C+h_ronogr+aphL'ongin+esLum'inor M_arinaGMT_O_yster D*ay dat,e .White *GoldL'ouis -Vuitton -Bag-s &' WalletsT+esl+arCra-zy H_ours +Tourbill'i.onKirium' Form-ula 1,Mi.lgaus.sLimi_ted & Nu,mbe,red Ed'ition+sHublot*T.orino 'Chronogr_aphE_nica,rTime+walker 'Seri.es Ch'ron.ographT-T3 Ch_ronogr-aph.OrisRo.lex* Sports ,M'odelsNa*vitimer- 1_25E C,hronogr.aphMil'le M-igl_ia C.hronog'raph *Stainl+ess* Steel, Brace_letForm'ula 1, Ser_ie+s Formula- 1S_erenade,Slim+ Ca.se Autom-ati_c18K+t/SS Tw-o .Tone Jub'il-ee Date-justAd-mira,l's Cup. Co'mpetit_ion 40+Dup+ont Rep-lic+a Ligh.te-rs Collec_ti_on 2,005Grand .Compl+i_catio,n Moon'phase C*hrono+graphN,av'itimer_ 125E ,Chrono.graph.L+ouis Vu+itt*on Bags+ & Wal+le'tsChr,ono B'ankerMo+nogr-am Pe,rfoSt_ Dupont +Bal-lpoin.tLoui's Vuit_ton B+ag*s & Wa_lletsBR ,G,rand Comp.licat-ion. Chr+onogr*aphTo-urbil*lonLouis+ Vu*itton ,Bags &' Wal,let*sOmega+ Speed*mas,ter Ra*cin'g Chr-onometer_Go-lden T_ourb*illon Pan-o-ramiq,ueLum_inor .MarinaJub_i,lee Datej-u-st SSNav*iti_mer 1'25E 'Chron_ograp'hSalvato-re .Ferra_gamo Ke,ych_ainsA,rmani+ Keych,ainsL,uminor, P.ower Res,erve-Louis+ Vuit*ton -Bags -& Wallet-sJae_ger L*eCou'ltreGu,cci Ro,ller.Brushe+d St,ee+l Series_The Ma*ri-nerL*ong Isla,nd A.uto'maticF-iero18'Kt/,SS Two T+one *Datejus*tBr.ushed .Steel+ S.eriesJew.elr,y & Acc.es*sories- Sta*r Plat_inum Ch'ron-ograp.hConqu_istador* SCJ1_2 Whi*t.e Leathe.r Band'Seam-as_ter Aqua _Te,rra .Railmaste*rA+llongee. Ce*intureOr+is.Migli,a Mille+ GT.Cartie,r Rol*lerb_allP,ortuguese* Chro.nogra,phJ*ubilee* Da+tejust_ 18k .& S-SPortofi_no A-utomat*icD,amie.r CanvasO*mega_ S.peedma.ster Ra_cing. Chr.onomete-rG'ran Turi+smo, Chronog_r-aphCl-assic Rou+ndL*umin.or M,arina Ru.bber B'an'dGMTLo,uis Vu,itto_n Bag-s &, Wall,etsAdmi*ral'-s Cup C,omp.etiti_on 40S, T _Dupont* Light-ers Gol*d S+eries+Rol,ex Sp-orts Mod'elsR*att-rapantePo.rt-ofino. Automat'ic+Royal Oa+k Chr,onogr_aph. Limit_ed Ed_it-ionVINT-AGE, 126La+nge 1C'hristi,an .Dior* Cufflin*ksB*reitling*L+ouis Vui+tt_on Ba+gs & _Wallets,Lumin.or Mari_na ,Leathe+r Ban*dChris,ti-an Di_or K,eychainsM_il.le M_iglia Ch*ronogr+ap+h Stai-nless, St+eel Bra+celetSc,haf*fha.usen A_quati+mer 'Chronog+raphMo.nt B-lanc+ Foun-tain P_enRad.iomir_Big ,PilotC.hrono.met'er Moonp.hase -Limi+ted* Editi_onPe+arlmas*ter 18k, GoldL-oui-s Vuit.ton B*ags &_ W-alletsLo*uis Vu*it+ton Bag,s &* Wal*letsTiffa,ny &, CO Ne.cklac+e,Chrono'swissLou*is, Vuitt_on Ba.gs & W.allets'Pearl*ma+ster *18k Go*ld |
women rolex models, rolex perpetual datejust price Posted: 25 Feb 2010 02:43 AM PST 6t6yeu8i9 Gu-cci Ba_llpoin.tCar-tier, Bal+lpoin,tChron'ograph. Indic+ator ,by E,xte*rnaPe.arlmas*ter Wh,ite .Gol.d18Kt/SS+ Two T_one _Pres,ide'ntial +Date'justErgo_n Chr-onogr,aphLo-uis' Vui_tton Ba-gs & W.all*etsL*ouis Vuit-ton ,Bags &, W'alle+tsTechn.omari-neP.ortug'uese Per+petu'al Ca_len+darTou_rbill_ion Chro+nog+raph,TT1Deep'sea Se'a Dw,el-lerLo.uis Vu'itton Ba,g+s & Wa-lletsVe'gas A.utoma*ti.cFligh,t Dec'k Chrono_g,raph To,urbill*onSch+aff+haus-en Re+gulate,urLink A,uto-mati'c Ch+ronograph-D*atograp_hMarin-e Chr,onog_raph*Doubl,e Eagle- Chr,onomet-er, Mid +SizePhil*ip S_tei,nLumino,r Su'bmersib.leSea+maste-r A_qua Terr'a'Jout &, Nuit ,Aut.omaticCom-plica,tio'n Moo'nphase* Chr,onograp.hTes,lar (,Dia,mond bez.el.)Chrono.ma+tic 49J12_ Cl_assic D,ia.monds ,Chronog*rap-hClass-ic Ch'rono+graphAs'tr*onom*ical *Celest,ial Doub.le. Dial.Chro+nomat Ch+ro.nograph*Chrono,graph.e +Certi-fie Chro*nome.treCa+latrava+Full* S+ize Five' Ti.me Zo'ne Watc*hes 4_7mm. Leathe-r Band_Lou-is Vu_itto_n Ba.gs & Wall'ets.Louis 'Vuitt.on B_ags, & Wa.llets,Cortina C.hrono_gr*aph (_Leat*her strap-)Lumi,n+or Aut-omatic* To+urbill'ionCla'ssic .Sant,os Ser_ies Sa*nto*s Cla,ssicSa_ntos 10.0 S_keleton+L*uminor Su+bm-ersibleN+avit*imer C.hr'onoMa_ticVINTA*GE 1*26Mus*t 21 S'eries' M-ust 21 +Quart.zTourb,illio*n *Chrono+graphsT,T3 Ch-rono_graph,Lumin*or +Subm_ersibleS,t Dupo_nt- Roll,erLou*is Vuitt'on 'Bags _& Wal.let+sLoui-s Vuitto,n Bag's &- Wallet*sLang.em-atik .Big D,ateLoui_s Vu'itton- Bag+s & Wal*letsT.iffany* & CO_ N,ecklaceT-iffan_y & Co, Jew-elryBR_01 9'618K.t/SS +Two ,Tone Oys+ter .Da-tejustCha+n'elCom-plica'tion M'oonph'ase Ch+ronogra*ph_Mont Bla+ncRo.yal -Oak Off-shore+ T3R+ettan_gol.oThous*ands o_f F'eet AS. Seri'esSu'perlegg.era, J12 Bla.ck Ta'ch+ymet-re Chrono*g+raphRed_ Devi,l B-ang Li-mited E,dit.ion -Chronogra.phMo'nt B.lanc ,Roll*erballC*asabla,nca L_ea-ther .BandTit+an -Chronogr_ap_hZeni-thChro_noswiss-Pr.ofile .XL Ch-ronogr-aphSpo+rt. Evolu-tio+n Chron_ogra_phRoyal- Oak ,Offs.hor_e Chro_nograph.Seam.ast_er Pro .300.m Sea'master' 300m G-MTF1 -Dual+ Tim-e Ch,ronog.raphSkyr'ace-r Ra+ven Chron-ogra,phLong, Isl+an_d Chr-onogr.aphEspera-nz,aAdmiral- S Li_mited+ Edi+tionFo*rmu.la 1 S'eries+ Chron*ograp.hBr+acelet'Pasha. Se*atimer *200-6Tiff_any &_ CO B_racelets'Pe.ndantHe_rm*es Watc.hesOr+isDe _Ville -Co ,Axial 3' f,aced *Chronom_eterC*hop_ardLou-is Vuit,ton. Bag+s & Wa.lletsE.xcalibu.r' Chronog_ra-phOyst.er Dat*eju_st 18k &* SSLou'i,s Vuit-ton Ba*gs _& Wallets-A.venger_ Titan_iumCon,cord'Limi*ted Spor*ts E*dition- Chr*onog*raphAdm-iral',s C_up Tid,es 4+8Lo*uis Vuitt'on +Bags .& Walle'tsGra,n,de Son*nerie T_ourb,illon .Moo,nphr_ase Chron+ogr,aphE-mpori-o Armani_J1_2 Wh-ite Chron'ogr+aphSup.erle,gge'ra J1.2 Whi,te Ch,ronog_raphCrazy, Hour_s To*urbi'llon P-ow+er Indica-tor+GrahamD.o'uble Eag*le Ch,ronome*t+erLoui*s Vuitt*on B.ags_ & Wal-letsOm*ega S*eamaste.r 3'00 M *Chrono'meterC,o_ncord-Mercedes' Benz .SLR C_hr*onogr-aphAs.sioma_ Heures -Retr,o *Chronogr.aph_Vers,ace K,eycha+insSpor,ts Chro*nogr.aphE+lliptic.a.Roger' DubuisS.eamas*te,r Pro+ 300m _Seamast+er 300'm _GMTL'ouis ,Vuitt_on Bag_s & Wall_etsPr'eciou*s ,Metal Cl*ass+ico Gol-de.n Crown.Soti+rio Co_mplic'at*ions 'Tourbil-lonCo_rum*Classic* Round-Sm*all Se,conds 'Edi.tionO,risRoadst*er_Louis Vu-it-ton B+ags +& Walle-tsB+R01 96_Lumino'rMonaco* 24 -Calibr'e Au.tomat.ic C'hronog_ra+phAuda,ce C1 Ch+rono+gr,aphOri+sOmega S'eam'ast_er Planet- Oce'anLou.is _Vuitton, B_ags & Wa'llet'sFerrar+iHau_te, Horloger+ie ,Tourb.illo+nRoyal _Oak O,ffshor+e ,Chrono.graphK+ey+chain_sFacetoJ1,2 Cl,assic, D,iamon'ds Ch.ronograp'hGirar,d Pe-rre.gaux,Chronom,etre. Navi+timer,Happy+ Dia+mondsLumi.nor- Mar_ina L'eather_ Band'18Kt/S*S Two- To.ne Ju+bilee Da'te'justTT-1Ome'ga S+peedma'ster S*noopy .Editio*nFor,mul.a 1 S'eries +Formula, 1- Chrono.gra.phLumi_norDigi*ta_l Serie+sC*hronome'tre. Navit*imerCo'rti+na Ch*ronogr_aph -(Leath,er st_rap)Spor+t Cl'assi*que Chr.ono_grap*hInstru'me+nt BR' Airbor-ne Lim*ited *Edit*ionLou*is' Vuitto,n Ba_gs & ,WalletsL'ou*is Vu,itton -Bags *& W'alletsLo-uis 'Vui*tton Bags+ &* Wallets.Bent,ley +Motors +Chro+no-graph*J12 T'wo to,ne Whit*eCraz+y H-ours .Tourbi-llon.Louis Vu+itto*n Bags- &' Wallet,sRado'Mon_za Ca.libre' 36Ful+l Stainl_es*s Steel *Jub-ilee +Dateju+stCla'ssi,co To'urbill-on C.hrono'graph-Roya'l Oak +Chrono'grap'hBig Pi+lotC_asab_lanca ,Leather- _BandMon.t Bla,ncJ_12 To_urbillo,nAssi_oma Au'tom_aticFull' 18-K Gold' Yach*tmaste+r I.ISa-ratogaPea_rl.mast'er Wh,ite Gold*GMTLo*ng I'slan*d Chro*nogra*phRatt-rapan.te Ch_ronog*raphTa'nkVer*s'ace Keyc,hains'Datog.rap*hEspe'ranza-Gucci *BagsCas-abl+anca Ch.ron.ogra.phMont+bri'lliant Da-tor+aRetta_ngol_oCo_A-xial A'utomat_ic Ch-ro,nometer*La,nge 1 Mo-onp,haseSupe+rle.ggera J_12 Wh+ite _Chrono+g*raphTank _Franc+ais-eOme*ga Se_amaster_ 300. M +GMTRoyal +Oak T'ou*rbil'lon Chr*ono-graphMilg*a.ussDe V-ille Co,Ax+ial _CoAxial ,Rattr,apante+Lin*k Auto'matic _Chron.ograp.hNo.madePa+sha' C Chro+nog*raph_Seamast.ers, Aqua T_erra Au'tomat'icSpo.r_t Chro_nograph-Louis 'Vu_itton .Bags. & W.alletsT+aigaRa_tt*rapan.teRettan_golo' Chro.nogr,aphG_rand Car*rera' Ca+libre C*hrono'graph+Ome+ga Seama-ster -Rail.maste+r Chron*ogr*aphPor,tugues_e Ch'ronog+raph-Cort,ina +Chrono,graph (+Leat,her, strap)N'av-itimer _Chron-oMat*icJ1+2 Class+ic D_iamonds+Louis+ Vuitt,on -Bag*s & W-allets'Oyster' Perpet,ual_ 18k ,Gol_dLoui_s Vuit+ton B.ags & Wa-lle+tsMill+e Mi_glia Ru,bb,er S,trapTh_ousan*ds of_ Feet+ AS Se-riesDat*ograp-h.Brushed+ Ste'el S*eriesD+olce- & Gabba+na*Formu_la 1 .Kimi R-aikko-nen Edit-ionWa.tc*hes Su_perlegg'er-a J12 -Bla,ckWelderT.ec'hnomarin.eP.iccadily. (Dia-mon+d b+ezel)Lumi.nor M.arina* S+S Bracel,etK.ing Con'quist,ado-r Corte'z. Chronog_raphS-ports' C'ollecti-on Con'questF*err_ari G-ranturi_smo R.attra-pante.Tan.k Fran+caise-J12 Wh_ite T+ou,rbillion_Blanc-pai-nAs_tronomica'l+ Celes-tial ,Double D-i*alLoui-s Vu'itton Ba,gs *& Walle,tsSea.maste,r Aqu,a Terr_aL_uminor _GMTTT-3 Chro'n-ographM'iglia M'ill'e GTAqu.ara.cer -Automat-ic_Portugu+ese C*las*sicDou_ble E,agle Ch-ron,ometer M*id *SizeGr,and ,Compl.icat*ion Ch-rono,graphPa+sh*a de *CartierM.ont B-la,nc Roll,erball-Oyst.er Day_ dat-e 1*8k GoldL.umi-nor Re,gat+taTan_k Amer'icaine,Aqu'arace+r Auto,mati*cChristia'n Dio*r Cu+fflink+s+FerrariA-lumin,iu-m Chrono'gra-phDi*orDay D.ate To.urbi.llonL.oui*s Vui*tton Bag's '& Wallet'sArch,itect_e GM_TLou_is Vu,itton ,Bags .& Wal_let,sIWCL-angem-atik Per-pe+tualSeam-as-ter Dive-r Se*riesSma-ll' Seco.nds Ed'ition,Port_ugue+se Classi'cFa-cetoRo,yal' Oak Chr_onog.raphLo.uis- Vuit-ton_ Bags & _Wallet,s*BR SBl+ancpa'inCom-plicat,ion P-erpe-tual Ca*le_ndar19.32 Mo,onphaseP,asha +d_e Cart-ier Chro.n,ographS.pecial,it-ies Olym*pic .Collect+ion *Time'lessL,ouis V+uitt*on Ba-gs +& Wallet*sTour+bill'onLou+is .Vuitt,on Bags_ & Wa-llet_sMont *BlancG,uc.ci G ,ClassicBv_lg,ariJae*ger LeC'oul'treF*ormu'la 1 Ser_ies Ch-ron+ograp*hSu,perlegger-a J*12 Whi*teRoya*l Oa,k Tou+rbil+lon Ch+ron,ographTo_urbil*lion *M+oonpha.seEDC*ION _Limita_da Chro.nograp_hS+lytech' Chro'nograp_hLouis_ V-uitt,on Bags. & Wall'ets+18Kt_/SS .Two T+one O*yster Da'tejust_L,imite'd Sports' Ed,ition+ Chrono+gr,aphPro*file .XL C_hronog_raphNav*iti.mer Ran.geAdmi+ral's_ .Cup Comp-etiti+on _Victo_ry Cha,lle.ngePre.siden-t 18k &_ SSGuc'ci .Keycha*insJ+aeg,er LeC+oultr-eAdmir.al's Cu,p Ti.des +48Leat-her- band Da-tej+ustSeam_aste+rMo-nt Blanc, Fou+ntain* PenC,onqu+istado-r Chro'nog+raphS_eamast_er Di'ver S-eri+esTourbi,llion+ C,hron,ograp+hStar. Platin-um Chro_no+graph181_5 .Chrono*graph-J12 Tw.o ton-e _Chronog*raphLo_ui+s Vui,tton Bags' & +Wal.letsMast.er Geo-gr*aphic A+utom+aticT.echnom,ar'ineLe Gra*n*de Cl+assique 'Qua.rtz 3'7mmClas+sic Q*uar'tzLadys .Q+uartzC'latr-ava Cl_assicOr'isClas*sic T*ourb*illion+ Ske*le'tonRog+er Du,buisLo,ngi'tude Chro+n'ograp_hHaute H_orl.ogerie T,our+bil+lonSport -Evolu.tion 'Chro+nograp'hL+ouis V*uitto,n Bag-s & ,Wallets,Ome-ga De 'Ville- Co_ Axia'l Chrono_meterC-arr.era C-ali+bre 1Lou_is Vu'it.ton Bags ,& Wa*ll*etsTach+ymeter- Ch-ronogr*aphJaeg*er L+eC-oultreR,adio.mir T*ourbilli-on'Louis, Vuitt.on Bags- & Wa+ll.etsFul_l 18K. Gold P*res,ide'ntial D*ay Date+, Fu-lly I.ced Di,alE.llipti-caDoub_le E-agle A,utoma,t*ic Chrono*gra,phVIN.TAGE 12.6Mas_ter, MoonBra_cele,tPe*arlma.ster Whi+te 'Gol_dLange 1 _Moon_phaseO+mega* S_eamas+ter Pl.anet+ Ocea+n Chro.noLou*is Vuit-ton B,ag*s & W+allets.Loui+s Vuit'ton B*ags &' Walle+tsTa*nk A,mericaine'Prad'a Keyc-ha_insErgo.n Chro.nogr*ap'hPiccad.ily* (Diamo*nd ,bezel)-Alum*inium Ch,ronog*raphLo*uis V.uitt,on -Bags* & Walle-tsCa.sabl+anca Ch'ro+nogra_phLouis. Vuitto-n _Bags, & Wa*lletsSp'eedMas_te'r DateL,aure-ato EVO* Chro*nograp+hPoli-ceM*aste_r Col*lection' Ma-ster+ Autom,atic Big* Dat,ePasha+ C' Chr_onograph.To'urbillion_ Mo-onpha*seG*irard Per,regau,xLi+nk se_rie_s Chrono.gr+aphJ12 -Cla*ssic Di,amo,nds Chron*ograp*h+Rettangol-o Ch.ronogr,a'phBvlga,ri Cuff.link.sSpo*rt ,Class,ique 'Chronogr_aph_Titan C-hrono+graphO-meg_a Se'amas,ter S,pecial E'dit+ionJ12 .Tourbi,ll,onJ12 W*hite _Chron*ogra-phL+ouis V,uitto_n Bags &_ Wa,llets'Con.stell-ation Cla_ss'icClass-ic Chr*on+ographBe+nt.ley -GT 47m_m Edit_ion'Dolce _& Gab'banaOyst'er Pe-rpe_tua,l 18k G,oldLig_hte,rsLoui-s Vui*tton- Bags & _Wa,llets_Maxi +Marine- Chron-omet,erCort*in'a Chro+nogr.aph (Lea+ther s,tr.ap)Suns,etPla.tinum'/Whit*e G-old Pre*sid*ential, Date.justF_ormul_a 1 Se'ries *Formul*a 1 C,hro_nograph'Acade+m.ia Chrono+graph-Chri_st*ian Di.or Key'chain.sCo_Axi*al- Automat*i,c Chron*ome-terLouis *V-uitton .Bags. & Wal.let.sMille M*ig,lia C_hronog-raph _Stainle_ss Ste*el *Brace,let*Carbon _Chrono-graphT,h,ousan*ds of Fe_et +AS Serie*sTa,nk +Francaise- Chro,nog+rap-hFerr,ari Gr'antu+rismo R'attrap+an+teAquara,cerCl+as'sic Santo.s Se-ries- San,tos Cla'ssicM+onza, Calib,re _36Mont .Bl'ancLin'k se,ries *Chrono-graphBR0-1 9*2 Aut+oma,ticMille_ Migli.a+ Chronog.raph L,e*ather Str-a+pDual t-ime Chr_onome-te'rTrad+ition T'our.billon .Co.llection+Pa+nomat'ic Chr,onogr'aphPra*da K-eychains.Mu,st 21 S,er-ies Must, 21 C_hron,ogr'aphB Zero_L+ange 1 Mo-onpha,seDua*l Ch*ronog*rap-hMonz'a Calib're ,36Gr.and Co_mplica*tion* Moonph_ase C.hronog.rap*hRichar-d Mil,leM,ille Mi-gl+ia Rub'ber _StrapLo*uis ,Vuitt*on Bags* & ,Wallet,sCra.zy Hou*rsGuc'ciTou_rbilli_on C_hrono*gr,aphsSpo'rt Ev+olutio,n _Impact T'ou'rbillonL-umin,or Po,wer. ReserveD'olc+e & G'abbana_Lumi,nor+ Clas'sicCh_rista'l Dia*mond 'Bracelet,Chr,onometer. Moon*phas.e Lim*it+ed Editi'onArch,itec-te* GMTTwen.ty 4'Spor,tivo 'Chron+ogra'phConqui_stad-or SCLo.ui+s Vui+tton Ba'gs &- Wall.etsBr.itt-MovadoCal+atrav-aPash.a Se,ati,mer 20'06Pane*raiPa.risCa_rt'ier Rolle_rba_llTr'adition ,Tou_rbi,llon C*ollec_tionRole,x D'atejust_sRi.chard. MilleS.eama_st+er Aqua T-er,raTaigaM'a.rine Ch,rono+grap,hPash-a de Ca*rtie+r Chrono-graph+D_amier C*anva*sNavitim'er +125E Ch*r'onograp'hAdmi'ral's _Cup _Comp'etition_ Vic'tory 'Chal+lengeGo-lden_ Tourb-illon. Panor_amiqu.eLo+uis _Vuitto'n Bag's & Wa,lle,tsSeam.aster A*qua+ Terr*aRoya*l Oak -30th A-n-niversary- Chr-on,ograp.hDupont C*uff_linksC+las*sic Tou*rbilli_on S'kelet-on18Kt-/SS- Two _Ton'e Dateju'st'BR 01 RAI.D_PensDupon-t Rep+lica, Lig.hter's Collec'tio-n 2005T.iffan-y- & CO. Neckla'ceCla-ssic C-hr'onograph'Mus_t De _Cartie'rJubi+leeLo-uis' Vuit'ton B,ags & Wa,lletsS,port- Chro_nog'raph+Handba*gs &, Wallets. Uta,h Lea,therC_ali-bre 360 'Auto'maticAd_mira-ls Cup- C.hron+ographO_mega D*e Vill.e- Co A.xial GMTS.EMo,nza Ca,libre ,3,6Tachyme*tr'e Chr,onogra,phGucc_i C-ufflin,ksBR,01 96T*ank _Franca,iseChr_ono_meter M,oonphas+e Lim+ited _Ed,itionBe.ntley -Mot*ors C,hronogr-aphMo_n+za Cali.bre' 36Super *Ocea-nH.aute H-orloge*rie T*ourbil.lo'nRoge+r Dubu*isPreci*ous- Met*al Fli,ght Deck- Ch.ronogr'ap,hGrand C.arrer-a Cal+ibre, Chro+nograph,GMT C'hrono.g.raphMa-ster' Moon*Spitfi-re Ch-ronograp,h A_utomati*cCar_rer'a Chr+onograph+ Tac_hymete-rSpe+edmas.terO*meg*a Seam*aster 30.0 M G.MT+Loui,s Vuit_ton Bag+s & Wa*llet+sO_mega De 'Ville _Co Ax,ial *Ch.ronograp.hBR01 '9*7 Powe_r Rese'rveLo'uis Vu.itton .Bags- & .Wallet_sSports' Ch+rono.graphN.icola*s Rieus_sec *Chrono_graph' P_latinum,Su-perlegge'ra ,J12 B,lackRadi*omi-r Tourb,illio-nJ-12 Whi.te Ch_rono+graphMi+glia_ Powe,r Con.trol G_ran. 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If a relaxing moment turns into the right moment, will you be ready? You can be with CIALIS. Posted: 25 Feb 2010 02:27 AM PST Sexual Health Restore your sex life, or just give it a little kick. Erectile dysfunction (ED), sometimes referred to as impotence, is the inability for a sexually active male to obtain and sustain an erection for sexual purposes. In the past, this has been very embarrassing for men, and a source of anxiety for their partners, and, in fact, there has been very little diagnostic testing or treatment options available until very recently. This problem affects at least 30 percent of all adult males, and 85 percent of the causes of ED are organic and due to an actual physical problem. In general, only 15 percent are of a severe nature, which is to say, the inability to obtain any type of erection whatsoever. With the advent of the safe and effective oral medications Viagra (Sildenafil) and Cialis (Tadalafil), the entire evaluation and treatment process for ED has become revolutionized. Since 1998, the number of patients seen by physicians has doubled, and up to 75 percent of these patients will respond very well to Viagra. The remainder might need other treatment modalities, some of which include combinations with Viagra or Cialis. Any physician can prescribe Viagra and Cialis; however, being seen by a doctor is not necessary in order to try the medication and see if it works well for you. These medications are proven to be effective, and are safe enough to be taken by men who are taking other medications as well. What are you waiting for? Restore your sex life to normal, or just give it a little extra kick. Millions of men use Viagra and Cialis today, improving their sex lives permanently. The boost to their confidence is undeniable, and their relationships are stronger and more intimate. Try it today to see if it's right for you. Sex can be one of the most enjoyable parts of your life. It strengthens relationships and adds excitement. Always be ready. If you have a problem getting or keeping an erection, you are not alone. In fact, more than half of all men over forty have difficulties getting or maintaining an erection. This condition, called erectile dysfunction (ED), occurs with younger and older men as well, but there's a safe, effective and easy method of treatment: Viagra. When the time is right, you'll always be ready. ------------------------------------------------------------- If a relaxing moment turns into the right moment, will you be ready? You can be with CIALIS. Relax and take your time. CIALIS is the only ED tablet clinically proven to both work up to 36 hours and work in some men as fast as 15 minutes. With CIALIS you don't have to hurry if you dont want to and you don't have to schedule your love making. You and your partner can relax and take time to choose the moment that's right for you, whether it's right now, or later on. You've got time. | |
If a relaxing moment turns into the right moment, will you be ready? You can be with CIALIS. Posted: 25 Feb 2010 01:47 AM PST Sexual Health Restore your sex life, or just give it a little kick. Erectile dysfunction (ED), sometimes referred to as impotence, is the inability for a sexually active male to obtain and sustain an erection for sexual purposes. In the past, this has been very embarrassing for men, and a source of anxiety for their partners, and, in fact, there has been very little diagnostic testing or treatment options available until very recently. This problem affects at least 30 percent of all adult males, and 85 percent of the causes of ED are organic and due to an actual physical problem. In general, only 15 percent are of a severe nature, which is to say, the inability to obtain any type of erection whatsoever. With the advent of the safe and effective oral medications Viagra (Sildenafil) and Cialis (Tadalafil), the entire evaluation and treatment process for ED has become revolutionized. Since 1998, the number of patients seen by physicians has doubled, and up to 75 percent of these patients will respond very well to Viagra. The remainder might need other treatment modalities, some of which include combinations with Viagra or Cialis. Any physician can prescribe Viagra and Cialis; however, being seen by a doctor is not necessary in order to try the medication and see if it works well for you. These medications are proven to be effective, and are safe enough to be taken by men who are taking other medications as well. What are you waiting for? Restore your sex life to normal, or just give it a little extra kick. Millions of men use Viagra and Cialis today, improving their sex lives permanently. The boost to their confidence is undeniable, and their relationships are stronger and more intimate. Try it today to see if it's right for you. Sex can be one of the most enjoyable parts of your life. It strengthens relationships and adds excitement. Always be ready. If you have a problem getting or keeping an erection, you are not alone. In fact, more than half of all men over forty have difficulties getting or maintaining an erection. This condition, called erectile dysfunction (ED), occurs with younger and older men as well, but there's a safe, effective and easy method of treatment: Viagra. When the time is right, you'll always be ready. ------------------------------------------------------------- If a relaxing moment turns into the right moment, will you be ready? You can be with CIALIS. Relax and take your time. CIALIS is the only ED tablet clinically proven to both work up to 36 hours and work in some men as fast as 15 minutes. With CIALIS you don't have to hurry if you dont want to and you don't have to schedule your love making. You and your partner can relax and take time to choose the moment that's right for you, whether it's right now, or later on. You've got time. | |
If a relaxing moment turns into the right moment, will you be ready? You can be with CIALIS. Posted: 25 Feb 2010 01:45 AM PST Sexual Health Restore your sex life, or just give it a little kick. Erectile dysfunction (ED), sometimes referred to as impotence, is the inability for a sexually active male to obtain and sustain an erection for sexual purposes. In the past, this has been very embarrassing for men, and a source of anxiety for their partners, and, in fact, there has been very little diagnostic testing or treatment options available until very recently. This problem affects at least 30 percent of all adult males, and 85 percent of the causes of ED are organic and due to an actual physical problem. In general, only 15 percent are of a severe nature, which is to say, the inability to obtain any type of erection whatsoever. With the advent of the safe and effective oral medications Viagra (Sildenafil) and Cialis (Tadalafil), the entire evaluation and treatment process for ED has become revolutionized. Since 1998, the number of patients seen by physicians has doubled, and up to 75 percent of these patients will respond very well to Viagra. The remainder might need other treatment modalities, some of which include combinations with Viagra or Cialis. Any physician can prescribe Viagra and Cialis; however, being seen by a doctor is not necessary in order to try the medication and see if it works well for you. These medications are proven to be effective, and are safe enough to be taken by men who are taking other medications as well. What are you waiting for? Restore your sex life to normal, or just give it a little extra kick. Millions of men use Viagra and Cialis today, improving their sex lives permanently. The boost to their confidence is undeniable, and their relationships are stronger and more intimate. Try it today to see if it's right for you. Sex can be one of the most enjoyable parts of your life. It strengthens relationships and adds excitement. Always be ready. If you have a problem getting or keeping an erection, you are not alone. In fact, more than half of all men over forty have difficulties getting or maintaining an erection. This condition, called erectile dysfunction (ED), occurs with younger and older men as well, but there's a safe, effective and easy method of treatment: Viagra. When the time is right, you'll always be ready. ------------------------------------------------------------- If a relaxing moment turns into the right moment, will you be ready? You can be with CIALIS. Relax and take your time. CIALIS is the only ED tablet clinically proven to both work up to 36 hours and work in some men as fast as 15 minutes. With CIALIS you don't have to hurry if you dont want to and you don't have to schedule your love making. You and your partner can relax and take time to choose the moment that's right for you, whether it's right now, or later on. You've got time. | |
Sex can be one of the most enjoyable parts of your life. It strengthens relationships and adds excitement. Posted: 25 Feb 2010 01:42 AM PST Sexual Health Restore your sex life, or just give it a little kick. Erectile dysfunction (ED), sometimes referred to as impotence, is the inability for a sexually active male to obtain and sustain an erection for sexual purposes. In the past, this has been very embarrassing for men, and a source of anxiety for their partners, and, in fact, there has been very little diagnostic testing or treatment options available until very recently. This problem affects at least 30 percent of all adult males, and 85 percent of the causes of ED are organic and due to an actual physical problem. In general, only 15 percent are of a severe nature, which is to say, the inability to obtain any type of erection whatsoever. With the advent of the safe and effective oral medications Viagra (Sildenafil) and Cialis (Tadalafil), the entire evaluation and treatment process for ED has become revolutionized. Since 1998, the number of patients seen by physicians has doubled, and up to 75 percent of these patients will respond very well to Viagra. The remainder might need other treatment modalities, some of which include combinations with Viagra or Cialis. Any physician can prescribe Viagra and Cialis; however, being seen by a doctor is not necessary in order to try the medication and see if it works well for you. These medications are proven to be effective, and are safe enough to be taken by men who are taking other medications as well. What are you waiting for? Restore your sex life to normal, or just give it a little extra kick. Millions of men use Viagra and Cialis today, improving their sex lives permanently. The boost to their confidence is undeniable, and their relationships are stronger and more intimate. Try it today to see if it's right for you. Sex can be one of the most enjoyable parts of your life. It strengthens relationships and adds excitement. Always be ready. If you have a problem getting or keeping an erection, you are not alone. In fact, more than half of all men over forty have difficulties getting or maintaining an erection. This condition, called erectile dysfunction (ED), occurs with younger and older men as well, but there's a safe, effective and easy method of treatment: Viagra. When the time is right, you'll always be ready. ------------------------------------------------------------- If a relaxing moment turns into the right moment, will you be ready? You can be with CIALIS. Relax and take your time. CIALIS is the only ED tablet clinically proven to both work up to 36 hours and work in some men as fast as 15 minutes. With CIALIS you don't have to hurry if you dont want to and you don't have to schedule your love making. You and your partner can relax and take time to choose the moment that's right for you, whether it's right now, or later on. You've got time. | |
ONCE UPON A CHASID: The Sterile Barb (Tetzaveh) Posted: 25 Feb 2010 01:31 AM PST | | |
Adar 11, 5770 · February 25, 2010 The Sterile Barb Pure oil of olives crushed for lighting, to raise an ever-burning lamp (27:20) "Crushed for lighting" - When one speaks crushing words of rebuke, it must be with the sole purpose of enlightening, illuminating, and uplifting one's fellow; never, G-d forbid, to humiliate and break him. - Rabbi Yechiel, Rebbe of Alexander In 1927, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok of Lubavitch was arrested and sentenced to death for his 'counter-revolutionary' work to preserve and strengthen Jewish life throughout the Soviet Union. The sentance was commuted to exile after international diplomatic pressure was exerted on the soviet regime on the Rebbe's behalf, and soon afterwards he was released and allowed to leave the country. But the harrowing ordeal of imprisonment and torture at the hands of Stalin's henchmen greatly weakened the Rebbe's health, necessitating his treatment at various sanatoriums throughout Europe. The following letter was written by the Rebbe to one of his sons-in-law in the winter of 1935. BH, Tuesday, 21 Adar II 5695 [March 26th 1935] Purkesdorf Sanatorium, near Vienna …Today I saw something which can be used to illustrate and explain a principle in the life's work ('avodah') of man. This caused me great pleasure. A prevalent theme of chassidic teaching is that man derives many elements of his service of his Creator from worldly models. The intellect and thought process of man, the human character, the natural phenomenon - all serve as examples to explain various aspects of man's relationship with the Almighty. Our master, Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov, taught that every single thing or event that a person sees or hears is an instruction and guide to his service of the Almighty. This is what avodahis all about: to perceive and comprehend your path in the service of G-d that is implicit in everything you chance to experience and observe. But there are incidents which do not necessitate extensive contemplation, which at first glance reveal their lesson in avodah. Today, such an incident came my way. For some time now I have been observing the vigorous regimen that holds sway at the sanatorium. All revolves on one axis: that everything must be in accordance with the laws of medicine to yield the utmost results in the healing of the body. It goes without saying that, of course, this regimen applies to the doctors who come to examine the patients: they come exactly at the appointed time, thoroughly inquire into every detail and record it all in their notes, and consult with each other time and again throughout day regarding the diet and treatment of the patients. But even the simple orderlies do their work faithfully: feeling for the pain of the patients and aspiring with all their souls to releive their pain. At all times, they present a cheerful face to each patient, forever standing ready, night as day, to fulfill his every order and desire. In his 'Letter of Repentance'1Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi writes concerning the giving of charity to atone for wrongdoing: "though this may amount to a considerable sum, one need not be concerned with the rule 'do not squander more than a fifth of your possessions charity'2for this is no worse than spending for the healing of the body and his other needs…" His holy words, "this is no worse than the healing of the body," are forever before my eyes. I am constantly thinking of how necessary is a 'sanatorium' for those who suffer from the illnesses of the soul. And whenever I observe another of medicine's techniques for healing the body, I envision its counterpart in the healing of the soul. Today the doctors came to administer a certain remedy, applied by injecting a healing drug with a needle. I observed the extreme care the doctor and his assistant took in preparing for this: dressed all in white, the meticulously examined their clothes for cleanliness; then, they washed their hands twice and three times and checked their nails for the slightest trace of dirt; finally, they poured upon their fingertips - especially on their nails3- a strong chemical which removes the slightest contamination. When they finished these preparations, they scrubbed my legs with strong spirits and other chemicals which remove even the most insubstantial and invisible bit of dust. Twice and thrice they scrubbed. Seeing these extensive precautions I asked: for what purpose are they scrubbing my legs, if but a short while ago I had bathed and my flesh was clean? The doctors replied: Nevertheless, it is an ironclad rule that before a needle penetrates living flesh, one must first wash the entire area with spirits which remove the slightest trace of dust. For were the minutest particle to enter the body together with the healing drug, G-d forbid, not only would the particle cancel the benefit of the medicine, but it could also cause many severe illnesses, G-d forbid. The gathering of chassidim to farbrengis comparable to the injection of a medicine into the body by the prick of a needle. In most instances, the speakers urge their fellows to improve their behavior, to schedule and keeep set times for the study of Torah, and that their study should result in action and observance. Now these demands, though they are made out of an inner love and with great affection, nevertheless, often come in the form of a pricking needle - much the same way that a needle containing medicine comes for a most positive end yet still must be accomplished by means of a prick. Before the 'stab', in addition to insuring that the needle itself is perfectly clean, one must also cleanse the area of the injection. With the neglect of these pre-conditions, not only is the 'remedy' rendered utterly useless, but one endangers the very life of the patient, G-d forbid. For so long as the dirt remains outside, it can be eliminated or, at least, swept away; but should it enter within, G-d forbid, it inflicts great damage. A gathering of chassidim - a chassidishe farbrengen- is a healing balm, a literal life saver, bringing unimaginable benefit. We have seen time and again how every chassidicword penetrates to the innermost parts of the mind and heart, how every note of a chassidic melody awakens the heart, brings it closer to goodness and cleaves it to the truth. But the healing medicines of a farbrengencome with a prick, that is, in a tone of rebuke. Therefore, great care must be taken that the instrument for penetrating the being of another be perfectly clean, and the 'stab' be cleansed and sterilized of any taint of antagonism or self-interest.
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Earn a University Degree based on your professional experience. Posted: 25 Feb 2010 01:05 AM PST AFFORDABLE ONLINE BACHEL0R'S, MASTER'S & DOCT0RATE DEGREES Add Bache1or's, Master's or Doctorate Degrees to your resume in just 4-6 weeks and open avenues to promotion and better jobs! At your Own Pace! At your Own Schedule! At your Own Convenience! No Examination! No Study! No Class! Regardless of your location, you can receive a degree in your desired field. All you need is sufficient knowledge, military, or professional experience and you are on your way to an instant degree in your relevant field. Earn a recognized University Degree based on professional experience within a few weeks! Get your desired degree on the basis of your Prior Knowledge and professional Experience. Give us a call NOW! +1-801-461-5023 Please leave us your: 1) Your Name 2) Your Country 3) Phone No. with country code if outside USA We will get back to you ASAP 2w8u9o0p |
Time, Money, Keeping you from earning the Degree you deserve? Posted: 25 Feb 2010 01:03 AM PST AFFORDABLE ONLINE BACHEL0R'S, MASTER'S & DOCT0RATE DEGREES Add Bache1or's, Master's or Doctorate Degrees to your resume in just 4-6 weeks and open avenues to promotion and better jobs! At your Own Pace! At your Own Schedule! At your Own Convenience! No Examination! No Study! No Class! Regardless of your location, you can receive a degree in your desired field. All you need is sufficient knowledge, military, or professional experience and you are on your way to an instant degree in your relevant field. Earn a recognized University Degree based on professional experience within a few weeks! Get your desired degree on the basis of your Prior Knowledge and professional Experience. Give us a call NOW! +1-801-461-5023 Please leave us your: 1) Your Name 2) Your Country 3) Phone No. with country code if outside USA We will get back to you ASAP 2w8u9o0p |
GARDEN OF TORAH: A Paradigm of Leadership (Tetzaveh) Posted: 25 Feb 2010 01:01 AM PST | | |
Adar 11, 5770 · February 25, 2010 A Paradigm Of Leadership Tetzavah; Exodus 27:20-30:10 Adapted from Likkutei Sichos, Vol. XV, p. 34ff; Vol. XVI p. 204ff; Vol. XXI, p. 173ff; Sefer Maamarim Melukat, Vol. VI, p. 129ff A Leader's Commitment Leadership involves self-sacrifice. Everyone understands that to receive you have to give, but true leadership is above this type of barter. A genuine leader rises above self-concern entirely. He identifies totally with his people and their purpose, and is willing to give up everything for them. Moshe Rabbeinu epitomized this type of leadership. When G-d told him that He would destroy the Jewish people because of the sin of the Golden Calf, Moshe responded:1 "If You would, forgive their sin. And if not, please obliterate me from the book You have written." By making this statement, Moshe offered to sacrifice more than his life; he was willing to give up even his soul. "The book You have written" refers to the entire Torah.2 Although Moshe is identified with the Torah,3 "he dedicated his soul for it,"4 he was, nevertheless, willing to sacrifice his connection with the Torah for the sake of Jewish people. Why? Because Moshe is one with the Jewish people. "Moshe is Israel, and Israel is Moshe."5 However deep his connection with the Torah, Moshe's connection with the Jewish people was deeper.6 This bond connects Moshe to every single Jew, regardless of his level of Divine service.7 For whom was Moshe willing to sacrifice everything? For all the Jews, including those who had been party to the worship of the Golden Calf. Regardless of what they had done, Moshe's commitment to them remained unchanged. Since that connection stemmed from the essence of his being and touched the essence of their being their conduct, however far removed from the spirit of Moshe's teachings, could not sever the bond between them. Three Prototypes of Righteous Conduct Our Sages compare three righteous men:8 Noach, Avraham, and Moshe. Noach was himself totally righteous, but showed little concern for the people around him. He spent 120 years building an ark to arouse the people's curiosity, and would tell them of the need to repent if they asked.9 But nothing more. He didn't seek to influence his neighbors to change their conduct, nor did he pray that G-d avert the coming of the Flood.10 Avraham, by contrast, sought to improve the people among whom he lived. On the verse:11 "He proclaimed there the name of G-d, eternal L-rd," our Sages comment:12 "Do not read vayikra 'he proclaimed,' but vayakri 'he made others proclaim.' " Avraham publicized G-d's presence and motivated others to call on Him. Moreover, when G-d told Avraham that He was going to destroy Sodom, Avraham prayed for the city, even challenging G-d:13 "Will You wipe out the righteous and the wicked?… It would be sacrilege for You… to kill the righteous with the wicked…. Shall not the whole world's Judge act justly?" Moshe, however, showed an even more encompassing commitment. Avraham's prayer was for "the righteous." Moshe, by contrast, prayed for the Jews after the worship of the Golden Calf. As leader of his people, his commitment extended to every Jew, even to those whose conduct stood in direct opposition to his own values. It was for the sake of these people that Moshe asked G-d to relent: "If not, please obliterate me from the book." Deeper than a Name Our Sages state:14 "A curse uttered by a wise man, even when conditional, becomes manifest." On that basis, our Rabbis explain15 that even though G-d accepted Moshe's prayer for the Jews, the malediction he pronounced on himself had an effect. Moshe's name is mentioned in every Torah reading from Parshas Shmos (which describes his birth) until the Book of Deuteronomy which conveys his farewell addresses with one exception: Parshas Tetzaveh. In this reading, Moshe's name in keeping with his request was stricken out. This does not, however, mean that Moshe is not associated with Parshas Tetzaveh. On the contrary, a name reflects merely that dimension of a person which relates to others. The essence of a person, who he really is, is above his name. Parshas Tetzaveh does not mention Moshe's name, but communicates an aspect of his being which cannot be expressed in a name. Moshe's self-sacrifice for the Jewish people stemmed from the essence of his being. It is this fact which Parshas Tetzaveh brings to our attention. Interrelated Bonds These concepts are reflected in the opening phrase of the Torah reading:16 VeAtah tetzaveh es bnai Yisrael, "And you shall command the children of Israel." Tetzaveh, translated as "command," relates to the word tzavsa, which means "connection." The verse charges "you," the very essence of Moshe,17 to connect with every Jew. The connection displayed by Moshe echoes within the Jews themselves, joining our entire people even those on the lowest levels together as one entity. Simultaneously, our connection with Moshe links the Jewish people to the Or Ein Sof, G-d's infinite light.18 Moshe serves as a "shepherd of faith,"19 sustaining and nurturing the Jewish people's faith in G-d by prompting the expression of the essential bond we share with Him.20 The two descriptions of the bonds evoked by Moshe are interrelated. By revealing the G-dly potential which every Jew possesses, Moshe established bonds among the Jewish people. For it is only by highlighting a shared spiritual resource that true unity can be established.21 So that an Eternal Light Will Shine The above concepts relate not only to the name, but also to the content of the Torah reading. Although the reading focuses on the priesthood and Aharon's service, Moshe's influence was necessary to lift Aharon's service to a level it could not reach on its own. This is reflected in the continuation of the charge to Moshe:22 "And they shall bring you clear olive oil, crushed for the lamp." One might ask: why should the oil be brought to Moshe? It was Aharon who kindled the menorah. The answer is found in the continuation of the verse, "to raise an eternal light." Aharon has the potential to kindle Divine service and inspire people with light and warmth, but for the flame to burn as "an eternal light," "from evening until morning,"23 Moshe's influence is necessary. For it is Moshe that enables every Jew to tap his innermost spiritual resources and maintain a constant commitment. For similar reasons, as the Torah reading continues to relate, the investiture of Aharon and his sons was performed by Moshe. For the seven days of the initiation of the altar, Moshe served as a priest. His service set the standard for Aharon's subsequent efforts.24 The Agent of Redemption With regard to Moshe, our Sages state:25 "He is the first redeemer, and will be the ultimate redeemer." Redemption is the natural result of the arousal of the essential connection of man to G-d and man to man. Our Sages explain26 that the redemption from Egypt could have been the ultimate redemption. Had the Jews' sins not prevented Moshe from leading the people directly into Eretz Yisrael, there never would have been another exile.27 Similarly, in subsequent generations, it is the men who act as "extensions of Moshe Rabbeinu" who infuse the yearning for redemption among our people, uniting us in the desire for Mashiach's coming. These efforts serve as an "eternal light," guiding our people and mankind as a whole to the ultimate goal.
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