Monday, April 26, 2010

Dialog is hidden behind Earth Map

Hi all,

I have an application written in GWT 2.0.3 using GWT Maps 1.0.4. At
times, I display a modal dialog (with the glass panel enabled). This
works as expected if the map is displaying a normal map type (Map,
Satellite, Hybrid, Terrain), but if the map is displaying an Earth
map, the map stays on top of the dialog. The map is still usable, but
the rest of the browser client area is grayed out (due to the glass
panel) and the dialog itself is behind the map (the map covers most of
the client area). I've tried setting the z-index of the map widget
down and I've tried setting the z-index of the dialog up, but neither
seem to make any difference.

I tried to debug it in FF, but Firebug can't even select anything to
do with the map as far as I can tell.

Any Ideas?


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