Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Re: reverse function results in NoReverseMatch when passing parameters

I think I've discoved that part of my issue is not understanding that
reverse(...) works in conjunction with the UrlConf file and not with
the views directly...

On Apr 27, 8:21 am, Frank <frank.villase...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I suspect I have a simple problem here... But I'm a Django beginner
> (plus my Python could be stronger)
> I'm trying to use the reverse(...).
> When I call it as such:
>    return
> HttpResponseRedirect( reverse('my_site.core_prototype.views.PostWithList') )
> it works as expected.
> Now I need to call it with the intention of passing in a parameter. My
> method prototype looks like:
>     def PostWithList( request, numOfPosts=50, data=None, form =
> NewMicroPostForm() ):
>          #... etc... #
> How do I use reverse but passing in the form parameter? This is being
> called from another view where form validation has failed. I've
> attempted several variation all resulting in the same error...
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