Tuesday, April 20, 2010

rec.crafts.metalworking - 23 new messages in 15 topics - digest



Today's topics:

* Please do not hate me for this - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Off topic - 1 messages, 1 author
* OT Good news (from "who will be the first") - 1 messages, 1 author
* Oops .. someone goofed .... - 3 messages, 1 author
* what the hell happened here - 1 messages, 1 author
* JB -> Hammerhead - 2 messages, 1 author
* Metalworking - 1 messages, 1 author
* The Right Wing is 'Trawling for Assassins'! - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Electric Motor Phase Correction Question - 2 messages, 2 authors
* China's economy roars - 1 messages, 1 author
* A New All Time Low - 1 messages, 1 author
* Tawm, are you a cowboy? - 1 messages, 1 author
* Crist dumping rethugs? - 3 messages, 2 authors
* 1938 Austria...... - 1 messages, 1 author
* Palin vs. Obama - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Please do not hate me for this

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 12:51 am
From: "Steve Lusardi"

There are not many advantages in Europe over you guys in the States, but I do have a 40 amp 3 phase 400 Volt service to my house,
which is standard in Germany. I just bought a new 500 amp Inverter Mig with water cooling for $2430 and I just plugged it
in............and I thought I got a good deal.

"Gunner Asch" <gunnerasch@gmail.com> wrote in message news:qm9qs5te7vfm4uphaej72co6t7p5mg1a3g@4ax.com...
> On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 01:49:27 +0000 (UTC), Eregon <Eragon@Saphira.org>
> wrote:
> That welder draws 60 amps at 208/240 and on 3 phase..thats gonna be a
> pretty big RPC.
> Gunner
> "First Law of Leftist Debate
> The more you present a leftist with factual evidence
> that is counter to his preconceived world view and the
> more difficult it becomes for him to refute it without
> losing face the chance of him calling you a racist, bigot,
> homophobe approaches infinity.
> This is despite the thread you are in having not mentioned
> race or sexual preference in any way that is relevant to
> the subject." Grey Ghost

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 3:19 am
From: Gunner Asch

On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 09:51:12 +0200, "Steve Lusardi"
<stevenospam@lusardi.de> wrote:

>There are not many advantages in Europe over you guys in the States, but I do have a 40 amp 3 phase 400 Volt service to my house,
>which is standard in Germany. I just bought a new 500 amp Inverter Mig with water cooling for $2430 and I just plugged it
>in............and I thought I got a good deal.

40 amp?

Ive got 200 amps of coming in. Even at 230, thats still more than you.

Neener neener neener!!



>"Gunner Asch" <gunnerasch@gmail.com> wrote in message news:qm9qs5te7vfm4uphaej72co6t7p5mg1a3g@4ax.com...
>> On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 01:49:27 +0000 (UTC), Eregon <Eragon@Saphira.org>
>> wrote:
>> That welder draws 60 amps at 208/240 and on 3 phase..thats gonna be a
>> pretty big RPC.
>> Gunner
>> "First Law of Leftist Debate
>> The more you present a leftist with factual evidence
>> that is counter to his preconceived world view and the
>> more difficult it becomes for him to refute it without
>> losing face the chance of him calling you a racist, bigot,
>> homophobe approaches infinity.
>> This is despite the thread you are in having not mentioned
>> race or sexual preference in any way that is relevant to
>> the subject." Grey Ghost

"First Law of Leftist Debate
The more you present a leftist with factual evidence
that is counter to his preconceived world view and the
more difficult it becomes for him to refute it without
losing face the chance of him calling you a racist, bigot,
homophobe approaches infinity.

This is despite the thread you are in having not mentioned
race or sexual preference in any way that is relevant to
the subject." Grey Ghost

TOPIC: Off topic

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 12:58 am
From: hans@fantasy.nl

On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 05:48:24 GMT, "Harold & Susan Vordos"
<vordos@tds.net> wrote:

><hans@fantasy.nl> wrote in message
>> Hi, I just subscribed to this newgroup since I am interested in metal
>> working.
>> To my surprise most of the subjects are political, at least a great
>> number of them.
>> Being a non US resident (Dutch in fact) I wonder why all these off-
>> topic subjects should appear in this newsgroup.
>> Hans
>If you'd like to connect with a forum that is metal working related, where
>religion, politics and profanity are not acceptable, check the Chaski Home
>Machinist board.
>Sure to please if you have manners.

Thanks Harold for your suggestion.
I think that forum suits my interests very well.
Regards, Hans

TOPIC: OT Good news (from "who will be the first")

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 1:12 am
From: Don Foreman

On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 20:21:46 -0700, Winston <Winston@bigbrother.net>

>On 4/19/2010 7:59 PM, Don Foreman wrote:
>> On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 07:03:56 -0700, Winston<Winston@bigbrother.net>
>> wrote:
>>> On 4/18/2010 11:45 PM, Don Foreman wrote:
>>> (...)
>>>> She was feeling MUCH better an hour after admission at the ER. Heart
>>>> rate more under control, BP back up to within range of livable, color
>>>> improved, feelin' much better after infusion of 2 units of blood and a
>>>> liter of some other juice.
>>> She has a great guy looking after her. :)
>>> --Winston
>> She deserves it, and I'm not the jealous type!
>You wanted a compliment for Doc as well?
>Well all right. He is a swell guy, too.

The professionals and good people there are amazing.

The did a cardioversion today. Her BP is now right at target and her
heart is ticking in perfect cadence.

I expressed interest in the elastic bands they use for popping a vein
for insertion of a blood-draw needle. The woman doing that wondered
why I was interested. I said I thought such bands would be useful
when bedding rifle actions.

Oh! No problem, she gave me the band she used and another from a
previous patient. Turns out she's a riflewoman from Zimmerman MN,
likes her 7mm but also wants to go hunt grizzly bear with a rifle
beginning with a .4. She also raises dogs, plans to name her next
dog Ruger.

Know how we guessed she might be a bit nontraditional? Her hair. Mar
and I both picked up on that. Not wild or bizarro, just long-cut and
a bit unusual for early gray. Quiet rebel gentle dedicated caregiver.
Later, when I wasn't there, another caregiver stuck Mary and Mar asked
if she could have the elastic band. The caregiver was suspicious. We
thought she might suspect drug abuse as in heroin injection, but her
concern was suicide! We learned that those elastic bands have been
known to be used for suicide. Mar explained that her hub was far more
interested in accurizing rifles than in suicide.

Mar's sense of humor and pungent dry wit is intact. She had me, son
Davy and a couple of nurses in stitches a couple of times.

Busy day tomorrow, several probes and procedures on the agenda. The
objective is to find the internal blood leak and fix it. We're very

I missed my 3 miles today but occasional pass isn't abandonment of
regimen. Few survivors maintain a regimen two years after the fact,
and most of those who fail don't survive subsequent attacks. I keep
truckin' because I intend to survive as long as life is good. Up the
hill, eeeyahh.

If and when life really sucks with only prognosis of getting worse, I
certainly won't check out via elastic band around my throat. That
sounds gawd awful. It would result in oblivion in a few seconds if
done right but I don't see how it could be done right with an elastic
band. Quick oblivion requires stoppage by compression of certain neck
arteries or veins. I don't see how an elastic band could do that
because doing that manually requires administration of point (thumb)
pressure at exactly the right sites.

A quiet .22 hollowpoint neatly and instantly does the job.

TOPIC: Oops .. someone goofed ....

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 2:14 am
From: Cliff

On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 07:21:10 -0700 (PDT), wws <wstiefer@gmail.com> wrote:

>On Apr 19, 5:04�am, Cliff <Clhuprichguessw...@aoltmovetheperiodc.om>
>> � Any suggestions?
>> [
>> I've made an error turning a customers 12.5" dia x 40" long uhmw plastic roller.
>> It has a "V" groove every inch (about 38) for the length. The V grooves have a
>> flat bottom and we roughed them with a dogbone style insert. As we plunged the
>> center material of the V groove, we cut .250" too deep. Plenty of stock left on
>> the sides, but the center is too deep. Is there a process with heat, like a
>> heated roller, that could be used to push the excess material into our mistake?
>> The area that needs to be filled is roughly a 1/4" square groove.
>> ]
>Undercut two grooves and fill with epoxy.

Roller with specific functions I gather & I doubt epoxy would
stick/bond, clean or wear well.

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 2:14 am
From: Cliff

On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 11:50:52 -0700, JR North <junkjasonrnorth@bigfoot.com>

>Cut or get some uhmv 1/4" square rod, hopefully slightly oversize,heat
>and press into the groove. Secure with CA.

What is "CA"?

>Dweller in the cellar
>tnik wrote:
>> On 4/19/2010 6:04 AM, Cliff wrote:
>>> Any suggestions?
>>> [
>>> I've made an error turning a customers 12.5" dia x 40" long uhmw
>>> plastic roller.
>>> It has a "V" groove every inch (about 38) for the length. The V
>>> grooves have a
>>> flat bottom and we roughed them with a dogbone style insert. As we
>>> plunged the
>>> center material of the V groove, we cut .250" too deep. Plenty of
>>> stock left on
>>> the sides, but the center is too deep. Is there a process with heat,
>>> like a
>>> heated roller, that could be used to push the excess material into our
>>> mistake?
>>> The area that needs to be filled is roughly a 1/4" square groove.
>>> ]
>> Well, I'm going to guess that you can't because from what I've read, you
>> can't mold UHMW which is in essence what you need to do to 'fill' in the
>> groove.

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 2:16 am
From: Cliff

On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 10:25:40 -0700, Jim Stewart <jstewart@jkmicro.com> wrote:

>Cliff wrote:
>> Any suggestions?
>> [
>> I've made an error turning a customers 12.5" dia x 40" long uhmw plastic roller.
>> It has a "V" groove every inch (about 38) for the length. The V grooves have a
>> flat bottom and we roughed them with a dogbone style insert. As we plunged the
>> center material of the V groove, we cut .250" too deep. Plenty of stock left on
>> the sides, but the center is too deep. Is there a process with heat, like a
>> heated roller, that could be used to push the excess material into our mistake?
>> The area that needs to be filled is roughly a 1/4" square groove.
>> ]
>Maybe you could get some stimulus money to
>rework it right.

Always nice to see a rethug with ideas of what they would do.
Pretty sure this guy is not one though & wants to do it right.

TOPIC: what the hell happened here

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 2:27 am
From: Cliff

On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 16:07:38 -0500, F. George McDuffee
<gmcduffee@mcduffee-associates.us> wrote:

>(4) Public education is critical in that this is the source of
>for the vast majority of employees.

So .... what do you think of Texas ?

TOPIC: JB -> Hammerhead

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 1:31 am
From: Gunner Asch

On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 00:05:29 -0700 (PDT), Joe788 <larryrozer@yahoo.com>


Way cool!

A few of my favorites





And of course..its alternative....









"First Law of Leftist Debate
The more you present a leftist with factual evidence
that is counter to his preconceived world view and the
more difficult it becomes for him to refute it without
losing face the chance of him calling you a racist, bigot,
homophobe approaches infinity.

This is despite the thread you are in having not mentioned
race or sexual preference in any way that is relevant to
the subject." Grey Ghost

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 3:14 am
From: Gunner Asch

On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 01:31:32 -0700, Gunner Asch <gunnerasch@gmail.com>

>On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 00:05:29 -0700 (PDT), Joe788 <larryrozer@yahoo.com>
>Way cool!
>A few of my favorites
>And of course..its alternative....

Oh I forgot one of my all time favorites


And while I was scratching around...actual photos of the inside of the
Titanic on her maiden cruise..and after she was recently found..



TOPIC: Metalworking

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 1:49 am
From: Wes

Don Foreman <dforeman@NOSPAMgoldengate.net> wrote:

>>Which spring was it?
>The one that returns the bolt release thingy. The terminology in
>Savage documentation I've found calls it something to do with sear
>which is obviously wrong since it has nothing to do with the sear.

Assuming it isn't something that would but life and limb at risk, could you substitute a
small cross section of an oring as an emergincy spring?


TOPIC: The Right Wing is 'Trawling for Assassins'!

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 2:09 am
From: "Sharx35"

"edspyhill01" <edspyhill01@gmail.com> wrote in message
> On Apr 19, 9:25 am, "Sharx35" <shar...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> "Cliff" <Clhuprichguessw...@aoltmovetheperiodc.om> wrote in message
>> news:sihos51umudmomcku7tttfsmja4fuiggop@4ax.com...
>> > On Sun, 18 Apr 2010 10:34:02 GMT, "Sharx35" <shar...@hotmail.com>
>> > wrote:
>> >>"Cliff" <Clhuprichguessw...@aoltmovetheperiodc.om> wrote in message
>> >>news:cimls5p8v8vv1lqeutdf9m5t848m8oep0o@4ax.com...
>> >>>http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/TPV3/Voices.php/2010/04/17/the-right-w...
>> >>> [
>> >>> Radical right wingers --tea baggers et al --are accused of 'trawling
>> >>> for
>> >>> assassins. It's but one of several outrages now associated with the
>> >>> disingenuous, bigoted 'tea bagger movement'. The idea of
>> >>> 'assassinating'
>> >>> a
>> >>> President because he is both black and Democratic threatens to finish
>> >>> off
>> >>> America as a nation of noble ideals. Earlier the self-absorbed right
>> >>> wing
>> >>> --thinking themselves rich --allowed themselves to be used by a GOP
>> >>> party
>> >>> machine. They were fooled. To them, I say that like the rest of us,
>> >>> you
>> >>> have
>> >>> awakened as a cockroach unless you were one already. A nation in
>> >>> which
>> >>> about one
>> >>> half of the population openly pines for the murder of the only fairly
>> >>> elected
>> >>> president in some 9 years may be finished. It's hard to see any
>> >>> redemption
>> >>> following from that crooked, malevolent mentality. The writing is on
>> >>> the
>> >>> wall.
>> >>> The American ideals most us grew up with are on life-support!
>> >>> ....
>> >>> Not only have the Wall Street Journal and the hosts of Fox News been
>> >>> issuing
>> >>> their usual dark mutterings, but a new slogan has began appearing on
>> >>> bumper
>> >>> stickers, t-shirts, and even teddy bears: "Pray for Obama: Psalm
>> >>> 109:8."That
>> >>> psalm reads, "Let his days be few; and let another take his office.
>> >>> Let
>> >>> his
>> >>> children be fatherless, and his wife a widow."Maddow seemed mainly
>> >>> amused
>> >>> by the
>> >>> teddy bears, but when she turned for comment to former right-wing
>> >>> evangelical
>> >>> leader Frank Schaeffer, he emphasized that in a religious context "it
>> >>> means
>> >>> something more threatening.""The situation that I find genuinely
>> >>> frightening
>> >>> right now," Schaeffer explained, "is that you have a ramping up of
>> >>> biblical
>> >>> language ... and what it's coalescing into is branding Obama ... as
>> >>> 'not
>> >>> us.'
>> >>> ... Now he joins the ranks of the unjust kings of ancient Israel ...
>> >>> who
>> >>> should
>> >>> be slaughtered, if not by God then by just men."--Former evangelist:
>> >>> Religious
>> >>> right is 'trawling for assassins'
>> >>> ...
>> >>> ]
>> >>Still jacking off nightly to assassination conspiracy theories, eh?
>> >http://rigorousintuition.blogspot.com/2004/08/coincidence-theorists-g...
>> > "Too much for coincidence?"
>> > You must be a teabagger.
>> And YOU must be a LIEbrawl asshole. No surprise there.
>> > http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=teabagger
>> > --
>> > Cliff
> Just to reiterate, Fuck you and your socialist government. Go toss
> the Queens' salad, and toss Prince Charles' salad while you are at the
> palace.

Ed, you should never have changed doctors.....

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 3:31 am
From: Shall not be infringed

On Apr 20, 12:45 am, "Ed Huntress" <huntre...@optonline.net> wrote:
> "Shall not be infringed" <hot-ham-and-che...@hotmail.com> wrote in messagenews:0728fc5d-302d-44e2-aaa1-4fd52ae62de5@r11g2000vbc.googlegroups.com...
> On Apr 19, 4:50 pm, "Ed Huntress" <huntre...@optonline.net> wrote:
> > "Buerste" <buer...@buerste.com> wrote in message
> >news:hqif7a$823$1@speranza.aioe.org...
> > > "Shall not be infringed" <hot-ham-and-che...@hotmail.com> wrote in
> > > message
> > >news:3c2c7e43-70a5-47e4-8e26-8f3299ab6416@z7g2000yqb.googlegroups.com...
> > > On Apr 18, 7:55 pm, "Buerste" <buer...@buerste.com> wrote:
> > >> "Shall not be infringed" <hot-ham-and-che...@hotmail.com> wrote in
> > >> messagenews:37a2c008-7b12-4fd0-b8e1-ff352ace2cde@r27g2000yqn.googlegroups.com...
> > >> <snip>
> > >> You have a point, but I'd rather just vote them out. Put
> > >> Constitutionalists in those slots. People who give a shit about
> > >> America.
> > >> I'd settle for people that have READ the Constitution, or at least the
> > >> bills
> > >> they pass.
> > > Well, that would make sense, too. OK, let's set the bar real low and
> > > see what happens.
> > > If it was law that Congress had to READ bills, they would repeal that
> > > law...after not reading it. Pelosi would tell them they had to pass it
> > > to
> > > find out what was in it...again...still.
> > And if you actually read them, who knows what you'd say next?
> > Face it, Tawwwwwm: You're just so much hot air in a bag.
> >Wrong side of the bed again?
> An overload of dishonest and ignorant remarks by people who should know
> better. It's time to either strike back or leave.

It's just a matter of perspective, Ed.

> --
> Ed Huntress- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

TOPIC: Electric Motor Phase Correction Question

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 2:14 am
From: Wes

Gunner Asch <gunnerasch@gmail.com> wrote:

>While it sounds very interesting..frankly...I have no idea about how its
>done and there is no one close that could teach me.
>Bakersfield, the heart of the oil fields, has two very very small motor
>rewinders and both buildings are probably no bigger than my front room.
>So evidently the oil companies buy new motors when one fails.
>But it is a hell of an idea.

Free reading:


== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 3:28 am
From: Gunner Asch

On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 05:14:07 -0400, Wes <ClutchAtLycosDotCom@Gmail.com>

>Gunner Asch <gunnerasch@gmail.com> wrote:
>>While it sounds very interesting..frankly...I have no idea about how its
>>done and there is no one close that could teach me.
>>Bakersfield, the heart of the oil fields, has two very very small motor
>>rewinders and both buildings are probably no bigger than my front room.
>>So evidently the oil companies buy new motors when one fails.
>>But it is a hell of an idea.
>Free reading:

Book marked for later today! Thanks!!


"First Law of Leftist Debate
The more you present a leftist with factual evidence
that is counter to his preconceived world view and the
more difficult it becomes for him to refute it without
losing face the chance of him calling you a racist, bigot,
homophobe approaches infinity.

This is despite the thread you are in having not mentioned
race or sexual preference in any way that is relevant to
the subject." Grey Ghost

TOPIC: China's economy roars

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 2:15 am
From: "Sharx35"

"Cliff" <Clhuprichguesswhat@aoltmovetheperiodc.om> wrote in message
> On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 13:27:28 GMT, "Sharx35" <sharx35@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>"Cliff" <Clhuprichguesswhat@aoltmovetheperiodc.om> wrote in message
>>> On Sun, 18 Apr 2010 10:31:29 GMT, "Sharx35" <sharx35@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>>"Cliff" <Clhuprichguesswhat@aoltmovetheperiodc.om> wrote in message
>>>>> On Sat, 17 Apr 2010 06:18:34 GMT, "Sharx35" <sharx35@hotmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>"Cliff" <Clhuprichguesswhat@aoltmovetheperiodc.om> wrote in message
>>>>>>> On Thu, 15 Apr 2010 04:29:41 -0700 (PDT), Kevin Cunningham
>>>>>>> <smskjc@mindspring.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>On Apr 15, 5:13 am, "Sharx35" <shar...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> "Cliff" <Clhuprichguessw...@aoltmovetheperiodc.om> wrote in
>>>>>>>>> message
>>>>>>>>> news:drcds5hrar56904e9qlnrlmnjl7o3h3vph@4ax.com...
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTOE63D09120100415?type=usDollarRpt
>>>>>>>>> > "China's economy began 2010 at a cracking pace, logging
>>>>>>>>> > surprisingly
>>>>>>>>> > strong
>>>>>>>>> > 11.9 percent year-on-year growth in the first quarter ..."
>>>>>>>>> > Dang communists!!
>>>>>>>>> > Communism will never work, eh, gummer?
>>>>>>>>> > Can you get a job there?
>>>>>>>>> > --
>>>>>>>>> > Cliff
>>>>>>>>> It is NOT communism they have in China--it is DICTATORSHIP, for
>>>>>>>>> starters.
>>>>>>>>> The elite/Communist party members do very well in their modified
>>>>>>>>> capitalism
>>>>>>>>> system. It is a dictatorship that will go down in history as being
>>>>>>>>> one
>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>> the TOP FIVE of all tyrannical, despotic cruel governments,
>>>>>>>>> rivaled
>>>>>>>>> by
>>>>>>>>> Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Russia.
>>>>>>>>So why are all you conservatives buying Red Chinese stuff? Why do
>>>>>>>>trade with these evil people? Why did Bush-Cheney fall all over
>>>>>>>>themselves to be nice to those evil Reds? Why did Bush-Cheney pay
>>>>>>>>people tax money so they would move their factories to China?
>>>>>>> The US lost about half the manufacturing jobs it had during bushco
>>>>>>> over those 8 years of lies & frauds.
>>>>>>Fucking, cocksucking LIEbrawl bullshit was far worse.
>>>>> Than jobs & a robust growing pre-bushco economy ..... right ...
>>>>> Another rethug heard from.
>>>>>>> The rethug ideal it seems.
>>>>>>> Destroying someting like manufacturing is not that hard ...
>>>>>>> rebuilding it is hard & very expensive.
>>>>>>> Plus we would probably have to buy many/most of any new
>>>>>>> replacement factory machines from China as we cannot make them
>>>>>>> anymore it seems.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Cliff
>>>>> Find those "WMDs" yet?
>>>>> --
>>>>> Cliff
>>>>SOME of us care enough for the security of our nation, whether it be the
>>>>U.S. or Canada, to NOT blab about such things on the Net.
>>> What were herr shrubbie & DeadEye Dick saying about them?
>>> Did they keep it off the Net?
>>> Find those "WMDs" yet?
>>> --
>>> Cliff
>>Did your mother find the after birth yet? Wait...she DID and she named
> Find those "WMDs" yet?
> Formal study of Stupidity.
> http://ruleofdum.com/

Find SCIENTIFIC proof of global warming yet? I thought not.

> See 180. STUPIDITY at
> http://departments.oxy.edu/registrar/catalog/ctsj.html
> --
> Cliff

TOPIC: A New All Time Low

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 2:16 am
From: "Sharx35"

"Cliff" <Clhuprichguesswhat@aoltmovetheperiodc.om> wrote in message
> On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 13:27:28 GMT, "Sharx35" <sharx35@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>"Cliff" <Clhuprichguesswhat@aoltmovetheperiodc.om> wrote in message
>>> On Sun, 18 Apr 2010 10:30:46 GMT, "Sharx35" <sharx35@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>>"Cliff" <Clhuprichguesswhat@aoltmovetheperiodc.om> wrote in message
>>>>> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/cenk-uygur/discovery-insider-sarah-p_b_537178.html
>>>>> "Discovery Channel Insider: Sarah Palin's Show Is "a New All Time Low
>>>>> for
>>>>> Discovery" "
>>>>> [
>>>>> ....
>>>>> Last week Discovery had its annual sales conference for ad buyers for
>>>>> all
>>>>> of its
>>>>> 13 networks. The presentation showcases all of their new shows across
>>>>> the
>>>>> different networks. That night the presentation was on Sarah Palin's
>>>>> Alaska.
>>>>> Our source says "the whole thing [was] comical." Apparently the ad
>>>>> buyers
>>>>> were
>>>>> not impressed. This Discovery insider said, "When the promo was over,
>>>>> people
>>>>> (employees and buyers) were rolling their eyes, snickering, and even
>>>>> laughing.
>>>>> People were laughing and it's not even a comedy. No one took it
>>>>> seriously."
>>>>> This person was concerned that given the lack of interest from ad
>>>>> buyers
>>>>> that
>>>>> Discovery would have to dump the show to "a crappy time slot" to cut
>>>>> its
>>>>> losses.
>>>>> They added, "Bottom line everyone thought it was a new all time low
>>>>> for
>>>>> Discovery. My guess is the show is going to tank big time."
>>>>> ....
>>>>> The ratings for her new show on Fox News Channel were already low (she
>>>>> couldn't
>>>>> even hold on to Greta Van Susteren's audience). Imagine how much worse
>>>>> she'll do
>>>>> on TLC where the audience presumably wants to learn something, i.e.
>>>>> the
>>>>> exact
>>>>> opposite of what Sarah Palin is known for. What's next for TLC, George
>>>>> Bush's
>>>>> Ranch?
>>>>> When are people going to finally realize that just attaching a "big
>>>>> name"
>>>>> to a
>>>>> project doesn't mean it's going to work? The person hosting the show
>>>>> has
>>>>> to have
>>>>> some credibility in the field. I'm not sure Sarah Palin has
>>>>> credibility
>>>>> in
>>>>> any
>>>>> field.
>>>>> Many people would argue that Palin did great ecological damage to
>>>>> Alaska
>>>>> and
>>>>> would like to do more by drilling all over it. So, getting her to host
>>>>> a
>>>>> show
>>>>> about the natural beauty of Alaska is a bit like getting Jeffrey
>>>>> Dahmer
>>>>> to
>>>>> host
>>>>> a cooking show for the Food Network.
>>>>> ....
>>>>Remind us, again, why your mother didn't opt to abort your sorry,
>>>>> ]
>>> We can spell too.
>>> Show us your hands .... we want to see your crib-notes.
>>> Find those "WMDs" yet?
>>> --
>>> Cliff
>>They might be up your bored-out desphinctered faggot arse.
> Find those "WMDs" yet?
> Why not just lie about it?
> Oops ... you already "thought" of that, right?
> Just like your masters did to you ....

Got some SCIENTIFIC proof of global warming yet? I thought not.

> http://empollonintegrista.files.wordpress.com/2009/01/his_masters_voice.jpg
> --
> Cliff

TOPIC: Tawm, are you a cowboy?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 2:50 am
From: "Buerste"

"Comrade technomaNge" <piracy@microsoft.com> wrote in message
> http://www.atom.com/funny_videos/cowboy_modine/?brand=1234
> A friend sent me the link, I immediately thought of Tawm.
> Comrade technomaNge
> --
> Due to anticipated high turnout in 2010's election,
> the Electorial College has scheduled:
> Nov. 1, 2010 All Independents vote.
> Nov. 2, 2010 All Republicans vote.
> Nov. 3, 2010 All Democrats vote.

I found out I was a lesbian the same way!

TOPIC: Crist dumping rethugs?

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 3:54 am
From: Cliff

Gov. Charlie Crist of Florida, facing pressure from fellow Republicans to
abandon his Senate campaign, said Monday that he would not allow party leaders
in Washington to push him from the race and declared that he was considering
running for the seat as an independent.

Rethugs just have no loyalty or job security ......

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 3:56 am
From: Cliff

Gov. Charlie Crist of Florida, facing pressure from fellow Republicans to
abandon his Senate campaign, said Monday that he would not allow party leaders
in Washington to push him from the race and declared that he was considering
running for the seat as an independent.

Mr. Crist spoke after the disclosure of a memorandum to fund-raisers and party
officials from the National Republican Senatorial Committee that said Mr. Crist
had �zero chance� of winning the nomination in his primary fight against Marco
Rubio, whose candidacy has been fueled by backing from Tea Party supporters.

The blunt message, from the committee�s top strategist, offered one of the
strongest signs yet that party leaders are willing to oppose establishment
office-holders in favor of challengers seeking to move the party to the right.

Rethugs just have no loyalty or job security ......

How did the lying wingers do last time?
HOW did we get in this mess?

Find those "WMDs" yet?

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 3:26 am
From: Shall not be infringed

On Apr 20, 6:54 am, Cliff <Clhuprichguessw...@aoltmovetheperiodc.om>
>  http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/20/us/politics/20crist.html
> [
>   Gov. Charlie Crist of Florida, facing pressure from fellow Republicans to
> abandon his Senate campaign, said Monday that he would not allow party leaders
> in Washington to push him from the race and declared that he was considering
> running for the seat as an independent.
> ....
> ]
>   Rethugs just have no loyalty or job security ......
> --
> Cliff

I hope that you and Charlie will be happy as Independents...

TOPIC: 1938 Austria......

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 3:18 am
From: Gunner Asch

On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 03:46:45 -0400, Strabo <strabo@flashlight.net>

>Just Me wrote:
>> Interesting,but it's probably not true in it's entirety,cobbled
>> together from different stories by different people because this story
>> has been floating around for decades,at least since the Reagan
>> regime .Maybe because I wasn't educated in the US that the fact Hitler
>> was elected is not news to me ,but this post also shows me that you
>> right leaning libertarian types do not have any comprehension of
>> either 1930s European politics or history;and even more distressing
>> you don't seem to have any comprehension of US politics or history
>> either,you just seemed so wrapped up in the mythology of the US that
>> you can't even see the reality .Do you really think that Obama is
>> about to engineer a military take over? and if you really think he is
>> engineering a socialist take over then you are more brain dead than I
>> imagined.How many of you trigger happy open carry militia types
>> actually have the balls to take on the US gov't with guns or it just
>> the myth that gives you wet dreams at night and lets you feel so good
>> on these boards.The Gov't has it problem but living in no tax free
>> market(ie:robber baron) state that rather looks like Deadwood circa
>> 1850 is not my idea of civilization.
>As a historian who demands precision I thought you'd want to know that
>there was no Deadwood, South Dakota until 1876.



Well done sir..well done! Showed how little the asshat knows about


"First Law of Leftist Debate
The more you present a leftist with factual evidence
that is counter to his preconceived world view and the
more difficult it becomes for him to refute it without
losing face the chance of him calling you a racist, bigot,
homophobe approaches infinity.

This is despite the thread you are in having not mentioned
race or sexual preference in any way that is relevant to
the subject." Grey Ghost

TOPIC: Palin vs. Obama

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 4:29 am
From: Cliff

As far as I can tell Palin objects to Obama.
He is not 100% white.
He is very bright.
It does not matter to Palin what the facts or subjects are. She
knows nothing about any of them anyway & is not about
to start learning anything now.

He is not a crazed winger.


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