Wednesday, April 28, 2010

UIBinder, PushButton and nested ui:field problem

I have a problem understanding how UIBinder really works. Let me show
you the example I'm trying to run:

public class MyButton extends Composite {
interface MyButton UiBinder extends UiBinder<PushButton, MyButton>
public static MyButton UiBinder uiBinder =
GWT.create(MyButton .class);

DivElement content;

public SelectedButton() {

And my XML is like following:

<div class="{style.nicestyling}"></div>
<div class="{style.morenicestyling}"></div>
<div ui:field="content"></div>
(i've omited part of the XML that isn't necessary)

Now, If I try to compile that I get some specially unhelpful
exception: java.util.NoSuchElementException: null

Apparently, it's because I have a "ui:field" inside the
<g:PushButton>. In case that is not allowed, how can I design a button
using UIBinder and make the button name dynamic?

Thanks people :-)

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