Thursday, May 13, 2010

How to reload an object's member field?

I have a model Foo. If I've got a model instance foo, and I know that
foo.value may be changed after I got it.
How can I reload foo.value? For example, this way works:

foo = Foo.objects.get(

Is this the only solution? In case that I'm in a member method of Foo.
It would looks like this:

def some_method_of_Foo(self, *args):
new_self = Foo.objects.get(
self.value = new_self.value

I think it's somewhat unclear. How can I do this better?



The scenario is like this: I use a model Foo and a field Foo.state to
record states.
There is a daemon which do some operations related to Foo and check an
instance foo.state regularly.
The daemon would run or stop based on foo.state. So it needs to reload

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