Friday, August 20, 2010

[android-developers] Re: Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID not unique on DROID2?

May I suggest doing an SHA-1 hash of the IMEI (if present) and the

Or if you don't need a fixed length, you can use the concatenation, or
you can fill in an IMEI of 0.

Finally, if you really want to get paranoid, you can check for the bad
ANDROID_ID, and if you have that, and no IMEI, then generate a random
number, seeded from the time and any other source of entropy you can
get your hands on, and persist it.

This is a screwup of the sort of epic proportions that gives engineers
like me nightmares. I've dodged a few bullets like this, generally
affecting fewer customers but having a bigger potential impact on the

Yikes! Good luck in coping...

On Aug 18, 10:33 am, Nathan <> wrote:
> On Aug 18, 9:25 am, Kostya Vasilyev <> wrote:
> >   No, this is different.
> > IMEI is assigned to every phone before it leaves the factory, and
> > doesn't change during its lifetime. It's often printed on the box.
> > ANDROID_ID is generated by Android, and can change (e.g. when settings
> > are reset).
> > If it works for you, it's great, but I would like to see a solution
> > that's not tied to the telephony stack. There are devices without a
> > phone radio at all.
> > -- Kostya
> I don't have enough data to know if I have this solved. I'm worried
> about devices that don't have a phone radio too.
> But I would also be worried about and ANDROID_ID if it changes often,
> or, in the case of Droid 2, not changing enough.
> Nathan

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