Wednesday, November 23, 2011

[android-developers] Re: Dangerous audio noise while using of headphones

Thanks for the answers so far.

If you can not hear the noise than be happy. For the others there is
no need to explain how to hear the noise. Just mind a silent gap wile
streaming an audio file. Or, if you can not hear, do a simple search
in the internet. You will get a big list regarding the noise. Always
the same description and no solution.

I am a musician and my ears are not so bad. Perhaps one reason I
recognize the noise. But again: The noise is not a slightly noise in
silence. The noise is also responsible for a poor sound quality. If
you prefer pop/rock with a very high sound level, you will probably
not understand what I try to told.

In generally you are right. One have to analyze the noise with a
spectrum analyzer or at least with an oscilloscope. But, a headphone
itself does not produce noise without a signal. If the sound in
generally (e.g. by a call) is fine, than the trouble is only by high
sampling frequencies or even by particular coding formats. I have mp3
and ACC

One question to the developer of the encoding library is: How did you
test the sound quality of the program? Which noise level parameter you
choose? What is the best way to test encoding software?

Perhaps we can fine-tune the quality?

Again: Why do many androids produce noise and iPhones/iPod and other
MP3 player nearly nothing to mention?

Please take my question serious question! As I told I suppose a that
the library can be optimized and I would like get the same sound
quality as on my mp3 player.



On 19 Nov., 19:52, Mark Murphy <> wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 1:34 PM, Harald <> wrote:
> > Hi, my android and many others have a dangerous noise.
> And your proof of this is, what, exactly?
> > This noise is
> > easy recognizable in the silent parts of audio files.
> Then it should be easy for you to provide detailed steps to allow
> anyone to reproduce your experiment. Please indicate specific
> hardware, specific sound files (downloadable, please), specific audio
> players, etc.
> > The noise is always present and at a very
> > high level at a very high frequency!
> What is the frequency? You clearly must know this, as part of
> demonstrating that it "is always present", which would require you to
> use a spectrum analyzer or similar technology to identify this signal
> from the rest of the music or other audio.
> > If you switch off the playback
> > and put the headphones away, you will (hopefully) recognize a pressure
> > and and whistle in your ears.
> I am sure that those who attempt to reproduce your experiment will
> watch for such symptoms, if and when you provide reliable steps for
> doing so.
> > This noise is dangerous and destroys your ears!
> What is the frequency? At what volume does harm occur? You clearly
> must know this, to have consulted with an audiologist to determine the
> effects of such a sound. Or are you an audiologist?
> > You can not fully recognize
> > the level due to the high frequency.
> But you previously stated that it is "easy" to hear and that anyone
> who listens to it will experience symptoms. Now, nobody can hear it.
> It is difficult to reconcile these mutually exclusive claims of yours.
> > But, the noise destroys your ears!
> And your proof of this is, what, exactly?
> > Does someone know something about the decoder and the developers?
> Yes. And if you can provide proof of your claims, we can certainly
> work to notify all the proper authorities about the health issue.
> Please write up the steps to reproduce the problem, the audio details
> of the signal (e.g., frequency range), and your evidence that there is
> a health hazard for listening to this signal.
> Thanks!
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)||
> _The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 3.6 Available!

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