Re: Possible spam from mailing list? ("China Mobile")
Unfortunately, this appears to be a problem with (yet another) service
provider not playing nice with mailing lists. Someone has subscribed
to Django Users, and their mail provider (China Mobile in this case)
has decided to reply to the original author, instead of the "reply to"
This happens from time to time; we occasionally get the same effect
when someone's mailbox fills up. The only way to resolve the issue is
to identify the rogue subscription, and kill it.
However, to compound matters, the "find members" functionality on
Google Groups is fairly limited, and in this case, it probably
wouldn't help anyway - the message is from an automated service that
passes email messages to an SMS number -- 13672725001 looks to me like
a Chinese cell phone number.
If anyone is able to identify the rogue subscription, I'll gladly kill
it; but there's not much we can do otherwise.
Russ Magee %-)
On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 11:43 PM, Nikolas Stevenson-Molnar
<> wrote:
> It seems to me that I get one of these emails for every post I make, about
> one day later. That includes replies to this very thread. I think they come
> from the same email address, so they'd be easy to block on an individual
> level. But my guess is that everyone posting to django-users is receiving
> these, so it would be good for a group admin to address this at the group
> level (someone suggested removing that user).
> _Nik
> On 9/13/2012 7:53 PM, Kurtis Mullins wrote:
> I actually just received another one of those emails. The funny part is that
> it used this exact thread's subject in the message. I'm curious as to
> whether this is emailing everybody who sends an email to the list or
> if it only sends emails to people in who are involved in the same thread(s)
> as the user responsible.
> On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 10:32 PM, Rivsen <> wrote:
>> , he has canceled his cell phone number, please
>> administrator kick him.
>> I use my phone call this number and be informed that the number no longer
>> exists.
>> 2012/9/13 Rivsen <>
>>> I received this e-mail too. It's about someone using email join
>>> the group, and now this e-mail address was closed by 139.
>>> Maybe hes mobile phone lost or arrears.
>>> 2012/9/13 Jon Blake <>
>>>> I've had a coup[le of these, now.
>>>> On Tuesday, September 11, 2012 5:27:59 AM UTC+10, Kurtis wrote:
>>>>> I just received a very unusual e-mail that included a recent post's
>>>>> subject. The post in question was: "Re: form doesn't validate when trying to
>>>>> upload file". It was sent directly to my email address; by-passing the User
>>>>> Group.
>>>>> Google roughly translated this email as coming from "China Mobile" and
>>>>> included the domain "". Has anyone else seen this sort of thing?
>>>>> Unfortunately, I am unable to read the language and the Google Translation
>>>>> isn't very clear; but it's definitely displayed using a very clean and fancy
>>>>> template. I'm not sure if it's spam or something else.
>>>>> Just figured I'd see if anyone else has gotten an email similar to
>>>>> this. Thanks.
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