Re: Digest for - 25 Messages in 13 Topics
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- Updating GWT Pie Chart Dynamically [1 Update]
- How to invoke Java String methods from JSNI code [3 Updates]
- GWT 2.5.1-rc1 available [5 Updates]
- How to set min and max size to SplitLayoutPanel [1 Update]
- Serialize data from ListDataProvider? [2 Updates]
- "Google Web Toolkit" context menu missing in Eclipse [2 Updates]
- CellTable: how to disable any background changes on selection? [1 Update]
- gwt-comet issue with GWT 2.5 [2 Updates]
- How to register keyhandler on CellTable? [1 Update]
- Is "GWT Consulting" a viable career path? [2 Updates]
- GWT Compiler doesnt generate cache.html files [1 Update]
- How to get the data out of a CellTable? [2 Updates]
- Inline rendering in Chrome different than FF? [2 Updates]
abhishek sharma <> Feb 15 11:50AM -0800
Hi all,
SFTB . I have a scenrio as follows:-
1) The pie chart has to be updated every 30 seconds.
2) The data for the pie chart is to be fetched by HTTP.
I am able to receive the data through HTTP and parse it. However I am not
able to update the data of the pie chart every 30 seconds.
I am using visualization charts for this.
Can anyone provide me similar code snippet too?
Any help appreciated
Patrick Tucker <> Feb 15 05:26AM -0800
Does str < "test" not get the result you want?
On Friday, February 15, 2013 5:53:58 AM UTC-5, alucard wrote:
alucard <> Feb 15 05:48AM -0800
Yes, but that was not the question. I'd like to be able to invoke methods
from the Java String implementation. The code above is meant just as an
example for the error I get.
On Friday, February 15, 2013 2:26:43 PM UTC+1, Patrick Tucker wrote:
Hilco Wijbenga <> Feb 15 10:17AM -0800
> Yes, but that was not the question. I'd like to be able to invoke methods
> from the Java String implementation. The code above is meant just as an
> example for the error I get.
The format object.@Class::method(param;)(arg) you are using seems fine
(I use it in multiple places). Are you sure the error is not in the
call to your "test" method? Has it been properly exported?
Sachin Shekhar R <> Feb 15 07:14AM -0800
Thanks could not find it in Found it via your twitter
post :) at central repo !!!
On Friday, February 15, 2013 12:42:30 PM UTC+5:30, Thomas Broyer wrote:
EMan <> Feb 15 08:15AM -0800
I tried upgrading from 2.5.0 to 2.5.1 but I am getting an error during the
gwt compile. I googled that I needed to remove my gwt-junitCache, which I
tried but it doesn't seem to be helping. I am still using the 2.5.0 gwt
maven plugin since the 2.5.1 is not available. Could that be causing the
problem? Thanks.
[INFO] java.lang.RuntimeException: Unexpected IOException on in-memory
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[INFO] Caused by:; local class incompatible: stream
classdesc serialVersionUID = -8155793964565947646, local class
serialVersionUID = -1052417216019896795
On Wednesday, February 13, 2013 1:54:49 PM UTC-5, Matthew Dempsky wrote:
Jens <> Feb 15 08:37AM -0800
Deleting gwt-unitCache solved the issue for me. I have also deleted
war/<appname> and war/WEB-INF/deploy but I think thats not needed.
Can you compile through Eclipse using GPE? I don't think the maven plugin
itself is causing the problem. Maybe you still have a gwt-unitCache folder
lying around somewhere that you haven't found/deleted yet?
-- J.
Am Freitag, 15. Februar 2013 17:15:58 UTC+1 schrieb EMan:
Heiko Braun <> Feb 15 01:02AM -0800
Like many other people I run into this on OSX with JDK
EMan <> Feb 15 10:44AM -0800
I deleted all my target/war directories, but it is still not working. I
don't have an easy way to compile with eclipse. I will wait until there is
a gwt maven plugin and try again. Thanks.
On Friday, February 15, 2013 11:37:13 AM UTC-5, Jens wrote:
BM <> Feb 15 09:35AM -0800
I have following view using UIBinder.
<g:SplitLayoutPanel height="100%">
<g:west size="225.0">
<g:SimpleLayoutPanel ui:field="adminMenu"/>
<g:SimpleLayoutPanel ui:field="contentAreaContainer" addStyleNames=
"contentArea" />
How do I assign a minimum size and maximum size to this spit layout panel
that way I can drag only to a certain size left and right?
membersound <> Feb 15 07:25AM -0800
I just tried serializing data using ListDataProvider.getData();
Which returned a RPC exception, because this would return a ListWrapper
implements List<T>.
And as the gwt ListWrapper does not implement Serializable itselft, this
Thus, what is best extracting the data to a serializable list? Create a new
ArrayList > addAll() > and then serialize?
List<Foo> serializeList = new
Could I do better?
Jens <> Feb 15 09:35AM -0800
> Could I do better?
I don't think so. Well, you could always write your own ListDataProvider
and/or file an issue in the meantime.
-- J.
Kai-Tobias Busse <> Feb 15 07:33AM -0800
I have a problem installing the GPE. I hope I am not wrong here but I dare
to ask this question here now after a long search without any results for
I was running Eclipse Indigo with the GPE installed and everything worked
fine. Now I tried to use Juno and of course install the GPE. The
installation finished completely without any errors.
The problem is that now the "Google Web Toolkit" context menu in the
Project Explorer is gone! The Google-Icon in the toolbar is present
The pictures show my misery. The projects are the default GWT-projects
created with the new Web Application wizard. On the first picture the menu
is gone and the second picture shows how it usually has been and how I
would like to see it again...
Even if I install it with Indigo again the menu is gone.. I don't know what
to do.
Does anybody have an idea if this could be fixed by some configuration or
how else I could get this menu back?
Jens <> Feb 15 09:24AM -0800
I think you have forgot to install GWT Designer or it has failed to install
in Juno.
GPE does not provide the context menu. At least I never had one in all my
Eclipse versions and I have always only installed GPE and never GWT
Designer. So I guess its provided by GWT Designer.
-- J.
membersound <> Feb 15 09:04AM -0800
how can I have different odd/even rows for a CellTable, and prevent
background changes on any selections (mouse or keyboard)?
.cellTableEvenRow, .cellTableEvenRowCell: white
.cellTableOddRow, .cellTableOddRowCell: red
When enabling keyboard selection, I want the color to NOT change, only the
.cellTableKeyboardSelectedRowCell {
border: selectionBorderWidth solid inherit;
.cellTableSelectedRow { <--I assume this is the important one?
background: inherit;
color: inherit;
.cellTableSelectedRowCell {
border: selectionBorderWidth solid inherit;
Result: The red odd rows get white background on selection. Why? How can I
prevent this?
Takapa <> Feb 15 08:34AM -0800
I'm having the exact same problem.
I went further and downloaded the source, but its not documented at all and
seems to reference several classes underneath com.sun.* packages which are
not available to modern JDKs.
On Saturday, 12 January 2013 16:05:42 UTC, Aldo wrote:
Jens <> Feb 15 08:43AM -0800
The most easy workaround is probably to download the from the issue you have mentioned and put it
into your app's project into the correct package.
Then as long as your classes/output folder is before gwt-comet.jar in your
classpath the GWT compiler should pick up the generator from your app's
project instead of gwt-comet.jar.
Alternative is to rebuild gwt-comet from source and replace the file
-- J.
membersound <> Feb 15 08:32AM -0800
I have a CellTable with Columns represented by EditTextCell.
Now, if I'm not in edit mode but hit a certain key while an entry is just
selected, I want to perform a specific action. Like deleting the whole row
on DEL key.
Problem is: I can catch the event if I extend EditTextCell and override
onBrowserEvent, then checking the event.getKeyCode().
But what can I do thereafter to modify the list of the CellTable where the EditTextCell
is inside?
class CellTableWrapper {
private CellTable<Foo>;
private ListDataProvider<Foo>;
class ExtendedTextCell extends EditTextCell {
onBrowserEvent(..) {
//how to modify listdataprovider on certain events??
RyanZA <> Feb 15 05:29AM -0800
Not claiming to be an expert here, but from my experience GWT consulting is
probably not viable. This would depend on if you have contacts/inroads into
companies already using GWT. You'd probably just be better off going with
plain Java consulting which is an enormous market, and it really comes down
to the same thing: writing Java code.
Alternatively, you can develop some B2B systems in GWT, and then sell
customized solutions of it to companies. Customizing a B2B GWT app would
probably be the 1 week to 3 months timeframe. Support for businesses may be
more difficult as a 1 man shop though, but it depends on the webapp.
Definitely should be more fun and personally stimulating than trudging away
on some companies monster GWT business app all your life though!
On Wednesday, February 13, 2013 8:18:18 PM UTC+2,
Glenn <> Feb 15 08:13AM -0800
I learned GWT back at 1.2 or so to more easily put a web front end on my
server side code. I have fairly wide and deep experience in server-side
and cloud technologies, but it's the GWT on my resume that keeps recruiters
calling week after week, year after year. I've taken several GWT jobs,
including two work-from-home jobs lasting a couple years. I've had to make
an actual effort to steer towards server-side programming for a change. It
seems like a strong market for a one-man operation to me.
Good Luck,
On Wednesday, February 13, 2013 11:18:18 AM UTC-7,
Paul Krants <> Feb 15 07:23AM -0800
Well, thanks for the response first of all.
What I have in module xml file is this line:
<add-linker name="xs" />
but even after I removed it and recompile the project I am still getting
md5.cache.js files instead of cache.html files.
On Thursday, February 14, 2013 5:22:23 PM UTC-5, Jens wrote:
membersound <> Feb 15 06:43AM -0800
I set the data into a table with: cellTable.setRowData(myList);
But what is the proper way to perform CRUD on this list, or retrieve the
whole data of the CellTable?
Especially I'm interested in auto-update of the list when the user changes
something within an EditTextCell.
Should I just keep a private List<Foo> in the same class where the
cellTable resides? Or should this be done using a ListDataProvider<Foo>?
Thomas Broyer <> Feb 15 07:11AM -0800
On Friday, February 15, 2013 3:43:54 PM UTC+1, membersound wrote:
> whole data of the CellTable?
> Especially I'm interested in auto-update of the list when the user changes
> something within an EditTextCell.
That's easily done with FieldUpdaters on your Columns.
Should I just keep a private List<Foo> in the same class where the
> cellTable resides? Or should this be done using a ListDataProvider<Foo>?
The one thing data providers do is listening to range-change events (i.e.
pagination events); they also make it easier to have multiple simultaneous,
synchronized views of the same list, but that's rather an edge case. Data
providers also help decoupling your data retrieval from your "screens"
(activities, presenters, views, you name them).
This is all independent from the above re. FieldUpdaters.
membersound <> Feb 15 05:56AM -0800
I want to create a header with 2 elements: one aligned inline to the
middle, and some aligned right.
The following works fine in Firefox, but in Chrome there is a linebreak
between the two FlowPanels. What is wrong with this code:
.inline { display: inline-block; }
.right { float: right; }
<g:FlowPanel styleName="{style.inline}">
<g:Label text="inline" />
<g:FlowPanel styleName="{style.right}">
<g:Label text="right1" />
<g:Label text="right2..." />
Thomas Broyer <> Feb 15 06:25AM -0800
Try moving the .right FlowPanel before the .inline one; and/or giving it
display:inline-block too.
On Friday, February 15, 2013 2:56:42 PM UTC+1, membersound wrote:
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