Re: Multi Client Django System
We achived the second level auth, by tying an extended group to a company,
all company members are part of this group, so we can leverage the
normal auth mechanismen.
Hope this gives you an idea.
class CompanyManager(models.Manager):
filter_by_user_limit_field = None
def by_user(self, user):
Extension for filtering organization objects (also related
objects) by
the groups of a user.
Avoiding that a user can touch other organization objects.
Superusers and
Partner Administrators are able to see all organizations.
# if the user is not logged in - no data
if not user.is_authenticated():
return self.none()
# TODO: optimization: would be nice to find a way to make
by_user chainable like .filter(), ...
return self.limit_queryset_by_user(
def limit_queryset_by_user(qs, user, field_key):
if user.is_superuser.count()>0:
return qs
kwargs = {}
if field_key and user.groups.count() > 0:
kwargs[field_key] = [u['id'] for u in user.groups.values('id')]
return qs.filter(**kwargs)
And in the model
class Company(ExtendedModel):
name = models.CharField(max_length=64, unique=True)
slug = models.SlugField(unique=True)
is_active = models.BooleanField(null=False, blank=False, default=True)
filter_by_user_limit_field = "organizationgroup__in"
objects = CompanyManager()
class CompanyGroup(Group):
User group of the Organization
organization = models.OneToOneField(Organization)
Am 23.02.2013 17:00, schrieb Gabriel - Iulian Dumbrava:
> How I would do it would be to have a special column (foreign key) in each table (model) called Company (company_id) and change all default managers to filter on company_id = logged_in_user.company_id.
> In this way you are sure tha users only see what belongs to their company.
> You would have to pass the company_id to models, probably with a middleware which gets it from the logged in user and saves it somewhere.
> And you also have to save the default value of company_id to each newly created entry in every table, probably from the same source as above.
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