Friday, February 22, 2013

Re: Object deep copy or serialization

Sorry for reviving this thread. I do have a recurring need for duplicating/cloning (shallow and deep) objects, so I would be interested in a (elegant) solution (for both).

1. (not very elegant) I have tried to do serialize/deserialize using my rpc TypeOracle etc... but I have the effect mentioned by Thomas.

2. if we could, via an annotation automatically generate a constructor (kind of like in lombok) taking an object and duplicating the field, eg

public T(T original, boolean shallow) {
  field1 = original.field1;
  // etc... + recursively copy if !shallow && is an object that has the said annotation

we could also add an annotation to filter the fields that should not be copied, the fields that shoudl never be deep copied, etc...

1 would have the advantage of not generating any extra code for each class but is quite resource intensive + does not allow for deep/shallow copies

2 would do it for me, unless there is a glitch that I missed somewhere.

With auto beans I need to write down an interface, etc... which defeats the point for me. I just want to be able to duplicate objects without having to maintain an interface.

Any thoughts/comments are very welcome ;-)

On Wednesday, 7 December 2011 11:34:46 UTC+1, Thomas Broyer wrote:
Just an additional note to what others said: GWT-RPC serialization is asymmetric, to have the best (but still rather poor) performance on the client; so you cannot use SerializationStreamReader/SerializationStreamWriter to clone an object by roundtripping on the client-side.

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