Friday, May 31, 2013

Re: [android-developers] Using Multiple addProximityAlerts

Is there another way to solve this requirement (other than ProximityAlert())?

On Sunday, March 21, 2010 12:04:45 AM UTC+1, Mark Murphy wrote:
Prasanna Perera wrote:
> I want the user to enter several addresses and check a check box next
> to each address if she wants to be notified when she come close to
> this particular address.  I am trying to use addProximityAlert() to do
> this.  I am using the same PendingIntent when calling
> addProximityAlert() for each address.  If the user eventually unchecks
> one of the addresses then I want to removeProximityAlert() for this
> address.  This removeProximityAlert() takes the PendingIntent as an
> argument.  My question is since I am using the same PendingIntent for
> all the addresses, how do I identify the particular address that I
> want to remove from getting proximity alerts?

You can't. Hence, you need to backpedal on one of your constraints: you
can't use the same PendingIntent for each proximity alert.

After all, you probably need this anyway. Otherwise, you'll have no good
way of identifying which of your addresses a given Intent is for when
you receive it.

I am assuming you are creating a PendingIntent on an Intent that uses
the component (e.g., new Intent(this, MyLocationThingy.class)). In that
case, you can generate and tuck in a custom Uri (setData()) or custom
action (setAction()) that is unique relative to your other Intents. That
should not affect the routing -- the component indicates the actual
destination. But you can then:

-- examine the inbound Intent to figure out which address it is for,
based on the data or action you customized

-- use this to have distinct PendingIntents that you use for

Note that Intent extras are insufficient to keep the PendingIntents
separate, which is why you will need to play with the data or action.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy) |

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