Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Re: [Google Maps API v2] Wanted to convert into v3 service, tried many thing by commenting v2 code and by adding v3 code

Sorry for too much code, but the thing is that i wanted to convert all code from v2 to v3.
Right now i am unable to get inside the " google.maps.event.addListener(map[a], "addoverlay", function() { " function. Nothing is executing and not even error in console.

when i change "GEvent.addListener" to "google.maps.event.addListener". I am unable to execute the function there is lot of thing i have to update from v2 to v3 eg. getPolyline, getVertexCount..etc
And one function is there "addImg(baseUrl, "staticMapOverviewIMG_" + a, a); "which is used to draw the static map.

you can see in my code i have started converting but stuck at addoverlay function.

Please help me.

On Wednesday, May 15, 2013 4:45:43 PM UTC+5:45, Andrew Leach wrote:
On 15 May 2013 07:55,  <> wrote:
> <script type="text/javascript"
> src="//<?php
> echo $languagev3; ?>"></script>

Is there a question here? There's also **far** too much code and not
enough description of what's going wrong.

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