[android-developers] How do I call a service, to retrieve data, from a content provider?
I'm trying to implement a pattern of accessing data source, independently if it's local or remote, using a content provider.
So, inside the content provider, for example in the query method:
public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder) {...}
I want to, check if data is stored locally, if not, then call the webservice, on response save and return it. Typical request process with a local cache.
Now to get the data from the webservice, I wanted to use a service. Because I want that once started, it will receive and process the response, even if the user exits the app / the system kills it, etc.
Note: I don't need to use anything synchronous here, since I'm already running the query to the content provider asynchronouly (AsyncQueryHandler). So I think I have to use Service instead of e.g. IntentService.
The idea with the service is to have a method to call the webservice:
public WebserviceResponse callWebservice(params) {...}
And in ContentProvider.query():
WebserviceResponse response = myService.callWebservice(params);
But the problem is that I can't find how to ensure that the service is already bound before the first query. If I bind it in ContentProvider.onCreate:
public boolean onCreate() {
final Context context = getContext();
dbHelper = new DatabaseHelper(context);
context.bindService(new Intent(context, MyService.class), mConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);
return true;
Where mConnection is:
private ServiceConnection mConnection = new ServiceConnection() {
public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName className, IBinder binder) {
myService = ((MyService.MyBinder) binder).getService();
public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName className) {
myService = null;
And I do a query using this content provider in my activity's onCreate(), the service is not bound yet and I get an exception when I try to use it.
A way around I can think of, is to call the webservice directly - without a service - from the content provider. This will be synchronous and I can process the response without problems there. But it has mentioned disadvantage that the call can be interrupted and the data not processed. It's not the end of the world - the next time the user opens the app, the webservice would be called again. But I still would like to not have it that way.
A second possibility I can think of, is to invert this logic and do the access to the content provider in a (asynchronous) service. But here I have a different problem, which is that, afair, the async service (IntentService) communicates with the caller though with IPC and this is not supposed to pass large amounts of data. So I would have again to wrap this in some other logic which after service is finished checks a flag and retrieves data, this time directly from the content provider. This would also mean to start a second async query.
I already came up with an architecture that works, but it's quite complex. It:
1. Does async query to the content provider
2. If there's no data, starts an IntentService to get it from remote.
3. After the service finishes it returns a flag, and then, does again async query to get the data which was saved by the webservice.
I would like to simplify it, that's why I'm asking this.
So is there any way that I can use the service in the content provider, or any other approach, or advice you would recommend?
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