Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Saved Indexed Array/UpdateAll

I am trying to figure out how I should go about updating multiple records for one field. For some reason my updateall method is not recognizing my variable as a string. That said, the variable I am trying to use is an indexed array. I started by trying to use implode function, and converting the array to a string but Im not sure if you can loop through that comma separated string and save each record. Here is what Ive tried 

    public function findPolicyIds($coverageId = null) {
$policyid = $this->Policy->find('all', array(
'recursive' => -1,
'conditions' => array('Policy.coverage_id' => $coverageId),
'fields' => array('')));
foreach($policyid as $id) {
$all[] = $id['Policy']['id'];
foreach ($all as $key) {
   array('Declination.policy_id' => $key),
   array('Declination.coverage_id <=' => $coverageId)

That said, Im trying to save records in Declinations.Policy_Id field for each record that has the same CoverageId that is being passed in. What am I doing wrong?

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