Sunday, September 15, 2013

Re: How to use different CSS/Code for different browsers/devices/os?

I just wanted to point to these related links on conditional CSS with an example from mgwt if there is a case where GIN may not be needed but just conditionals in CSS
(Looks like your solution may need a combination of GIN config, etc - using gin to configure some king of ScriptInjector for non-css3/media queries stuff is good too)
(Note the use of @if with the literal("...") as well to support any non CSS2 - Again, using media queries or keyframe animations will involve a bit more or a round about hack which is probably aided by having a good GIN config setup)

Also, font-awesome is awesome. the pre built vector icons make my life a lot easier (although I wish there was a better way of using them without <i> tag.. but maybe I am missing something)

On Saturday, September 14, 2013 1:20:40 PM UTC-4, Ed wrote:
@Jens: thanks for sharing your thoughts and  inspiration.

On Sat, Sep 14, 2013 at 4:43 PM, Jens <> wrote:
I use Google Gin and switch Ginjectors based on a form factor property in my module XML so its basically the factory approach.

interface AppInjector extends Ginjector {
  App getApp();

interface DesktopAppInjector extends AppInjector {}

// just for illustration you can also use custom multi valued config properties of your *.gwt.xml file that contain full qualified class names of gin modules
@GinModules(value = { TabletModule.class }, properties = {"common.config", "tablet.config"})
interface TabletAppInjector extends AppInjector {}

Because you can not use GWT.create(AppInjector.class) to initialize GIN (because of the GinModule annotations being defined on sub interfaces) you need additional classes for deferred binding:

interface AppInjectorProvider {
  AppInjector get();

class DesktopAppInjectorProvider implements AppInjectorProvider {
  public AppInjector get() {
     return GWT.create(DesktopAppInjector.class);

class TabletAppInjectorProvider implements AppInjectorProvider {
  public AppInjector get() {
     return GWT.create(TabletAppInjector.class);

And finally the entry point

class AppEntryPoint implements EntryPoint {
  void onModuleLoad() {
    AppInjectorProvider injector = GWT.create(AppInjectorProvider.class);

With the code above I can pretty much configure everything inside gin modules. 

For high resolution images its a lot better to extend the ClientBundle mechanism. An example for retina images can be found at

In general I would recommend using vector icons (e.g. "Font Awesome" or so you don't need that retina image thing just for icons.

-- J.

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