Friday, October 25, 2013

Re: Thoughts on GWT 3.0 re: Java 8 and IE 8/9

IE8/IE9 I agree, we are in the same situation. Our customers only just migrated to IE8, so that will take at least 2 years before they will move on.
We could wait longer to move on to GWT 3.0, but the problem is that other customers are already asking for IE11 support. 

About Java8 support on the client, I am looking forward to lambdas instead of asynccallbacks, it would make my code a lot more compact! I only have one onFailure implementation so it would be great if the APIs would decouple these and allow for a default implementation.

But the gwt-servlet.jar will still need to be compiled for Java 7 compatibility or we will be really in big problems. A lot of customers are still running Java 6 on the server side.
Java 7 is about to become mandatory for us, but Java 8 that will take ages.


On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 4:50 PM, Andy <> wrote:
I just read through the notes from the GWT steering committee and would like to share our perspective. I know you have a lot of survey results and we're just 1 company, but here's some more info based on our needs.

Java 8 only

I would encourage and support this move. I've been writing a ton of Javascript for the past few weeks and really miss the functional style when I come back to Java. Lambdas in Java 8 are going to be powerful and fun and they should be used liberally throughout the GWT 3.0 APIs. We won't be able to move our backend to Java 8 for a while, but since we only ship the JS output of the GWT compiler, I'm happy to use Java 8 for front-end development.

Dropping IE 8/9

We just decided on Tuesday to drop IE7 with our next release. We got tired of working around hasLayout bugs, etc. We have several major customers that still have users with XP/IE7, but after consulting with them, we decided we could go ahead with dropping support. Unfortunately, many of our customers are using IE8 and we won't be able to drop IE 8/9 anytime soon. As a developer this is extremely frustrating, but it's the sad reality of the enterprise.

So Java 8 would be awesome, but dropping support for IE 8/9 would prevent us from being about to use GWT 3.0 until our enterprise customers upgrade their browsers.

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