Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Source not found

I'm completely newbe to GWT, I started to learn it just a couple of days ago.
But I'm already got puzzled.
When I start my firs app I get the Null pointer exception
and, in Eclipse's debugger perspective, "No source found"
I started with updating onModuleLoad method by adding some widgets.
Code exerpt:
RootPanel rp = RootPanel.get("someId");
Variable rp turnes to be null, despite I manually added the 
corresponding HTML element <td id="someId"></td>.
According to API Ref, such an element with the given id must
be specified in HTML document, (GWTStart.html im my case)
and it really is.
Obviously, RootPanel.get("someId").add(new .....) does not work as well.
So my question (stupid, of course) is:
HTML element with id="someId" is present,
but RootPanel.get("someId") returns null

I use GPE v 2.5.1 on Debian 7.2, Eclipse 4.2 Juno 

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