Monday, January 6, 2014

Re: CakePHP 3.0.0 dev preview 1 released

Thanks for asking those questions they are good ones.

> What are the strategic goals of Cake v3?

Hopefully I can give some more background information and the prespective of a project maintainer.

> Grow adoption of the framework be switching to "more modern" features?

I can say with some certainty that not supporting PSR-0, composer and other community standards has made CakePHP seem 'outdated' in more than a few people's eyes.

> Do you feel more developers will give it a chance because it supports features like traits, closures and an object-oriented ORM?

I see traits and closures as a means to an end. They should not be a reason to choose a framework, but for some people they are. As a library developer, they offer some useful ways to allow developers to hook their logic in and make some ideas easier and more succinct to express.

> What are the benefits (not features) to devs in v3?

The new ORM is a big benefit. It is also a big downside. In order to use Cake3 you need to upgrade, and the upgrade is not a simple one. I totally understand that it is not an easy upgrade and it will break a ton of user land code. However, what are the alternatives? We intentionally left the Model layer alone when developing 2.x as we knew it was a huge undertaking. 3 years later, here we are and it is still a huge undertaking. If we stick with the current Model layer for another 3 years I think CakePHP will be too far behind in mindshare to recover really.

I think there are other benefits like making it simple to use the huge set of libraries published on By building the framework around these tools we make it very clear for new and existing developers how things should be done.

> Reading this latest announcement, it seems like v3 just makes changes for changes sake.

I'm sorry you feel that way, but I never change things just to change them. Each change I make to CakePHP is strategic. My goals are generally to provide an easier to understand, simpler to use, more efficient and faster tool for people to build web applications with. Keep in mind that I also use CakePHP, and have applications I'll need to be upgrading as well.

> All open-source plugins will need heavy re-writes (unlike v1.x -> v2).

You are right to some degree. I think it depends on the plugin. I had plugins that needed to be totally re-written for 2.x.

> Those facts totally negate the "features" of v3 for me and is pretty demoralizing. I might as well start also considering other frameworks if I'm being forced to scrap all my current plugin code.  If the slate is clean there is no reason for me *not* to consider other frameworks. Cake may still end up being the best option, but with previous version changes I didn't even bother considering the other options because of the relatively easy migration.

It is always good to remember once 3.0 is release 2.x won't stop working. I plan on continuing to do bug fixes and security updates on 2.x as long as people continue to report issues. All the code you've invested in won't stop working when we release 3.0.


On Sunday, 5 January 2014 19:44:07 UTC-5, bbf wrote:
This is the first time I've read about the reasoning behind the major changes to 3.0. (for background I've been coding PHP since 1999, using Cake since 2008, and "cakephp" is the only tag I follow on Stackoverflow ;) )

What are the strategic goals of Cake v3?
Grow adoption of the framework be switching to "more modern" features? Do you feel more developers will give it a chance because it supports features like traits, closures and an object-oriented ORM?  I'm trying to understand why all the breaking changes are being introduced.

What are the benefits (not features) to devs in v3?
1) Make it faster to develop apps?
2) Make it easier to develop apps?
3) Make it faster to get started for new-to-Cake devs?
4) Increase features for current Cake devs?
5) ?

Maybe I'm dense or not understanding the ramifications of the new features. Reading this latest announcement, it seems like v3 just makes changes for changes sake.  You guys all love coding and it's fun to work on the latest cool features of PHP -- I get that.  You're adding lots of "features" that take advantage of new stuff. But how much of it translates into actual *net benefits* for current developers?

Will an OO ORM make Cake easier to code? Faster to code? Faster to interpret/execute? Do things that were impossible before with the non-OO ORM? 

You mention stuff like "It's new architecture based on PHP 5.4 capabilities will offer an easier and more powerful set of tools to build web applications in no time."  How do namespaces, traits, and closure bindings help a dev "build web applications in no time"?

I've been using Cake since 2008. Cake v3 feels to me like I have to re-learn Cake from scratch due to the *huge* amount of breaking changes. It feels like v3 is a whole new framework.

All my current apps can't be upgraded. All the custom generic components/behaviors/plugins I've written over the years which I use for *all* my current/future projects will need to be re-written.  All open-source plugins will need heavy re-writes (unlike v1.x -> v2).

Those facts totally negate the "features" of v3 for me and is pretty demoralizing. I might as well start also considering other frameworks if I'm being forced to scrap all my current plugin code.  If the slate is clean there is no reason for me *not* to consider other frameworks. Cake may still end up being the best option, but with previous version changes I didn't even bother considering the other options because of the relatively easy migration.

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