Re: [jQuery] Installing jQuery to use jQuery UI
jQuery UI is an extension/plugin of jQuery and relies on using the functions in jQuery.
when you download or look at source of any of the UI demos you'll see the UI script tags in the head. Always preceding those script tags is jQuery.js. The reason it must be preceding is that the UI functions will fail if they come before jQuery as the functions they call from within jQuery will not be avaialble
other than making sure you insert jQuery.js in head before making use of it, and path to that source is valid, the only other critical requirement is to use $(document).ready(function() (which has several variations on how it can be written) to wrap functions you call with jQuery
northernLights wrote:
Hi all, I'm trying to use the jQuery library. I want to use the accordion and tabs widgets for a class project. I'm teaching myself javascript DOM scripting and I found out about jQuery. I have downloaded the jQuery UI downloads, but according to a post I received on the jquery UI discussion board, I also need to download jQuery. I went to the page where info on downloading and installing are listed. I'm unclear on what to download for jQuery and exactly what is needed to install it. I am running Windows XP Professional. I'm not running Java or UNIX and I don't understand exactly what "make" or "ant" is. I sorta remember seeing "ant" in the eclipse software, but I'm not sure. It was a summer job and I was using UltraEdit to write HTML and CSS. Could someone help me with this installation? I don't understand the directions at I only want to use the jQuery UI. Is that possible? Thanks.
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