Sunday, January 17, 2010

Re: Newbie question : passing control from one view function to another. I get a function does not return an HttpResponse object error

Hey harijay,

A little warning up front, im fairly new to django as well so if
there is some issue with my response sorry in advance.

"return HttpResponse()" actually returns just an HttpResponse
object. If you are coming from ROR its functionality is not identical to
render (which will render and return the response to the client
immediately). All HttpResponse does is generate a class that can be
returned to the django internals to be sent to the client.
> def view_func1(request):
> if request.user.is_authenticated():
> return HttpResponse("Hello world")
> else:
> return authenticate_user(request)
> |
> |------> why is this return necessary ?
Since the call structure goes similar to this Django Internals ->
view_func1 -> authenticate_user. That return is required so that the
Django internals see the HttpResponse Class. Without this return all
thats passed back to django is None.


harijay wrote:
> Hi i have a question about django and I am afraid it is a slighty
> academic question.
> I am a newbie at django and I am trying to hand off control from one
> view_func1 to another function ( test code below)
> I am wondering why although the aunthenticate_user function i.e the
> second function returns a HttpResponse object. I still need to add a
> return to the calling line
> i.e I dont understand why in the code below I need to say
> return authenticate_user(request)
> rather than just authenticate_user(request) since this function does
> return an HttpResponse object.
> If I dont say return authenticate_user(request) , I get a view
> function does not return an HttpResponse object error even though the
> authenticate_user function is getting called.
> Here is the code.
> Thanks
> harijay
> from django.http import HttpResponse
> from authenticate_user import authenticate_user
> def view_func1(request):
> if request.user.is_authenticated():
> return HttpResponse("Hello world")
> else:
> return authenticate_user(request)
> |
> |------> why is this return necessary ?
> #file authenticate_user
> from django.http import HttpResponse
> def authenticate_user(request):
> return HttpResponse("Future view function to handle
> authentication")


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