Wednesday, April 14, 2010

misc.consumers.frugal-living - 15 new messages in 8 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Free Eye Exercises - 2 messages, 2 authors
* What was the point of Jesus riding an ass, looking like an ass? - 4 messages,
3 authors
* How you can make more in a permanent monthly residual income than most
people make in a whole year! - 1 messages, 1 author
* Jesus would have driven a van! - 1 messages, 1 author
* ◎┳一Free Shipping Nice Design Practical Ghd Hair Straightener → www.ecyoyo.
com - 1 messages, 1 author
* TibetanMonkey goes to war! - 1 messages, 1 author
* ╬◆Paypal Wholesale Various World-famous Brand Products-----Sport Shoes,Jeans,
Handbags,jacket,T-shirt,Accessories,etc.╬ ╬ - 1 messages, 1
* Why I didn't buy TurboTax AGAIN this year - 4 messages, 3 authors

TOPIC: Free Eye Exercises

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Apr 12 2010 8:47 pm
From: VFW

Check out the free eye exercise program from American Vision Institute
at This was created by some of American's
leading eye doctors and is designed to reduce dependency on corrective
lenses. Also gives new treatment for cataract, glaucoma, and macular
degeneration. Also check out the research supporting the program,
click RESEARCH on the index bar.
Enjoy this moment ! Thanks. g.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 13 2010 5:34 am
From: Charmin

On Apr 12, 10:47 pm, VFW <> wrote:
> Check out the free eye exercise program from American Vision Institute
>  This was created  by some of American's
> leading eye doctors and is designed to reduce dependency on corrective
> lenses.  Also gives new treatment for cataract, glaucoma, and macular
> degeneration.  Also check out the research supporting the program,
> click RESEARCH on the index bar.
> --
> Enjoy this moment !         Thanks. g.

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and
expecting different results."

TOPIC: What was the point of Jesus riding an ass, looking like an ass?

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 13 2010 8:28 am
From: "TibetanMonkey, Originator of the Banana Kung-Fu"

I must confess that Jesus riding a British classic bicycle would have
commanded my respect, but him riding an ass!?

On Apr 12, 10:22 pm, kenny <> wrote:
> hey i'm new to the group and as i browsed through the recent
> discussions i thought i'd top this one off with a funny picture from
> a kid's christian coloring book....

Jesus! He sure would have impressed more people by riding a dinosaur
than by riding an ass.

And then what was the point of him riding an ass, looking like an ass?

You know what I think? THEY ARE COMPULSIVE LIARS!



"Nothing's sacred but the truth!"

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 13 2010 8:50 am
From: "TibetanMonkey, Originator of the Banana Kung-Fu"

On Apr 13, 8:30 am, "JOHN" <> wrote:
> "TibetanMonkey, the-Monkey-with-the-Bag-of-Shit"<> wrote in message
> When and where do you ride your bicycle?
> I need to test the bumper(s) of my new culling SUV, nicknamed "Come to Jesus
> time"

I have a holy reply to you: "Kiss my holy ass!"

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 13 2010 10:18 pm
From: (Don Klipstein)

In <>,
TibetanMonkey, Originator of the Banana Kung-Fu wrote:

>I must confess that Jesus riding a British classic bicycle would have
>commanded my respect, but him riding an ass!?
>On Apr 12, 10:22 pm, kenny <> wrote:
>> hey i'm new to the group and as i browsed through the recent
>> discussions i thought i'd top this one off with a funny picture from
>> a kid's christian coloring book....
>Jesus! He sure would have impressed more people by riding a dinosaur
>than by riding an ass.
>And then what was the point of him riding an ass, looking like an ass?
>You know what I think? THEY ARE COMPULSIVE LIARS!

What makes one think that Jesus should have ridden a dinosaur around
2,000 years ago?

Only fundamentalists who insist that the earth is only something like
6,000 years old claim that known dinosaurs, or even whatever the bones
said to be from dinosaurs "actually" came from, existed more recently than
63-65 million years ago!

- Don Klipstein (

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 13 2010 10:59 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

Don Klipstein wrote:
> In
> <>,
> TibetanMonkey, Originator of the Banana Kung-Fu wrote:
>> I must confess that Jesus riding a British classic bicycle would have
>> commanded my respect, but him riding an ass!?
>> On Apr 12, 10:22 pm, kenny <> wrote:
>>> hey i'm new to the group and as i browsed through the recent
>>> discussions i thought i'd top this one off with a funny picture
>>> from a kid's christian coloring book....
>> Jesus! He sure would have impressed more people by riding a dinosaur
>> than by riding an ass.
>> And then what was the point of him riding an ass, looking like an
>> ass?
>> You know what I think? THEY ARE COMPULSIVE LIARS!
> What makes one think that Jesus should have ridden a dinosaur around
> 2,000 years ago?
> Only fundamentalists who insist that the earth is only something like
> 6,000 years old claim that known dinosaurs, or even whatever the bones
> said to be from dinosaurs "actually" came from, existed more recently
> than 63-65 million years ago!

It was a joke, Joyce.

TOPIC: How you can make more in a permanent monthly residual income than most
people make in a whole year!

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 13 2010 11:34 am
From: Vastcom Publishing

Urgent Update, offer extended through April!

The Global Information Network Council is offering an almost
unbelievable opportunity for those that join as members by the end of
April. I have never seen GIN offer such an amazing deal, so you need
to take full advantage of this now. Here is the offer:

1) Free copy of the "Your Wish Is Your Command" CD series ($299 value)

2) Free ticket to a seminar Kevin Trudeau will host called "How Anyone
Can Make Millions" ($2,000 value)

3) Free lifetime membership to Natural Cures plus two tickets to their
health seminar ($2,500 value)

4) Virtually an all expense paid trip to the GIN Winter Leadership
Conference in January. This will be held in a warm, exotic location.
It may be held in the Caribbean, Bahamas, or even a cruise ship. I
went to the event this past January in the Dominican Republic and it
was incredible!

5) A $5,000 cash bonus when you stay as a member of GIN for a year and
sign up 10 new members under you in that year.

Don't miss out on this one time opportunity. Join now as a member to
take advantage of this special offer including all of the other
benefits membership has to offer! Joining costs an initial due of
$1,000 plus $150 monthly. With the $5,000 bonus GIN is offering, you
will nearly double the money that you put in automatically. Click
HERE and go to "Join Now" to get started or go to
and use affiliate code 1500251.

If you are looking for wealth creation, financial freedom, emotional
well-being, privileged information, information on what is really
going on in the world, or natural health remedies then you have come
to the right place. This is a special invitation for you to join the
Global Information Network (GIN). Visit the main website at for more information. There
you can listen to an invitation audio that will describe what GIN is
all about and read how GIN was formed and by whom. I have been a
member for nine months now and have seen how GIN has evolved and
proven itself to be all that it claims.

When you go to the main webpage you have the choice of signing up as
an affiliate or a member. Joining as an affiliate is free and has
some good benefits, but is obviously limited. Joining as a member has
infinitely more benefits and costs an initial due of $1,000 and
monthly dues of $150. You will see that this is an amazing bargain
once you gain access to the member's area. It is hard to put a price
on something that changes your life for the better. I have yet to
meet a member who has attended a live event or studied the information
that hasn't been changed in a positive and profound way. Attending a
live event and meeting the high-level members is life changing. It is
hard to describe the value of talking with and building relationships
with the high-level and successful members that created GIN. How much
would you pay to have personal time with some of the most successful
people in the world? Even if you had the money to meet these people
how else would you even get access to them? I have had this privilege
and would like for you to have this opportunity as well.

You should treat joining GIN or any other network marketing company as
if you were starting your own business. Every business requires an
initial investment and very few see any profit for several months or
even years. You have to give your business time to grow and develop.
I've never heard of a successful businessman starting a new company
and three months later giving up because it was too hard or wasn't
turning a profit fast enough. When you start with a new network
marketing company, you are building a business for yourself where you
are the boss and you determine how successful it will be. GIN is
intended to be a 2-5 year plan, although many have and will become
successful sooner than this.

So, go to and sign up today.
If you are tight on cash right now, I would encourage you to join as
an affiliate first. As an affiliate you can participate in the
commission structure, listen to the weekly audio updates, and have
access to the affiliate training (seminars and marketing tools).
Later on you can join as a member and have access to the confidential
information, training events, and greater money making opportunities.
If you are asked for an access code, use 1500251. I look forward to
sharing this exciting experience with you! If you have any questions
or concerns, you can contact me by emailing me at

TOPIC: Jesus would have driven a van!

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 13 2010 4:38 pm
From: "TibetanMonkey, the-Monkey-with-the-Bag-of-Shit"

I don't think Jesus can help you that much, unless you drive a big

On Apr 13, 2:11 pm, lil abner <@daisey.mae> wrote:
> TibetanMonkey, the-Monkey-with-the-Bag-of-Shit wrote:
> > It's part of the immutable laws of nature, something like the Roman
> > Empire in 410AD and all the mighty that have fallen... But in a way,
> > being bigger they become an easier target, and then you see them
> > struggling to survive... Poor Romans!
> > Hey, the title is not even my own, so I'm just an independent
> > observer...
> > (I quote)
> > Are Toyota and Honda cars not good cars anymore?
> > I have heard a few things on the news about Toyota and Honda cars
> > being recalled and my grandfather said that Toyota isn't a good brand
> > of car to get anymore.( My grandparents and I do not always have the
> > same beliefs) IS that right?
> > As Toyota Got Huge they got cheap with their parts suppliers. Fat and
> > Happy and Lazy!
> > Honda and Nissan are not there yet! Still HIGH HIGH Quality and
> > compared to American Cars Still much much much much superior!
> >
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------
> > "Never get arrogant and cheap!"
> >
> Wall Street and Washington are designing the cars these days. None of
> the Mfgs are about building fine cars. They or Wall Street are about
> making money. Quality or Customer appeal is second or last. You take
> what is available.
> Our new car has "carpet" thinner than our towels.
> The floor is hot from exhaust or something.
> The air conditioner is a joke at 70mph.
> The seats are thin, hard and small.The headrest force your head to your
> chest per NHTSA. Half the cost of new cars are for air bags and and
> brick design with pillows at each end.
> Performance is a joke thanks to NHTSA and EPA electronic throttles.
> We are forced to use an inefficient fuel that waste our environment and
> has to be subsidized by our taxes:ethanol. It is destructive to engines
> and gives poorer performance. Engines are tuned to burn inefficiently
> and waste fuel to "cut emissions."
> We can't buy rally efficient diesel engined cars because the EPA doesn't
> want them. Vehicles, that do use Diesel, are being made so expensive and
> less efficient that it is having a huge rippling cost increase to
> everyone along the line. They now require Diesels to have tank for Pig
> Pea(Urea)that adds huge costs to the purchase and use.
> Our Legislators take an oath to defend us from enemies both domestic and
> foreign but apparently that doesn't include Global Business, Banking or
> Socialists. The Oil Cabal pays practically no taxes in the US but it
> controls our government policies and Laws.

Thank you, man, I suspected something like that. Then some trucks are
passing as ordinary cars putting everybody at risk --even those who
wear the seat belt and have the air bag.

Little or no effort is placed into PREVENTION...

'It's No Accident: The Real Story Behind Senseless Death and Injury on
Our Roads'

For more than 30 years, the government has been ramming cars into
walls in an effort to make car crashes safe. The public has been
conditioned to believe that seatbelts, airbags and more "crashworthy"
vehicles are the best ways to protect us from harm on the roads.
Meanwhile, the most basic strategies to deter dangerous driving and
prevent crashes have been ignored. "It's No Accident" provides a rare
glimpse into how the government got seduced by the promise of "safe
crashing." It then examines the major factors involved in crashes
today, including speeding, aggressive driving, distractions (e.g. cell
phones) and drowsy driving.

TOPIC: ◎┳一Free Shipping Nice Design Practical Ghd Hair Straightener → www.

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 13 2010 5:47 pm
From: nice

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TOPIC: TibetanMonkey goes to war!

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 13 2010 6:20 pm
From: "TibetanMonkey, Originator of the Banana Kung-Fu"

Face it, it's a war zone on our roads, and nothing like having the
real thing...

Yep, it's real tempting to have such a vehicle loaded with bananas
ready to throw at drivers who ignore me as a real soldier of the



"Never underestimate a committed monkey on a bike!"

TOPIC: ╬◆Paypal Wholesale Various World-famous Brand Products-----Sport Shoes,
Jeans, Handbags,jacket,T-shirt,Accessories,etc.╬

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 13 2010 7:26 pm
From: ckedsdf

╬◆Paypal Wholesale Various World-famous Brand Products-----Sport
Shoes,Jeans, Handbags,jacket,T-shirt,Accessories,etc.╬

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TOPIC: Why I didn't buy TurboTax AGAIN this year

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 13 2010 8:32 pm
From: The Real Bev

I'm a member of the Inner Circle, those brilliant few who offer their opinion
of Intuit's products (which I used to love). As a valued member, I am given
the opportunity to purchase TT direct from the factory at a price considerably
more than I can buy it at Costco or one of the office big box stores; the
advantage, of course, is that I get it SOONER than it appears on the shelves.

Several years ago they priced themselves out of the market -- requiring me to
spend significantly more in order to get Schedule C capability to additionally
do taxes for a handyman making under $15K/year. I bought Tax Cut (H&RBlock)
instead. Clunkier, but it does the job just as well -- except for not printing
the IRS address on my 1040-ES forms, an address which was NOT easy to find
through the regular channels.

Anyway, today TT wanted me to renew my "membership" by answering a few
questions about which variety of TT I used this year. For the first time I
answered truthfully -- NONE. I figured they'd wonder why. Nope. They just
said 'Sorry, you gotta buy in to be a member.'

They have previously ignored my suggestion that they give previous 'valued
customers' a price break. They are now unconcerned about the reasons that
'valued customers' shopped elsewhere. It may be noted That Washington Mutual
didn't care why I was so angry when I closed our accounts. I think there's a
lesson there.

I used to think Intuit was a good company producing a good product. Now
they're just one more company that deserves a trip down the drain.

Cheers, Bev
Far away in a strange land

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 13 2010 8:44 pm
From: The Real Bev

On 04/13/2010 08:32 PM, The Real Bev wrote:

> I used to think Intuit was a good company producing a good product. Now
> they're just one more company that deserves a trip down the drain.

Addendum: Not a single one of the 'Contact Us' links worked. Not email, not
chat, not list-of-phone-numbers. They weren't even LINKS for Chrissake, just
empty 'click here' boxes.

Cheers, Bev
Far away in a strange land

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 13 2010 9:04 pm
From: "Bob F"

The Real Bev wrote:
> I'm a member of the Inner Circle, those brilliant few who offer their
> opinion of Intuit's products (which I used to love). As a valued
> member, I am given the opportunity to purchase TT direct from the
> factory at a price considerably more than I can buy it at Costco or
> one of the office big box stores; the advantage, of course, is that
> I get it SOONER than it appears on the shelves.
> Several years ago they priced themselves out of the market --
> requiring me to spend significantly more in order to get Schedule C
> capability to additionally do taxes for a handyman making under
> $15K/year. I bought Tax Cut (H&RBlock) instead. Clunkier, but it
> does the job just as well -- except for not printing the IRS address
> on my 1040-ES forms, an address which was NOT easy to find through
> the regular channels.
> Anyway, today TT wanted me to renew my "membership" by answering a few
> questions about which variety of TT I used this year. For the first
> time I answered truthfully -- NONE. I figured they'd wonder why. Nope. They
> just said 'Sorry, you gotta buy in to be a member.'
> They have previously ignored my suggestion that they give previous
> 'valued customers' a price break. They are now unconcerned about the
> reasons that 'valued customers' shopped elsewhere. It may be noted
> That Washington Mutual didn't care why I was so angry when I closed
> our accounts. I think there's a lesson there.
> I used to think Intuit was a good company producing a good product. Now
> they're just one more company that deserves a trip down the drain.

I gave up on TT when they started the absurd copy protection scheme that would
make it unable to operate if you upgraded your computer after initial
installation. Since I constantly upgrade my PC, this was not acceptable. I
switched to TaxCut, and have been a happy user ever since. I actually find
TaxCut (not H&R Block) easier to use anyway.

I cheat, and buy it off Ebay early in February. Last year it was $4. This year
$10 for the basic version. I don't need a state tax program.

Doesn't TurboTax have a free online version?

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 13 2010 10:57 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

The Real Bev wrote:
> I'm a member of the Inner Circle, those brilliant few who offer their
> opinion of Intuit's products (which I used to love). As a valued
> member, I am given the opportunity to purchase TT direct from the
> factory at a price considerably more than I can buy it at Costco or
> one of the office big box stores; the advantage, of course, is that
> I get it SOONER than it appears on the shelves.
> Several years ago they priced themselves out of the market --
> requiring me to spend significantly more in order to get Schedule C
> capability to additionally do taxes for a handyman making under
> $15K/year. I bought Tax Cut (H&RBlock) instead. Clunkier, but it
> does the job just as well -- except for not printing the IRS address
> on my 1040-ES forms, an address which was NOT easy to find through
> the regular channels.
> Anyway, today TT wanted me to renew my "membership" by answering a few
> questions about which variety of TT I used this year. For the first
> time I answered truthfully -- NONE. I figured they'd wonder why. Nope. They just said 'Sorry, you gotta buy in to be
> a member.'
> They have previously ignored my suggestion that they give previous
> 'valued customers' a price break. They are now unconcerned about the
> reasons that 'valued customers' shopped elsewhere. It may be noted
> That Washington Mutual didn't care why I was so angry when I closed
> our accounts. I think there's a lesson there.

Yeah, that you dont matter a damn to anyone.

> I used to think Intuit was a good company producing a good product. Now they're just one more company that deserves a
> trip down the drain.


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