Tuesday, April 20, 2010

rec.crafts.metalworking - 26 new messages in 17 topics - digest



Today's topics:

* The Sarah Palin Network - 1 messages, 1 author
* Stockade fence posts -- metal content indeed! - 1 messages, 1 author
* 1938 Austria...... - 3 messages, 2 authors
* Republicans stand with Wall Street - 1 messages, 1 author
* Please do not hate me for this - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Palin vs. Obama - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Republicans dumping Crist ? - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Do TMT's mommies have two Glocks too? - 1 messages, 1 author
* Cox Communications drops Usenet - 1 messages, 1 author
* Shrinker/Stretcher - 1 messages, 1 author
* how to clamp pipe vertically to milling table? - 3 messages, 3 authors
* Do DC caps have an AC rating? - 1 messages, 1 author
* OT Class action settlement by lying lawn mower manufacturers. - 1 messages,
1 author
* Using an old three phase DC welder from single phase? - 1 messages, 1 author
* water pipe corrosion - 3 messages, 2 authors
* Electric Motor Phase Correction Question - 1 messages, 1 author
* Bridgeport Repair in IL? - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: The Sarah Palin Network

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 9:11 am
From: "larry moe 'n curly"

Fred B. Brown wrote:
> Sara Palin has more talent in her little finger than Fey does in her
> whole body.

Please provide proof. Tina Fey was head writer of SNL, wrote the very
good movie Mean Girls, and created and wrote several episodes of the
great TV show, 30 Rock.

OTOH Sarah Palin needed somebody else to write her autobiography.

Tina Fey is what Sarah Palin _should_ be like, while Sarah Palin is
just another good-looking female politician who's crazy.

TOPIC: Stockade fence posts -- metal content indeed!

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 9:15 am
From: "Existential Angst"

"William Wixon" <wwixon@frontiernet.net> wrote in message
> "Don Foreman" <dforeman@NOSPAMgoldengate.net> wrote in message
> news:81gqs5d2fgp22qiar94gqfk36lhtm94ofj@4ax.com...
> -snip-
>>>> I myself will proly just use an 8# sledge, some wood on the top, and an
>>>> extree pair of hands to hold/level/guide the post as I bang away.
>>>This is all you need. Works great and isn't that
>> Yes! This purely beats a sledge and it's easy to make if you can
>> weld.
>> The professional approach would be to rent an auger post hole digger,
>> drill holes, insert sonotube, plant posts, backfill with concrete. The
>> holes need to go below frost line. That'd be 4 feet here, don't know
>> about Yonkers.
> jeez, yonkers, i wonder if you'd have to call that "buried utilities"
> number.
> i always remember this story from fine homebuilding magazine, their funny
> back-pages "great moments in building history" column.
> http://www.finehomebuilding.com/departments/great-moments/fire-in-the-hole.aspx?nterms=106878
> i was going to scan the article but thank goodness they've now got a free
> online archive of "great moments in building history" articles very funny
> stuff (and thank goodness they had the "fire in the hole" article).
> http://www.finehomebuilding.com/How-To/Great-Moments/106878.aspx?channel=3&cp=0
> i scanned the illustration that went with the article though (it's not
> present in their online archive, the illustration adds a nice touch to the
> article.
> http://www.frontiernet.net/~wwixon/fhfebmar1993.jpg
> (exactly how i picture "existential angst" in my mind's eye.)

Heh, mebbe the urban version... :)

Or, mebbe the urbane version?? :) :) :)
With less pointy elbows.
And an ornery territorial cat instead of the cute dog.

NYC has instituted big fines for contractors that damage infrastucture.
Hopefully, there's not a lot a stuff going on, underground. Electrics are
overhead, and gas and water are elsewhere, so I should be OK.

I think our frost line is 36-42", altho I'm not really too worried about
Esp. with gorebal warming. :)

> b.w.
> Fire In the Hole
> Great moments in building history: Digging usually never leads to fire
> by Michael Brubaker
> Among the many skills that must be mastered by a jack-of-all-trades,
> digging a hole would seem to pose the fewest problems. But life's
> challenges are not always found in difficult jobs. As I have learned, they
> will sometimes spring up in the most innocent of tasks.
> A few years ago I fashioned my career as a musician around various odd
> jobs, many of which were offered to me by my friend Jeff, a real-estate
> broker. Jeff always seemed to have a small job that fit both my schedule
> and his desire for cheap and quick labor.
> Some of these jobs required inventiveness, like the time I painted the
> inside of one of his houses where the tenants had moved, but their dog's
> fleas remained. Plastic garbage bags slipped over my feet and taped above
> my knees worked reasonably well as a defense against the fleas, given the
> limited leaping ability of the tiny critters. But I ran out of ideas when
> confronted with painting the baseboards, and I had to resort to chemical
> weapons. Always ask about animals when taking a job.
> When I delivered a new refrigerator to one of Jeff's rental houses, I
> introduced a new rule for my truck: always tie things down. I instituted
> this rule halfway in the delivery trip when in my rear-view mirror I
> watched a full-size fridge execute a perfect back-flip dive.
> But perhaps the biggest challenge I've encountered was digging some holes
> for a fence I was building at Jeff's house. He had tired of tracking down
> his dog, a Samoyed of great wanderlust, and asked if I would build a
> fence around his waterfront home. The project seemed well suited to my
> tools and abilities at the time, so I agreed to start the next day. My
> survey, layout and construction progressed smoothly, though the sandy soil
> slipping through the post-hole digger presented a small challenge. Soon I
> had all the posts and the rails planted. Next came the gatepost, which I
> planned to install next to the house.
> I began to dig, but after I got down maybe 2 ft., I was startled by a
> sudden, loud pop as a small flame sparked from the bottom of the hole.
> Having already dug two dozen holes that day, I recognized this as being
> abnormal hole activity. I saw nothing in the hole, so I continued and
> plunged the digger into it one more time. Again a loud pop with smoke and
> flame. This my poor brain was unable to digest, so I decided to get a
> second opinion.
> My friend Kim, another musician-cum-handyman, was doing some interior
> painting that day. So I went inside to fetch him to witness this strange
> affair. I directed him to stand over the hole as I thrust the digger down.
> Again the hole spit fire and smoke. "I don't know what it is, Mike," he
> said as he jumped back. "But I sure wouldn't dig a hole there if I were
> you." As I stood there scratching my head wondering how to move a hole,
> Kim went inside. He returned a moment later and said his power tools and
> the household appliances no longer worked, which meant I had probably
> found...
> Electricity, at least in my experience to that date, had always entered a
> house from overhead; buried lines seemed somehow unsafe. Suppose it
> rained, and the roads flooded? Kim and I went inside to scan the phone
> directory under Electricians, Goofball Repairs A Specialty, where we also
> discovered a free service for locating buried lines called, oddly enough,
> Mis Quik. So, good construction engineer that I was, I made a belated call
> to them and then knocked off for the day, leaving Jeff to cope with the
> electricity problem.
> Jeff called the electric company that afternoon, but the repair crew did
> not arrive until 1 a.m. As Jeff showed the workers the hole and explained
> my problem with the gatepost, they obliged by putting a neat loop in the
> service wire around where the post should go and then filled in the hole.
> But they asked what had happened to the fellow that dug this; he severed a
> 220v service entrance line, and the humidity should have been just enough
> to make a good connection. Did he survive?
> I still have the post-hole digger, with three quarter-sized bites taken
> off one blade. But the real shock that day wasn't where I was digging, but
> how. You see, to bind the loose, sandy soil as I dug, I had used the
> garden hose to water down the dirt in the holes. But at least I knew that
> when standing in soggy mud, if something strange spits fire at you from a
> hole in the ground, you don't reach in with a hand but poke it with a
> sharp stick instead.
> -Michael Brubaker, Savannah, Ga.
> From Fine Homebuilding 79, pp. 130

TOPIC: 1938 Austria......

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 9:26 am
From: sparky

On Apr 20, 11:53 am, Just Me <mutantmachin...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> OK so I got a specific date wrong,I apologize for my ignorance,as you
> obviously missed the point it was more to point out the lawlessness
> that you seem to find so attractive.How about Sutters Mills 1849 early
> days of the Calif gold rush.
>  When I first came to the US people asked me why I was here,amongst my
> smart arse remarks was I came to educate you colonials, well it's not
> working,you don't seem able to learn, so I suppose I just shut my shop
> and go home again.No I'm not from the UK or Canada or Australia,some
> place far more civilized.
> On Apr 20, 12:46 am, Strabo <str...@flashlight.net> wrote:
> > Just Me wrote:
> > > Interesting,but it's probably not true in it's entirety,cobbled
> > > together from different stories by different people because this story
> > > has been floating around for decades,at least since the Reagan
> > > regime .Maybe because I wasn't educated in the US that the fact Hitler
> > > was elected is not news to me ,but this post also shows me that you
> > > right leaning libertarian types do not have any comprehension of
> > > either 1930s European  politics or history;and even more distressing
> > > you don't seem to have any comprehension of  US politics or history
> > > either,you just seemed so wrapped up in the mythology of the US that
> > > you can't even see the reality .Do you really think that Obama is
> > > about to engineer a military take over? and if you really think he is
> > > engineering a socialist take over then you are more brain dead than I
> > > imagined.How many of you trigger happy open carry militia types
> > > actually have the balls to take on the US gov't with guns or it just
> > > the myth that gives you wet dreams at night and lets you feel so good
> > > on these boards.The Gov't has it problem but living in no tax free
> > > market(ie:robber baron) state that rather looks like Deadwood circa
> > > 1850 is not my idea of civilization.
> > As a historian who demands precision I thought you'd want to know that
> > there was no Deadwood, South Dakota until 1876.
> > <snipped>- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Why do your posts make you sound so un-civilized and barbaric.

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 9:50 am
From: "Michael A. Terrell"

Gunner Asch wrote:
> On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 20:32:18 -0500, Ignoramus9593
> <ignoramus9593@NOSPAM.9593.invalid> wrote:
> >On 2010-04-20, Gunner Asch <gunnerasch@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> True indeed. However..the Russians only prevailed with the material help
> >> of America. Billions of tons of Lend Lease material went directly to
> >> Russia.
> >>
> >> If the Germans had won..had killed off the Marxists and Stalin..they
> >> would have had a very very rich subject state.
> >
> >Lend lease was a very valuable help program.
> >
> >http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lend_lease#US_deliveries_to_USSR
> >
> >A total of $50.1 billion (equivalent to $759 billion at 2008 prices)
> >worth of supplies were shipped: $31.4 billion to Britain, $11.3
> >billion to the Soviet Union, $3.2 billion to France and $1.6 billion
> >to China.
> >
> >The USSR was highly dependent on rail transportation, but during the
> >war practically shut down rail equipment production: only about 92
> >locomotives were produced. 2,000 locomotives and 11,000 railcars were
> >supplied under Lend-Lease. The USSR had a pre-war stock of over 25,000
> >locomotives and 600,000 railcars. The Lend-Lease stock did not start
> >being shipped until 1944.[citation needed] Likewise, the Soviet air
> >force received 18,700 aircraft, which amounted to about 14% of Soviet
> >aircraft production (19% for military aircraft).[7]
> >
> >Although most Red Army tank units were equipped with Soviet-built
> >tanks, their logistical support was provided by hundreds of thousands
> >of U.S.-made trucks. Indeed by 1945 nearly two-thirds of the truck
> >strength of the Red Army was U.S.-built. Trucks such as the Dodge 3/4
> >ton and Studebaker 2 1/2 ton, were easily the best trucks available in
> >their class on either side on the Eastern Front.[citation
> >needed]U.S. supplies of telephone cable, aluminum, canned rations, and
> >clothing were also critical.
> Yes indeed it was a very valuable program. And wave after wave of
> Liberty Ships ported in Murmansk and other Russian ports hauling in
> everything from food to fuel to artillery rounds.
> IF the US had had to stop those.....

How about all the planes that were transfered to Russian pilots at
Ft. Greely, Ak.?

Anyone wanting to run for any political office in the US should have to
have a DD214, and a honorable discharge.

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 9:52 am
From: "Michael A. Terrell"

Just Me wrote:
> OK so I got a specific date wrong,I apologize for my ignorance,as you
> obviously missed the point it was more to point out the lawlessness
> that you seem to find so attractive.How about Sutters Mills 1849 early
> days of the Calif gold rush.
> When I first came to the US people asked me why I was here,amongst my
> smart arse remarks was I came to educate you colonials, well it's not
> working,you don't seem able to learn, so I suppose I just shut my shop
> and go home again.No I'm not from the UK or Canada or Australia,some
> place far more civilized.

Then go back, if they'll take you.

Anyone wanting to run for any political office in the US should have to
have a DD214, and a honorable discharge.

TOPIC: Republicans stand with Wall Street

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 9:41 am
From: "Michael A. Terrell"

"John R. Carroll" wrote:
> Michael A. Terrell wrote:
> > "John R. Carroll" wrote:
> >>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Really? Your computer's clock is wrong, so learn how to set it.
> >>
> >> Is it?
> >> It's the same as the computer set to NIST.
> >
> >
> > Then your messages are showing up before they were posted.
> This was posted at 4:25 am.
> What do you see?
> --
> John R. Carroll

8:26 AM

Anyone wanting to run for any political office in the US should have to
have a DD214, and a honorable discharge.

TOPIC: Please do not hate me for this

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 9:48 am
From: Eregon

Gunner Asch <gunnerasch@gmail.com> wrote in

> On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 01:49:27 +0000 (UTC), Eregon <Eragon@Saphira.org>
> wrote:
>>Steve Walker <fusion640@verizon.net> wrote in
>>> Thou hast forced me to violate the 3rd and the 10th commandment. Now
>>> I shall burn in Hell. <G>
>>And just when DO you intend to move to Southern California?
> You guys do realize that Iggys welder is 3phase only..are you not?
> <G>
> That welder draws 60 amps at 208/240 and on 3 phase..thats gonna be a
> pretty big RPC.
> Gunner

Uh huh. <grin>

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 1:05 pm
From: Ned Simmons

On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 07:57:03 -0500, Ignoramus3512
<ignoramus3512@NOSPAM.3512.invalid> wrote:

>On 2010-04-20, Dave H. <hopefuldave_doesnt_eat_spiced_ham@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> Nah, those old Millers are single-phase really, they jump across 2 phases if
>> available (here in Europe / UK they pick up 2 of 3 415v phases) but they
>> will run from 220/240, they just take a *lot* of current.... Just check the
>> plate on the back, and hook up the links on the transformer primary input
>> panel as per the 220V winding in the manual (available at
>> www.millerwelds.com, usually).
>The hookup diagram is right there. The manual is not on millerwelds
>(no kidding). I think that you are right about single phase.

It may well be a DC only welder with 3 phase input. Though the
enclosure looks like the venerable Miller 330 ABP TIG welder, it's
control panel is clearly different and there appears to be a fixed
grill below the panel where the ABP has a lift-up door for access to
the valves and other controls.


Ned Simmons

TOPIC: Palin vs. Obama

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 9:51 am

On Apr 20, 7:29�am, Cliff <Clhuprichguessw...@aoltmovetheperiodc.om>
> � As far as I can tell Palin objects to Obama.
> � He is not 100% white.
> � He is very bright.
> � It does not matter to Palin what the facts or subjects are. She
> knows nothing about any of them anyway & is not about
> to start learning anything now.
> � He is not a crazed winger.
> --
> Cliff

Obama is VERY BRIGHT? About what, SOCALISM,, LENIN and STALIN?? Other
than being a CHI Town Street thug, what does he know? LOL


== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 12:30 pm
From: RBnDFW

Hawke wrote:
> On 4/20/2010 11:35 AM, RBnDFW wrote:
>> [Clitt and his drivel snipped]
>>> Obama is VERY BRIGHT? About what, SOCALISM,, LENIN and STALIN?? Other
>>> than being a CHI Town Street thug, what does he know? LOL
>> There was a recent story that BHO and GWB have IQs essentially equal,
>> based on college entrance scores. That's the last we heard about BHOs
>> college records.
> IQ is one thing. Knowledge is another. Nobody knows what Obama and
> Bush's IQs are in relation to each other. What we do know is that Bush
> lacked knowledge about everything. We also have seen that the level of
> knowledge Obama possesses is impressive by anyone's standards. But to
> put it in language so your kind understands it, Bush is an idiot and
> Obama is a smart guy.

Stalin was a smart guy too - your kinda guy apparently.
How's that Kool-Aid taste, Smart Boy?

TOPIC: Republicans dumping Crist ?

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 10:00 am
From: Rightardia

On 04/20/2010 06:26 AM, Shall not be infringed wrote:
> On Apr 20, 6:54 am, Cliff<Clhuprichguessw...@aoltmovetheperiodc.om>
> wrote:
>> http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/20/us/politics/20crist.html
>> [
>> Gov. Charlie Crist of Florida, facing pressure from fellow Republicans to
>> abandon his Senate campaign, said Monday that he would not allow party leaders
>> in Washington to push him from the race and declared that he was considering
>> running for the seat as an independent.
>> ....
>> ]
>> Rethugs just have no loyalty or job security ......
>> --
>> Cliff
> I hope that you and Charlie will be happy as Independents...

The smartest thing would be for Marco Rubio to drop out. Crist will
likely win the election if he runs as an Independent.

The teachers will support him after his veto of a horrible education
bill that would make Florida teachers serve 'at will' and base half of a
teacher's evaluation on the results of a standardized tests that their
students take.

Maraco Rubio has the tinge of scandal over him and is being subpoenaed
for his excessive RNC expenses.

Rightardia: The progressive alternative to conservative fascism.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 10:43 am
From: "Sid9"

"Rightardia" <rightardia@gmail.com> wrote in message
> On 04/20/2010 06:26 AM, Shall not be infringed wrote:
>> On Apr 20, 6:54 am, Cliff<Clhuprichguessw...@aoltmovetheperiodc.om>
>> wrote:
>>> http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/20/us/politics/20crist.html
>>> [
>>> Gov. Charlie Crist of Florida, facing pressure from fellow
>>> Republicans to
>>> abandon his Senate campaign, said Monday that he would not allow party
>>> leaders
>>> in Washington to push him from the race and declared that he was
>>> considering
>>> running for the seat as an independent.
>>> ....
>>> ]
>>> Rethugs just have no loyalty or job security ......
>>> --
>>> Cliff
>> I hope that you and Charlie will be happy as Independents...
> The smartest thing would be for Marco Rubio to drop out. Crist will likely
> win the election if he runs as an Independent.
> The teachers will support him after his veto of a horrible education bill
> that would make Florida teachers serve 'at will' and base half of a
> teacher's evaluation on the results of a standardized tests that their
> students take.
> Maraco Rubio has the tinge of scandal over him and is being subpoenaed for
> his excessive RNC expenses.
> --
> Rightardia: The progressive alternative to conservative fascism.
Rubio will not drop out.

He's of the "Purify" the Republican Party section that is willing to lose
elections to make a point.

Therefore, it will be Senator Meek or Senator Crist as an independent.

That might make a total of three independents, Sanders, Lieberman, and

They would have enormous power and could swing votes whatever way they chose
if they were to band together

TOPIC: Do TMT's mommies have two Glocks too?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 10:14 am
From: Larry Jaques

On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 00:02:18 -0500, the infamous Don Foreman
<dforeman@NOSPAMgoldengate.net> scrawled the following:

>On Sun, 18 Apr 2010 15:01:29 -0700, Hawke
><davesmithers@digitalpath.net> wrote:
>>On 4/17/2010 11:48 PM, Don Foreman wrote:
>>> On Sat, 17 Apr 2010 22:34:47 -0700, Hawke
>>> <davesmithers@digitalpath.net> wrote:
>>>> If you want to get a permit and carry
>>>> concealed I think that is sensible. But just walking around everybody
>>>> else with a gun on your hip like a cop seems a little weird, if you ask me.
>>>> Hawke
>>> Roger that.
>>> If ya wanna be a cop, do the training regimen and take the job.
>>> A CCW does not make the posessor an ersatz cop, champion of the
>>> oppressed, defender of others. It merely conveys the legal right to
>>> carry a weapon. Actual use of that weapon is subject to lots more law,
>>> both criminal and civial. Legal defense is expensive, figure $50K
>>> minimum. Acceptable if death would obviously and provably been the
>>> result of not killing, pricey otherwise. You have seconds to make that
>>> decision, and however that turns out the perp's rellies who mourned
>>> his sorry ass while he was planted at public cost will know your
>>> address.
>>You're right on the money. The first problem you have if you use a gun
>>for self defense is are you correct in that judgment. Were you legally
>>right when you decided to use deadly force? You may have to make that
>>decision very quickly and without knowing a lot of the facts. Then if
>>you do use your weapon comes the second guessing by the state. Was it
>>all legal and proper? Hopefully it was and you aren't prosecuted for
>>using the weapon when you didn't have the legal right to do it. But even
>>if you were legally allowed to use the weapon you're not free from civil
>>liability. The person you shot can sue you even if you were legally in
>>the right and they may win in court. Last comes the psychological impact
>>on you that comes from shooting another human being. Some people have no
>>trouble with this but others are greatly affected by shooting another
>>person even though they had to. So the truth is it's a hell of a big
>>responsibility to even have a gun on you. Even more so if you actually
>>ever use it. Most people never give things like this a thought until its
>>way too late.
>An important reason for requiring training to get a CCW is to inform
>applicants of these issues. Not all states require training. I
>encourage everyone who buys a first handgun to get this training
>whether or not they intend to carry or apply for a permit.

I'll ditto that, Don. The classes also hammer it into you that you're
probably not going to be protecting the innocent and saving the world
with your new concealed weapon, that the legal implications of even
_showing_ it can be, shall we say, interesting. Oregon doesn't have a
requirement for hands-on training, so 90% of the class was oral, but
our instructor wanted to be sure that we could all hit a torso-sized
piece of cardboard at 15' with our weapons. We all did, without
problems or too much flinching. The guy standing to the right of my
little 4"-barreled P-11 complained of how loud the little beastie was.
I definitely want hearing protection when I shoot it.

"I think you very well may see a revolution in this country and
it will not be a revolution to overthrow the government," he said.
"It would be a revolution to restore government to its constitutional
basis." --Rob Weaver on VoA, 4/19/10

TOPIC: Cox Communications drops Usenet

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 10:16 am
From: Larry Jaques

On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 22:24:15 -0700, the infamous "azotic"
<azotic@cox.net> scrawled the following:

>Dear Valued Customer:
>Effective June 30, 2010, Cox Communications will discontinue Usenet service
>to our subscribers.

If they were truly valued customers, Cocks wouldn't be screwing them
out of Usenet service, would they, Tom? <sigh>

"I think you very well may see a revolution in this country and
it will not be a revolution to overthrow the government," he said.
"It would be a revolution to restore government to its constitutional
basis." --Rob Weaver on VoA, 4/19/10

TOPIC: Shrinker/Stretcher

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 10:37 am
From: "Stu Fields"

Anyone out there with opinions on quality of different Shrinker/Stretchers?

TOPIC: how to clamp pipe vertically to milling table?

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 10:40 am
From: zeb7k@hotmail.com

Hi. A newbie sort of question here: I want to clamp a sort section of
2" pipe vertically to my milling table, and then use a boring bar set
to increase it's ID a tad. (I don't have access to a lathe.) How do
I clamp it? Do they make some sort of chuck for this purpose? What
is it called and where do I get one? If it makes a difference, I
have an RF45 clone bench mill and a import 8" rotary table.


== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 12:35 pm
From: Dave__67

On Apr 20, 1:40 pm, ze...@hotmail.com wrote:
> Hi. A newbie sort of question here:  I want to clamp a sort section of
> 2" pipe vertically to my milling table, and then use a boring bar set
> to increase it's ID a tad.   (I don't have access to a lathe.)  How do
> I clamp it?   Do they make some sort of chuck for this purpose?  What
> is it called and where do I get one?   If it makes a difference,  I
> have an RF45 clone bench mill and a import 8" rotary table.
> --zeb

Vise and a pair of V-blocks?


== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 12:23 pm
From: RBnDFW

zeb7k@hotmail.com wrote:
> Hi. A newbie sort of question here: I want to clamp a sort section of
> 2" pipe vertically to my milling table, and then use a boring bar set
> to increase it's ID a tad. (I don't have access to a lathe.) How do
> I clamp it? Do they make some sort of chuck for this purpose? What
> is it called and where do I get one? If it makes a difference, I
> have an RF45 clone bench mill and a import 8" rotary table.

You obviously ARE a newbie - You got a lotta nerve starting a topic on


Most people with rotary tables have a lathe chuck to fit it.
That would be the ticket in this case.

Big vee-block would be easiest

Otherwise, U-bolt it to a slotted angle plate. You would have to make
sure it clamps vertical in the 2nd plane.

If you have 2-4-6 blacks you could bolt them together at right angles to
make a Vee-block.

TOPIC: Do DC caps have an AC rating?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 10:43 am
From: "Existential Angst"

Awl --

Got some boards with bigazz 350 VDC caps.
Don't quite understand the DC rating, as caps don't pass DC, but can be used
to smooth rectified AC, etc.
Are DC caps really different from AC caps?

Can I use these, say, in an rpc?? If so, what would their AC voltage
rating be?

More specifrically, these are Sprague Powerlytic metal can caps, about 3"
dia, 5" high.
The numbers I see are 2500-350DC -- not 350VDC -- but is it safe to say
these caps are 2500 uF at 350VDC?
2500 uF seems perty g-d big.....


TOPIC: OT Class action settlement by lying lawn mower manufacturers.

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 10:47 am
From: Larry Jaques

On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 09:16:12 -0400, the infamous Joseph Gwinn
<joegwinn@comcast.net> scrawled the following:

>In article <bjeqs5d1tf1bh3a81lnufpqlg8hc3gv4du@4ax.com>,
> Larry Jaques <ljaques@diversify.invalid> wrote:
>> On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 09:22:00 -0400, the infamous Joseph Gwinn
>> <joegwinn@comcast.net> scrawled the following:
>> >In article <qteos5p4tkqh8hpjsm5345f0dold0gipjn@4ax.com>,
>> > Larry Jaques <ljaques@diversify.invalid> wrote:
>> >
>> >> On Sun, 18 Apr 2010 17:27:35 -0400, the infamous Joseph Gwinn
>> >> <joegwinn@comcast.net> scrawled the following:
>> >>
>> >> >In article <qkgms5hi56osdsr8p6lo0uq0kj6biokoia@4ax.com>,
>> >> > Usual suspect <usenetreply@emailias.com> wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> >> I suspect that almost all USA readers of this newsgroup are eligible
>> >> >> to claim part of this settlement. Read the following link.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> <http://www.lawyersandsettlements.com/blog/got-a-gas-powered-lawn-mower-
>> >> >> the-res-a-class-action-settlement-03250.html>.
>> >> >
>> >> >The more direct link is <http://lawnmowerclass.com>.
>> >> >
>> >> >Well, I plan to collect my $35 (having a Honda HRC-215SXA walk-behind
>> >> >mower),
>> >> >but as penance, I read the actual Class Action Complaint (available at
>> >> ><https://lawnmowerclass.com/More_Information/Court_Documents.aspx>).
>> >>
>> >> PLEASE tell us how you were "harmed" by Honda, Joe. I just HAVE to
>> >> fucking hear this one. You read the complaint and you still buy into
>> >> it? UFR.
>> >
>> >Where did you get the idea that I claimed to have been harmed?
>> If you accept money, it's for the complaint that you were harmed by
>> one of these manufacturers.
>More like not believing in unilateral disarmament. If I were King, such
>lawsuits would not be allowed. But, I cannot stop this suit.

No, you can't stop the suit. What you can do is actively dispute it
by opting out. That lets the attorneys know that some people dispute
their claims and it gives the manufacturers a wee break and some

By accepting the money, you show the attorneys that they were correct
in filing the lawsuit and you help raise the price on new mowers. Do
you feel completely moral in accepting that check? I sure wouldn't,
and I can't wait to get my postcard in the mail so I can opt out. I
may not be pristine & uncorrupted, but this is a clear and easy
decision to make.

It surely isn't unilateral, either. Taking the money is wrong, pads
the pockets of attorneys, and hurts the companies providing our power
equipment. It can also encourage the speaking weasels to go after
every advertiser for any slight exaggeration. Do you know of any
advertiser who _doesn't_ exaggerate? Taking the money has vile

Turning down the money is right, doesn't pad your or the attorneys'
pockets, and shows support for companies. Ditto Truth, Justice, and
the American Way! ;)

If I were King, there might be an open season declared on these
ambulance-chasing lawyers and corrupt politicians/bankers/stock

>> >The $35 is my fee for plowing through the Complaint.
>> You are dinged 1 Karma Point for falsely accepting Speaking Weasel
>> funds. <tsk tsk tsk> Should you choose to opt out from this scam,
>> your Karma Point will be cheerfully refunded.
>In the Karma balance accounting, be sure to include the effect of the full

So, what have I left out, Joe?

"I think you very well may see a revolution in this country and
it will not be a revolution to overthrow the government," he said.
"It would be a revolution to restore government to its constitutional
basis." --Rob Weaver on VoA, 4/19/10

TOPIC: Using an old three phase DC welder from single phase?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 12:39 pm
From: Ignoramus3512

Let's say I have a big old three phase DC welder that was supposed to
have three phase input (and has a three phase transformer and three
phase rectifier).

If I use it from just one phase (hook up two terminals to one line
input and the third to another line input), would it be able to make
satisfactory welds? I understand the electrics of this a little bit,
and instead of relatively smooth rectified three phase AC with only 5%
360 Hz ripple, it would be much less smooth rectified single phase AC.

My question is, how good would that be for actual welding, like with
7018 or some such rod.


TOPIC: water pipe corrosion

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 12:36 pm
From: "Pete C."

Karl Townsend wrote:
> > If you can access these parts out of the system, and since it's
> > non-potable water, I'd look at a coating like those made to coat inside
> > a gas tank.
> Do you have a name. Need more direction to know what to order.
> I'd to order it yet today.
> Karl

Here are a few possibilities:





You can probably get something at a local auto parts store.

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 12:33 pm
From: Ned Simmons

On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 13:39:36 -0500, "Karl Townsend"
<karltownsend.NOT@embarqmail.com> wrote:

>My fittings on the six inch underground irrigation system are rusting out.
>I'm digging up the third one as soon as parts come. This is a totally awful
>terrible job. Unless you like doing Mexican backhoe in a mud hole.
>Anyway, the fittings are all a weldament of six inch and four inch by 1/8"
>wall steel tubing. I'm getting a small rust hole right at the bottom of the
>pipe where water sits during the off season.
>Anybody know of a corrosion preventative or something I could apply to the
>steel like a zinc based paint maybe. Other ideas?

These folks will have something pricey, probably a modified urethane
or epoxy. But their stuff does work and may be worth the expense.

Ned Simmons

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 12:18 pm
From: "Pete C."

Karl Townsend wrote:
> My fittings on the six inch underground irrigation system are rusting out.
> I'm digging up the third one as soon as parts come. This is a totally awful
> terrible job. Unless you like doing Mexican backhoe in a mud hole.
> Anyway, the fittings are all a weldament of six inch and four inch by 1/8"
> wall steel tubing. I'm getting a small rust hole right at the bottom of the
> pipe where water sits during the off season.
> Anybody know of a corrosion preventative or something I could apply to the
> steel like a zinc based paint maybe. Other ideas?
> Karl

If you can access these parts out of the system, and since it's
non-potable water, I'd look at a coating like those made to coat inside
a gas tank.

TOPIC: Electric Motor Phase Correction Question

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 1:10 pm
From: Gunner Asch

On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 06:22:19 -0500, "Lloyd E. Sponenburgh"
<lloydspinsidemindspring.com> wrote:

>Gunner Asch <gunnerasch@gmail.com> fired this volley in
>> So its not the start windings, its not the start cap.
>> It must be a short in the motor windings
>I've lost the origins of this thread. Is this a single-phase, capacitor
>start motor?
>If so, it could run at full speed with the start winding still connected,
>and if the centrifugal switch didn't cut out, it would overheat and stop.
>(without there being a short in the windings)

Ok...so how to I check?


"First Law of Leftist Debate
The more you present a leftist with factual evidence
that is counter to his preconceived world view and the
more difficult it becomes for him to refute it without
losing face the chance of him calling you a racist, bigot,
homophobe approaches infinity.

This is despite the thread you are in having not mentioned
race or sexual preference in any way that is relevant to
the subject." Grey Ghost

TOPIC: Bridgeport Repair in IL?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 20 2010 12:28 pm
From: Ignoramus3512

Bridgeport guy Brian Terlecki, Elgin, 847-531-8098

On 2010-04-20, Joe AutoDrill <autodrill@yunx.com> wrote:
> Anyone know of a good source for Bridgeport repairs in IL?
> 630 area code to be specific?
> Regards,
> Joe Agro, Jr.
> (800) 871-5022
> 01.908.542.0244
> Automatic / Pneumatic Drills: http://www.AutoDrill.com
> Multiple Spindle Drills: http://www.Multi-Drill.com
> Production Tapping: http://Production-Tapping-Equipment.com/
> Flagship Site: http://www.Drill-N-Tap.com
> VIDEOS: http://www.youtube.com/user/AutoDrill
> V8013-R


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