Friday, June 3, 2011

[Rails] Re: Stupid newbie question

Hmm, I wrote my replies assuming it was Rails 1.2.6. If your app's Gemfile has that info, it pretty much is Rails 3.0.3. In that case, try installing rvm, and then...

rvm install 1.8.7
rvm install 1.8.6

Now you can experiment with both versions of ruby. To use a specific one,

rvm use 1.8.7
(to check...)
ruby -v

Now, you can create an isolated gemset, which is what it sounds like. To do that:

rvm use 1.8.7
rvm gemset create your_app_name
(and use this gemset as....)
rvm gemset use your_app_name
(to check installed gems...)
gem list

Now you have an isolated environment with which to experiment. Check rvm for docs and help.

Check your gemfile again and do:
gem install rails 3.0.3 (if that's what it is)
bundle install (installs the gems in the gemfile for you)
rails s

Hope this works out!

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