Saturday, October 8, 2011

[android-developers] Gettting Defferent Distance When Using the Google Map and User defined Function

I want to get the Distance between two latitude and longitude in
meter / km . So i am using the below function . It gives me the
different result than the google Map.

Can you help me to solve my problem ? i dont understand What is the
Problem ?


float[] results = {0};

android.location.Location.distanceBetween(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2,

Current Latitude = 23.012281666666663 Current Longitude =

Destination Latitude = 23.1120487 Destination Latitude = 72.5766759

It gives this Result = 12579.679 in Meter, while in google map it
gives this result = 17.9 Km

I do not understand why this two gives the different result.

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