Monday, February 25, 2013

[android-developers] Can this variable become null?

I have an instance variable in a singleton class which I'm using in all the app. It's basically a global configuration parameter.

I initialize it in the first (launcher) screen of the app. The app will not continue without this initialization (where it's sure that the variable is not null). And I'll not use the variable before of this.

After the variable is initialized, the value is never set again, only read.

And I'm wondering, if there's any case where I can get a null pointer? Because e.g. the system kills the app while it's in the background, and tries to restart it in the last screen - since the variable is only initialized in the launcher screen, it will not be initialized? Does this case exist?

I made a few tests - I stopped the app from settings. Then the app started from launcher screen, so everything fine. I also threw a RuntimeException from a random screen. After it, the system started the app from launcher screen, so again, fine.

But I don't know if background app killed by the system behaves differently. Can't simulate that.

And maybe there are other cases which I'm missing.

So, is there any situation where my variable can become null? Or is this setup safe?

Thanks in advance.

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