Friday, May 31, 2013

Developing Django Apps - best practices?


I'd like to get some feedback from the community on the current best practices for developing standalone Django apps. To clarify, by 'standalone' I mean a codebase that is just the application itself, to be installed into a Django project via / pip, not working on the app directly within a Django project. It seems that people love to discuss ideas related to projects (layout, settings, etc.), but I haven't seen much discussion focusing on app development.

For example, do you have some boilerplate that you use when starting a new app? For projects, we have project templates, but as far as I'm aware there is no particular application boilerplate that is in wide use.

Here are some other questions you might consider:

* How do you organize tests? Do you include a test project?

* How do you link your standalone apps to your current projects? Install via pip, add the app src directory to your PYTHONPATH, something else?

* What tools / libraries / other resources do you find most useful?

There is some documentation on the topic here (, which is a great start, but it glosses over deployment and completely ignores testing.

My goal here is simply to start a discussion. Hopefully, if some general consensus emerges, we might identify some ideas that could possibly be documented elsewhere, whether we inspire a blog post or add to the Django documentation itself.

Thank you,


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