Monday, March 8, 2010

rec.crafts.metalworking - 25 new messages in 11 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Bye-bye, annoying survivalism and rush-limbaugh trolls - 4 messages, 3
* Magnets - 6 messages, 4 authors
* Hoo Boy! - 1 messages, 1 author
* Just One Use items - 4 messages, 2 authors
* Bibles Wanted ! - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Quill DRO fitted to a Millrite MVI - 1 messages, 1 author
* Clausing 6913, update on the interlock pin - 2 messages, 2 authors
* ROBOPLOW (was Re: Injection molding) - 1 messages, 1 author
* Faux:: Your Socialist "news" - 1 messages, 1 author
* Liberals Smarter Than Conservatives - 1 messages, 1 author
* DIY Two-Stroke Engine - 2 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Bye-bye, annoying survivalism and rush-limbaugh trolls

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 8 2010 6:32 pm
From: Ignoramus8009

There are a few posters, who I personally find extremely annoying
because they never say anything that I am interested in, and yet they
have great skills at stirring the pot among one or several newsgroups,
so then discussions drag in more and more people.

Two examples I can give is Cliff and "Burled Frau".

Killfiling just them accomplishes not so much, because other people
follow up and I see all that crap. Killfiling crossposted newsgroups
is somewhat more effective, but not 100% effective.

I wrote a perl script to address it. It scans selected newsgroups
newsgroup, finds all Message-IDs posted by designated people (listed
in a separate file), and generates a slrn scorefile that killfiles
everything that has those message-IDs in References. So it kills not
only their posts, but all followups to such posts.

The generated scorefile is meant to be included from your main
Scorefile by means of "include" directive.

I am including this script below. I expect to improve it as time goes



# Script to killfile trolls and all followups to their posts
# Copyright (C) Igor Chudov, 2010
# Released under GNU Public License v3

my $usage = "USAGE: $0 --server --user username --password pAssWorD [--style (slrn|ids)]";

use strict;
use warnings;

use Getopt::Long;
use News::NNTPClient;

my $server = undef;
my $username = undef;
my $password = undef;
my $trollfile = "$ENV{HOME}/configs/general/usenet-trolls.txt";
my $style = 'slrn';
my $newsgroups = 'rec.crafts.metalworking,alt.machines.cnc';
my $max = 1_000;

"server=s" => \$server,
"username=s" => \$username,
"password=s" => \$password,
"trollfile=s" => \$trollfile,
"style=s" => \$style,
"max=i" => \$max,
"newsgroups=s" => \$newsgroups,

die $usage unless $server && $username && $password;
die $usage unless { slrn => 1, ids => 1 }->{$style};
die "Cannot find file $trollfile" unless -f $trollfile;

my $nntp = new News::NNTPClient( $server )
|| die "Cannot connect to server";
$nntp->authinfo( $username, $password ) || die "Cannot logon to $server";

my $trolls = [];

open( TROLLS, $trollfile ) || die "Cannot open $trollfile: $!.\n";
while( <TROLLS> ) {
next if /^\s*\#/;
next if /^\s*$/;
push @$trolls, $_;
close( TROLLS );

my @newsgroups = split( /,/, $newsgroups );

foreach my $ng (@newsgroups) {
my ($start, $end) = $nntp->group( $ng );
$start = $end-$max if $end-$max > $start;

next unless $end > $start;

print STDERR "Analyzing $ng: $start=>$end...\n";

my @fields = qw(numb subj from date mesg refr char line xref);
foreach my $xover ( $nntp->xover( $start, $end ) ) {
my %fields = ();
@fields{@fields} = split /\t/, $xover;
#print "From = $fields{from}, mesg = $fields{mesg}.\n";
my $from = $fields{from};
my $mesg = $fields{mesg};
my $matches = undef;
foreach my $troll (@$trolls) {
my $m = quotemeta( $troll );
if ( $from =~ /$m/ ) {
print STDERR "Message from troll $troll ($from) => $mesg\n";
$matches = 1;
if ( $matches ) {
$mesg =~ s/^<//;
$mesg =~ s/>$//;
if ( $style eq 'slrn' ) {
print "
Score: -666
References: $mesg



exit 0;

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 8 2010 6:45 pm
From: "Burled Frau"

"Ignoramus8009" <ignoramus8009@NOSPAM.8009.invalid> wrote in message
> There are a few posters, who I personally find extremely annoying
> because they never say anything that I am interested in, and yet they
> have great skills at stirring the pot among one or several newsgroups,
> so then discussions drag in more and more people.
> Two examples I can give is Cliff and "Burled Frau".
> Killfiling just them accomplishes not so much, because other people
> follow up and I see all that crap. Killfiling crossposted newsgroups
> is somewhat more effective, but not 100% effective.
> I wrote a perl script to address it. It scans selected newsgroups
> newsgroup, finds all Message-IDs posted by designated people (listed
> in a separate file), and generates a slrn scorefile that killfiles
> everything that has those message-IDs in References. So it kills not
> only their posts, but all followups to such posts.
> The generated scorefile is meant to be included from your main
> Scorefile by means of "include" directive.
> I am including this script below. I expect to improve it as time goes
> on.
> ######################################################################
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> #
> # Script to killfile trolls and all followups to their posts
> #
> # Copyright (C) Igor Chudov, 2010
> # Released under GNU Public License v3
> #
> my $usage = "USAGE: $0 --server --user username --password
> pAssWorD [--style (slrn|ids)]";
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> use Getopt::Long;
> use News::NNTPClient;
> my $server = undef;
> my $username = undef;
> my $password = undef;
> my $trollfile = "$ENV{HOME}/configs/general/usenet-trolls.txt";
> my $style = 'slrn';
> my $newsgroups = 'rec.crafts.metalworking,alt.machines.cnc';
> my $max = 1_000;
> GetOptions(
> "server=s" => \$server,
> "username=s" => \$username,
> "password=s" => \$password,
> "trollfile=s" => \$trollfile,
> "style=s" => \$style,
> "max=i" => \$max,
> "newsgroups=s" => \$newsgroups,
> );
> die $usage unless $server && $username && $password;
> die $usage unless { slrn => 1, ids => 1 }->{$style};
> die "Cannot find file $trollfile" unless -f $trollfile;
> my $nntp = new News::NNTPClient( $server )
> || die "Cannot connect to server";
> $nntp->authinfo( $username, $password ) || die "Cannot logon to $server";
> my $trolls = [];
> open( TROLLS, $trollfile ) || die "Cannot open $trollfile: $!.\n";
> while( <TROLLS> ) {
> next if /^\s*\#/;
> next if /^\s*$/;
> chomp;
> s/\s*\#.*$//;
> push @$trolls, $_;
> }
> close( TROLLS );
> my @newsgroups = split( /,/, $newsgroups );
> foreach my $ng (@newsgroups) {
> my ($start, $end) = $nntp->group( $ng );
> $start = $end-$max if $end-$max > $start;
> next unless $end > $start;
> print STDERR "Analyzing $ng: $start=>$end...\n";
> my @fields = qw(numb subj from date mesg refr char line xref);
> foreach my $xover ( $nntp->xover( $start, $end ) ) {
> my %fields = ();
> @fields{@fields} = split /\t/, $xover;
> #print "From = $fields{from}, mesg = $fields{mesg}.\n";
> my $from = $fields{from};
> my $mesg = $fields{mesg};
> my $matches = undef;
> foreach my $troll (@$trolls) {
> my $m = quotemeta( $troll );
> if ( $from =~ /$m/ ) {
> print STDERR "Message from troll $troll ($from) => $mesg\n";
> $matches = 1;
> last;
> }
> }
> if ( $matches ) {
> $mesg =~ s/^<//;
> $mesg =~ s/>$//;
> if ( $style eq 'slrn' ) {
> print "
> [*]
> Score: -666
> References: $mesg
> ";
> }
> }
> }
> }
> exit 0;

That's pretty good. I'm writing a script that will crosspost anything you
post to the annoying newsgroups. Seems like it would be more beneficial to
write some kind of script that keeps the libtards in RCM from posting
off-topic to other groups.

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 8 2010 7:28 pm
From: "Artemus"

"Ignoramus8009" <ignoramus8009@NOSPAM.8009.invalid> wrote in message
> There are a few posters, who I personally find extremely annoying
> because they never say anything that I am interested in, and yet they
> have great skills at stirring the pot among one or several newsgroups,
> so then discussions drag in more and more people.
> Two examples I can give is Cliff and "Burled Frau".
> Killfiling just them accomplishes not so much, because other people
> follow up and I see all that crap. Killfiling crossposted newsgroups
> is somewhat more effective, but not 100% effective.
Wouldn't it be just as good, and maybe simpler, to identify any msg
posted by "asswipe" and then filter out all subsequent posts with the
same subject?

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 8 2010 7:30 pm
From: Ignoramus8009

On 2010-03-09, Artemus <> wrote:
> "Ignoramus8009" <ignoramus8009@NOSPAM.8009.invalid> wrote in message
>> There are a few posters, who I personally find extremely annoying
>> because they never say anything that I am interested in, and yet they
>> have great skills at stirring the pot among one or several newsgroups,
>> so then discussions drag in more and more people.
>> Two examples I can give is Cliff and "Burled Frau".
>> Killfiling just them accomplishes not so much, because other people
>> follow up and I see all that crap. Killfiling crossposted newsgroups
>> is somewhat more effective, but not 100% effective.
> Wouldn't it be just as good, and maybe simpler, to identify any msg
> posted by "asswipe" and then filter out all subsequent posts with the
> same subject?

The script does something more precise, and better, without any manual
killfiling efforts.


TOPIC: Magnets

== 1 of 6 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 8 2010 6:33 pm
From: Ignoramus8009

On 2010-03-09, Henry <> wrote:
> Does anyone have a good source for some really tiny, but powerful magnets,
> preferably all weather type?

== 2 of 6 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 8 2010 6:35 pm
From: "Henry"

"Ignoramus8009" <ignoramus8009@NOSPAM.8009.invalid> wrote in message
> On 2010-03-09, Henry <> wrote:
>> Does anyone have a good source for some really tiny, but powerful
>> magnets,
>> preferably all weather type?

Thanks, but I already have an oscilloscope!

== 3 of 6 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 8 2010 6:36 pm
From: Jim Stewart

Henry wrote:
> Does anyone have a good source for some really tiny, but powerful
> magnets, preferably all weather type?

I've purchased neodymium magnets from these people:

Scary strong.

== 4 of 6 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 8 2010 6:47 pm
From: "Carl Ijames"

I've bought small quantities from (he also sells on
ebay) and the ebay store emovendo, and been happy with both. The first two
shipments from kj included samples - a 3 mm dia cylinder and a 3 mm cube. I
know they have 2 mm dia discs, don't know how much smaller. These are N42
neodymium boron iron rare earths. KJ has some N48's if you need stronger.
Emovendo has "pushpins" that are about 1/2" diameter and 1" tall that will
pin 20-30 pages of notebook paper to a metal surface like a refrigerator.
Gave a bunch away as stocking stuffers one year :-).

Carl Ijames

"Henry" <> wrote in message
> Does anyone have a good source for some really tiny, but powerful magnets,
> preferably all weather type?

== 5 of 6 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 8 2010 6:50 pm
From: "Henry"

"Jim Stewart" <> wrote in message
> Henry wrote:
>> Does anyone have a good source for some really tiny, but powerful
>> magnets, preferably all weather type?
> I've purchased neodymium magnets from these people:
> Scary strong.

I'll look at those, thanks!

== 6 of 6 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 8 2010 6:51 pm
From: "Henry"

"Carl Ijames" <xxx@yyy.zzz> wrote in message
> I've bought small quantities from (he also sells on
> ebay) and the ebay store emovendo, and been happy with both. The first
> two shipments from kj included samples - a 3 mm dia cylinder and a 3 mm
> cube. I know they have 2 mm dia discs, don't know how much smaller.
> These are N42 neodymium boron iron rare earths. KJ has some N48's if you
> need stronger. Emovendo has "pushpins" that are about 1/2" diameter and 1"
> tall that will pin 20-30 pages of notebook paper to a metal surface like a
> refrigerator. Gave a bunch away as stocking stuffers one year :-).
> -----
> Regards,
> Carl Ijames
> "Henry" <> wrote in message
>> Does anyone have a good source for some really tiny, but powerful
>> magnets, preferably all weather type?

Do these hold up well in the elements? My usage will be outdoors, 4 seasons.

TOPIC: Hoo Boy!

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 8 2010 6:34 pm
From: Jim Stewart

Steve B wrote:
> Went to eye doctor today. Got some bifocal contact lenses. Hoo Boy! Also
> got some new bifocals, the reading part 4.50 and 5.00. Up from 4.00 last
> glasses three years ago. No wonder I was getting headaches. Asked him
> about welding with them, and he said so long as I use proper shading, no
> problem. Said welders only had problems with flash burns. I'd guess they
> weren't using the right shading. Can't wait to get the glasses, and I got a
> free pair of the contacts to try out.
> Damn, I can see again.

BTW, I had a hell of a time welding with my
bifocals. I couldn't get the helmet down low
enough to see out of the near vision lenses
and the filter at the same time.

Then I noticed little detents behind the tension
adjusters on my helmet. Loosened the screws,
tilted the mask down and all is good.

TOPIC: Just One Use items

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 8 2010 6:35 pm
From: "Phil Kangas"

"Winston" <> wrote in message
> On 3/8/2010 2:30 PM, Phil Kangas wrote:
> (...)
>> Mr. Bill's sliver grippers and a magnifying light, 3x.
>> Gets used more than once though, might not count. ;>))
>> phil
> An excellent tool for almost No Money.
> I've had one on my key ring for many years.
> --Winston <-- Just a Happy Customer!

Yeah, that's the one. My brain kept thinking Mr. Bill not
Uncle Bill! Another 'tool' I have is a broken 3/8 solid
carbide atrax straight flute die drill that was snapped off
breakthrough that resulted in a spiral shaped shank
coming to a point and has an exceptionally sharp edge!
I used it to carve away a bothersome wart on my finger.
Once I got it ringed after several sessions the wart was
just pleading for release and that sharp edge cut it off
pretty as you please. The wart is gone, forever....;>))
Not for the faint of heart though....heh heh

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 8 2010 6:55 pm
From: Gunner Asch

On Mon, 08 Mar 2010 16:26:45 -0800, pyotr filipivich
<> wrote:

>Let the Record show that Gunner Asch <> on or
>about Mon, 08 Mar 2010 14:36:54 -0800 did write/type or cause to
>appear in rec.crafts.metalworking the following:
>>On Mon, 8 Mar 2010 10:09:25 -0800 (PST), wrote:
>>>On Mar 8, 8:26�am, Jim Wilkins <> wrote:
>>>> On Mar 8, 9:51�am, "Stormin Mormon"
>>>> <cayoung61**> wrote:
>>>> > ...
>>>> > bear spray when hiking
>>>> ...
>>>> > Christopher A. Young
>>>> What's in the bear spray, napalm?
>>>AKA bear repellant, AKA pepper spray, it burns without combustion.
>>>There have supposedly been instances where noobs have applied it like
>>>mosquito repellant. I prefer units with a heavy lead content, myself,
>>>say 10mm to 12 ga. In some states you can get bear repellant where
>>>pepper spray is outlawed. Same cans, different lettering.
>>And the Bear Spray tends to shoot farther and with more volume, then
>>small cans of "pepper spray"
>>There are a couple advances of pepperspray over bullets
>>1. Doesnt harm the animal
>>2.Tends to temporarily blind them so they cant see you to attack.
>>On the other hand...#2 is really really Iffy.....
> Just make sure you're up wind of the critter. Less chance of
>'blow back'.
>>Carry a caliber suitable to stop the attack, and use pepper spray as
>>your first line of defense..but be also prepared to quickly switch to
>>the caliber you chose if the spray doesnt fend off the attack.
> "Attention campers. The correct answer to 'What do you do when
>faced with abear in the wild?' is not 'Butter up the fat kid and push
>him in front!'!"

Depends on ones relations with ones children. Id have slavered meat
sauce and put some fresh uncooked steaks in my sons shirt pocket if we
had been anyplace there were bears of any note.


>pyotr filipivich
>We will drink no whiskey before its nine.
>It's eight fifty eight. Close enough!

"I believe that being despised by the despicable
is as good as being admired by the admirable."

From long experience myself, I can only say, "You betcha."

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 8 2010 8:16 pm
From: Gunner Asch

On Mon, 08 Mar 2010 18:10:15 -0800, pyotr filipivich
<> wrote:

>Let the Record show that Jim Wilkins <> on or about
>Mon, 8 Mar 2010 16:37:51 -0800 (PST) did write/type or cause to appear
>in rec.crafts.metalworking the following:
>>On Mar 8, 7:26�pm, pyotr filipivich <> wrote:
>>> ...
>>> � � � � "Attention campers. �The correct answer to 'What do you do when
>>> faced with abear in the wild?' is not 'Butter up the fat kid and push
>>> him in front!'!"
>>> pyotr
>>Dial 911?
>>Actually I've stood still and they just walked past.
> I've friend who acquired the name "Snuffles". Out on the trail
>one morning in Yellowstone (where he worked) came round a bend and
>there was a small bear. He froze, it froze. Then the bear came
>towards him, took a couple sniffs, turned around and went back the way
>he'd come. When the bear was out of sight so did Mike.
> I've also heard of blackberry pickers being out and realizing that
>on the other side of the bramble, are some bears. So as long as
>everybody doesn't make any sudden loud noises, stays on their side,
>and there are plenty of berries - alles gut! But now you understand
>why women tend to chatter. "Just little ol' me, over here on this
>side, Mrs Bruin, not anywhere near where you and the cubs are."
>pyotr filipivich
>We will drink no whiskey before its nine.
>It's eight fifty eight. Close enough!

Growing up in Michgian, on the Ausable fishing country..had
lots and lots and lots of black bear. Lots of em.

Been more times then I could count Id be fly fishing with bears eating
blueberrys all around me. Caught one with a Royal Coachman once..right
on the tip of her nose, on back cast. She went cross eyed trying to
figure out what had bitten her nose..and I snapped the line forwards and
pulled it out of her snozz. She pissed and moaned for a couple minutes
then went back to eating berries.

Had a few old timers get pissy a time or two, but most of them were
pretty much used to and moderatly cautious around humans.


"I believe that being despised by the despicable
is as good as being admired by the admirable."

From long experience myself, I can only say, "You betcha."

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 8 2010 8:19 pm
From: Gunner Asch

On Mon, 08 Mar 2010 20:28:41 -0600, "David R.Birch" <>

>Stormin Mormon wrote:
>> A friend of mine just wrote to remind me of a good book. You
>> and the Police is an excellent book by Boston T Party. Pays
>> for itself in just one traffic or other ticket.
>> There are so many "just one" items around. Fire
>> extinguisher, tourniquet, attorney on retainer. Makes a good
>> subject to discuss. What are some other "just one use" and
>> it's paid for itself items?
>> Rotary rasp or file tool
>> Actetylene torch
>> Lathe with digital monitoring
>> First aid kit
>> spare tire for the car
>> bear spray when hiking
>> Other items?
>Any tool from Harbor Fright, more than one use is a bonus!
>David be fair..unless you are buying the 2 for a dollar
tools..the vast majority of the HF tools are decent enough.

After the burglary to my truck, where persons unknown got $11,000 worth
of tools, SnapOn etc etc from my service truck..I bought HF sockets, box
ends, crescents etc etc. And I still havent broken a single one. And I
make my living repairing machine tools with em.

And if I need to make a Special tool..I dont cringe about cutting,
welding, bending etc etc a HF tool.

And they are cheap enough to replace.


"I believe that being despised by the despicable
is as good as being admired by the admirable."

From long experience myself, I can only say, "You betcha."

TOPIC: Bibles Wanted !

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 8 2010 6:48 pm
From: (Gray Ghost)

Cliff <> wrote in

> On Fri, 05 Mar 2010 21:58:13 -0600,
> (Gray Ghost) wrote:
>>Cliff <> wrote in
>>> On Thu, 04 Mar 2010 13:45:41 -0600, Lookout <>
>>> wrote:
>>>>On Thu, 04 Mar 2010 12:34:41 -0600,
>>>>(Gray Ghost) wrote:
>>>>>"lab~rat >:-)" <> wrote in
>>>>>> On Thu, 04 Mar 2010 08:44:33 -0600, Lookout <>
>>>>>> puked:
>>>>>>>On Thu, 04 Mar 2010 08:13:08 -0500, "lab~rat >:-)"
>>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>>On Wed, 03 Mar 2010 14:01:50 -0600, Lookout <>
>>>>>>>>>On Wed, 03 Mar 2010 13:12:41 -0500, "lab~rat >:-)"
>>>>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>On Wed, 03 Mar 2010 11:16:11 -0600, Lookout <>
>>>>>>>>>>>On Wed, 03 Mar 2010 11:37:39 -0500, "lab~rat >:-)"
>>>>>>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>On Wed, 03 Mar 2010 06:55:06 -0500, Cliff
>>>>>>>>>>>><> puked:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0. sht ml
>>>>>>>>>>>>Ya know, as an atheist, I really wonder what this group is
>>>>>>>>>>>>thinking about. The whole point of being an atheist is
>>>>>>>>>>>>distancing yourself from a group of sheep that believe the same
>>>>>>>>>>>>thing, but these assholes seem to be inserting themselves in
>>>>>>>>>>>>the community to interfere with those sheep.
>>>>>>>>>>>>They would be the first ones bitching if xtian groups were out
>>>>>>>>>>>>there condemning atheists and ridiculing their beliefs, yet
>>>>>>>>>>>>there they are prosthelytizing every bit as much as a fucking
>>>>>>>>>>>>Jehovah's Witness standing on your porch Saturday morning.
>>>>>>>>>>>As I've pointed out atheists are as wrong as theists.
>>>>>>>>>>In what regard?
>>>>>>>>>Atheism is commonly defined as the position that there are no
>>>>>>>>>You can't prove there is no god anymore than a theist can prove
>>>>>>>>>there is one.
>>>>>>>>And furthermore, you can't prove one is more wrong than the other.
>>>>>>>Go back and look at what I said. I said they are both just as wrong
>>>>>>>as the other.
>>>>>> I saw what you said. I still say you're wrong. It's a logical
>>>>>> fallacy to claim that's an absolute. If there WERE a god, and that
>>>>>> god was as described by a set religion, then that religion would be
>>>>>> LESS wrong than atheism.
>>>>>> You're clearly agnostic as you believe that neither can ever be
>>>>>> proven or explained, but your agnostic belief is just as capable of
>>>>>> being wrong.
>>>>>> And the statement you should have said was:
>>>>>> "Both (atheism) and (christianity) are CAPABLE of being just as
>>>>>> wrong as the other.
>>>>>> For now.
>>>>>>>>But that being said, stories in the bible can be proven to be
>>>>>>>And some have some historical references that can be proven.
>>>>>> Clearly. I'm referring more to the magical miracle part that makes
>>>>>> the bible a religious book.
>>>>>>>>Unless you have an astrophysical explanation for how the sun could
>>>>>>>>stop in the sky, for example...
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> lab~rat >:-)
>>>>>> Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
>>>>>Yes but given a choice between Marx and Christ it really isn't that
>>>>>hard to choose.
>>>>One is real and the other is a myth.
>>> Karl Marx was a political economist.
>>> Very famous.
>>He was a leech who lived off of others largess and then whined about his
>>inadequacies and inability to do an honest day's labor. The fact that he
>>wrote it down to justify it and many idiots have been fooled by his idiot
>>tirade most likely earned him a special place in Hell.
> Karl Marx earned a living & is famed worldwide.
> Has a nice gravemarker too.
> Let's see gummer's.

What ashcok you're an admirer of Marx. And no he didn't make a living, Engles
supported him. His fame comes from having spawned the most soulless and
destructive philosophy of the 20th Century that is probably the singlw biggest
killer of the century.

And his gravesite is probably nice 'cuz of all the people that piss on it.

>>Meanwhile Christ saved the souls of miilions. Yeah tough choice.
> "Kill a commie for Christ."

When it comes to killing Commies, any reason is a good reason. the only good
commie is a dead commie, preferably mutilated or burned beyond recognition.

>>BTW can you actually "prove" Karl Marx existed, either?

God, guns and guts made America great.

And Janet Napolitano nervous.

Which should tell you all you need to know about Democrats. How can one
restore America to greatness if greatness makes you uncomfortable?

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 8 2010 7:45 pm
From: Gunner Asch

On Mon, 08 Mar 2010 20:48:43 -0600,
(Gray Ghost) wrote:

>What ashcok you're an admirer of Marx. And no he didn't make a living, Engles
>supported him. His fame comes from having spawned the most soulless and
>destructive philosophy of the 20th Century that is probably the singlw biggest
>killer of the century.
>And his gravesite is probably nice 'cuz of all the people that piss on it.
>>>Meanwhile Christ saved the souls of miilions. Yeah tough choice.
>> "Kill a commie for Christ."
>When it comes to killing Commies, any reason is a good reason. the only good
>commie is a dead commie, preferably mutilated or burned beyond recognition.

Hear hear!!

Gunner, who made a number of really really good Commies in his day.

TOPIC: Quill DRO fitted to a Millrite MVI

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 8 2010 6:58 pm
From: Joseph Gwinn

In article <bagln.164793$>,
Wes <> wrote:

> Joseph Gwinn <> wrote:
> >Well, this has been in progress forever, but I finished installing a Jenix
> >DRO
> >on the quill of my Millrite MVI vertical mill (resembles a Bridgeport, but
> >about
> >2/3 the size) today. I now have X, Y, and Z axes covered.
> I started a gatling project over two hears ago. Buying and repairing a lathe
> and a mill extended the start date a bunch.
> >
> >What a help a DRO is, especially with older machines with wear.
> If your Z (column) ways are a bit whupped, the quill dialed in is all you can really
> trust. I have a bit of wear in my Z column on my bridgeport but when it
> matters enough, I can work around it. Thankfully X and Y were rescraped at one point
> and hard chromed. Table surface [is] a bit ugly.

I don't really know if the Z-axis ways are whupped or not, although one assumes
that they have had their fair share of wear over the last 45 years.

> >Now, only the knee lacks a scale. I have the necessary scale, but don't know
> >when I'll get around to installing it. The quill was far more important, and
> >the knee is the most difficult case - odd shape, nothing flat or
> >perpendicular.
> >
> >The big issue with putting a DRO on the Millrite (made in June 1965) is that
> >it was never designed for any such thing, so usually there is no convenient
> >machined surface to use.
> >
> >Having a lathe helped a lot, allowing lots of custom little adapters and
> >spacers to be made.
> >
> >I'll take some pictures and post them to the dropbox when I have some time.
> I would like to see them. Someday my ancient Sony scales are going to die
> and going 3 axis will on my agenda.

If you already have scales on the mill, it will be pretty easy to replace those
scales, compared to adding scales to a pre-DRO machine for the first time.

Joe Gwinn

TOPIC: Clausing 6913, update on the interlock pin

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 8 2010 7:06 pm
From: Joseph Gwinn

In article <>,
Ignoramus8009 <ignoramus8009@NOSPAM.8009.invalid> wrote:

> On 2010-03-08, Joseph Gwinn <> wrote:
> > Right. One has to wait for the leadscrew to turn to the correct angle for
> > the nut to engage. One way to do this is to watch the threading dial and
> > operate the lever only when the dial says it's time. After a little practice
> > this become a fluid motion.
> The issue is that if I apply any significant force on the half nut
> lever, the pin would bend. I just spoke to Clausing, they no longer
> have those pins, but can supply drawings for $5. Since replacing them
> is such a pain, I should be careful with the one I have now.
> To stay safe, I may change the handle on the half nut lever, to
> something very tiny that would be very difficult to force. Maybe a 1
> inch long handle made of a socket head cap screw. That would be harder
> to accidentally force enough to bend the internal pin. It will not
> look as great, but it will keep me safe, and I will of course save the
> old handle.

I would leave it alone. The guy that bent the pin was a gorilla - more muscle
than brain.

You will find that it is not at all hard to get the half-nut engaged without
forcing anything. You make the move just before the correct line on the
threading dial goes by. Any you don't force it -- you do it by feel.

Joe Gwinn

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 8 2010 7:24 pm
From: Ignoramus8009

On 2010-03-09, Joseph Gwinn <> wrote:
> In article <>,
> Ignoramus8009 <ignoramus8009@NOSPAM.8009.invalid> wrote:
>> On 2010-03-08, Joseph Gwinn <> wrote:
>> > Right. One has to wait for the leadscrew to turn to the correct angle for
>> > the nut to engage. One way to do this is to watch the threading dial and
>> > operate the lever only when the dial says it's time. After a little practice
>> > this become a fluid motion.
>> The issue is that if I apply any significant force on the half nut
>> lever, the pin would bend. I just spoke to Clausing, they no longer
>> have those pins, but can supply drawings for $5. Since replacing them
>> is such a pain, I should be careful with the one I have now.
>> To stay safe, I may change the handle on the half nut lever, to
>> something very tiny that would be very difficult to force. Maybe a 1
>> inch long handle made of a socket head cap screw. That would be harder
>> to accidentally force enough to bend the internal pin. It will not
>> look as great, but it will keep me safe, and I will of course save the
>> old handle.
> I would leave it alone. The guy that bent the pin was a gorilla - more muscle
> than brain.
> You will find that it is not at all hard to get the half-nut engaged without
> forcing anything. You make the move just before the correct line on the
> threading dial goes by. Any you don't force it -- you do it by feel.

What such a small handle would do, is protect me from my own
mistakes. Or, say, if I invite a friend over and he would try to force
the lever, that would not happen if the handle was tiny.


TOPIC: ROBOPLOW (was Re: Injection molding)

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 8 2010 7:11 pm
From: Gunner Asch

On Mon, 08 Mar 2010 18:01:49 -0800, Larry Jaques
<ljaques@diversify.invalid> wrote:

>On 08 Mar 2010 20:21:27 GMT, the infamous steamer <>
>scrawled the following:
>>Larry Jaques <ljaques@diversify.invalid> wrote:
>>>Had to googlem. Now why would you know about Chocolate Factory stuff?
>>>Dare I ask, Ed? ;)
>> --Grandkids! :-)
>OK. Good save. <g>
>YOU might be interested in this little jobber, although you don't et
>snow in NorCal. Cool, isn't it? My buddy in D.C. just sent this:
>Ah, too late for the blizzards...
> <>
>We don't get much snow up here, and I still want one.

That would be way way cool when hooked (brain) to a hay bailer and field
plow as well.


"I believe that being despised by the despicable
is as good as being admired by the admirable."

From long experience myself, I can only say, "You betcha."

TOPIC: Faux:: Your Socialist "news"

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 8 2010 7:13 pm

On Mar 8, 6:11�pm, Hawke <> wrote:
> >> OTOH They never had any problems about bushco& �the rethugs LOSING
> >> half the US manufacturing jobs Clinton left the US with or creating
> >> the problems AND doubling the size of the federal do-nothing
> >> (remember Katrina& �etc?) payrolls (probably hired their laxy-ass brain-dead
> >> buddies).
> >> --
> >> Cliff
> > Cliff
> > � �Tell me that you think MSNBC and CBS Do a better Job, so you can lok
> > as foolish as you are? LOL Fox is not Perfect,m but far better than
> > Most other news sources, but then, I bet you like Cnn?? BBC? The Real
> Just curious. Did you notice that you mentioned most of the TV media in
> your post. You said all of them except Fox are socialist sources. You
> are saying that all American TV news sources are socialist except for
> Foxnews. See anything wrong with that analysis? Especially when I'm sure
> you have at least heard that Foxnews is known as the right wing network.
> Is it possible that Fox is the right wing network and the others are the
> middle of the road ones? Could it be that to you any network other than
> Fox is left wing? You should give that one some thought.
> Hawke- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


Yes, I have wated the Big 3 news since I was a Kid, and Yes, I see Fox
News as one of the better ones, Not perfect mind you, But Far bettere
than CNN, MSNBC and CBS, if you can't see that, then yes, you need to
look a little harder or move to Cuba where you'd feel at home?/ LOL


TOPIC: Liberals Smarter Than Conservatives

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 8 2010 7:16 pm
From: "RogerN"

"Cliff" <> wrote in message
> On Sun, 07 Mar 2010 14:38:54 -0600,
> (Gray
> Ghost) wrote:
>>"RogerN" <> wrote in news:H-
>>> For one thing, I'm not all that anti-abortion. It is mostly the
>>> Liberals
>>> that believe in abortion and I have trouble believing liberals shouldn't
>>> have been aborted.
>>Hmm, maybe I should grow and change my beliefs, too. I can think that
>>is OK but only for grown liberals who want to abort preborn humans.
> Neither of you want women to have rights.
> --
> Cliff

Why do you think a woman should have so many rights but a man should have


TOPIC: DIY Two-Stroke Engine

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 8 2010 7:47 pm
From: bod43

On 8 Mar, 22:28, "Anyolmouse" <Anyolmo...@invalid.invalid> wrote:
> "durabol" <> wrote in message
> > For the last few years I have toyed with the idea of building a
> > homemade two-stroke engine for UL use. What keyed my interest was
> > reading about homemade model aircraft engines and reading and watching
> > a re-enactment of the Wright brother's first flight with a replica
> > engine (not a two-stroke engine).
> > Has anyone made a 2-stroke engine from scratch? One may need to cast
> > aluminium, may need a lathe and milling machine with boring head and
> > hone or perhaps the boring and honing of the cylinder and bearing
> > journals could be farmed out. A commercial carburetor and piston could
> > be used. Two-stroke engines seem simple enough that home construction
> > may be possible, if not practical.
> > A direct drive engine will be that much heavier when you take into
> > account the weight of the drive reduction system. I have calculated
> > the weight of an 80x80mm bore and stroke 2 cylinder opposed engine and
> > it was a bit under 40lbs which should give about 1hp/lbs. I used 10mm
> > cylinder and crankcase wall thickness and a 1.25" dia crank.
> > I have got some idea of port-time-area from the freeware computer
> > program called "BiMotion". I'm not sure how good the data is for
> > lowish speed engines but I guess it is a start. I have also worked up
> > a spreadsheet for similar information.
> > I don't think a reed valve system is needed for this engine since it
> > is only going to operate at a fairly narrow rpm range and the port
> > timing isn't critical. Piston ported valves offer similar performance
> > to other induction types but only over a narrow rpm range which is
> > what I have planned for the engine. I plan to build an engine with a
> > restrictive exhaust to ensure no fuel escapes. I have heard that
> > piston ported engines can spit some fuel out of the carb at idle but
> > this doesn't seem like a major problem. Rotary valves via crank shaft
> > induction (disk or drum valves as well) is an interesting idea but I
> > don't think I need the critical timing they provide.
> > I was planning on using the largest two-stroke piston (not a diesel
> > piston) I could find and using the largest stoke that was reasonable,
> > something like 90x105mm

Too big for ultralight I would guess but seems like
a very fine plan for a light aircraft engine.

160 hp and upwards

V4 two stroke diesel.

Has crank driven air pump + turbo.

No electrics *at_all* for engine operation.

Will continue running if air pump OR turbo fails.
Will run at about 50% power (check web site for details)
if all water is lost.

Seems a *very* fine thing to me.

Expected to be accepted as a FAA certified
aero engine this year.

200hp planned.

V8 in the future.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 8 2010 7:48 pm
From: bod43

On 9 Mar, 03:47, bod43 <> wrote:
> On 8 Mar, 22:28, "Anyolmouse" <Anyolmo...@invalid.invalid> wrote:
> > "durabol" <> wrote in message
> >
> > > For the last few years I have toyed with the idea of building a
> > > homemade two-stroke engine for UL use. What keyed my interest was
> > > reading about homemade model aircraft engines and reading and watching
> > > a re-enactment of the Wright brother's first flight with a replica
> > > engine (not a two-stroke engine).
> > > Has anyone made a 2-stroke engine from scratch? One may need to cast
> > > aluminium, may need a lathe and milling machine with boring head and
> > > hone or perhaps the boring and honing of the cylinder and bearing
> > > journals could be farmed out. A commercial carburetor and piston could
> > > be used. Two-stroke engines seem simple enough that home construction
> > > may be possible, if not practical.
> > > A direct drive engine will be that much heavier when you take into
> > > account the weight of the drive reduction system. I have calculated
> > > the weight of an 80x80mm bore and stroke 2 cylinder opposed engine and
> > > it was a bit under 40lbs which should give about 1hp/lbs. I used 10mm
> > > cylinder and crankcase wall thickness and a 1.25" dia crank.
> > > I have got some idea of port-time-area from the freeware computer
> > > program called "BiMotion". I'm not sure how good the data is for
> > > lowish speed engines but I guess it is a start. I have also worked up
> > > a spreadsheet for similar information.
> > > I don't think a reed valve system is needed for this engine since it
> > > is only going to operate at a fairly narrow rpm range and the port
> > > timing isn't critical. Piston ported valves offer similar performance
> > > to other induction types but only over a narrow rpm range which is
> > > what I have planned for the engine. I plan to build an engine with a
> > > restrictive exhaust to ensure no fuel escapes. I have heard that
> > > piston ported engines can spit some fuel out of the carb at idle but
> > > this doesn't seem like a major problem. Rotary valves via crank shaft
> > > induction (disk or drum valves as well) is an interesting idea but I
> > > don't think I need the critical timing they provide.
> > > I was planning on using the largest two-stroke piston (not a diesel
> > > piston) I could find and using the largest stoke that was reasonable,
> > > something like 90x105mm
> Too big for ultralight I would guess but seems like
> a very fine plan for a light aircraft engine.
> 160 hp and upwards
> V4 two stroke diesel.
> Has crank driven air pump + turbo.
> No electrics *at_all* for engine operation.
> Will continue running if air pump OR turbo fails.
> Will run at about 50% power (check web site for details)
> if all water is lost.
> Seems a *very* fine thing to me.
> Expected to be accepted as a FAA certified
> aero engine this year.
> 200hp planned.
> V8 in the future.

Oh yes - direct drive. No gears needed.


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