Saturday, April 17, 2010

rec.crafts.metalworking - 24 new messages in 10 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Teaparty's Money - 4 messages, 4 authors
* Do TMT's mommies have two Glocks too? - 3 messages, 3 authors
* about stainless steel tubing cutting process. - 1 messages, 1 author
* On Obama's watch: O'booverville gets a reprieve in N.J. - 2 messages, 1
* Another state passes Constitutional Carry! - 7 messages, 4 authors
* Just a heads up.... - 3 messages, 3 authors
* {BS} Sarah Palin has her notes in her palm again - 1 messages, 1 author
* Electric Motor Phase Correction Question - 1 messages, 1 author
* The Sarah Palin Network - 1 messages, 1 author
* OT- Pension funds - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Teaparty's Money

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Sat, Apr 17 2010 12:01 pm
From: Hawke

Now we know who the tea partiers are from the polling the NY Times did
on them, that they are mainly older white males, with college educations
and higher incomes than average, what else have we learned about them?

We found out where they are getting the money to finance them. From
right wing political organizations like Americans for Prosperity. Take a
guess who is the chairman of the board of Americans for Prosperity.
David Koch, who I mentioned before as the owner of Koch Industries. He's
a billionaire, owns a privately held coal company, and is financing the
anti global warming effort. He's also behind the teabaggers too.

So next time you wonder whether global warming is real or if the tea
party is a real grassroots uprising just remember who is paying for it.
One of the richest men in America is financing both groups and those
groups are trying to advance his own personal agenda not that of the
American people. The guy who is the running Americans for Prosperity is
none other than the former House Majority leader, Dick Armey. So much
for the tea party being a grass roots group. That too is run by wealthy
republican operatives. It would be so disappointing to be a republican
and find out the truth that your supposedly grass roots organizations
are really just cut outs for wealthy republicans. But when has the truth
ever mattered to the right wing?


== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Sat, Apr 17 2010 1:15 pm
From: "Buerste"

"Hawke" <> wrote in message
> Now we know who the tea partiers are from the polling the NY Times did on
> them, that they are mainly older white males, with college educations and
> higher incomes than average, what else have we learned about them?

It's so nice to see the Tea Party living in your mind, rent-free. Doesn't
the hate just consume you?

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Sat, Apr 17 2010 1:16 pm

On Sat, 17 Apr 2010 12:01:29 -0700, Hawke
<> wrote:

>Now we know who the tea partiers are from the polling the NY Times did
>on them, that they are mainly older white males, with college educations
>and higher incomes than average, what else have we learned about them?

That they're almost as likely as gummer to overrate their income and
intelligence? I don't know a single teapartier who is wealthy. Many of
the ones I know have one source of income - SS. A few I can think of
would qualify as "higher than average" income, mostly because the
average in the area is about $10 an hour. Two work for local
government. Some are the type who'll say that hating n*iggers doesn't
make them racists.

Anybody know how many teapartiers were called, and if a sample of the
answers was verified in any way? Were the respondents told what
constitutes "average income", or were they simply asked if they
believed they were above average? I'm thinking the majority live in
Lake Wobegon.


== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Sat, Apr 17 2010 1:18 pm
From: Wes

Hawke <> wrote:

>We found out where they are getting the money to finance them. From
>right wing political organizations like Americans for Prosperity. Take a
>guess who is the chairman of the board of Americans for Prosperity.
>David Koch, who I mentioned before as the owner of Koch Industries. He's
>a billionaire, owns a privately held coal company, and is financing the
>anti global warming effort. He's also behind the teabaggers too.

Does that make him the Soros of the right? LMAO


TOPIC: Do TMT's mommies have two Glocks too?

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Apr 17 2010 12:08 pm
From: Hawke

On 4/16/2010 11:26 PM, Chief Egalitarian wrote:

I just wonder how you would like it when people like me start open
carrying? It seems you think it's a great idea for everyone to have open
carry. When we "liberals" start carrying our guns out in public
something tells me you're not going to like it. Apparently, you think
only people like you are going to open carry. You can believe me, when
people who vehemently disagree with everything you stand for and dislike
you personally start coming around you carrying loaded weapons I think
your discomfort level is going to go off the chart. If open carry is
allowed you can count on those of us who oppose you politically to be
carrying beau-coup firepower everywhere we go. Hope you like it.


== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Apr 17 2010 12:28 pm
From: "Chief Egalitarian"

"Hawke" <> wrote in message
> On 4/16/2010 11:26 PM, Chief Egalitarian wrote:
> I just wonder how you would like it when people like me start open
> carrying? It seems you think it's a great idea for everyone to have open
> carry. When we "liberals" start carrying our guns out in public something
> tells me you're not going to like it. Apparently, you think only people
> like you are going to open carry. You can believe me, when people who
> vehemently disagree with everything you stand for and dislike you
> personally start coming around you carrying loaded weapons I think your
> discomfort level is going to go off the chart. If open carry is allowed
> you can count on those of us who oppose you politically to be carrying
> beau-coup firepower everywhere we go. Hope you like it.
> Hawke

When I see you open carry, then I will know that your liberalism is wearing
off. Will you shoot that illegal Mexican who will try to rob you, or will
you just hand your gun over to him? What would Obama do?

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Apr 17 2010 1:19 pm
From: Too_Many_Tools

On Apr 17, 2:08 pm, Hawke <> wrote:
> On 4/16/2010 11:26 PM, Chief Egalitarian wrote:
> >
> I just wonder how you would like it when people like me start open
> carrying? It seems you think it's a great idea for everyone to have open
> carry. When we "liberals" start carrying our guns out in public
> something tells me you're not going to like it. Apparently, you think
> only people like you are going to open carry. You can believe me, when
> people who vehemently disagree with everything you stand for and dislike
> you personally start coming around you carrying loaded weapons I think
> your discomfort level is going to go off the chart. If open carry is
> allowed you can count on those of us who oppose you politically to be
> carrying beau-coup firepower everywhere we go. Hope you like it.
> Hawke

He will crap in his pants.

As he should...since his kind can't shoot worth a damn.

I see clowns at the range ever day making excuses.


TOPIC: about stainless steel tubing cutting process.

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Apr 17 2010 12:10 pm
From: Ned Simmons

On Sat, 17 Apr 2010 11:29:25 -0700 (PDT), jc <>

>I need to cut out straight 1mm or 1.5 mm slice from 10" long annealed
>stainless tubing 1-1/2"OD{A} x1.370"ID"{B}x.065"{C}----304.
>I am going to use sherline lathe machine.
>If I make my own tool bit from tungsten or HSS blank,or maybe diamond
>tip??? what shape of tip is good?
>I'd be very appreciated if anyone has good idea and advice or
>suggestion for this cutting process.

I'm afraid the best tool is a don't-even-bother-trying shaped cutter.
You need a lot more power and rigidity than you have available.

Ned Simmons

TOPIC: On Obama's watch: O'booverville gets a reprieve in N.J.

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Apr 17 2010 12:15 pm
From: Hawke

On 4/16/2010 11:31 PM, Chief Egalitarian wrote:
> "Iarnrod" <> wrote in message
>> On Apr 16, 10:57 pm, "Cheap Egalitarian" <> wrote:
>>> Apr 15, 2010 11:00 pm US/Eastern
>>> Camden Tent City Residents Get A Reprieve
>>> CAMDEN, N.J. (AP) ? Homeless people who built a community of campground
>>> tents just a few blocks from downtown Camden got a reprieve Thursday,
>>> allowing them to remain, at least for now, at the self-governing
>>> settlement
>>> in one of the nation's poorest cities.
>> You fuckin' moron. this tent city was established FOUR YEARS AGO.
>> Guess these folks knew what AWOL Bush was doing to the economy and
>> decided to get a head start. <chuckle>
>> READ your cites before you post shit that contradicts you, fuzznuts.
> Bush didn't win a third election, although he would have if allowed to
> run again. No, my friend, Obama has had plenty of time to think about
> what to do with the situation. He decided to post a new sign at the city
> limits with his own name on it.
> WELCOME TO O'BOOVERVILLE. President Barack O'boover.

Call it whatever you want. I say it's just another sign of how great
America is. We have wonderful slums, blighted areas, and run down cities
and towns full of poor people. But hey, this is as good as it gets.
We're the richest, the mightiest country in the world. Everyone is rich
here. Life is great in America. We're exceptional. Nobody lives better
than we do, right? Capitalism is a ringing success. Just look at how
Americans are living. Remember, that's O'boovervill, America you're
talking about, so show some respect for the greatness of the American
system. The rest of the world envies a life like we have in
O'booverville. They do, don't they? Not the ones living in the
"socialist" countries of Europe.


== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Apr 17 2010 12:18 pm
From: Hawke

On 4/17/2010 2:18 AM, Gunner Asch wrote:
> On Fri, 16 Apr 2010 23:57:08 -0500, "Chief Egalitarian"
> <> wrote:
>> Lewis says that the residents have formed a real community over the years.
>> But he said the settlement, wedged in the woods between a highway off-ramp
>> and train tracks, is unsafe and unsanitary.
> So install porta potties and add some street lighting.
> Its gonna be a hell of a lot cheaper than paying for housing
> Gunner

Not everyone can afford to live in the palatial surroundings that you
do. So quit looking down on the poor. That's not nice for the well off
like yourself to do. Not everyone can afford a mansion in Taft.


TOPIC: Another state passes Constitutional Carry!

== 1 of 7 ==
Date: Sat, Apr 17 2010 12:16 pm
From: Gunner Asch

On Sat, 17 Apr 2010 10:54:51 -0700, "Bill Noble"
<nobody@nowhere.invalid> wrote:

>"Larry Caldwell" <> wrote in message
>> In article <>,
>> (Gunner Asch) says...
>>> YOU did it! Today, April 16, 2010, Governor Brewer signed SB 1108, the
>>> AzCDL-requested Constitutional Carry bill, into law. Arizona now
>>> becomes the third state to not require written permission from the
>>> government for law-abiding citizens to exercise their right to bear arms
>>> discretely.
>> And the gun control nuts are shitting pineapples that the residents of
>> DC might actually get to defend themselves.
>> They still want to "protect" people, in blind denial of reality. While
>> guns were banned in Washington DC, only criminals had guns. The
>> resulting blood bath was a national disgrace.
>have you been in Juarez recently? that will give you a good idea of what
>happens when there are lots of guns in the hands of fools

No, Bill..Juarez shows you what happens when you ban firearms from the
citizens and only the crooks carry..

Doesnt look well for the antigun types, does it?

Im curious...hummm...Vermont, Alaska and now Aridzona.....I wonder why
they dont have the crime stats of gun banned DC?

Tell us all, if you would be so kind.



== 2 of 7 ==
Date: Sat, Apr 17 2010 12:17 pm
From: Larry Caldwell

In article <E-
udnVS1jemdZFTWnZ2dnUVZ_h6dnZ2d@posted.southvalleyinternet>, (Garlicdude) says...
> Bill Noble wrote:

> > have you been in Juarez recently? that will give you a good idea of
> > what happens when there are lots of guns in the hands of fools
> Those of us that aren't fools need to protect ourselves against the fools who
> have guns, more than likely obtained illegally.

Juarez is an excellent example, since it is really one city in two
countries, Juarez in Mexico where gun ownership is illegal, and El Paso
in the USA, where gun ownership is legal. On the US side of the Rio
Grande, gun violence is minimal. On the Mexican side of the river,
there are murders daily. Just like in Washington DC, only criminals
have guns.

== 3 of 7 ==
Date: Sat, Apr 17 2010 12:34 pm
From: Gunner Asch

On Sat, 17 Apr 2010 13:33:46 -0500, Ignoramus25624
<ignoramus25624@NOSPAM.25624.invalid> wrote:

>I am curious, how does it work out, in reality, when people carry
>concealed weapons into drinking establishments. Has there been many
>armed incidents, or not? I do not want opinions and would rather
>prefer some numbers.

California CCW laws make no distinction between where one carries. Its
quite legal to carry into bars and taverns.

Yet in California..the gun crime rate of CCW holders is far far lower
than that of the cops themselves.

Here are some stats

Total numbers from the time period of October 1, 1987 - March 31, 2010

23 yr time total.

And from

Edited on Tue Jan-22-08 07:36 PM by jmg257
"One study found that in Florida CCW holders were 300 times less likely
than the general population to commit a crime. The firearm crime rate
among license holders, annually averaging only several crimes per
100,000 licensees, is a fraction of the rate for the state as a whole.
Between the beginning of Florida's permitting program and the end of
2005, the state issued 1,104,468 concealed weapons permits. During that
time period; 3,643 permits were revoked—a rate of about .3 percent. Of
those revocations; 2,941 involved a crime after licensure; 157 of those
crimes involved the use of a firearm. "

"A Texas study found that CCW holders in that state were "5.7 times less
likely to commit a violent crime, and 14 times less likely to commit a
non-violent offense."

"North Carolina reports only 0.2% of their 263,102 holders had their
license revoked in the 10 years since they have adopted the law."

Georgia: "studies by numerous independent researchers and state agencies
have found that concealed handgun license holders are five times less
likely than non-license holders to commit violent crimes"

in 2004, the state of Utah had a permit revocation rate of about .4
percent. The rate for revocations due to
firearm offenses was .02 percent..

between 1986 and 2003, only .8 percent of Kentucky's 71,770 licenses
were revoked for any reason

in 2001, Indiana revoked about .2 percent of its outstanding concealed
weapon permits

since the inception of its concealed weapons program in 1995, Virginia
has seen a revocation rate of just .2

between October of 1994 and February of 1996, the state of Wyoming
issued 2,273 permits and revoked
four, a revocation rate of just under .2 percent.

between 1996, when its shall-issue law passed, and September of 1999,
the state of Oklahoma issued 30,406
permits and revoked only 62–a rate of .2 percent.

The truth shouldn't come as a surprise either.
This is what you typically know about a person who has a CCW in many
(specifically Tennessee in the example)

They've never been convicted of "any felony offense punishable for a
term exceeding one (1) year".
They've never been convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic
They've never been convicted of the offense of stalking.
They were not under indictment at the time they applied for a CCW.
They were not the subject of an order of protection at the time they
applied for a CCW.
They haven't had a DUI in the past five years or two or more DUIs in the
past 10 years
They haven't been under treatment for or hospitalized for addiction to
drugs or alcohol in the past 10 years.
They've never been adjudicated as mentally defective.
They've never been discharged from the military under dishonorable
conditions ("dishonorable discharge, bad conduct discharge or other than
honorable discharge Chapter 1340-2-5-.02 (5)").
They've never renounced their U.S. citizenship.
They've never received social security disability benefits "by reason of
alcohol dependence, drug dependence or mental disability."

Besides, most CCW holders know exactly what the law is, and the
responsibility of carrying and the serious implications of using a CCW
inappropriately, so many holders tend to AVOID more situations that may
be inclined to lead to trouble.

Gunner, daily carry for....27 yrs so far with California CCW

== 4 of 7 ==
Date: Sat, Apr 17 2010 12:55 pm
From: Wes

"Bill Noble" <nobody@nowhere.invalid> wrote:

>have you been in Juarez recently? that will give you a good idea of what
>happens when there are lots of guns in the hands of fools

I was under the impression that 'legal' ownership of firearms was heavily restricted in

"Additionally as a security officer, I carry a gun to protect
government officials but my life isn't worth protecting at home
in their eyes." Dick Anthony Heller

== 5 of 7 ==
Date: Sat, Apr 17 2010 12:58 pm
From: Wes

Ignoramus25624 <ignoramus25624@NOSPAM.25624.invalid> wrote:

>I am curious, how does it work out, in reality, when people carry
>concealed weapons into drinking establishments. Has there been many
>armed incidents, or not? I do not want opinions and would rather
>prefer some numbers.

Since the person carrying in the case of Arizona can not imbibe, what difference is there
in carrying in a bar or supermarket?

"Additionally as a security officer, I carry a gun to protect
government officials but my life isn't worth protecting at home
in their eyes." Dick Anthony Heller

== 6 of 7 ==
Date: Sat, Apr 17 2010 1:02 pm
From: "Ed Huntress"

"Wes" <> wrote in message
> Ignoramus25624 <ignoramus25624@NOSPAM.25624.invalid> wrote:
>>I am curious, how does it work out, in reality, when people carry
>>concealed weapons into drinking establishments. Has there been many
>>armed incidents, or not? I do not want opinions and would rather
>>prefer some numbers.
> Since the person carrying in the case of Arizona can not imbibe, what
> difference is there
> in carrying in a bar or supermarket?
> Wes

The emphasis, and Gunner's statistics, miss the key point -- which has been
proven by careful regression analysis. The operative factor is that the CCW
holders are people who have no serious criminal record and who have not been

In other words, the difference is not between CCW holders and the general
population. It's between people who have passed a CCW-type background check
and the general population.

Ed Huntress

== 7 of 7 ==
Date: Sat, Apr 17 2010 1:12 pm
From: Wes

"Ed Huntress" <> wrote:

>> Since the person carrying in the case of Arizona can not imbibe, what
>> difference is there
>> in carrying in a bar or supermarket?
>> Wes
>The emphasis, and Gunner's statistics, miss the key point -- which has been
>proven by careful regression analysis. The operative factor is that the CCW
>holders are people who have no serious criminal record and who have not been
>In other words, the difference is not between CCW holders and the general
>population. It's between people who have passed a CCW-type background check
>and the general population.

What does that have to do with Iggy's question on carrying in bars?

I'll grant you that the ccw permiting process tends to weed people out at the cost of
weeding some people that may really need to be able to carry that just can't afford the
costs involved. Think near poverty service workers and such.

"Additionally as a security officer, I carry a gun to protect
government officials but my life isn't worth protecting at home
in their eyes." Dick Anthony Heller

TOPIC: Just a heads up....

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Apr 17 2010 12:17 pm
From: Ignoramus25624

On 2010-04-17, <> wrote:
> On Apr 17, 10:55?am, "Ed Huntress" <> wrote:
>> Dammit, Dan, if I did that, you'd just say that, "no, you have to look at
>> the individual states and see what percentages they're gaining or losing,
>> because Eregon was talking about states." Admit it. That's exactly what
>> you'd do, right?
> ).
>> In other words, you don't care what the facts are, you just want to
>> speculate about something that fits your ideology, just like Eregon did.
>> Not interested in finding out what you're talking about, you'd rather live
>> on conservative economic bullshit and content yourself with that.
>> Too bad. By digging out the facts, you get all kinds of surprises, and you
>> realize that the ideologies are all bullshit. But it's not very comforting
>> that way, so hang on to your speculations. You always can cook up a good,
>> comforting narrative that way.
> I really do not care. And I am not trying to cook up a comforting
> narrative. You might note that I did not say anything about right to
> work states being better or worse than non right to work states. Or
> anything concerning the original statement or even your statements.
> What I am saying is that you can not average percentages the way you
> did and get meaningful data. You say that the average job loss
> percentage for the Northeastern states is -5.71 And that is
> incorrect.
> Instead of getting all bent out of shape and assuming that I am trying
> to come up with something to fit my ideology, you would do better to
> cool down and read what I am saying. You get three figure numbers
> that do not mean a thing.
> I am just pointing out that your use of data is incorrect.

Populations of states are very easy to get, and calculating the
population average for a set of state is a 20 minute
exercise. Relistically, I would not expect the population weighted
average to be significantly different from unweighted average.

Practically speaking, the main problem of conservatives is that they
listen to conservative entertainment programs. Those programs are all
about money, keeping the audience so that advertisers can sell them
various junk. They never wanted to be truthful or even to approach
reailty. Conservatives swallow this hook, line and sinker and are a
prey to advertisers.

I have a radio in the shed to keep pests away. It has a conservative
host. What is kind of shocking is selection of advertisers. I have
heard only the following advertised:

o Impotence, Weight loss and balding cures (the ads sound
like the products are likely to be snake oil)
o IRA scams related to high fee gold IRA accounts
o Other investment scams

This really does not fit the image of conservatives that I had in my
mind. Though I no longer consider myself such, I generally would hope
that they, on average, should in some ways be above the level that the
ads imply.

But, possibly, this is a radio program only intended for a subset of
conservatives. That radio program is all about ideology, never
carefully considering anything. So I am not surprised that its
listeners are basically suckers, and get ads intended for suckers.
Non-suckers just would not listen to this. I can try to find out what
it is. I do not listen to Rush Limbaugh, but would love to know what
is advertised on his programs.

The kinds of conservatives that I used to associate with, before the
war against Iraq, would be the sort of people who read Wall Street
Journal editorials, Milton Friedman, etc. I still susbcribe to most
of his ideas, but know that in reality they are usually perverted and
used to steal money from wherever they are applied.


== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Apr 17 2010 12:58 pm
From: pyotr filipivich

"Chief Egalitarian" <> on Sat, 17 Apr 2010 01:36:00
-0500 typed in rec.crafts.metalworking the following:
>> In the leftwing areas..very true indeed.
>> Here is a voting map of California. Its mostly a Red land
>> mass, but it has a number of Blue zones that are heavily Leftwing...and
>> they pull all the strings
>> And of course...<G>
>California is no different than other States that have heavily concentrated
>liberal populations all sharing one common water supply. Hey, wait a

You're not saying it is that there is something in the water?

Maybe those Merry Pranksters did slip LSD into the water supply...


pyotr filipivich
We will drink no whiskey before its nine.
It's eight fifty eight. Close enough!

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Apr 17 2010 1:19 pm
From: "Ed Huntress"

<> wrote in message
On Apr 17, 10:55 am, "Ed Huntress" <> wrote:

> Dammit, Dan, if I did that, you'd just say that, "no, you have to look at
> the individual states and see what percentages they're gaining or losing,
> because Eregon was talking about states." Admit it. That's exactly what
> you'd do, right?
> In other words, you don't care what the facts are, you just want to
> speculate about something that fits your ideology, just like Eregon did.
> Not interested in finding out what you're talking about, you'd rather live
> on conservative economic bullshit and content yourself with that.
> Too bad. By digging out the facts, you get all kinds of surprises, and you
> realize that the ideologies are all bullshit. But it's not very comforting
> that way, so hang on to your speculations. You always can cook up a good,
> comforting narrative that way.
> --
> Ed Huntress

>I really do not care. And I am not trying to cook up a comforting
>narrative. You might note that I did not say anything about right to
>work states being better or worse than non right to work states. Or
>anything concerning the original statement or even your statements.
>What I am saying is that you can not average percentages the way you
>did and get meaningful data.

Yes you can. What you get is confirmation that the RTW does not improve a
state's chance of limiting firings and layoffs. That's the only question
that was at issue.

> You say that the average job loss
>percentage for the Northeastern states is -5.71 And that is

No, it's exactly correct. The average job loss percentage for a union state
in the Northeast (which is all of them) is -5.71%. Period.

>Instead of getting all bent out of shape and assuming that I am trying
>to come up with something to fit my ideology, you would do better to
>cool down and read what I am saying. You get three figure numbers
>that do not mean a thing.

I did. And I'm getting annoyed with you not reading what was being claimed.

There is nothing wrong with the data I dug up and presented. You're just
fishing for some way to confound it from an angle that was not claimed.

>I am just pointing out that your use of data is incorrect.


'Tell you what Explain precisely what you want to know, and I'll compile the
data. I'm not too lazy to run some easily obtainable numbers in an Excel

Just tell us what you want to see.

Ed Huntress

TOPIC: {BS} Sarah Palin has her notes in her palm again

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Apr 17 2010 12:39 pm
From: Gunner Asch

On Sat, 17 Apr 2010 08:57:19 -0500, Jeff M <> wrote:

>Lookout wrote:
> > She's LOSING in her own party straw polls. As of right now she can't
>> even get the nomination.
>Ms. Palin demonstrably isn't interested in serving in elected office.
>The work is too hard and the pay is too low. She's made $12M since
>quitting her governor job, for not much real work.

Which really pisses off you Leftists doesnt it? When she was Leftards had put her in hock to several million dollars
trying to defend herself from bogus lawsuits.

Legal Bills Swayed Palin, Official Says

Published: July 5, 2009

Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell of Alaska said Sunday that Gov. Sarah Palin�s
decision to resign was largely prompted by the personal legal costs of
the ethics investigations against her.

Ms. Palin announced on Friday that she would quit her job near the end
of the month and turn the reins of state government over to Mr. Parnell,
who like the governor is a Republican.

At the news conference, Ms. Palin cited numerous reasons for quitting,
including more than $500,000 in legal fees that she and her husband,
Todd, have incurred because of 15 ethics complaints filed against her
during her two and a half years as governor. She said all of the
complaints had been dismissed, but she still had to pay lawyers to
defend her.

Mr. Parnell said Ms. Palin called him into her office on Wednesday night
to tell him she was resigning.

�I think what I heard from the governor,� Mr. Parnell said on �Fox News
Sunday,� �really had to do with the weight on her, the concern she had
for the cost of all the ethics investigations and the like � the way
that that weighed on her with respect to her inability to just move
forward Alaska�s agenda on behalf of Alaskans in the current context of
the environment. So that�s what I saw.�

Mr. Parnell, who is scheduled to take over for Ms. Palin on July 26,
said it was costing the State of Alaska about $2 million just to pay for
the staff to deal with the records requests from the ethics complaints.

So now you guys cant sue her into oblivion...<VBG>..and she can ride
roughshod over your sorry asses.


You Leftards were never very smart...were you......


TOPIC: Electric Motor Phase Correction Question

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Apr 17 2010 12:57 pm
From: Tim Wescott

Bob wrote:
> I have a 7.5 HP TEFC Motor on a hot high pressure washer. My 3 phase
> power is generated from a rotary converter. This motor is not happy
> with my home made power and trips the heaters. Normal load is about 9
> Amps under load but the one leg pulls 13-14A and trips the heaters.
> The contactor is a small GE unit with integral heaters and I have them
> set on max which is 14A IIRC.
> The motor checks out just fine at the local motor shop. Coil
> resistances are all equal. There are no excessive mechanical loads on
> the motor. I have narrowed it to the current overload on one leg
> only.
> I'll test with an added load on the RPC to see if that helps, but in
> the mean time; can I use a capacitor to adjust the current draw on
> that leg down? If so what MF values? I think that the caps in my
> surplus are all 600V rated.
> Thanks,
> Bob.

It sounds like the voltages on the three legs aren't balanced, or
perhaps the three legs are grounded in one configuration (delta or Y),
in the phase converter and in the other in the motor.

I'd be surprised if it was a grounding issue, but the more screwed up
systems of various kinds I repair, the less surprised I get when I find

If the problem is voltage balance, you could find it by measuring
between pairs of the three legs with a volt meter. If it's a phase
imbalance (which it would almost have to be) you'd either need a phase
meter (which would be a power company or an industrial electrician
thing) or an oscilloscope.

Did the motor shop actually run the motor, or just do static checks?
You could have something perverse like a shorted winding in a motor coil
that would only show up if you put AC on the thing.

Do you have any other three-phase motors running? If all are fine
except for the one motor then it's more likely a problem with that
motor, or a deficiency in both the motor and the system (like the
colliding grounds that I posited earlier), than it is with your converter.

Tim Wescott
Control system and signal processing consulting

TOPIC: The Sarah Palin Network

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Apr 17 2010 1:18 pm
From: Beerman

On Sun, 11 Apr 2010 09:18:02 -0500, Fred B. Brown wrote:

> "Cliff" <> wrote in message
>> "Tina Fey Brings "The Sarah
>> Palin Network" to "SNL""
>> LOL .....
>> --
>> Cliff
> And when Palin is elected President in 2012, Fey will be begging for a
> ticket to the Inaugural Ball.
> Sara Palin has more talent in her little finger than Fey does in her
> whole body.

Must be a "Nucular" finger constructed in the country of Africa

Fail-in Pailin is such an embarrassment to womenhood setting it back to
the 80s

TOPIC: OT- Pension funds

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Apr 17 2010 1:19 pm
From: Gunner Asch

On Sat, 17 Apr 2010 06:23:34 -0700, Larry Jaques
<ljaques@diversify.invalid> wrote:

>On Sat, 17 Apr 2010 02:46:51 -0700, the infamous Gunner Asch
><> scrawled the following:
>>On Fri, 16 Apr 2010 22:47:34 -0700, Larry Jaques
>><ljaques@diversify.invalid> wrote:
>>>On Fri, 16 Apr 2010 11:06:08 -0500, the infamous F. George McDuffee
>>><> scrawled the following:
>>>>When pigs fly....
>>>After Gunner's Cull?
>>There will be many job openings then.
>>At least for dozer operators.
>And quicklime plant workers, ah reckon?

Nah...simply put em into the ground with a dozer, bury em deep and in
only a few years...the trees and grass and flowers are bright and tall
and pretty.

Quicklime tends to prevent proper plant growth.


>A book burrows into your life in a very profound way
>because the experience of reading is not passive.
> --Erica Jong

"First Law of Leftist Debate
The more you present a leftist with factual evidence
that is counter to his preconceived world view and the
more difficult it becomes for him to refute it without
losing face the chance of him calling you a racist, bigot,
homophobe approaches infinity.

This is despite the thread you are in having not mentioned
race or sexual preference in any way that is relevant to
the subject." Grey Ghost


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