Friday, April 2, 2010

rec.crafts.metalworking - 25 new messages in 12 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Future Space programs Re: Anniversary of an amazingly enduring design - 1
messages, 1 author
* Who will be the first? - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Terrorists strike again ! - 3 messages, 3 authors
* More fun at the RNC - 2 messages, 1 author
* Save yer money, gummer !! - 1 messages, 1 author
* Manufacturing is BOOMING in USA - 4 messages, 2 authors
* Bubble of Ignorance - 5 messages, 1 author
* Too late - 2 messages, 1 author
* How to center a chuck ? - 1 messages, 1 author
* Am I a fool to buy this mill/drill? - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Actual Metalworking - 1 messages, 1 author
* Speed Rack max load - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Future Space programs Re: Anniversary of an amazingly enduring design

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Apr 1 2010 11:39 pm
From: pyotr filipivich

Let the Record show that Wes <> on or about Thu, 01
Apr 2010 17:23:17 -0500 did write/type or cause to appear in
rec.crafts.metalworking the following:
>pyotr filipivich <> wrote:
>> But you have to pilot a space craft all the way to touch down.
>>There is no "free" negative acceleration on the moon. Now, one of the
>>nifty things about the moon is that because there is no atmosphere,
>>there is nothing to prevent you from orbiting a meter from the
>>surface. But you can orbit there forever, because there is nothing to
>>slow you down for a reentry/landing.
>I think the pressure the sun exerts on your craft will cause it to deorbit eventually.

That is a distinct possibility. But probably not for quite some
time, and ordinary mortals count time.
Still, it is much more possible to have something orbit the moon
at a minimum pero-luna of 1 meter, than to have something with a
perogee of 1 meter.

pyotr filipivich
We will drink no whiskey before its nine.
It's eight fifty eight. Close enough!

TOPIC: Who will be the first?

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 2 2010 12:30 am
From: Don Foreman

On Thu, 1 Apr 2010 12:48:59 -0400, "Ed Huntress"
<> wrote:

><> wrote in message
>> On Wed, 31 Mar 2010 16:26:20 -0400, "Ed Huntress"
>> <> wrote:
>>>"Don Foreman" <> wrote in message
>>>> On Thu, 25 Mar 2010 17:06:27 -0400, "Ed Huntress"
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>It's a matter of character, IMO. I'm disgusted beyond words with the
>>>who talk about their fantasies of killing people, and with overt racist
>>>pigs, and really not much else. I've just cut off reading some of them
>>>because they make me angry, and I'm not here to get angry.
>>>> In fantasy, I've treated
>>>> dozens of scurvy rat bastard miscreants in a variety of rather
>>>> creative, prolonged,excruciatingly painful, ultimately lethal and
>>>> utterly untracable (I think) ways. In fantasy. In actuality, I've
>>>> done no violence beyond a spanking to any person since military
>>>> service decades ago.
>>>Good. You didn't say whether you explicitly discuss such things with
>>>in those terms. I haven't seen you do it. You usually stay within the line
>>>in discussions about self-defense, from what I've seen.
>> Don wants to stay in the good graces of the "great cullers" by
>> excusing the inexcusable... badly. Does he believe them or not? It's
>> hard to tell because he prefers talking around the issue. But there
>> are clues. He kinda' says they're only fantasizing about killing, even
>> though he's happy to discuss "fieldcraft" with them. He says that the
>> fantasy victims are "pols", while he knows full well that the cullers
>> discuss adding usenet posters to their kill/torture list. They're
>> either liars or disturbed or both.
>I think Don knows where the line is. As for some others; it's a case of
>arrested character development. They missed something important growing up.

Thanks, Ed. I do know where the line is.

CMA note: I have not discussed any details of fieldcraft with anyone
on this forum or any other forum. I have implied the existance of such
craft as many examples of popular fiction have done, but I've made no
further disclosure.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 2 2010 6:20 am
From: Wes

Don Foreman <> wrote:

>In Minneapolis, they're closing libraries and certainly not building
>new ones. Some of the streets and roads are starting to look like
>moonscapes, riddled with big potholes. Some roadside rest stops will
>be closed this summer to avoid the cost of maintenance.

Closing libraries is a shame. That is a service that cities and counties provide that I
whole heartedly support.

As to the rest, tax receipts are down and legacy costs have to be paid. That means
funding retirement and such for those that used to provide those services.

Have you had any geniuses proposing reverting your paved roads back to dirt yet? We have
them here.


TOPIC: Terrorists strike again !

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 2 2010 2:08 am
From: Cliff
"Thirteen Israeli air strikes hit Gaza Strip"

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 2 2010 2:49 am
From: "atlas bugged"

"Cliff" <> wrote in message
> "Thirteen Israeli air strikes hit Gaza Strip"

Well, I have to agree with you.

The dictators and theocrats who control 99.9% of the mid-east began once
again attacking (with missiles and bombs) the remaining .1% where the hated
Jewish population mostly resides.

As mentioned in the very-liberal New York Times:

"A military spokesman said the strikes were in response to a Qassam rocket
fired from Gaza on Thursday that hit the Ashkelon area on Israel's central
coast. The spokesman added that nearly 20 rockets or mortars had come from
Gaza during the month of March, and more than 40 since the beginning of the

"A week ago, two Israeli soldiers were killed when, according to the army,
they were pursuing militants trying to lay explosives near the border

"A farm worker from Thailand was killed on March 18 in Israel by a rocket
fired from Gaza"

"Gaza, the Palestinian coastal enclave, has been largely isolated since it
came under the control of Hamas, which has refused to accept the conditions
established by the international group that focuses on the Middle East, the
so-called quartet - the United States, the European Union, the United
Nations and Russia. Those conditions include a renunciation of violence, the
recognition of Israel's right to exist and the acceptance of previous
agreements between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization."

The great thing about Hamas is that they are not merely a terrorist group,
but they appear to be the democratically-chosen representatives of the Gazan
people. So there's much less ability to "blame the government."

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 2 2010 4:00 am
From: "RogerN"

"Cliff" <> wrote in message
> "Thirteen Israeli air strikes hit Gaza Strip"

You gotta love this, we elect a Muslim President and all of a sudden those
that flew jets into the World Trade Center are our allies and our best
allies in the Middle East are now Terrorists, talk about spin!


TOPIC: More fun at the RNC

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 2 2010 2:22 am
From: Cliff
The Republican National Committee inadvertently distributed fundraising mail
earlier this month with a return number that leads to a phone-sex line offering
to connect callers with "hot horny girls ... students, housewives, and working
girls from all over the country."

"We love nasty talk as much as you do," a woman's voice says on the sex-line's
audio recording.

No wonder so many join up !!!

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 2 2010 2:46 am
From: Cliff

On Fri, 02 Apr 2010 05:22:17 -0400, Cliff
<> wrote:

> The Republican National Committee inadvertently distributed fundraising mail
>earlier this month with a return number that leads to a phone-sex line offering
>to connect callers with "hot horny girls ... students, housewives, and working
>girls from all over the country."
>"We love nasty talk as much as you do," a woman's voice says on the sex-line's
>audio recording.
> No wonder so many join up !!!
"Sarah Palin asked the Republican National Committee to officially remove her
name from an invite list ..."

Spoilsport !

TOPIC: Save yer money, gummer !!

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 2 2010 2:28 am
From: Cliff,2933,590345,00.html
"Conservative Leader Tells People to Stop Giving Money to the GOP"
Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Value Judgment

Family Research Council president and conservative leader Tony Perkins is
telling supporters not to donate to the Republican National Committee.

TOPIC: Manufacturing is BOOMING in USA

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 2 2010 1:34 am
From: "RogerN"

"anorton" <> wrote in message
> "RogerN" <> wrote in message
>> Awesome! How many manufacturing jobs are they moving from China to the
>> USA?
>> RogerN
> One of my clients ( ) recently won a contract
> to manufacture equipment that had been built in China. In the high-tech
> world, engineering skill, quality and reliability trumps a few bucks in
> price.
> In my experience there is much more engineering work this year than last.

That's good to hear. Sometimes I wonder if there's ever a WWIII, will the
USA be able to stand on our own manufacturing ability, or will we need to be
supplied by those we are at war with?


== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 2 2010 1:45 am
From: "RogerN"

"Larry Jaques" <ljaques@diversify.invalid> wrote in message
> On Thu, 1 Apr 2010 22:36:43 +0200, the infamous "Steve Lusardi"
> <> scrawled the following:
>>I'm amazed by your statement. When was the last time any product in the
>>stores said "Made in the USA"? There is virtually no
>>serious manufacturing left in the States. You don't need statistics to
>>witness this and in point of fact, without seeing US
>>products on the shelves, you have absolutely no justification for
>>believing them. The same thing is happening in Europe and Japan.
>>We have already exported almost all of our manufacturing to the third
>>world to remain competitive in the world market. Don't
>>believe the shit you read....look on the shelves.
> Steve, I dare you to spend an hour in Walmart and NOT find at least a
> hundred "Made in the USA" stickers on items. Manufacturing is still
> alive and well here, but the mass production has gone entirely
> overseas. Other companies are having things produced elsewhere and
> assembled here, with our labor.
> Virtually ALL of the small, custom items are still made here. Much
> low-volume/high-technology stuff is made here, etc.
> Don't write us off entirely.
> Hell, my glare guards are made here in me, using as many
> domestic products as possible.
> Volume? We won't discuss that. <sigh>
> --

Do your glare guards make a TV screen viewable outdoors? I'm wondering
because one of my hobby projects is first person view R/C, mounting a camera
in a R/C model and operating it by viewing the picture on a TV/Monitor.
They have video goggles but they are running over $300 for the better
resolution (640 X 480) ones last time I looked.


== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 2 2010 5:45 am
From: Wes

"Steve Lusardi" <> wrote:

>I'm amazed by your statement. When was the last time any product in the stores said "Made in the USA"? There is virtually no
>serious manufacturing left in the States. You don't need statistics to witness this and in point of fact, without seeing US
>products on the shelves, you have absolutely no justification for believing them. The same thing is happening in Europe and Japan.
>We have already exported almost all of our manufacturing to the third world to remain competitive in the world market. Don't
>believe the shit you read....look on the shelves.

I work in the manufacturing sector. I was pretty thrilled the other day when a stud we
use that was purchased off shore was replaced by a USA made item. USA was able to make
the spec and do it for a competitive price.

I purchase a lot of things from McMaster-Carr, I've noticed over time, that a huge amount
of what they sell is produced in the USA. When it isn't, it is from nations like France,
Germany, and Japan. I seldom recieve Chineese products from that firm.

Manufacturing isn't dead yet, we just have a lot of competition that didn't exist not so
long ago. It is sorting itself out.


"Additionally as a security officer, I carry a gun to protect
government officials but my life isn't worth protecting at home
in their eyes." Dick Anthony Heller

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 2 2010 5:53 am
From: Wes

"Richard W." <> wrote:

>All I can do is keep trying to find another job and wait and see what
>happens with the economy. Only time will tell if our leader is good or bad.

I wish you success in the job hunt. Back during 2001/02 I got a taste of going from
wanted and needed to needing to be wanted. It wasn't a pleasant experience though I think
I've grown from it.

Only time will tell on our leadership and then the view be subject to the distortion of
one's ideology.


TOPIC: Bubble of Ignorance

== 1 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 2 2010 2:32 am
From: Cliff

On Wed, 31 Mar 2010 20:36:41 -0500, "Chief Egalitarian" <>

>"Cliff" <> wrote in message
>> On Tue, 30 Mar 2010 19:40:39 -0500, "Chief Egalitarian"
>> <>
>> wrote:
>>>"Cliff" <> wrote in message
>>>> On Mon, 29 Mar 2010 23:20:23 -0500, "Chief Egalitarian"
>>>> <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>"Cliff" <> wrote in message
>>>>>Those two in the video look like a couple of atheist fags. Trimming the
>>>Not only do they look like atheist fags, but they're ugly too so they must
>>>be ugly liberal atheist fag democrats. Trimming the tree.
>> Truth hurts, eh?
>> Learn to properly quote. Look like an idiot otherwise.
>> --
>> Cliff
>It's true, I must admit. They do look like liberal atheist fags. Hard to not
>notice though, the limp wrists are a sure giveaway.

He's a REAL rethug !!!
... Republican National Committee ... at a bondage-themed lesbian nightclub

LOL ... caught them with their panties down again, did we?

== 2 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 2 2010 2:34 am
From: Cliff

On Wed, 31 Mar 2010 20:36:41 -0500, "Chief Egalitarian" <>

>"Cliff" <> wrote in message
>> On Tue, 30 Mar 2010 19:40:39 -0500, "Chief Egalitarian"
>> <>
>> wrote:
>>>"Cliff" <> wrote in message
>>>> On Mon, 29 Mar 2010 23:20:23 -0500, "Chief Egalitarian"
>>>> <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>"Cliff" <> wrote in message
>>>>>Those two in the video look like a couple of atheist fags. Trimming the
>>>Not only do they look like atheist fags, but they're ugly too so they must
>>>be ugly liberal atheist fag democrats. Trimming the tree.
>> Truth hurts, eh?
>> Learn to properly quote. Look like an idiot otherwise.
>> --
>> Cliff
>It's true, I must admit. They do look like liberal atheist fags. Hard to not
>notice though, the limp wrists are a sure giveaway.

He's a REAL rethug !!!
... Republican National Committee ... the RNC had paid nearly $2,000 to a
Southern California GOP contributor for meal expenses at a bondage-themed
lesbian nightclub ....

LOL ... caught them with their panties down again, did we?
What were they eating that cost US$ 2,000?

== 3 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 2 2010 2:47 am
From: Cliff

On Fri, 02 Apr 2010 05:34:43 -0400, Cliff
<> wrote:

>On Wed, 31 Mar 2010 20:36:41 -0500, "Chief Egalitarian" <>
>>"Cliff" <> wrote in message
>>> On Tue, 30 Mar 2010 19:40:39 -0500, "Chief Egalitarian"
>>> <>
>>> wrote:
>>>>"Cliff" <> wrote in message
>>>>> On Mon, 29 Mar 2010 23:20:23 -0500, "Chief Egalitarian"
>>>>> <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>"Cliff" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>Those two in the video look like a couple of atheist fags. Trimming the
>>>>Not only do they look like atheist fags, but they're ugly too so they must
>>>>be ugly liberal atheist fag democrats. Trimming the tree.
>>> Truth hurts, eh?
>>> Learn to properly quote. Look like an idiot otherwise.
>>> --
>>> Cliff
>>It's true, I must admit. They do look like liberal atheist fags. Hard to not
>>notice though, the limp wrists are a sure giveaway.
> He's a REAL rethug !!!
>... Republican National Committee ... the RNC had paid nearly $2,000 to a
>Southern California GOP contributor for meal expenses at a bondage-themed
>lesbian nightclub ....
> LOL ... caught them with their panties down again, did we?
> What were they eating that cost US$ 2,000?
"Sarah Palin asked the Republican National Committee to officially remove her
name from an invite list ..."

Spoilsport !

== 4 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 2 2010 2:49 am
From: Cliff

On Fri, 02 Apr 2010 05:47:18 -0400, Cliff
<> wrote:

>On Fri, 02 Apr 2010 05:34:43 -0400, Cliff
><> wrote:
>>On Wed, 31 Mar 2010 20:36:41 -0500, "Chief Egalitarian" <>
>>>"Cliff" <> wrote in message
>>>> On Tue, 30 Mar 2010 19:40:39 -0500, "Chief Egalitarian"
>>>> <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>"Cliff" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> On Mon, 29 Mar 2010 23:20:23 -0500, "Chief Egalitarian"
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>"Cliff" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>Those two in the video look like a couple of atheist fags. Trimming the
>>>>>Not only do they look like atheist fags, but they're ugly too so they must
>>>>>be ugly liberal atheist fag democrats. Trimming the tree.
>>>> Truth hurts, eh?
>>>> Learn to properly quote. Look like an idiot otherwise.
>>>> --
>>>> Cliff
>>>It's true, I must admit. They do look like liberal atheist fags. Hard to not
>>>notice though, the limp wrists are a sure giveaway.
>> He's a REAL rethug !!!
>>... Republican National Committee ... the RNC had paid nearly $2,000 to a
>>Southern California GOP contributor for meal expenses at a bondage-themed
>>lesbian nightclub ....

It was topless ...

>> LOL ... caught them with their panties down again, did we?
>> What were they eating that cost US$ 2,000?
> "Sarah Palin asked the Republican National Committee to officially remove her
>name from an invite list ..."
> Spoilsport !

Spoilsport !

== 5 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 2 2010 2:59 am
From: Cliff

On Thu, 1 Apr 2010 15:38:02 -0700 (PDT), Just Me <>

>Actually atheist is lack of belief in a supernatural diety,you don't
>believe in lack of belief.An Agnostic is basically someone who doesn't
>have the guts to state one or the other.The thing is most people who
>believe in gods of one sort or another simply don't seem to be able to
>comprehend that some of us not need to believe in fairy friends.And
>before you go off on lack of proof one way or the other I personally
>entertain the notion if someone can show me convincing evidence to the
>reasonable existance of some dieity or another without resorting back
>to the bible said so,or it on page three of superman 5 or something,or
>using the god of gaps argument,just because there is much about that
>natural world we don't understand,probably will never understand
>doesn't point to the existance of a supernatural being.
>On Mar 30, 4:10 pm, Gunner Asch <> wrote:
>> On Tue, 30 Mar 2010 10:57:37 -0700 (PDT), Just Me
>> <> wrote:
>> >So what wrong with being atheist,it at least show you have a
>> >questioning mind and don't simply swallow the mythology as told by the
>> >religious lot.I'd rather be known as an atheist that by any religious/
>> >spiritual alternatives,not a single one has anything to offer but fear
>> >and ignorance.
>> Atheism, just another faith based religious belief.
>> Your statement would be actually TRUE if  you had said Agnostic.
>> But atheists are just as rigidly sure of their beliefs as the strongest
>> Xtian.
>> But hey...believe what you want.
>> Gunner

Poor gummer cannot even prove that he exists.
Thus he is in no position to declare about anybody or anything else.

TOPIC: Too late

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 2 2010 3:15 am
From: Cliff

On Thu, 01 Apr 2010 11:55:39 -0500, Randy <> wrote:

>Why is it that right after the tool breaks you realize what you did

It's about the same as finding what you lost in
the last place you look for it.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 2 2010 3:17 am
From: Cliff

On Thu, 01 Apr 2010 11:55:39 -0500, Randy <> wrote:

>Why is it that right after the tool breaks you realize what you did
>wrong? It seems you can't plunge a 1/2" d 3 fl roughing end mill
>into aluminum at 132 IPM. oops.
>I was leaving too much material for my 1 degree tapered end mill to
>clean up and just wanted to redo the toolpath out a little father, but
>I had full depth set for the last pass.
>Thank You,
>Remove 333 from email address to reply.

Did you save the chip for show & tell?
I have one IIRC <G>.

TOPIC: How to center a chuck ?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 2 2010 4:17 am
From: Jim Wilkins

On Apr 1, 10:59 pm, "azotic" <> wrote:
> ...
> Nope not a steady rest. Its a real machining chuck, picked it up at a garage
> sale for $10.00.
> Best Regards
> Tom

What are you going to do with the $1105.56 you saved?
Or with the chuck?


TOPIC: Am I a fool to buy this mill/drill?

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 2 2010 5:13 am
From: Jim Wilkins

On Apr 1, 9:46 pm, "Michael Koblic" <> wrote:
> "Jim Wilkins" <> wrote in message
> >....
> > Once you are sure you will keep the vise you can mill a shallow slot
> > under the base for a locating bar that fits a tee slot. Then you don't
> > have to square up the vise whenever you remove and reinstall it.
> Into the base of the vise itself? Don't you have to remove the vise and turn
> it over for that. I cannot visualize it...
> --
> Michael Koblic,
> Campbell River, BC

Yes. Make a rectangular bar thats a sliding fit in the tee slot, clamp
it part way into the slot with a block underneath and mill a narrow
step in both sides. The sides of the steps will then be parallel to
the X axis whether or not the tee slots are. They weren't on the

Clamp the vise upside down on the steps. Now the jaws are parallel to
the X axis. Mill a *shallow* slot in the base to accept the stepped
side of the bar. I try for a finger-tight press fit. Drill and tap for
two screws to hold the bar on when you pull the vise off the table.

Only the width of the slot and the bar need match, the slot doesn't
have to take the full depth of the step in the bar. After milling the
steps I smoothed them and beveled the top edges with a file before
cutting the slot in the vise base.

I haven't tried it but I think you could make the bar extend beyond
the sides of the vise and put nut plates under it to clamp the vise
down to the table if the built-in mounting tabs don't line up with tee

I hope that's clear. It's hard to take a fresh look at it after
editing it over and over for an hour.


== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 2 2010 5:43 am
From: Tom Ivar Helbekkmo

Jim Wilkins <> writes:

> After you remove the vise from the swivel base you can attach it
> anywhere on the table with a clamp kit:

Yup - I have one of those kits; the standard 42 piece 12mm (7/16")
T-slot, M10 threaded kit. I had to find a couple of M10 screws and cut
the heads off them to be able to clamp the vise, though: the clamp kit
can't clamp anything that thin, because even the shortest of the
supplied studs are too long. (They have this non-threaded bit in the
middle that limits how close to the table you can get the nut.)

In fact, I'm a tiny bit miffed at Sieg for not including any mounting
hardware for the vise with either the mill or the vise. The mill came
with two T-nuts. Would it bankrupt them to include the right size studs
and nuts, too, so it was ready to accept a vise? I'd happily forgo yet
another set of cheap and ugly end wrenches to offset the cost. :)

> On my mill the table is 6" wide front to rear, the vise is 16" long.
> [setup description elided]

Wow! OK, I'm not going to worry about the vise overhanging the table.
I'll just make sure I've got it clamped so that it's firmly held to the
center of the table, with the work piece held so that it, too, is over
the table itself.

Thanks for your help!

Self documenting code isn't. User application constraints don't. --Ed Prochak

TOPIC: Actual Metalworking

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 2 2010 6:33 am
From: Wes

Tim Wescott <> wrote:

>_And_ it starts with a ni-starter -- Cox glow heads _demand_ a good dry
>cell battery, and just sneer at you if you try to give them 1.2V from a

That .3v per cell matters at times.

I took the liberty of putting links in for you.

Did you rework it or did you make it from scratch?


TOPIC: Speed Rack max load

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 2 2010 5:33 am
From: "Karl Townsend"

I have the older style of Speed Rack brand warehouse rack in my barn. Its
painted yellow. All this generation has this color from what I've seen.
About 1985 this design was obsoleted and replaced with the blue speedrack.

Anyway, I need to put a 500 gallon water tank ten feet high. I'm sure the
verticals will hold the 4000 lbs. as they were originally for five pallets
high. But I wonder about the loadbeams. Anyone know? Or, how would you



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