Friday, April 2, 2010

rec.crafts.metalworking - 4 new messages in 4 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* OT - free 78 and 45 ink jet cartriges - 1 messages, 1 author
* Manufacturing is BOOMING in USA - 1 messages, 1 author
* Layoff Letter - 1 messages, 1 author
* Future Space programs Re: Anniversary of an amazingly enduring design - 1
messages, 1 author

TOPIC: OT - free 78 and 45 ink jet cartriges

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 2 2010 9:49 pm
From: jk

"Bill Noble" <nobody@nowhere.invalid> wrote:

>from a neighbor's printer that died - seem to have lots of ink in them -
>thought they would fit a friend's printer but they don't - pay postage only
I would gladly take the 45s, the work for my plotter


TOPIC: Manufacturing is BOOMING in USA

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Apr 1 2010 10:14 pm
From: "Harold & Susan Vordos"

"Ed Huntress" <> wrote in message
> "RBnDFW" <> wrote in message
> news:hp2sch$9t$
>> Pete C. wrote:
>>> Hawke wrote:
>>>> On 4/1/2010 10:28 AM, Ignoramus23298 wrote:
>>>>> Manufacturing Expands World-Wide
>>>>> Best month of activity in USA in six years, makes my search for an
>>>>> investment in a warehouse, possibly, even too late, although
>>>>> realistically I still have a chance. My own opinion, mostly based on
>>>>> liquidation auction prices for equipment that is usable in modern
>>>>> production (as opposed to clapped out 50 year old manual lathes), is
>>>>> that we are about to see sharp economic growth.
>>>>> U.S. factory operators saw their best month of activity in nearly six
>>>>> years during March. The Institute for Supply Management reported
>>>>> Thursday that its index of manufacturing activity for March moved to a
>>>>> reading of 59.6, from 56.5 the month before and 58.4 in
>>>>> January. March's level was above the 57.0 economists had expected to
>>>>> see, and it was the highest reading since July 2004. Readings over 50
>>>>> indicate growth.
>>>>> I do think that "Obama haters" , who succumbed to pessimism because of
>>>>> who is in the White House, are making a big mistake in not recognizing
>>>>> that this country has every potential to be a great economic and
>>>>> industrial machine. We are now in a bull stock market by any standard,
>>>>> and are seeing improvements in both growth and productivity. If this
>>>>> continues, the United States will see a lot of incremental tax
>>>>> revenues from additional economic activity and capital gains, and that
>>>>> alone could be a big help to reduce budget deficit.
>>>>> "Obama policies", which anyone should be free to like or not like, do
>>>>> not fundamentally change the fact that we are a dynamic, capitalist
>>>>> economy. In fact, availability of health insurance may help someone to
>>>>> move towards self-employment.
>>>>> i
>>>> Don't try to tell right wingers that anything Obama is doing is
>>>> working,
>>>> is good policy, is successful, or is the right thing to do. They
>>>> continue to believe in the tried and failed policies that Bush and the
>>>> republicans stand for, and that they put in place when Bush was
>>>> president. What's scary is that they want another chance to implement
>>>> the exact same failed policies again. They have simply not learned that
>>>> what they believed was wrong. So don't try to tell them Obama's way of
>>>> doing things is good. They won't hear of it. They're wedded to failed
>>>> policies and that's that. Now the rest of the normal people are all
>>>> starting to see what you see and what I have already said before,
>>>> things
>>>> are turning around and we are beginning a new phase of positive
>>>> economic
>>>> growth. Just be happy we're coming out of the Bush debacle and are
>>>> moving ahead once again and make some moves that allow you to profit
>>>> from seeing the obvious.
>>>> Hawke
>>> Unfortunately, nobody left or right can admit when their policies have
>>> failed, and mostly nobody can even correlate their policies and the
>>> actual results since there is such a long lag time before they typically
>>> have any effect. This is of course why everything is cyclic.
>> Of course there's lag time.
>> The Bush policies are finally starting to yield positive results.
>> Of course, BHO's lackeys won't be giving Bush credit.
> Just one question here: Are you completely out of your freaking mind?
> --
> Ed Huntress
What I know and understand about politics wouldn't cover the bottom of a
very small thimble, but I have to ask, just as Ed did.
Are you out of your freaking mind? Ten years for Bush policies to start
working? Seems to me, they started working long ago. Why the hell do
you think we've been in the mess we've "enjoyed"?


TOPIC: Layoff Letter

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Apr 1 2010 10:34 pm
From: "RAM³"

Ignoramus23298 <ignoramus23298@NOSPAM.23298.invalid> wrote in news:lb2dnY13

> The letter was pure fiction, right?


It floated around the e-mail joke circuit almost 9 months ago - around the
time that the Health Reform bills were being introduced.

TOPIC: Future Space programs Re: Anniversary of an amazingly enduring design

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Apr 1 2010 11:39 pm
From: pyotr filipivich

Let the Record show that Wes <> on or about Thu, 01
Apr 2010 17:23:17 -0500 did write/type or cause to appear in
rec.crafts.metalworking the following:
>pyotr filipivich <> wrote:
>> But you have to pilot a space craft all the way to touch down.
>>There is no "free" negative acceleration on the moon. Now, one of the
>>nifty things about the moon is that because there is no atmosphere,
>>there is nothing to prevent you from orbiting a meter from the
>>surface. But you can orbit there forever, because there is nothing to
>>slow you down for a reentry/landing.
>I think the pressure the sun exerts on your craft will cause it to deorbit eventually.

That is a distinct possibility. But probably not for quite some
time, and ordinary mortals count time.
Still, it is much more possible to have something orbit the moon
at a minimum pero-luna of 1 meter, than to have something with a
perogee of 1 meter.

pyotr filipivich
We will drink no whiskey before its nine.
It's eight fifty eight. Close enough!


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