Sunday, April 18, 2010

rec.crafts.metalworking - 26 new messages in 10 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Do TMT's mommies have two Glocks too? - 4 messages, 3 authors
* OT- Pension funds - 1 messages, 1 author
* The Right Wing is 'Trawling for Assassins'! - 11 messages, 5 authors
* Another state passes Constitutional Carry! - 3 messages, 3 authors
* Life Mag, 1940 issue, on US tool making industry. - 2 messages, 1 author
* 1938 Austria...... - 1 messages, 1 author
* Teaparty's Money - 1 messages, 1 author
* Cutting steel w/ a circular saw.... Re: Cutting Aluminum Stock - 1 messages,
1 author
* The Sarah Palin Network - 1 messages, 1 author
* O'booverville gets a reprieve in N.J. - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Do TMT's mommies have two Glocks too?

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 18 2010 6:25 pm
From: Shall not be infringed

On Apr 18, 6:14 pm, Hawke <> wrote:
> On 4/18/2010 8:40 AM, Chief Egalitarian wrote:
> > "Shall not be infringed" <> wrote in
> > message
> >
> >> On Apr 17, 9:32 pm, "Chief Egalitarian" <> wrote:
> >>> Obviously he's concerned that he might become an unexpected casualty
> >>> of some
> >>> other lib's failed suicide attempt. We see it in the papers each day.
> >>> Libs
> >>> with guns, what's next, a women President?
> >> What would you do if a liberal co-worker asked you to teach them to
> >> shoot a firearm?
> > Well, I certainly would make sure he paid for the lesson BEFORE we got
> > started :-)
> Yeah, whatever they do after I show them how to use a weapon properly is
> their business.

Are you sure a liberal prosecutor will see it that way?

> I also believe suicide is a natural right. So if they
> want to end it all who am I to say they can't?
> Hawke

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 18 2010 6:28 pm
From: "Chief Egalitarian"

"Hawke" <> wrote in message
> On 4/18/2010 9:37 AM, Gray Ghost wrote:
>> Hawke<> wrote in news:hqe4a4$j0g$1
>>> On 4/17/2010 1:19 PM, Too_Many_Tools wrote:
>>>> On Apr 17, 2:08 pm, Hawke<> wrote:
>>>>> On 4/16/2010 11:26 PM, Chief Egalitarian wrote:
>>>>> I just wonder how you would like it when people like me start open
>>>>> carrying? It seems you think it's a great idea for everyone to have
>>>>> open
>>>>> carry. When we "liberals" start carrying our guns out in public
>>>>> something tells me you're not going to like it. Apparently, you think
>>>>> only people like you are going to open carry. You can believe me, when
>>>>> people who vehemently disagree with everything you stand for and
>>>>> dislike
>>>>> you personally start coming around you carrying loaded weapons I think
>>>>> your discomfort level is going to go off the chart. If open carry is
>>>>> allowed you can count on those of us who oppose you politically to be
>>>>> carrying beau-coup firepower everywhere we go. Hope you like it.
>>>>> Hawke
>>>> He will crap in his pants.
>>>> As he should...since his kind can't shoot worth a damn.
>>>> I see clowns at the range ever day making excuses.
>>>> TMT
>>> I go to a gun club to shoot all the time. I'm amazed at how bad most
>>> people shoot. You would think that someone who goes to a gun club to
>>> shoot a gun they own would be able to shoot a lot better than anyone off
>>> the street but you'd be surprised how lousy most gun owners are at using
>>> their weapon. Not only are most people bad shots they are also very bad
>>> at safely handling their weapons. Lots of people are a threat to
>>> themselves and others just because of their lack of competence. Then you
>>> have the element of actually using a gun in a high stress situation. The
>>> average Joe can't shoot worth beans and then you put him under massive
>>> stress and watch how he reacts. It's not pretty. Most people should not
>>> bother getting a gun. It takes a real commitment to have one; to know
>>> how to use it safely, to be any good with it, to have the mental
>>> fortitude to use it if you have to, and to care for it properly. That's
>>> way too much for most people. But for the few that are willing to take
>>> the time to learn how to do it right then there is no reason not to. But
>>> it's not for the average schmo. Even if it is legal.
>>> Hawke
>> Must be a gun club full of liberals because at the clubs I've been to
>> over the
>> years most of the shooters were quite competent and safe. Must be a
>> liberal
>> thing.
> No, it's a matter of you not actually being around very many shooters. If
> you've been to a public range you would know what I'm talking about. But
> you've probably only been to real fancy schmancy ranges like the Beverly
> Hills Gun Club that Eddie Murphy went to in the movie Beverly Hills Cop.
> If you have really been to any ranges open to the public you would have
> seen many examples of dangerous gun handling and plenty of people doing
> unsafe things with their weapons. I'll chalk up your ignorance to lack of
> experience around average and below average gun owners. You must be one of
> those elite republican businessmen that never comes in contact with the
> little people.

I've also been to numerous ranges and haven't experienced safety problems,
knock wood. Even the first time shooters exhibit extra caution, in my
opinion, perhaps even more careful than the most experienced shooters.
Again, if I had to give my advice to you, that would be to associate with a
different class of people. Your bottom of the barrel pals will get you in
trouble someday. Maybe you are just shooting with all of those illegal
Mexicans you've grown to love over the past 40 years. Maybe they don't
understand the safety instructions in English?

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 18 2010 6:31 pm
From: Winston_Smith

Shall not be infringed <> wrote:
>On Apr 18, 7:17 pm, Winston_Smith <> wrote:
>> Hawke <> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Aren't there already laws prohibiting all that?  A bunch of laws?
>> >> Stacks of laws?  Layer upon layer of laws?
>> >Yeah, like murder. That's against the law isn't it? People still do it
>> >anyway. Some people do. So should we no have laws become some people
>> >break them? Laws never stop everyone from doing wrong. They do stop a
>> >lot though and that is all we expect, not perfection.
>> I don't refrain from murdering because it's against the law.  I
>> refrain because it's wrong.
>Why is it wrong?

You gotta work that one out for yourself. Come at it from religion,
morality, ethics, or philosophy, the conclusion seems to be the same.

>Humanists seem to look to the natural world for their moral cues,
>because, after all, we're just animals.

Works there too. Willful killing is rare in the animal kingdom, at
least within a species. Few fights are to the death as there are
clear and common rules for who backs down before it gets to that

>> Normal people instinctively know what's right and wrong and act
>> accordingly.  
>Our society is now full of adult "crack babies" and others with no
>sense of right or wrong.

They are not "normal people" and there is no reason to consider them
differently than any other criminal that kills.

>> The only reason we have to reduce that natural sense to
>> laws is to provide a basis to prosecute and punish people that break
>> normal standards.  Once we can prosecute them ten times over what's
>> the value of law eleven?
>> It's questionable if laws actually prevent anything because the
>> criminal always figures they can get away with it or they wouldn't do
>> the crime in the first place.
>> Punishment is not really a deterrent.  All we need for that is to
>> frame some poor bastard and make a lot of publicity about catching
>> him.  And again, the criminal has figured they have a way to get away
>> with it that the guy in the newspaper wasn't smart enough to see.

WS in a.s and m.s
Two parties, not a dimes worth of difference.

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 18 2010 6:45 pm
From: "Chief Egalitarian"

"Hawke" <> wrote in message
> On 4/17/2010 11:48 PM, Don Foreman wrote:
>> On Sat, 17 Apr 2010 22:34:47 -0700, Hawke
>> <> wrote:
>>> If you want to get a permit and carry
>>> concealed I think that is sensible. But just walking around everybody
>>> else with a gun on your hip like a cop seems a little weird, if you ask
>>> me.
>>> Hawke
>> Roger that.
>> If ya wanna be a cop, do the training regimen and take the job.
>> A CCW does not make the posessor an ersatz cop, champion of the
>> oppressed, defender of others. It merely conveys the legal right to
>> carry a weapon. Actual use of that weapon is subject to lots more law,
>> both criminal and civial. Legal defense is expensive, figure $50K
>> minimum. Acceptable if death would obviously and provably been the
>> result of not killing, pricey otherwise. You have seconds to make that
>> decision, and however that turns out the perp's rellies who mourned
>> his sorry ass while he was planted at public cost will know your
>> address.
> You're right on the money. The first problem you have if you use a gun for
> self defense is are you correct in that judgment. Were you legally right
> when you decided to use deadly force? You may have to make that decision
> very quickly and without knowing a lot of the facts. Then if you do use
> your weapon comes the second guessing by the state. Was it all legal and
> proper? Hopefully it was and you aren't prosecuted for using the weapon
> when you didn't have the legal right to do it. But even if you were
> legally allowed to use the weapon you're not free from civil liability.
> The person you shot can sue you even if you were legally in the right and
> they may win in court. Last comes the psychological impact on you that
> comes from shooting another human being. Some people have no trouble with
> this but others are greatly affected by shooting another person even
> though they had to. So the truth is it's a hell of a big responsibility to
> even have a gun on you. Even more so if you actually ever use it. Most
> people never give things like this a thought until its way too late.

Depending where you are, you may not have to worry about the civil courts.
Many Staes shield the self defender against civil repercussions if the
shooting was done in self defense. I'll agree about the psychological impact
that some people might feel. I may even feel sad for a short time but take
comfort in the fact that it was them instead of me or a loved one. Ice cream
usually cheers me up a bit :-) Actually, the honest citizen who defends
himself probably give it much more thought than the bad guy does.

TOPIC: OT- Pension funds

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 18 2010 6:27 pm
From: Stuart Wheaton

Ed Huntress wrote:
> "Wes" <> wrote in message
> news:994yn.219411$
>> "azotic" <> wrote:
>>>> There was an interesting piece recently about some podunk town and their
>>>> new
>>>> waste treatment plant.
>>>> I can't remember where I saw it but it had to do with the scams (all
>>>> legal)
>>>> that were run on local governments.
>>>> In the instance I viewed, several city council members might end up in
>>>> jail.
>>> I think this is the story:
>>> A very intresting read.
>> Sure was. If the story was true, there should be a RICO prosecution of
>> the bank.
>> Wes
> Wes, that's banks doing bank business. That's what freewheeling competition
> in the financial industry breeds. It's another case of market failure.
> And Matt Taibbi, as much as I love his writing, sometimes runs a little over
> the top with his interpretations of the facts. d8-)

Ed, as far as financial journalism goes, have you followed the NPR "This
American Life" / "Planet Money" Team reports about the crisis?

Of particular note were "giant pool of money"

Another Frightening Show About the Economy

Bad bank

The watchmen

And last weeks joint story with Pro publica on Magnetar

These guys seem to be doing a very thorough autopsy on what actually
happened, and not looking for the easiest scapegoats.

TOPIC: The Right Wing is 'Trawling for Assassins'!

== 1 of 11 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 18 2010 6:39 pm
From: "larry moe 'n curly"

Gunner Asch wrote:
> History shows that the Ku Klux Klan was the terrorist arm of the Democrat[ic] Party.

The key word here is "was". Those old Southern Democrats/Dixicrats
are gone because almost all of them converted to the Republican party
after Lyndon Johnson, a Democrat, got the Voting Rights Act passed in
1964. Today's Republican party is nothing like the party of Lincoln
but a lot more like the old Democratic/Dixicrat party, while today's
Democrats are the real ideological descendants of Lincoln.

You really need to give up your delusions.

== 2 of 11 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 18 2010 7:15 pm
From: Sharky

larry moe 'n curly wrote:
>Gunner Asch wrote:
>> History shows that the Ku Klux Klan was the terrorist arm of the Democrat[ic] Party.
>The key word here is "was". Those old Southern Democrats/Dixicrats
>are gone because almost all of them converted to the Republican party
>after Lyndon Johnson, a Democrat, got the Voting Rights Act passed in
>1964. Today's Republican party is nothing like the party of Lincoln
>but a lot more like the old Democratic/Dixicrat party, while today's
>Democrats are the real ideological descendants of Lincoln.

It was the Republican party that championed the Civil Rights Act and
were able to beat off the challenges from KKK members of the Democrat
party to push the legislation through congress.

Albert Gore Sr., and Robert Byrd, a former Klansman whom Democrats
still call "the conscience of the Senate" (and currently forth in line
for the Presidency), filibustered against the civil rights bill for
fourteen straight hours before the final vote.

The House of Representatives passed the bill by 289 to 124, a vote in
which 80% of Republicans and 63% of Democrats voted "yes".

The Senate vote was 73 to 27, with 21 Democrats and only 6 Republicans
voting "no"

>You really need to give up your delusions.

You really need to stop trying to distort history.

== 3 of 11 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 18 2010 7:42 pm
From: "Ed Huntress"

"Sharky" <sharky@hellsgates.cor> wrote in message
> larry moe 'n curly wrote:
>>Gunner Asch wrote:
>>> History shows that the Ku Klux Klan was the terrorist arm of the
>>> Democrat[ic] Party.
>>The key word here is "was". Those old Southern Democrats/Dixicrats
>>are gone because almost all of them converted to the Republican party
>>after Lyndon Johnson, a Democrat, got the Voting Rights Act passed in
>>1964. Today's Republican party is nothing like the party of Lincoln
>>but a lot more like the old Democratic/Dixicrat party, while today's
>>Democrats are the real ideological descendants of Lincoln.
> It was the Republican party that championed the Civil Rights Act and
> were able to beat off the challenges from KKK members of the Democrat
> party to push the legislation through congress.
> Albert Gore Sr., and Robert Byrd, a former Klansman whom Democrats
> still call "the conscience of the Senate" (and currently forth in line
> for the Presidency), filibustered against the civil rights bill for
> fourteen straight hours before the final vote.
> The House of Representatives passed the bill by 289 to 124, a vote in
> which 80% of Republicans and 63% of Democrats voted "yes".
> The Senate vote was 73 to 27, with 21 Democrats and only 6 Republicans
> voting "no"
>>You really need to give up your delusions.
> You really need to stop trying to distort history.

But none of that has anything to do with the two parties today. Not one
Southern Republican Senator voted in favor of the bill. Only one Southern
Democrat Senator voted in favor. Only 7 Southern Democrats voted in favor of
the House bill; not one Southern Republican voted in favor.

The split was not between parties, but between north and south. And then, as
you know, and as even Gunner knows, Nixon exploited that split and got those
Southern Democrats to switch over to the Republican Party, through what is
called today his "Southern strategy."

Nearly all of the racists are in the Republican Party now. The Northern
Republicans who spearheaded the CRA through Congress, such as my old hero Ev
Dirksen, would now be driven out of the Republican Party as "RINOs."

You know it and Gunner knows it.

Ed Huntress

== 4 of 11 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 18 2010 7:45 pm
From: Too_Many_Tools

On Apr 18, 11:11 am, "f. barnes" <> wrote:
> On Apr 18, 11:00 am, Shall not be infringed <hot-ham-and-
>> wrote:
> > On Apr 18, 6:11 am, Cliff <>
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > [
> > > Radical right wingers --tea baggers et al --are accused of 'trawling for
> > > assassins. It's but one of several outrages now associated with the
> > > disingenuous, bigoted 'tea bagger movement'. The idea of 'assassinating' a
> > > President because he is both black and Democratic threatens to finish off
> > > America as a nation of noble ideals. Earlier the self-absorbed right wing
> > > --thinking themselves rich --allowed themselves to be used by a GOP party
> > > machine. They were fooled. To them, I say that like the rest of us, you have
> > > awakened as a cockroach unless you were one already. A nation in which about one
> > > half of the population openly pines for the murder of the only fairly elected
> > > president in some 9 years may be finished. It's hard to see any redemption
> > > following from that crooked, malevolent mentality. The writing is on the wall.
> > > The American ideals most us grew up with are on life-support!
> > > ....
> > > Not only have the Wall Street Journal and the hosts of Fox News been issuing
> > > their usual dark mutterings, but a new slogan has began appearing on bumper
> > > stickers, t-shirts, and even teddy bears: "Pray for Obama: Psalm 109:8."That
> > > psalm reads, "Let his days be few; and let another take his office. Let his
> > > children be fatherless, and his wife a widow."Maddow seemed mainly amused by the
> > > teddy bears, but when she turned for comment to former right-wing evangelical
> > > leader Frank Schaeffer, he emphasized that in a religious context "it means
> > > something more threatening.""The situation that I find genuinely frightening
> > > right now," Schaeffer explained, "is that you have a ramping up of biblical
> > > language ... and what it's coalescing into is branding Obama ... as 'not us.'
> > > ... Now he joins the ranks of the unjust kings of ancient Israel ... who should
> > > be slaughtered, if not by God then by just men."--Former evangelist: Religious
> > > right is 'trawling for assassins'
> > > ...
> > > ]
> > The present administration painted Veterans as terrorists, so it
> > doesn't surprise me that they are now afraid of their own shadows.- Hide quoted text -
> Demonizing conservatives could lead to violence.  Somebody could have
> the thought, "If we have the name, why not have the game?"  Liberals
> need to be careful in what they say, tone down the vileness of their
> smear tactics.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Are Glenn and Rush liberals?


== 5 of 11 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 18 2010 7:45 pm
From: Gunner Asch

On Sun, 18 Apr 2010 18:39:37 -0700 (PDT), "larry moe 'n curly"
<> wrote:

>The key word here is "was". Those old Southern Democrats/Dixicrats
>are gone because almost all of them converted to the Republican party
>after Lyndon Johnson, a Democrat, got the Voting Rights Act passed in

You mean when the Republicans voted to pass the Voting Act, right? And
all the Democrats, Like Al Gores daddy..and Bubba Clintons mentor were
all voting against it?

And it should be noted..that Yellow Dog Democrats still count high in
the KKK.

Say..hows the eldest Senator ..Democrat doing these days? You
know...Grand Kleagle..Robert Bryd?

Gone you say? LAUGH LAUGH LAUGH! He is the Celebrated Elder
Statesment of the Democratic Party...

Changed my ass....


== 6 of 11 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 18 2010 7:45 pm
From: Too_Many_Tools

On Apr 18, 12:32 pm, "Ed Huntress" <> wrote:
> "f. barnes" <> wrote in message
> <snip>
> >Demonizing conservatives could lead to violence.  Somebody could have
> >the thought, "If we have the name, why not have the game?"  Liberals
> >need to be careful in what they say, tone down the vileness of their
> >smear tactics.
> If somebody says nasty things about you, you're going to shoot them, right?
> I mean, why else would they have to be "careful"? Or what kind of "violence"
> did you have in mind?
> Another threat from the right, eh? That's why you're considered by decent
> people to be such sleazes, like schoolyard bullies who never grew up.
> --
> Ed Huntress

Well said.


== 7 of 11 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 18 2010 7:46 pm
From: Gunner Asch

On Sun, 18 Apr 2010 22:15:40 -0400, Sharky <sharky@hellsgates.cor>

>larry moe 'n curly wrote:
>>Gunner Asch wrote:
>>> History shows that the Ku Klux Klan was the terrorist arm of the Democrat[ic] Party.
>>The key word here is "was". Those old Southern Democrats/Dixicrats
>>are gone because almost all of them converted to the Republican party
>>after Lyndon Johnson, a Democrat, got the Voting Rights Act passed in
>>1964. Today's Republican party is nothing like the party of Lincoln
>>but a lot more like the old Democratic/Dixicrat party, while today's
>>Democrats are the real ideological descendants of Lincoln.
>It was the Republican party that championed the Civil Rights Act and
>were able to beat off the challenges from KKK members of the Democrat
>party to push the legislation through congress.
>Albert Gore Sr., and Robert Byrd, a former Klansman whom Democrats
>still call "the conscience of the Senate" (and currently forth in line
>for the Presidency), filibustered against the civil rights bill for
>fourteen straight hours before the final vote.
>The House of Representatives passed the bill by 289 to 124, a vote in
>which 80% of Republicans and 63% of Democrats voted "yes".
>The Senate vote was 73 to 27, with 21 Democrats and only 6 Republicans
>voting "no"
>>You really need to give up your delusions.
>You really need to stop trying to distort history.

Thats what Leftwingers do. They try to pull a carpet over their
shitpiles and hopes no one smells their stink.


== 8 of 11 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 18 2010 7:48 pm
From: Too_Many_Tools

On Apr 18, 3:58 pm, Hawke <> wrote:
> On 4/18/2010 6:39 AM, Too_Many_Tools wrote:
> > On Apr 18, 5:11 am, Cliff<>
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> [
> >> Radical right wingers --tea baggers et al --are accused of 'trawling for
> >> assassins. It's but one of several outrages now associated with the
> >> disingenuous, bigoted 'tea bagger movement'. The idea of 'assassinating' a
> >> President because he is both black and Democratic threatens to finish off
> >> America as a nation of noble ideals. Earlier the self-absorbed right wing
> >> --thinking themselves rich --allowed themselves to be used by a GOP party
> >> machine. They were fooled. To them, I say that like the rest of us, you have
> >> awakened as a cockroach unless you were one already. A nation in which about one
> >> half of the population openly pines for the murder of the only fairly elected
> >> president in some 9 years may be finished. It's hard to see any redemption
> >> following from that crooked, malevolent mentality. The writing is on the wall.
> >> The American ideals most us grew up with are on life-support!
> >> ....
> >> Not only have the Wall Street Journal and the hosts of Fox News been issuing
> >> their usual dark mutterings, but a new slogan has began appearing on bumper
> >> stickers, t-shirts, and even teddy bears: "Pray for Obama: Psalm 109:8."That
> >> psalm reads, "Let his days be few; and let another take his office. Let his
> >> children be fatherless, and his wife a widow."Maddow seemed mainly amused by the
> >> teddy bears, but when she turned for comment to former right-wing evangelical
> >> leader Frank Schaeffer, he emphasized that in a religious context "it means
> >> something more threatening.""The situation that I find genuinely frightening
> >> right now," Schaeffer explained, "is that you have a ramping up of biblical
> >> language ... and what it's coalescing into is branding Obama ... as 'not us.'
> >> ... Now he joins the ranks of the unjust kings of ancient Israel ... who should
> >> be slaughtered, if not by God then by just men."--Former evangelist: Religious
> >> right is 'trawling for assassins'
> >> ...
> >> ]
> > Good post.
> > Quite true.
> > Society is and will continue to deal with the conservative nutjobs.
> > TMT
> Yes it will, but would it be wrong of me to say dealt with in a violent way?
> Hawke- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


What goes around comes around.

If the nutjobs want to use violence, society has respond in kind.

And society has a MUCH BIGGER HAMMER.


== 9 of 11 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 18 2010 7:49 pm
From: Too_Many_Tools

On Apr 18, 4:47 pm, Gunner Asch <> wrote:
> On Sun, 18 Apr 2010 09:00:40 -0700 (PDT), Shall not be infringed
> <> wrote:
> >On Apr 18, 6:11 am, Cliff <>
> >wrote:
> >>
> >> [
> >> Radical right wingers --tea baggers et al --are accused of 'trawling for
> >> assassins. It's but one of several outrages now associated with the
> >> disingenuous, bigoted 'tea bagger movement'. The idea of 'assassinating' a
> >> President because he is both black and Democratic threatens to finish off
> >> America as a nation of noble ideals. Earlier the self-absorbed right wing
> >> --thinking themselves rich --allowed themselves to be used by a GOP party
> >> machine. They were fooled. To them, I say that like the rest of us, you have
> >> awakened as a cockroach unless you were one already. A nation in which about one
> >> half of the population openly pines for the murder of the only fairly elected
> >> president in some 9 years may be finished. It's hard to see any redemption
> >> following from that crooked, malevolent mentality. The writing is on the wall.
> >> The American ideals most us grew up with are on life-support!
> >> ....
> >> Not only have the Wall Street Journal and the hosts of Fox News been issuing
> >> their usual dark mutterings, but a new slogan has began appearing on bumper
> >> stickers, t-shirts, and even teddy bears: "Pray for Obama: Psalm 109:8."That
> >> psalm reads, "Let his days be few; and let another take his office. Let his
> >> children be fatherless, and his wife a widow."Maddow seemed mainly amused by the
> >> teddy bears, but when she turned for comment to former right-wing evangelical
> >> leader Frank Schaeffer, he emphasized that in a religious context "it means
> >> something more threatening.""The situation that I find genuinely frightening
> >> right now," Schaeffer explained, "is that you have a ramping up of biblical
> >> language ... and what it's coalescing into is branding Obama ... as 'not us.'
> >> ... Now he joins the ranks of the unjust kings of ancient Israel ... who should
> >> be slaughtered, if not by God then by just men."--Former evangelist: Religious
> >> right is 'trawling for assassins'
> >> ...
> >> ]
> >The present administration painted Veterans as terrorists, so it
> >doesn't surprise me that they are now afraid of their own shadows.
> Indeed. Veterans who took the Oath, to protect the Constitution from
> "all enemies, foreign and domestic"
> They should be scared to death.  For good reason.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

So says the Coward Of California.

Paid those creditors yet Gunner?


== 10 of 11 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 18 2010 7:50 pm
From: Too_Many_Tools

On Apr 18, 4:49 pm, Gunner Asch <> wrote:
> On Sun, 18 Apr 2010 09:11:40 -0700 (PDT), "f. barnes"
> <> wrote:
> >On Apr 18, 11:00 am, Shall not be infringed <hot-ham-and-
> >> wrote:
> >> On Apr 18, 6:11 am, Cliff <>
> >> wrote:
> >> >
> >> > [
> >> > Radical right wingers --tea baggers et al --are accused of 'trawling for
> >> > assassins. It's but one of several outrages now associated with the
> >> > disingenuous, bigoted 'tea bagger movement'. The idea of 'assassinating' a
> >> > President because he is both black and Democratic threatens to finish off
> >> > America as a nation of noble ideals. Earlier the self-absorbed right wing
> >> > --thinking themselves rich --allowed themselves to be used by a GOP party
> >> > machine. They were fooled. To them, I say that like the rest of us, you have
> >> > awakened as a cockroach unless you were one already. A nation in which about one
> >> > half of the population openly pines for the murder of the only fairly elected
> >> > president in some 9 years may be finished. It's hard to see any redemption
> >> > following from that crooked, malevolent mentality. The writing is on the wall.
> >> > The American ideals most us grew up with are on life-support!
> >> > ....
> >> > Not only have the Wall Street Journal and the hosts of Fox News been issuing
> >> > their usual dark mutterings, but a new slogan has began appearing on bumper
> >> > stickers, t-shirts, and even teddy bears: "Pray for Obama: Psalm 109:8."That
> >> > psalm reads, "Let his days be few; and let another take his office. Let his
> >> > children be fatherless, and his wife a widow."Maddow seemed mainly amused by the
> >> > teddy bears, but when she turned for comment to former right-wing evangelical
> >> > leader Frank Schaeffer, he emphasized that in a religious context "it means
> >> > something more threatening.""The situation that I find genuinely frightening
> >> > right now," Schaeffer explained, "is that you have a ramping up of biblical
> >> > language ... and what it's coalescing into is branding Obama ... as 'not us.'
> >> > ... Now he joins the ranks of the unjust kings of ancient Israel ... who should
> >> > be slaughtered, if not by God then by just men."--Former evangelist: Religious
> >> > right is 'trawling for assassins'
> >> > ...
> >> > ]
> >> The present administration painted Veterans as terrorists, so it
> >> doesn't surprise me that they are now afraid of their own shadows.- Hide quoted text -
> >Demonizing conservatives could lead to violence.  Somebody could have
> >the thought, "If we have the name, why not have the game?"  Liberals
> >need to be careful in what they say, tone down the vileness of their
> >smear tactics.
> they cant. they are mentally ill..sure of their own superiority.  
> Pity they will suddenly find out that they are not superior, when the
> lawn chair is kicked out from beneith them..and the rope snaps their
> neck.
> Gunner- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Plan on swinging from your own porch Gunner?


== 11 of 11 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 18 2010 7:58 pm
From: Too_Many_Tools

On Apr 18, 5:34 pm, "Ed Huntress" <> wrote:
> "Shall not be infringed" <> wrote in
> On Apr 18, 1:32 pm, "Ed Huntress" <> wrote:
> > "f. barnes" <> wrote in message
> >
> > <snip>
> > >Demonizing conservatives could lead to violence. Somebody could have
> > >the thought, "If we have the name, why not have the game?" Liberals
> > >need to be careful in what they say, tone down the vileness of their
> > >smear tactics.
> > If somebody says nasty things about you, you're going to shoot them,
> > right?
> >Ed, I missed that.  Can you show me where barnes said that?
> I'm just asking the question.
> > I mean, why else would they have to be "careful"? Or what kind of
> > "violence"
> > did you have in mind?
> >Oh, I see.  You were just putting words in barnes mouth.
> Barnes is pussfooting like a lawyer, alluding to "violence" and "the game,"
> and couching a threat in "being careful or..." Or what? Violence,
> apparently. But I'm only asking the question.
> I'm just helping him out. He needs a little spine to say openly what he's
> couching in barely deniable terms. He's like Gunner and his Sons of Timothy
> McVeigh. We'll see if he has the honesty and courage to answer directly and
> forthrightly.
> > Another threat from the right, eh? That's why you're considered by decent
> > people to be such sleazes, like schoolyard bullies who never grew up.
> >You appear to be the one doing the bullying; putting words in other
> >peoples mouths, then condemning them for (not) saying it and calling
> >them names.
> I didn't threaten him with anything. I'm not the bully here. The sleazes who
> use backhanded threats -- people "need to be careful" or it could "lead to
> violence" -- are the bullies.
> >Way to go, Ed.  Love that inclusiveness.
> I'm always happy to help people who need a little stiffening of the backbone
> to say what they mean.
> --
> Ed Huntress

Again well said.


TOPIC: Another state passes Constitutional Carry!

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 18 2010 6:46 pm
From: cavelamb

Steve B wrote:
> "Gunner Asch" <> wrote in message
>> On Sat, 17 Apr 2010 21:35:29 -0700, "Steve B"
>> <> wrote:
>>> "Ignoramus25624" <ignoramus25624@NOSPAM.25624.invalid> wrote in message
>>>> I am curious, how does it work out, in reality, when people carry
>>>> concealed weapons into drinking establishments. Has there been many
>>>> armed incidents, or not? I do not want opinions and would rather
>>>> prefer some numbers.
>>>> i
>>> It varies state to state, but I'm going to go out on a limb, and say that
>>> most states ban firearms where they sell liquor. Just as they ban them in
>>> banks, schools, public buildings, libraries, and any private properties
>>> (like Walmart or Walgreens) where the company posts No Firearms Allowed,
>>> Lawful or otherwise.
>>> I wait to be corrected from someone who knows the exact stats. When I
>>> lived
>>> in Texas, it was posted prominently, and was a felony. Not sure if that
>>> still applies. Most bars just use the private property right to ban them,
>>> as alcohol and guns are an unbalanced equation.
>>> Steve
>> California has no restrictions on CCW in bars, etc etc.
>> In fact, I visit bars at least 3 nights a week when Im down in So. Cal
>> working, and I carry.
>> On the other hand..I dont consume booze at all, and go there to play
>> pool.
>> Gunner
> If I didn't drink, I could have made a living out of pool. I have a table
> in my house right now. Old habits die hard.
> Many was the night that I came home with more money than I left with, yet no
> recollection.
> First rule of hustling: Always let them think they can beat you. They will
> play you as long as they THINK they can beat you. Once they realize they
> can't, they quit. And if you ever misjudge a rube, you lose.
> Steve

"The Color of Money" was a good story about just exactly that.


Richard Lamb

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 18 2010 7:06 pm
From: "Michael A. Terrell"

Eregon wrote:
> "John R. Carroll" <> wrote in news:
> > It's not legal to drink in supermarkets so I'd imagine there are fewer
> > shoppers that have alchohol in their system.
> You ARE imagining things.
> > That doesn't mean I haven't seen people that were really loaded in
> > supermarkets. I have. They are the exception, not the rule.
> >
> How often do you go to the supermarket at 0200?

A couple times a week, when I worked second shift. Very few
customers, and they were busy restocking so the selection was better.

Anyone wanting to run for any political office in the US should have to
have a DD214, and a honorable discharge.

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 18 2010 8:21 pm
From: "John R. Carroll"

Michael A. Terrell wrote:
> Eregon wrote:
>> "John R. Carroll" <> wrote in news:
>>> It's not legal to drink in supermarkets so I'd imagine there are
>>> fewer shoppers that have alchohol in their system.
>> You ARE imagining things.
>>> That doesn't mean I haven't seen people that were really loaded in
>>> supermarkets. I have. They are the exception, not the rule.
>> How often do you go to the supermarket at 0200?
> A couple times a week, when I worked second shift. Very few
> customers, and they were busy restocking so the selection was better.

The drunks are usually around restocking for Sunday football or basketball
games after running out at a house party.
Those are the ones I've seen anyway.

John R. Carroll

TOPIC: Life Mag, 1940 issue, on US tool making industry.

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 18 2010 6:53 pm
From: cavelamb

Lewis Hartswick wrote:
> rashid111 wrote:
>> Folx,
>> If any of you are into history, you might know Google has made
>> available, via Google Books, very nice, high-rez scans of Life Mag
>> from 1930 onward.
>> And even if u r not a history buff, you might still like this article:
>> Go to page 84 and enjoy it !
> That is un-believable. This could be a great historical
> bonanza for those into such. It would be even greater
> if it were indexed.
> ...lew...

Try clicking on "Contents"

I was wondering how to find other issues...


Richard Lamb

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 18 2010 6:54 pm
From: cavelamb

Oh My!
That was simple enough

TOPIC: 1938 Austria......

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 18 2010 7:11 pm

On Apr 18, 5:24 pm, Gunner Asch <> wrote:
> Subject: 1938 Austria
> Kitty Werthmann is a native Austrian who remembers well the Third Reich
> reign of terror in Europe.
> Now in her 80's Werthmann is a leader of the South Dakota branch of the
> Eagle
> Forum, a conservative organization headed up by talk radio personality
> and political activist Phyllis Schlafly.  
> Werthmann spends her time speaking on socialism and how Hitler took
> power.
> 1938 Austria
> "After America , There is No Place to Go"
> The author of this article lives in South Dakota and appears to be very
> active in attempting to maintain our freedom. I encourage everybody to
> read this article and pass it along.  I see so many parallels in this
> country–are we going to sit by and watch it happen?  Spread the word;
> also contact your congressional reps; vote them out if they don't do
> what they should.  If you don't want to be bothered, then you're part of
> the problem! Google Kitty Werthmann and you will see articles and
> videos.
> America Truly is the Greatest Country in the World. Don't Let Freedom
> Slip Away
> By: Kitty Werthmann
> What I am about to tell you is something you've probably never heard or
> will ever read in history books.
<economy snip>

> Those who couldn't, paid the price.  There is a monument in Vienna
> today, dedicated to those women who were massacred by the Russians.
> This is an eye witness account.
> "It's true..those of us who sailed past the Statue of Liberty came to a
> country of unbelievable freedom and opportunity.
> America Truly is the Greatest Country in the World. Don't Let Freedom
> Slip Away
> "After America , There is No Place to Go"

80 years is just enough time for generations to forget the insidious
nature of history's tyrants backed by Satanic Banksters.

Thus, they answer all the questions on the "census."

Thank god for the internet or no one would have a clue.

I think The Earth is pissed.

Dig in.

TOPIC: Teaparty's Money

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 18 2010 7:14 pm
From: "Michael A. Terrell"

Buerste wrote:
> "John R. Carroll" <> wrote in message
> > Buerste wrote:
> >> <> wrote in message
> >>
> >>> On Sat, 17 Apr 2010 12:01:29 -0700, Hawke
> >>> <> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Now we know who the tea partiers are from the polling the NY Times
> >>>> did on them, that they are mainly older white males, with college
> >>>> educations and higher incomes than average, what else have we
> >>>> learned about them?
> >>>
> >>> That they're almost as likely as gummer to overrate their income and
> >>> intelligence? I don't know a single teapartier who is wealthy. Many
> >>> of the ones I know have one source of income - SS. A few I can think
> >>> of would qualify as "higher than average" income, mostly because the
> >>> average in the area is about $10 an hour. Two work for local
> >>> government. Some are the type who'll say that hating n*iggers doesn't
> >>> make them racists.
> >>>
> >>> Anybody know how many teapartiers were called, and if a sample of the
> >>> answers was verified in any way? Were the respondents told what
> >>> constitutes "average income", or were they simply asked if they
> >>> believed they were above average? I'm thinking the majority live in
> >>> Lake Wobegon.
> >>>
> >>> Wayne
> >>
> >> Whistling past the graveyard, I see. You've never met a Tea Party
> >> affiliate, you obviously don't get out much, why pretend?
> >
> > Have you Tom?
> <snip>
> > John R. Carroll
> >
> >
> I just love the way that Tea Party lives in your free! Enjoy!

It might as well. No sense in letting all that empty space go to

Anyone wanting to run for any political office in the US should have to
have a DD214, and a honorable discharge.

TOPIC: Cutting steel w/ a circular saw.... Re: Cutting Aluminum Stock

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 18 2010 7:15 pm
From: me

On Sun, 18 Apr 2010 15:52:30 -0500, "krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzzzz"
<krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzzzz> wrote:

>On Sun, 18 Apr 2010 13:36:51 -0400, me <> wrote:
>>On Fri, 16 Apr 2010 20:05:43 -0700 (PDT), DerbyDad03
>><> wrote:
>>>> The fun one is cutting 1/4" Al plate into neat curvy shapes.
>>Ain't it funny that the only thing you can't cut with a "circular"
>>saw, is circles!
>Wrong, you certainly can cut circles with a circular saw. When you cut
>circles with a circular saw you get semicircles.

Took a moment to follow that... but you get credit for being much
funnier in the end than me.

TOPIC: The Sarah Palin Network

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 18 2010 6:24 pm
From: "Mort Davis"

<> wrote in message
> On Sat, 17 Apr 2010 15:01:06 -0700, Gunner Asch <>
> wrote:
>>No wonder they call you Beerman..its evident that you have killed off
>>far far to many brain cells.
> No wonder they call you CUNTER.....

No wonder they call you a dipshit fucktard.

TOPIC: O'booverville gets a reprieve in N.J.

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 18 2010 7:57 pm
From: Iarnrod

On Apr 18, 9:45 am, "Chief Egalitarian" <> wrote:
> "Iarnrod" <> wrote in message
> > On Apr 17, 11:45 pm, "Chief Egalitarian" <> wrote:
> >> "Iarnrod" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >> > On Apr 17, 7:41 pm, "Chief Egalitarian" <> wrote:
> >> >> "Iarnrod" <> wrote in message
> >> >>
> >> >> > On Apr 17, 12:31 am, "Chief Egalitarian" <>
> >> >> > wrote:
> >> >> >> "Iarnrod" <> wrote in message
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> > On Apr 16, 10:57 pm, "Cheap Egalitarian" <>
> >> >> >> > wrote:
> >> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> >> Apr 15, 2010 11:00 pm US/Eastern
> >> >> >> >> Camden Tent City Residents Get A Reprieve
> >> >> >> >> CAMDEN, N.J. (AP) ? Homeless people who built a community of
> >> >> >> >> campground
> >> >> >> >> tents just a few blocks from downtown Camden got a reprieve
> >> >> >> >> Thursday,
> >> >> >> >> allowing them to remain, at least for now, at the self-governing
> >> >> >> >> settlement
> >> >> >> >> in one of the nation's poorest cities.
> >> >> >> > You fuckin' moron. this tent city was established FOUR YEARS AGO.
> >> >> >> > Guess these folks knew what AWOL Bush was doing to the economy
> >> >> >> > and
> >> >> >> > decided to get a head start. <chuckle>
> >> >> >> > READ your cites before you post shit that contradicts you,
> >> >> >> > fuzznuts.
> >> >> >> Bush didn't win a third election,
> >> >> > Who said he did, you fuckin' brainless bozo?
> >> >> >> although he would have if allowed to run again.
> >> >> > BWAHAHAHAAAHHAAAA!!!! He would have received a NEGATIVE number of
> >> >> > votes and run out of DC on a rail. You kooker klowns were even too
> >> >> > embarrassed to have him and Psycho Cheeeeeney come to your
> >> >> > convention
> >> >> > to talk. OOOOPS!! Too fuckin' funny. If more than two terms were
> >> >> > still
> >> >> > permitted, AWOL never would have been "s"elected as president in the
> >> >> > first place because Clinton would still be Prez.
> >> >> >> No, my friend, Obama has had plenty of time to think about what to
> >> >> >> do
> >> >> >> with the situation.
> >> >> > And in that time he has managed to save America's economy from GOP
> >> >> > disaster and extend health care to more than 30 million uninsured
> >> >> > Americans. He also has saved America from several Islamic terror
> >> >> > plots
> >> >> > nipped in the bud and rebuilt our prestige from the dark days of
> >> >> > AWOL.
> >> >> >> He decided to post a new sign at the city limits with
> >> >> >> his own name on it.
> >> >> >> WELCOME TO O'BOOVERVILLE. President Barack O'boover.
> >> >> > You apparently are TOO STUPID to have read your own fuckin'
> >> >> > citation,
> >> >> > you clueless clown. The Camden tent city was started FOUR FUCKIN'
> >> >> > YEARS AGO. It's a BUSHVILLE, you asswipe.
> >> >> > Pretty funny when you America-hating traitors post your phony
> >> >> > attacks
> >> >> > on your president and your cites actually point to YOUR guy being
> >> >> > culpable. If you weren't such an unremitting dope, you might think
> >> >> > that was funny yourself.
> >> >> The sign says WELCOME TO O'BOOVERVILLE!
> >> >> You kook!
> >> > Hint: Set up FOUR FUCKIN' YEARS AGO, kook. BUSHVILLE.
> >> > Obama was not president four years ago. If he were, the Great
> >> > Republican Recession of 2007 would not have occurred.
> >> > Get yerself a calendar, dearie. You're smoking crack or something.
> >> Idiot.
> > Is that your new sig?
> > Meanwhile, asswipe, I remind your crack-addled brain of three words in
> > your very own cite:
> > It's a Bushville. Four years ago, Obama had not yet saved America and
> > Bush and the GOP were still busy cratering the economy. FACT.
> Nobody heard of or cared about Obama four years ago.

And that, dearie, is when the Bushville was established.

Knock knock, anyone home?

> Then he was elected
> Mayor of O'boorville. They changed the sign when he took office. Get your
> facts straight lamerod.

BWAHAHAHHA!! You think Obama was president four years ago, and *I* am
supposed to get facts straight? Oh the fuckin' IRONY!

Hint: The homeless camp had to be set up when AWOL was president.
Obama since has reversed the Republican recession. Like any great
Republican disaster, full recovery to Democratic prosperity will take

But since you admit knowing Obama wasn't president four years ago,
there's really no excuse for your blindingly stupid stance here, kook.


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