Wednesday, April 14, 2010

rec.crafts.metalworking - 25 new messages in 11 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Mary's surgery - 1 messages, 1 author
* Just a heads up.... - 4 messages, 1 author
* A new "constitutional right" - 3 messages, 1 author
* rock moving trailer - 1 messages, 1 author
* Karl, what do you think about this kit - 6 messages, 4 authors
* Bridgeport RE24 - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Heat/air for small garage/shop - 2 messages, 2 authors
* OT: Ivy "feet" adhesive removal - 1 messages, 1 author
* Homophobes, racists or morons - 1 messages, 1 author
* Measuring the CFM of a fan - 2 messages, 1 author
* Is it me? - 2 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Mary's surgery

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Apr 14 2010 5:41 pm
From: "Robert Swinney"

Sorry, Don. I missed your post re. Mary's surgery. Hopes and prayers are with your's and you.

Bob Swinney
"Steve B" <> wrote in message

From: "Don Foreman" <>
Subject: Re: OT Good news (from "who will be the first")
Date: Tuesday, April 13, 2010 11:03 PM

On Tue, 13 Apr 2010 21:45:20 -0700, "Steve B"
<> wrote:

>"Don Foreman" <> wrote in message
>> Mary's heart surgery went very well. I was there for 12 hours until
>> she shooed me outta there to go grab some grub and call some people.
>> It wasn't as invasive as split-sternum surgery because it's done
>> entirely via catheters threaded thru major veins from groin and
>> elsewhere, guided by ultrasound, xray, computers and a bunch of
>> technology. It's fairly new and not widely practiced, but already has
>> a better success rate than a more traditional procedure which does
>> require chest entry, splitting and spreading of sternum, and
>> consequent long recovery with significant discomfort and disability
>> along the way.
>> It's a complex procedure that can take from 6 to 9 hours, a lot of
>> high-tech kit and I don't know how many people in the operating
>> theater. Hers took six, which I immediately regarded as a good omen.
>> Prognosis is sometimes not clear for two to three months but she's
>> already ticking like a Timex, a very good sign.
>> The doc seemed quite pleased with her progress, his performance or
>> both. I intend absolutely no disrespect there, quite the contrary.
>> There isn't a speck of arrogance about this doctor though he is
>> obviously highly respected at this hospital which is among the 100
>> best cardiac centers in the nation. Luck of the draw, we happen to
>> live close. We both like how he presents.
>> All signs were good as of 1730 today. She'll spend the night in ICU
>> and probably come home tomorrow.
>> Thanks to everyone for good wishes and prayers. Mary had a bunch of
>> "prayer warriors" (her term) on her six.
>Was that one of the new mitral valve clamps by Abbott?

Remediation of atrial fibrillation, valves not involved.

The new Abbott mitraclip is an interesting read. It is a heart valve
procedure that is also minimally invasive.


TOPIC: Just a heads up....

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Wed, Apr 14 2010 5:46 pm
From: "Ed Huntress"

"Wes" <> wrote in message
> "Ed Huntress" <> wrote:
>>Bush is running his chainsaw on the back 40. He's fully occupied, looking
>>for a tree and chewing gum at the same time.
> GWB is probably enjoying life. After 8 years on the job, I'm sure he
> likes the down time.
> I hope he gets time in with his mom and dad. They are not spring
> chickens.
> I wonder what he thinks about Obama's current reign. Keep in mind we
> don't hear him
> talking or taking shots at the current President.
> I'm sure he has some thoughts on things but he, like his father, have
> supported their
> sucessors as President afaikt.
> Wes

I don't know what he thinks. And, Wes, I really don't care.

Ed Huntress

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Wed, Apr 14 2010 5:47 pm
From: "Ed Huntress"

"Wes" <> wrote in message
> "Ed Huntress" <> wrote:
>>> Ok, so as long as they are available, let's send them down to our
>>> Southern
>>> border for some real Homeland Security duties
> Nah, gotta keep those undesirables from Cook county Ill from invading my
> state.
> I'm waiting for our Southern friends to pipe up about protecting their
> northern borders.
> ;)
> Wes

They tried that once before, didn't they? d8-)

Ed Huntress

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Wed, Apr 14 2010 5:50 pm
From: "Ed Huntress"

"Shall not be infringed" <> wrote in message
On Apr 14, 5:30 pm, "Ed Huntress" <> wrote:
> "Shall not be infringed" <> wrote in
> On Apr 14, 5:18 pm, "John R. Carroll" <> wrote:
> > Deucalion wrote:
> > > On Wed, 14 Apr 2010 12:19:00 -0700 (PDT), rangerssuck
> > > <> wrote:
> > >> On Apr 14, 2:28 pm, Gunner Asch <> wrote:
> > >>>
> > >>> Special-army-unit-ready-to-be-deployed-on-American-soil-just-before-
> > >>> Nov-elections
> > >>> Im simply nutz eh?
> > >>> Laugh laugh laugh
> > >>> Gunner
> >Huh? Maybe they'll give them psychrotropic drugs so they'll gun down
> >American Citizens.
> >Who was that jackass general that Clinton sent to Bosnia and almost
> >started WW-III with the Russians?
> >He was supposedly at Waco. Clionton endorsed him for President.
> >Clark?
> >> >> Yes, you are simply nuts.
> > > Just another thing to thank George Bush for I guess. Once the
> > > government receives a new power, they hardly ever relinquish it. It's
> > > a one-way street.
> > > BTW, gunner's heads up is about two years too late. But, it was a
> > > good thing in gunnerland when Bush started and implemented it.
> > >
> > > Be Wary of Using Military as Police
> > > by Gene Healy and Benjamin H. Friedman
> > > Gene Healy is a vice president at the Cato Institute and author of The
> > > Cult of the Presidency: America's Dangerous Devotion to Executive
> > > Power. Benjamin H. Friedman is research fellow in defense and homeland
> > > security studies at the Cato Institute and a PhD candidate in
> > > political science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
> > > Added to on December 26, 2008
> > > This article appeared in the Orange County Register on December 26,
> > > 2008
> > > The mainstream media has finally gotten around to reporting that the
> > > Pentagon has assigned active-duty troops to a homeland defense
> > > mission, a historical first. On Oct. 1, the 3rd Infantry Division's
> > > 1st Brigade Combat Team, freshly redeployed from Iraq, began a
> > > year-long assignment as a domestic "chemical, biological,
> > > radiological, nuclear or high-yield explosive Consequence Management
> > > Response Force," or CCMRF ("Sea-Smurf"). The 1st BCT is the first of
> > > three CCMRF teams, who will comprise 15,000-20,000 soldiers, according
> > > to the Army. The other two will come from the Army National Guard or
> > > reserves.
> > > Neither the terrorist threat nor the hazards of bad weather require
> > > rethinking our traditional reluctance to use standing armies at home.
> > > We need not fear a coup, but we should worry about misusing our busy
> > > military for civilian tasks and developing an tendency to rely on the
> > > troops to answer every scare.
> > > Initial reports were that the 1st BCT might be used to deal with civil
> > > unrest and crowd control, missions that would be in severe tension
> > > with the Posse Comitatus Act, the longstanding federal statute that
> > > restricts the president's ability to use the U.S. military as a
> > > domestic police force. In September, the Army Times described the
> > > unit's training as "the first ever nonlethal package that the Army has
> > > fielded," including beanbag bullets, Tasers and traffic roadblocks.
> > > That report, along with the Bush administration's claim that the
> > > Constitution allows that president to use forces as he sees fit, no
> > > matter what Congress forbids, created well-founded fears that the
> > > CCMRFs first attack would be on Posse Comitatus. Yet Pentagon
> > > spokespeople deny that forces will be used for law enforcement
> > > purposes. And one suspects that the Bush administration's monarchial
> > > view of executive power will be out of fashion come January.
> > "Paradoxically, preserving liberty may require the rule of a single
> > leader--a dictator--willing to use those dreaded 'extraordinary
> > measures,'
> > which few know how, or are willing, to employ." -- Michael Ledeen, White
> > House advisor and fellow of the American Enterprise Institute,
> > "Machiavelli
> > on Modern Leadership: Why Machiavelli's Iron Rules Are As Timely and
> > Important Today As Five Centuries Ago"
> > "Gen. Tommy Franks says that if the United States is hit with a weapon
> > of
> > mass destruction that inflicts large casualties, the Constitution will
> > likely be discarded in favor of a military form of government." --
> > NewsMax,
> > November 21, 2003
> >Isn't martial law a form of military government?
> >You guys said that Bush was setting things up for martial law.
> >You guys said that Bush was going to implement martial law.
> >Yo said that Bush was going to suspend elections.
> >You guys said that Bush was going to suspend the Constitution.
> >You said all that long after 9/11. If 9/11 wasn't the trigger for
> >martial law, I don't know what is.
> Oh? Where was the riot? Was there an insurrection we didn't hear about?

>Most people know it as Flight 93. Civilians ended up protecting the

Uh, was that an Arab insurrection? There were about a dozen of them, right?

> >So do you still think Bush will implement martial law?
> >He better get to it while he's still President.
> Bush is running his chainsaw on the back 40. He's fully occupied, looking
> for a tree and chewing gum at the same time.

>Oh, really? By the way 0bama talks you'd think Bush were still in the
>White House fucking things up.
>My bad!

He fucked things up for a generation or two. It's amazing how little brains
it took for him to do that much damage.

Ed Huntress

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Wed, Apr 14 2010 5:51 pm
From: "Ed Huntress"

"Shall not be infringed" <> wrote in message
On Apr 14, 4:30 pm, "Ed Huntress" <> wrote:
> "RBnDFW" <> wrote in message
> news:hq58g6$r4a$
> > John R. Carroll wrote:
> >> Deucalion wrote:
> >>> On Wed, 14 Apr 2010 12:19:00 -0700 (PDT), rangerssuck
> >>> <> wrote:
> >>>> On Apr 14, 2:28 pm, Gunner Asch <> wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Special-army-unit-ready-to-be-deployed-on-American-soil-just-before-
> >>>>> Nov-elections
> >>>>> Im simply nutz eh?
> >>>>> Laugh laugh laugh
> >>>>> Gunner
> >>>> Yes, you are simply nuts.
> >>> Just another thing to thank George Bush for I guess. Once the
> >>> government receives a new power, they hardly ever relinquish it. It's
> >>> a one-way street.
> >>> BTW, gunner's heads up is about two years too late. But, it was a
> >>> good thing in gunnerland when Bush started and implemented it.
> >>>
> >>> Be Wary of Using Military as Police
> >>> by Gene Healy and Benjamin H. Friedman
> >>> Gene Healy is a vice president at the Cato Institute and author of The
> >>> Cult of the Presidency: America's Dangerous Devotion to Executive
> >>> Power. Benjamin H. Friedman is research fellow in defense and homeland
> >>> security studies at the Cato Institute and a PhD candidate in
> >>> political science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
> >>> Added to on December 26, 2008
> >>> This article appeared in the Orange County Register on December 26,
> >>> 2008
> >>> The mainstream media has finally gotten around to reporting that the
> >>> Pentagon has assigned active-duty troops to a homeland defense
> >>> mission, a historical first. On Oct. 1, the 3rd Infantry Division's
> >>> 1st Brigade Combat Team, freshly redeployed from Iraq, began a
> >>> year-long assignment as a domestic "chemical, biological,
> >>> radiological, nuclear or high-yield explosive Consequence Management
> >>> Response Force," or CCMRF ("Sea-Smurf"). The 1st BCT is the first of
> >>> three CCMRF teams, who will comprise 15,000-20,000 soldiers, according
> >>> to the Army. The other two will come from the Army National Guard or
> >>> reserves.
> > Ok, so as long as they are available, let's send them down to our
> > Southern
> > border for some real Homeland Security duties
> Maryland?

>New Jersey.

No way. I don't want to be a border state. Let Maryland do it. They have

>Domestic Terrorists are taking control of store PA Systems and making
>stupid announcements.

I heard one just the other day -- "Always low prices," they said. Seditious

>Just like TMT and Cliffie on here.

TOPIC: A new "constitutional right"

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Wed, Apr 14 2010 5:48 pm
From: tankfixer

In article <hpod0e$ff4$>, says...
> >>>> Bullshit. Simply bring up the bill and use "find". I am certain you
> >>>> remember some of the words used. ;)
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>> Not only that by President Obama apparently thinks that jail time is in
> >>> the bill since he refuses to rule it out.
> >>>
> >>> Or is Hawke trying to say the President doesn't know what he signed...
> >>>
> >>
> >> Wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if that was true
> >> I'm willing to bet that a lot of Congress-critters didn't know what they
> >> were voting for
> >
> > As time goes on and the unintended (or intended from the start) features
> > of the bill come to light I believe the public will become even more
> > enraged..
> >
> > The bill is page after page of legal double talk...
> Spoken by a man who has not read a single word of the actual bill,

I've gone into it and attempted to wade through the paragraph after
paragraph of verbiage...
It is crap..

> right? You're commenting negatively on the bill but you have not really
> read any of it have you? Oh, and by the way, if you look up the bill
> what you find is the actual bill. There is no "find" function attached
> to it.

Any decent web browser has a find function.
Adobe reader has a find function if that is the format the copy you
happen to have is in.

Are you saying you are so inept you can't use simple common peices of
software ?

> Which makes me even more sure you've never even looked at the
> bill. But isn't that typical of you right wingers. You're full of
> negative comments about the bill but none of you have read any of it.
> And that should disqualify you from any comments because you just repeat
> what you hear on Fox News.

So typical of you leftists to go on an attack when presented with
anything that might contradict the script your masters feed you.

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Wed, Apr 14 2010 5:53 pm
From: tankfixer

In article <hpme6e$2la$>, says...
> On 4/7/2010 8:26 PM, tankfixer wrote:
> > In article<Xns9D5368E159101hopewell@>, "RD (The
> > Sandman)" says...
> >>
> >> Hawke<> wrote in
> >> news:hpgfqi$uu3$
> >>
> >>>
> >>>>> I agree, but like I told you already, nobody is going to go to jail
> >>>>> for not buying insurance. That's specifically in the bill. I've seen
> >>>>> it myself.
> >>>>
> >>>> Then you should have no problem producing it.
> >>>
> >>> If somebody showed you a quote from the book War and Peace but didn't
> >>> give you the page number of the quote how hard would it be for you to
> >>> go to the book and find that one quote? Pretty darn hard. That's not
> >>> as hard as finding a specific part of a 2,000 page piece of
> >>> legislation.
> >>
> >> Bullshit. Simply bring up the bill and use "find". I am certain you
> >> remember some of the words used. ;)
> >>
> >
> > Not only that by President Obama apparently thinks that jail time is in
> > the bill since he refuses to rule it out.
> >
> > Or is Hawke trying to say the President doesn't know what he signed...
> >
> I doubt if Obama knows everything in that bill. It is over 2,000 pages
> long. Could anyone know everything that is in it? I doubt it so I doubt
> he knows it all either. But what I have said once and I'll say it again.
> I saw on the Ed Show where they were discussing the part about what
> happens if you don't pay the fine for not buying insurance and in the
> bill it specifically said there would not be any other penalty for not
> paying the fine. No jail time or no further penalty. Since then I have
> looked at the actual bill and tried to find that provision. I couldn't
> find it. But since I already saw the passage I know it's there I just
> couldn't find it among the 2,000 pages of text. I spent quite a while
> looking for it and as I said, I don't have the time to spend hours to
> find a specific few lines in a gigantic bill just to prove it to you
> people. I know what it says because they showed it on TV. I just don't
> know where in the bill to look for that part. So if you want to find it
> go for it. I couldn't even find that section that dealt with the
> individual mandates. The bill is huge and very comprehensive. Finding a
> specific part in there isn't easy unless you know where to look and I
> don't. So if someone else can find it I'd love to have you tell me where
> to look. The one thing I did hear is that the way they would enforce the
> mandate is through income tax refunds. But like I said, I couldn't find
> the part of the bill dealing with this issue.

That is exactly my point..
They bloated the bill to the point that it became incomprehensible...

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Wed, Apr 14 2010 5:56 pm
From: tankfixer

In article <>, says...
> On Sun, 4 Apr 2010 15:38:25 -0700, tankfixer <> wrote:
> >In article <>,
> > says...
> >>
> >> On Sun, 4 Apr 2010 11:22:01 -0700, tankfixer <> wrote:
> >>
> >> >> >> What unconstitutional law might that be?
> >> >> >
> >> >> >The McCann-Fiengold monstosity, but you knew that.
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> "But, in December 2003, the Supreme Court upheld most of the legislation in
> >> >> McConnell v. FEC."
> >> >> [
> >> >> President Barack Obama expressed his concern over the Supreme Court's decision
> >> >> during his State of the Union speech, delivered January 27th, saying, "With all
> >> >> due deference to separation of powers, last week the Supreme Court reversed a
> >> >> century of law that I believe will open the floodgates for special interests ?-
> >> >> including foreign corporations ?- to spend without limit in our elections. I
> >> >> don't think American elections should be bankrolled by America's most powerful
> >> >> interests, or worse, by foreign entities. They should be decided by the American
> >> >> people. And I'd urge Democrats and Republicans to pass a bill that helps to
> >> >> correct some of these problems." President Obama also called the decision, "?a
> >> >> major victory for big oil, Wall Street banks, health insurance companies and the
> >> >> other powerful interests that marshal their power every day in Washington to
> >> >> drown out the voices of everyday Americans.?
> >> >> ]
> >> >>
> >> >> Hence it was indeed constitutional and you had something else in mind
> >> >> or are just willingly ignorant, as usual.
> >> >>
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >Barack Obama only proved he isn't such a great constitutional scholar...
> >>
> >> You've never even read the thing, eh?
> >
> >The constitution ?
> >Sure, you might try it..
> >reminds me to send copies to my senators and congressman.. maybe to the
> >president too since they seem to have not consulted it recently
> IOW You have not.

I've read it many times.
You should try it

> >> Too many (and too big) words?
> >
> >Not many words at all..
> >I'm sure your mom can read it to you..
> Like Rush & Faux tell you about it?

Cut back on your drugs, you are babbling again

TOPIC: rock moving trailer

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Apr 14 2010 5:49 pm
From: Ignoramus18864

On 2010-04-15, Steve B <> wrote:
> "Ignoramus18864" <ignoramus18864@NOSPAM.18864.invalid> wrote in message
>> On 2010-04-14, Steve B <> wrote:
>>> Explanation on there. I think it would be easy to make one out of 3 " x
>>> 3 "
>>> tubing, making it like a very large lever to lift the rock only a foot or
>>> so. Easy to drop the rock just where you want it, too.
>> Very nice trailer. Looks practical.
>> i
> $10 at a yard sale. It pivots, too, to dump.
> Steve

TOPIC: Karl, what do you think about this kit

== 1 of 6 ==
Date: Wed, Apr 14 2010 5:53 pm
From: "Karl Townsend"

>> I can't comment on whether this particular vendor's offer is good. There
>> are
>> many offers like this around. I've not used any nor investigated them.
> Are there any kits that you have investigated?

No, steppers ABSOLUTELY do not meet my needs. I changed my servo Bandit knee
mill over to an Ahha control with steppers and was sorry. That was about
1995. I strictly scrounge auctions and eBay. Doing this, a commercial
control worth 15K can be done for 2K or even less. After doing Ahha, Mach,
Centroid, and (very briefly) EMC; I've settled on only Camsoft for my
control software.

>> Another option to consider is hiring install help. In this economy $2K
>> will
>> buy a lot, particularly if your money has a picture of Ben on it.
>> Right now, I'm consulting on a bit more involved bridgy refit with
>> toolchanger. The guy does all the wrenching but I direct and problem
>> solve.
>> He'll end up paying me about $1K.
> I would pay you in a heartbeat, if you were local.

I bet there's several hundred fully qualified people to do this work in
Chicago land.

== 2 of 6 ==
Date: Wed, Apr 14 2010 6:00 pm
From: "Karl Townsend"

"Robert Swinney" <> wrote in message
> Hey! Watch out Karl doesn't try to pay you with a sack of apples. I'm
> still waiting on mine.
> Bob Swinney

Yep, still owe you one. Lots of other folks too. Trouble is I don't deliver.


== 3 of 6 ==
Date: Wed, Apr 14 2010 6:12 pm
From: Ignoramus18864

On 2010-04-15, Karl Townsend <> wrote:
>>> I can't comment on whether this particular vendor's offer is good. There
>>> are
>>> many offers like this around. I've not used any nor investigated them.
>> Are there any kits that you have investigated?
> No, steppers ABSOLUTELY do not meet my needs. I changed my servo Bandit knee
> mill over to an Ahha control with steppers and was sorry. That was about
> 1995.

I mean, servo kits, are there any servo retrofit kits?

> I strictly scrounge auctions and eBay. Doing this, a commercial
> control worth 15K can be done for 2K or even less. After doing Ahha,
> Mach, Centroid, and (very briefly) EMC; I've settled on only Camsoft
> for my control software.

Cool, I will look./

> ...
>>> Another option to consider is hiring install help. In this economy $2K
>>> will
>>> buy a lot, particularly if your money has a picture of Ben on it.
>>> Right now, I'm consulting on a bit more involved bridgy refit with
>>> toolchanger. The guy does all the wrenching but I direct and problem
>>> solve.
>>> He'll end up paying me about $1K.
>> I would pay you in a heartbeat, if you were local.
> I bet there's several hundred fully qualified people to do this work in
> Chicago land.

I think so too, I had one person recommended.


== 4 of 6 ==
Date: Wed, Apr 14 2010 6:24 pm
From: "RogerN"

"Ignoramus18864" <ignoramus18864@NOSPAM.18864.invalid> wrote in message
> ebay item 300417172682
> This kit goes along the lines of your "go nuclear" option.
> This would look like it is a one day job to install. Considering how
> many things can go wrong with a DIY conversion, tthis system seems
> very attractive.
> Selling off removed parts can recoup a part of the cost.
> I want to avoid the morass like my [ultimately successful] welder
> microcontroller project. It sapped all my energy for six months,
> eventually worked exactly as intended, welded great, but was
> inconvenient to use and cost a lot of money in trinkets, parts that I
> ended up not using, etc.
> Any thoughts?
> i


Did you find out what is good and what is bad on your mill? You may be able
to use another control, such as PC with EMC2, with your existing drives and
servos. It takes a little to get into it but it starts making sense pretty
quick. I even added speed feedback to my lathe, it corrects the spindle
speed according to the encoder, took a bit to get stable.


== 5 of 6 ==
Date: Wed, Apr 14 2010 6:45 pm
From: "Pete C."

Ignoramus18864 wrote:
> On 2010-04-15, Karl Townsend <> wrote:
> >
> >>> I can't comment on whether this particular vendor's offer is good. There
> >>> are
> >>> many offers like this around. I've not used any nor investigated them.
> >>
> >> Are there any kits that you have investigated?
> >
> > No, steppers ABSOLUTELY do not meet my needs. I changed my servo Bandit knee
> > mill over to an Ahha control with steppers and was sorry. That was about
> > 1995.
> I mean, servo kits, are there any servo retrofit kits?

You already saw some of them available from MachMotion.

== 6 of 6 ==
Date: Wed, Apr 14 2010 6:52 pm
From: "Karl Townsend"

"Ignoramus18864" <ignoramus18864@NOSPAM.18864.invalid> wrote in message
> On 2010-04-15, Karl Townsend <> wrote:
>>>> I can't comment on whether this particular vendor's offer is good.
>>>> There
>>>> are
>>>> many offers like this around. I've not used any nor investigated them.
>>> Are there any kits that you have investigated?
>> No, steppers ABSOLUTELY do not meet my needs. I changed my servo Bandit
>> knee
>> mill over to an Ahha control with steppers and was sorry. That was
>> about
>> 1995.
> I mean, servo kits, are there any servo retrofit kits?
You've already got servos physically mounted and wired. its got to be way
less work to just bolt on an encoder, not to mention the cost savings.

Why don't you look up Jon Elson? He's an EMC guru. I know EMC has a real
active IRC channel if you're into that.

To answer your question, there's got to be a company that offers step-servo
drivers with a breakout box to Mach. just connect wires and go. I've never
worked with this, but the control still doesn't get position feedback (open
loop). I don't see how this is much better than steppers.

Why don't you spend a couple evernings cruising Its a newsgroup
so you've got the usual signal/noise problem but lots of good info. All
these questions have been asked before.


TOPIC: Bridgeport RE24

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Apr 14 2010 5:55 pm
From: Dave B

Was anyone looking for prints for a RE24 Bridgeport?
Found a complete set in my files.
If so get in touch.


== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Apr 14 2010 6:44 pm
From: "Lloyd E. Sponenburgh"

Dave B <> fired this volley in

> Was anyone looking for prints for a RE24 Bridgeport?
> Found a complete set in my files.
> If so get in touch.
> db

That was me, Dave. It was a while ago, and I found a set on CD.

If these are in original manual, I'd sure be interested!


TOPIC: Heat/air for small garage/shop

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Apr 14 2010 6:27 pm
From: "Steve W."

stryped wrote:
> On Apr 14, 3:23 pm, RBnDFW <> wrote:
>> stryped wrote:
>>> I have been looking around at used heat/air conditioners for my garage/
>>> shop. It is not used all the time, mainly on weekends currently. It is
>>> a 30x30x10 metal building with 2x4 walls in the inside and 2x4 trusses
>>> on the ceiling.
>>> I found a local heating air guy that has an 80's 3 ton unit that he
>>> says was workign when pulled out of the house. The owner wanted to
>>> upgrade. But, it is not a split system like I have in my house.
>>> Is there a way to use this and it not look bad ? I mean, how would you
>>> do the duct from the outside to the inside with a 2x4 wall?
>>> Would this be too inefficent since it is old even though I am not in
>>> there all the time. It does get terribly hot in there in the summer, I
>>> am not as concerned about heat in the winter. I am in the process of
>>> insulating currently and have no inside wall material as of yet other
>>> than studs.
>>> I have a 100 amp panel in my garage.
>>> This unit is 300 bucks.

Hunt up one of the units like they use in motels with heat and A/C in
one unit. That's what I have. Works real well.

Steve W.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Apr 14 2010 6:32 pm
From: "Michael A. Terrell"

stryped wrote:
> This is a system where the air handler, compressor everythign sit
> outside. I think they are called a "package" system. Basically the
> whole thing sits outside.

They are made for 'Mobile Homes'.

Lead free solder is Belgium's version of 'Hold my beer and watch this!'

TOPIC: OT: Ivy "feet" adhesive removal

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Apr 14 2010 6:27 pm
From: "Michael A. Terrell"

Buerste wrote:
> Ivy can be very destructive and I'm amazed at the tenacity of those little
> glue pads. I've talked to a lot of people and looked for a good way to
> remove them from various surfaces with no luck. The worst is vinyl siding.
> Has the DOD looked into this adhesive? (no, a wire brush is NOT a good way
> to go!)
> Other than some minor electrical work, replacing a sagging beam and
> installing a post in the basement, the sale of the old house is a done deal.
> I had it on the market for a grand total of 12 days before a young couple
> with kids made an offer and they accepted my counter in a few hours. The
> house will suite them very well and they can just move in, everything is
> fresh. But, those ivy feet look terrible on the front porch.

You should have bought those little lambs when you had the chance!

Lead free solder is Belgium's version of 'Hold my beer and watch this!'

TOPIC: Homophobes, racists or morons

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Apr 14 2010 6:28 pm
From: "RogerN"

Cliff, you forgot to post this:

Tea Party supporters are wealthier and more well-educated than the general
public, and are no more or less afraid of falling into a lower socioeconomic
class, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.


"Cliff" <> wrote in message
> "Party foes plot vs. 'racists, morons'"
> [
> Tea Party foes, bent on making the conservative group's members appear to
> be
> "homophobes, racists or morons," say they'll be crashing Tea Party
> demonstrations nationwide this week.
> It's unclear if anyone associated with will crash
> tomorrow's rally on Boston Common. Founder Jason Levin couldn't be reached
> yesterday and was reportedly traveling.
> ....
> ]

TOPIC: Measuring the CFM of a fan

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Apr 14 2010 6:38 pm
From: "Paul Hovnanian P.E."

Bob Engelhardt wrote:
> Maybe OT, but not as much as many.
> I have a fairly large centrifugal blower (squirrel cage) & I'd like to
> know its CFM. It has a well defined opening, so knowing the velocity of
> the air is what I need.

Make a pitot-static velocity airspeed indicator. One tube facing into
the air stream (pitot tube) the other at right angles (static tube).

All you need is the pressure difference, so connect them to either end
of a U tube barometer (plastic tube with liquid) and measure the height

Take several measurements across the airflow (the velocity will be
higher in the center of the duct) and do the math.

Paul Hovnanian
Nondeterminism means never having to say you are wrong.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Apr 14 2010 6:43 pm
From: "Paul Hovnanian P.E."

Ned Simmons wrote:
> On Wed, 14 Apr 2010 17:01:44 -0400, Bob Engelhardt
> <> wrote:
> >
> >I ran the blower for a 5 minutes, more or less, & afterward I noticed
> >the smell of heat. Yes, the motor was getting hot. Damn. I checked
> >the speed - it was only 630 rpm, and the rating is 1075. The cap was
> >neither shorted nor open, but I tried another & still slow.
> >
> >I'm assuming that I'm SOL - that the winding is shorted - but what do I
> >know. Am I right, or is there something else that could be wrong? And
> >fixable?
> Throttle the input or output and try again. Many blowers use maximum
> power when moving maximum air volume. Block the intake of a shop vac
> and note that the motor speed increases.

A common occurrence if one has cats.

Paul Hovnanian
During the next two hours, the system will be going up and down several
times, often with lin~po_~{po ~poz~ppo\~{ o n~po_~{o[po ~y oodsou>#w4ko

TOPIC: Is it me?

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Apr 14 2010 6:56 pm
From: Larry Jaques

On Wed, 14 Apr 2010 13:01:54 -0700, the infamous "Artemus"
<> scrawled the following:

>"Steve B" <> wrote in message
>> I see lots of ads on TV for cordless drills. In almost every case, they are
>> chucked up to a simple #2 Phillips bit. Why is that? Don't they know about
>> all the quick change extensions? I have used just a bit in a pinch, but
>> many times, the chuck runs into the wood or something else. Plus there is
>> no slider to hold the screws until they get started. Do you use an
>> extension or not? I almost always do.
>> Steve
>Because TV ads are generally created/approved by liberal arts graduates who
>can only think in terms of what "looks good" to them. The douchebags who
>did the ad you're referring to probably don't know which end of a screwdriver
>is the handle much less anything about quick change adapters.

Remember the Crapsman ad for their new vicegrip product? they showed
some absolute bozo shearing metal off the nut on a bicycle axle with
the pliers on backwards. It only showed a few times before it was
removed, but I was on the floor laughing from it every time I saw it,
thinking how well it fit the current crap Searz is foisting on the

I haven't had to watch anything the lib arts grads put together for 3
years now, and I'm very happy with my choice to stop watching
broadcast TV.


== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Apr 14 2010 6:58 pm
From: Larry Jaques

On Wed, 14 Apr 2010 21:18:16 +0100, the infamous Mark Rand
<> scrawled the following:

>On Wed, 14 Apr 2010 10:49:49 -0700, Larry Jaques <ljaques@diversify.invalid>
>>On Wed, 14 Apr 2010 11:06:26 -0500, the infamous "Karl Townsend"
>><> scrawled the following:
>>>"Steve B" <> wrote in message
>>>>I see lots of ads on TV for cordless drills. In almost every case, they
>>>>are chucked up to a simple #2 Phillips bit. Why is that? Don't they know
>>>>about all the quick change extensions? I have used just a bit in a pinch,
>>>>but many times, the chuck runs into the wood or something else. Plus there
>>>>is no slider to hold the screws until they get started. Do you use an
>>>>extension or not? I almost always do.
>>>> Steve
>>>i normally use a slider. Didn't two days ago. Pushed hard and drill slipped
>>>off and drive a hole in my thumb. Blood leaks all over when you do that.
>>"I have absolutely no idea of what you're talking about, Karl" as he
>>hid his scarred hand.
>>The trick is to whap the back of the driver to sink the screw tip,
>>then start turning it. You don't need to hold the screw after that so
>>it's much safer.
>>P.S: Phillips tips make good skin drills, don't they?
>Pozidriv and Robertson screws don't tend to fall off their respective bits :-)

True, but getting a screw started often can be quite tough.



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