Wednesday, April 7, 2010

comp.lang.c - 6 new messages in 4 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Blonde C jokes - 2 messages, 1 author
* C the complete nonsense - 2 messages, 2 authors
* lvalues and rvalues - 1 messages, 1 author
* Looking for NNTP server - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Blonde C jokes

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 6 2010 10:47 pm
From: Bill Reid

On Apr 6, 9:48 am, Keith Thompson <> wrote:
> REH <> writes:
> [...]
> >> >>> In article
> >> >>> <>,
> >> >>> REH<>  wrote:
> [...]
> >> >>>> I thought that might have been a joke (i.e., Ada).
> [...]
> > Whatever. "i.e." means "that is." "e.g." would be appropriate if I
> > were listing examples. I am not. In this case, Ada *is* what I was
> > inferring as the joke.  The pedantry level in this group is reach
> > ridiculous levels. It's almost as bad a Slashdot. Do you really want
> > to argue ad nauseum over a freakin' joke?
> Was the point that you consider Ada, the programming language, to be a
> joke?  I'm not trying to argue, I just don't get the humor.
> (And speaking of pedantry, I think you meant "implying" rather than
> "inferring".)

Now THAT'S funny!!!

Just remember, we're laughing WITH you, not
AT you...keep 'em coming...

William Ernest Reid

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 6 2010 10:55 pm
From: Bill Reid

On Apr 6, 12:00 pm, Malcolm McLean <>
> On 6 Apr, 19:36, REH <> wrote:
> > No offense, but I'm not interested in being apart of your feud with
> > Mr. Thompson.
> Yes, it's meant to be a thread for C-related blonde jokes.

But in order to be funny doesn't it usually have to
be true?...I've actually known several ravishingly
beautiful blond female programmers/computer scientists,
and frankly, they were AT WORST just the usual fakes
but with a better disposition than the phlegm-encrusted
doughboys who generally occupy the position...they
weren't stupid and they were pretty nice people
overall, so what's the joke?

William Ernest Reid

TOPIC: C the complete nonsense

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 6 2010 10:54 pm
From: spinoza1111

On Apr 7, 7:30 am, Seebs <> wrote:
> On 2010-04-06, Keith Thompson <> wrote:
> > Seebs <> writes:
> >> On 2010-04-06, Keith Thompson <> wrote:
> >>> Schildt's description appears to be correct.
> >> It's not, though, because the description is BEFORE the example,
> >> and is referring to his (garbled) declaration.
> >> The example code comes after the description, and reuses the name
> >> "end" for a char *.
> > I'm a bit confused.  Does Schildt actually refer to the second
> > parameter to strtol() as "end" rather than as "endptr" (which is what
> > the standard calls it)?
> Yes.
> > Can you post some more context?
>         strtol
>         #include <stdlib.h>
>         long int strtol(const char *start, char **end, int radix);
>         The strtol function converts... [brief description]
>         The strtol function works as follows.  First, any white
>         space in the string pointed to by start is stripped[1].
>         Next, each character that makes up the number is read.
>         Any character that cannot be part of a long integer number
>         will cause this process to stop.  This includes white space,
>         punctuation, and characters[2].  Finally, end is set to
>         point to the remainder, if any, of the original string.
>         This means that if strtol() is called with " 100 Pliers",
>         the value 100L will be returned, and end will point to the
>         space that precedes "Pliers".
> [1]  Yes, he says "stripped", not "skipped".

Stripped is sexier.

> [2]  I am pretty sure he meant "alphabetic characters which are not allowable
> in the given radix", not just "characters".  Also, obviously, "+" and "-" are
> punctuation, but do not necessarily cause the process to end.

No, signs are not "punctuation".

> So, to answer the implicit questions:
> 1.  Yes, he points out the "restrict" added by C99 in the material I didn't
> reproduce.
> 2.  Yes, he calls the parameter "end" rather than "endptr".
> 3.  Yes, he is completely missing the distinction between "end" and
> "the pointer pointed to by end".

It is common to collapse this distinction temporarily in teaching.

> 4.  Yes, I think that's because of his choice to rename the parameter.

You don't know what he knows.

> 5.  The following example does indeed use a local variable "char *end"
> and then pass &end to strtol.

Translation: it is correct.

> 6.  So yes, the example "works" (nevermind the gets, etc., problems)...
> 7.  But it's extremely confusing, and hopeless for a newbie trying to
> follow along and wondering what "end" is and what it points to.

Don't speak for the newbie. You're not a newbie. How would you know
what the knewbie kneeds to know?

But strangely, knor are you an experienced as opposed to corrupted
programmer. These sorts of corrupted and incompetent programmers love
to speak for the newbie.

English cannot be used as a formal metalanguage for C, therefore
anything that is said in English about C (such as what's set when end
is set) can be interpreted as wrong by hostile dweebs.

We now kneed you to blank or remove C: the Complete Nonsense. You
could do this silly set of silly operations on the example code of any
computer book, and we have learned that you produce code that is far
less competent. We're tired of you wasting bandwidth and patience.

> --
> Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / usenet-nos...@seebs.net<-- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures <-- get educated!

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 6 2010 11:18 pm
From: Colonel Harlan Sanders

On Tue, 6 Apr 2010 22:54:37 -0700 (PDT), spinoza1111
<> wrote:

>English cannot be used as a formal metalanguage for C, therefore
>anything that is said in English about C (such as what's set when end
>is set) can be interpreted as wrong by hostile dweebs.

And can be used by kooks to interpret it as correct:
On Tue, 6 Apr 2010 18:01:21 -0700 (PDT), spinoza1111
<> wrote:
>You fail to notice that Schildt is using "long integer" in its
>contemporaneous sense

>We now kneed you to blank or remove C: the Complete Nonsense. You
>could do this silly set of silly operations on the example code of any
>computer book, and we have learned that you produce code that is far
>less competent. We're tired of you wasting bandwidth and patience.


And "wasting bandwidth": Until you started this a few months ago,
Seebach had NEVER MENTIONED SCHILDT here for at least 7 years that I
can see. And he has only responded to a small proportion of your

Anyway, we're all waiting for you to "take this to the next level".
(Well, here "we" could just mean me, I must admit.)

What would that be? A Gandhi-style "fast unto death" unless the page
is removed? A PETA-style naked picketing of Seebs' workplace? Mailing
packets of brown powder to Jimmy Wales with "The next one will be
anthrax unless you withdraw the Schildt page."? Or just blurting out
hundreds of posts here of psychotic rants?
My bet is on the latter.

TOPIC: lvalues and rvalues

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 6 2010 11:02 pm
From: Phil Carmody

"bartc" <> writes:
> "Nicklas Karlsson" <> wrote in message
>> Hello,
>> I am quite confused about this, so I split it in to subquestions, here
>> we go:
>> 1. Is an lvalue the expression itself, or is it the result yielded by
>> evaluation of an expression? Take this for example: int i = 10; int *p
>> = &i; and then dereference: *p; is the expression "*p" the thing you
>> call an lvalue or is an lvalue the result yielded by evaluating that
>> lvalue-expression?
> A rule of thumb might be: if you can apply the & operator to it
> (address-of), then it can be an lvalue (with a few exceptions such as
> function names)
> But here:
> int A,B;
> A = B;
> Both A,B could be lvalues, but only A is being used as one. (In assembly,
> you will find little difference between how the two are treated:
> mov [A],[B] # assuming memory-to-memory allowed
> (I'm done a bit of compiler work; I would handle the assignment above as
> follows:
> *(&A) = B;

So you'd not want your variables in registers? Why on earth not?

I find the easiest thing to do is to k/f myself and just troll away
-- David Melville on r.a.s.f1

TOPIC: Looking for NNTP server

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 6 2010 11:47 pm
From: Tim Rentsch

"Default User" <> writes:

> "Tim Rentsch" <> wrote in message
>> Please excuse this non-C related query. My source for NNTP
>> service has decided to drop it (and recommended me to web-based
>> news reading - HAH!), so I am looking for suggestions and/or
>> recommendations for someplace where I can read/post news.
>> My search parameters are as follows. (1) Reliable, available.
>> (2) No cost would be nice, but if not no cost then low or
>> at least reasonable. (3) In case it matters, I read news
>> using gnus in gnu emacs.
> For text-only access, reasonable free options are <> and
> A good, low-cost solution is
> If you need binary access, look into block accounts. You purchase a chunk of
> bandwidth and use it up at your own rate.

My thanks and appreciation to everyone who replied (most
did by email). I'm still on my old service but the
cutoff date for that is April 7 (ie, today in most parts
of the world, including here soon). Now for trying to
get a new service working....


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