Saturday, April 10, 2010

rec.crafts.metalworking - 13 new messages in 7 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Who will be the first? - 2 messages, 1 author
* OT How the Corporations Broke Ralph Nader and America, Too. - 4 messages, 3
* Leaking 1/2" union -- face on a lathe? - 1 messages, 1 author
* Mars Direct, or getting there is half the fun. - 1 messages, 1 author
* Aratzio has his pecker in his hairy palm again - 3 messages, 3 authors
* Mig Cart Photos - 1 messages, 1 author
* OT - NPR stated in 2008 Obama "Kenyan-born" - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Who will be the first?

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 9 2010 11:35 pm
From: Gunner Asch

On Fri, 09 Apr 2010 01:58:36 -0500, Don Foreman
<> wrote:

>Posting messages you (or I) might find offensive is protected by the
>first amendment. You as a writer should know that better than most.
>We are certainly free to post rejoinders.

Of course Whine knows that..given the number of ugly ugly posts he has
made on misc.survivalism in the last week or so.

He really hates my guts.


But he knows he tries to physically harm me..he is dead meat.

I dont take being pelted via anst throwers elbowtwisted widdle girls
with toful squares to be funny at all.

Ill make him eat a booger from his own ass.



"First Law of Leftist Debate
The more you present a leftist with factual evidence
that is counter to his preconceived world view and the
more difficult it becomes for him to refute it without
losing face the chance of him calling you a racist, bigot,
homophobe approaches infinity.

This is despite the thread you are in having not mentioned
race or sexual preference in any way that is relevant to
the subject." Grey Ghost

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 9 2010 11:42 pm
From: Gunner Asch

On Thu, 8 Apr 2010 15:32:29 -0700, "Steve B"
<> wrote:

>"Gunner Asch" <> wrote in message
>> On Wed, 07 Apr 2010 01:25:21 -0500, Don Foreman
>> <> wrote:
>>>On Fri, 2 Apr 2010 17:51:26 -0400, "Ed Huntress"
>>><> wrote:
>>>>I have to agree that I'm surprised, often very surprised, to see people
>>>>who I think are fine and level-headed people not objecting strongly to
>>>>foulness of those character-deprived loudmouths. I can hardly stand to
>>>>to the "cullers," even those that are otherwise Ok. I just can't forget
>>>>kind of attitudes are informing the things they say.
>>>>But there's a big difference between the "cullers" themselves and the
>>>>who just tolerate them. Some people here even tolerate overt racists.
>>>>just not for me.
>>>Irrelevant to the issue of cullers etc, we've exchanged discourse
>>>about racism and tolerance before. Tolerance is a politically correct
>>>buzzword that has no meaning without engagement but it plays well.
>>>Tolerance requires acceptance of behaviors one might find unfamiliar
>>>and possibly offensive, not because they harm anyone but because some
>>>behaviors of others that might be normal in their culture might be
>>>quite offensive to me. I'd say vice versa but I don't think I exhibit
>>>any behaviors that any of my neighbors find offensive or onerous.
>>>I don't defend racism, but I do note the enigma presented by
>>>intolerence of intolerance, outraged judgement of perceived
>>>predjudice, clamor seeking a podium.
>>>Accusation and condemnation of racism and other prejudices is
>>>sometimes less a matter of reality than one of semantics and intent to
>>>claim higher moral ground, social competition that used to be
>>>influenced in smaller communities by who went to church every Sunday.
>> I find it fascinating to be called a racist. So does my black
>> girlfriend.
>> Gunner
>> "First Law of Leftist Debate
>> The more you present a leftist with factual evidence
>> that is counter to his preconceived world view and the
>> more difficult it becomes for him to refute it without
>> losing face the chance of him calling you a racist, bigot,
>> homophobe approaches infinity.
>> This is despite the thread you are in having not mentioned
>> race or sexual preference in any way that is relevant to
>> the subject." Grey Ghost
>I'm confused. Is a racist someone who dislikes anyone who is any color
>other than their own? Or can one just publicly dislike people who are any
>color other than their own who does objectionable things, and not generally
>all the people of that particular color.
>I have friends who are *********s. But then, there are some *********s, who
>are just lazy, thieving, dirty, rotten scum, right up the family tree.
>Please help me out, someone, by telling me what I feel, or at least, should
>feel ........
>Steve ;-)
If you call a murderous evil twisted sorry sonofabitch like....Big are a racist.

If you approve of a white persons accomplishments Thomas are a racist.

If you approve of a black genius's work like....Mark Dean or Charles one on the left notices. In fact...they will have to look up
to find out who they were once you mention the names..and then they will
call them Oreos because they were approved of by whites.

Leftards are mentally ill, and twisted mentally. Pay no attention to
them until the Great Cull occurs, then do whats necessary.

Afterall..they put rabid dogs down, dont they?


"First Law of Leftist Debate
The more you present a leftist with factual evidence
that is counter to his preconceived world view and the
more difficult it becomes for him to refute it without
losing face the chance of him calling you a racist, bigot,
homophobe approaches infinity.

This is despite the thread you are in having not mentioned
race or sexual preference in any way that is relevant to
the subject." Grey Ghost

TOPIC: OT How the Corporations Broke Ralph Nader and America, Too.

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 9 2010 11:40 pm
From: "Bill McKee"

"Ed Huntress" <> wrote in message
> "David R.Birch" <> wrote in message
>> In the summer of '68, I was a pump jockey at Wayne's Standard & U-Haul,
>> right next to Ernie von Schleidorn's Buick & Pontiac dealership in
>> Menomonee Falls, Wi.
>> Our mechanic was Louie, a guy renowned locally as a Corvair whiz. We
>> usually had 2-3 Corvairs or Corvans parked on the lot, usually with an
>> oil puddle underneath. Louie knew them inside and out, how to make them
>> run and how to make them run FAST.
>> He was always careful driving them into the bays because he didn't know
>> what he'd find when he had them in the air. The only ones he wouldn't
>> drive were the convertibles. Too flexible and he didn't trust the
>> suspension to keep the rubber down and the canvas up. THIS WAS IN THE
>> Damn.
>> David
> <g> He's right that the convertible was a flexible flyer. That's what I
> had. The passenger bay was inherently weak and the coupe did NOT provide
> enough stiffness to overcome it. The convertible was much worse -- it had
> reinforcement in the rocker area, but it wasn't enough.
> That's one reason I drove the car in only one SCCA drivers' school -- it
> was flaky as hell. But your friend overstated the case more than a little.
> I had my '63 Fitch Corvair up over 100 mph at Old Bridge and certainly
> higher at Lime Rock. It was vague, but no flakier than an
> out-of-the-box-stock Porsche Speedster.
> It was just a different kind of flakiness. With the Corvair, you would
> steer and wait for the car to respond. With the Porsche, you would steer
> and wait to see where the car really was going to go. d8-)
> --
> Ed Huntress

An aside. Friend was driving is about 1955-56 Porsche Spyder in a 25 zone
in Lafayette, Calif. Very early one morning. Got it to slide on it's side.
Told the cop was a suspension failure at 25 mph. Cop could not prove
different. I doubt he ever drove the car at 25 mph for more than 5
milliseconds. Or the time it took to pass through 25 acceleration or
decelerating. Actually did not do that much damage to the car. ;>)

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 9 2010 11:41 pm
From: "Bill McKee"

"Ed Huntress" <> wrote in message
> "Larry Jaques" <ljaques@diversify.invalid> wrote in message
>> On Fri, 09 Apr 2010 10:07:57 -0400, the infamous Joseph Gwinn
>> <> scrawled the following:
>>>I recall reading these explanations, but no longer recall the details. I
>>>recall that it was called "jacking", though. My friend didn't call it
>>>that, if
>>>I recall.
>> I dare you to find it when googling "car jacking". ;)
> Anyone involved with sports car racing in the '60s knew it as jacking. If
> you talk to someone who claims to have been there and who doesn't know
> immediately what you mean by "jacking," in reference to Corvairs, VW's,
> Porsches, Formula V's, Triumph Spitfires, or even pre-'64 Pontiac Tempests
> <g>, then he wasn't really there.
> --
> Ed Huntress

Might have been a regional term. I raced San Francisco Region SCCA and do
not recall any discussions of "jacking".

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 9 2010 11:48 pm
From: Gunner Asch

On Fri, 09 Apr 2010 07:19:07 -0700, Larry Jaques
<ljaques@diversify.invalid> wrote:

>The Corvair M-80. I
>bought it from a CHP officer who had put 100lbs of sand in the trunk
>to stabilize it and had really kept her up. She was quieter on the
>freeway at 90mph than Mom's '63 Lincoln Continental, though I
>preferred borrowing the Lincoln for the drive-in movies. You could put
>the front seat all the way back and put your feet up on the dash (for
>warmups), and it was wide enough to lay all the way down in. 4 kids
>could horizontally bop in one. Ah, to be 19 again...

Ah to own a Rambler Station Wagon again...every..every seat folded
down...turned it into a very well padded and bouncy van...and a big
playroom for bad boys and girls..

Crom but I loved my Rambler wagon....sign

And the girls who went for rides with me....bigger sigh....


"First Law of Leftist Debate
The more you present a leftist with factual evidence
that is counter to his preconceived world view and the
more difficult it becomes for him to refute it without
losing face the chance of him calling you a racist, bigot,
homophobe approaches infinity.

This is despite the thread you are in having not mentioned
race or sexual preference in any way that is relevant to
the subject." Grey Ghost

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 9 2010 11:59 pm
From: "Ed Huntress"

"Bill McKee" <> wrote in message
> "Ed Huntress" <> wrote in message
> news:4bbff385$0$5000$
>> "Bill McKee" <> wrote in message
>>> "Ed Huntress" <> wrote in message
>>> news:4bbfbd97$0$31282$
>>>> "Wes" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:cTOvn.164824$
>>>>> Lewis Hartswick <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Did you ever read it, Lew? Or did you read *about* it?
>>>>>>I read some of it. Couldn't stand to do the rest.
>>>>>> ...lew...
>>>>> I read it, the latter Corvairs were safer, too late to save the brand.
>>>>> Compared to today,
>>>>> the 60's cars are death traps for the most part.
>>>>> Wes
>>>> The pre-'65s were the ones with the swing axles, and a frame that had
>>>> serious weaknesses in the central bay. The swing axle was just fine for
>>>> moderate driving. But, pressed hard, the car was a wild thing that took
>>>> some experience to handle. On the racetrack it absolutely needed heavy
>>>> modifications. (I spun mine at Old Bridge Speedway in NJ, even with a
>>>> bunch of modifications, because, en extremis, the rearward weight bias
>>>> took over and that was all she wrote). In '64, there was a
>>>> factory-installed transverse spring that had the same effect as a
>>>> stabilizer bar -- it reduced the tendency for the suspension to jack.
>>>> Starting in '65, the car had a better unibody and they went to a
>>>> four-link rear suspension that was functionally the same as double
>>>> wishbones. At the time, it was the most advanced suspension on any
>>>> US-built car, along with the Corvette.
>>>> But GM screwed the pooch by putting up so much resistance to Nader's
>>>> assault, particularly by trying to entrap him with a prostitute and
>>>> some other underhanded things. I think the Corvair could have weathered
>>>> it all, but trust in the company was shot to hell.
>>>> --
>>>> Ed Huntress
>>> Corvair was never going to survive "unsafe at any speed". Nader found
>>> an easy target and hit a bull's-eye. Same suspension on the original VW
>>> bug.
>> Well, they were about the same at the rear. The VW bug had trailing-arm
>> front suspension. So did the Porsche 356. The Corvair was double-wishbone
>> at the front.
>>> And the Bug was top heavy. But the bug was loved, and Nader would have
>>> shot himself writing the same book about the VW.
>> How do you know what he was thinking, Bill? I owned both cars (a '63
>> Corvair and a '64 Beetle), and you could have picked either one to
>> illustrate obsolete safety engineering. As a Corvair lover at the time, I
>> despised what Nader was saying, and I felt the same way as you about why
>> he chose the Corvair to attack, rather than the VW. But years later I
>> realized he was attacking the safety-be-damned mindset at the Big Three
>> (then four) and he would have had no point in attacking a 30-year-old
>> import design that was known to be a ludicrous anachronism.
>>> VW and Corvair finally added the same thing Empi had been furnishing for
>>> years. The Camber Compensator. Don Yenco and the Corvair Stinger did
>>> very well at speed.
>> Bill, the Yenko Stinger was based on a '65 and after Corvair. It did not
>> have swing-axle rear suspension, even as it came from the factory. It was
>> A-arm and single-link, effectively the same as a double-wishbone
>> suspension, in terms of geometry. And physically it was very similar to
>> the Stingray and later Corvettes.
>> The different suspension produced an entirely different car. The post-'64
>> Corvair's suspension was advanced and very capable of good handling.
>>> But by then there was the 4 wheel indepent suspension similar to the
>>> Corvette. Corvair was always going to oversteer. Nature of the rear
>>> engine, just like a front engine car will always understeer.
>> Yes and no. We don't want to get into this one. <g>
>>> At least without judicious power application. As to spinning on a race
>>> track. Only way to prevent that is not to push a cars limits. My B
>>> Production Vette did a few spins over the years. Mostly my trying to go
>>> 5 mph faster than physics allowed. :>)
>> If you drove a B production Corvette (I assume a pre-'63), then you know
>> what anachronisms are all about. d8-)
>> --
>> Ed Huntress
> I drove a 1964 Coupe, Mouse Motor Corvette. Is the silver one getting a
> little sideways in the original Herbie movie during the Laguna Seca start.

Hmm...that would have been AP when I got involved, but maybe BP by the time
I actually got to driver's school (you had to be 21 then). As I recall, you
had near-perfect 50/50 weight balance and, of course, the double-located
rear suspension. That handling was a *lot* different from a Corvair's, until
the '65s, which were closer to neutral and a lot more predictable.

> I would still love a 1962 Corvette. May still buy one. Understand they
> are only about $10k for a nice one.

Oh, man, that was the car that got me started with sports cars. I saw my
first one in July 1962, at Provincetown, MA, with the top down and parked in
a beach lot. It was gold with white coves. I was 14 at the time and my
parents literally had to pull me away. <g>

About five months later we were in Miami Beach and I saw my first E-Type
Jaguar. I thought I'd fall on my knees and worship it. That was it -- I
became an obsessed sports car fanatic for about the next 12 or 14 years.
I've never fully recovered. d8-)

Ed Huntress

TOPIC: Leaking 1/2" union -- face on a lathe?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 9 2010 11:42 pm
From: "Bill McKee"

"Existential Angst" <> wrote in message
> "basilisk" <> wrote in message
> news:nuLvn.359108$
>> "Existential Angst" <> wrote in message
>> news:4bbf779d$0$31274$
>>> Awl --
>>> It's an old-style union (flat mating faces), immediately on my
>>> compressor, with the controls and fittings on that.
>>> Should be a quick job, if it will work... will save me a trip to the
>>> store. Plus it would be but another DIY thrill.... :)
>>> Alternatively, can I just putty/dope the faces up?
>>> I know this is a no-no in water plumbing, but mebbe it's an OK stopgap
>>> here? Even tho the psi are higher -- 120 air vs. 60 or less for water.
>>> --
>>> EA
>> face them off and cut an oring groove in one half.
> Good one!
> Esp. since I got o-rings!!
> --
> EA
>> basilisk

I remember a flat water union with flat rubber washers. Maybe the washer is
old and cracked.

TOPIC: Mars Direct, or getting there is half the fun.

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 9 2010 11:43 pm
From: Gunner Asch

On Thu, 08 Apr 2010 20:52:27 -0400, "Michael A. Terrell"
<> wrote:

>Concerend Citizen wrote:
>> On Apr 8, 8:25 pm, "Michael A. Terrell" <>
>> wrote:
>> > Buerste wrote:
>> >
>> > > "pyotr filipivich" <> wrote in message
>> > >
>> > > <snip>
>> > > > And that is the mindset of those who whine about how we ought to
>> > > > end poverty. As if we could raise the bottom half of the population
>> > > > some how above average.
>> >
>> > > > There is rarely any consideration how to make a bigger pie, only
>> > > > "How can we carve up this one and only pie?"
>> >
>> > > > tschus
>> > > > pyotr
>> >
>> > > Exactly! Liberals have "Limited Pie Perception".
>> >
>> > They should just shut their 'Pie Holes'...
>> They are "pie-challenged."
> As well as PI challenged...

But they are Pi-eyed

"First Law of Leftist Debate
The more you present a leftist with factual evidence
that is counter to his preconceived world view and the
more difficult it becomes for him to refute it without
losing face the chance of him calling you a racist, bigot,
homophobe approaches infinity.

This is despite the thread you are in having not mentioned
race or sexual preference in any way that is relevant to
the subject." Grey Ghost

TOPIC: Aratzio has his pecker in his hairy palm again

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 9 2010 11:45 pm
From: spooge

"Chief Egalitarian" <> wrote in news:4bbfe64a@news.x-

> "Aratzio" <> wrote in message
>> I'm just choking my chicken
> He's dead, Jim.

You're probably too ignorant to know that what you've done with your snip
and run is the Usenet equivilent of flying a white flag while begging for
forgiveness for having had your ass handed to you on a platter.

Congratulations, you are the spankee of the month.

I'm a romantic adventure
And I'm a reptile, too

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Apr 10 2010 12:59 am
From: Cliff

On Sat, 10 Apr 2010 06:45:01 +0000 (UTC), spooge <> wrote:

>"Chief Egalitarian" <> wrote in news:4bbfe64a@news.x-
>> "Aratzio" <> wrote in message
>>> I'm just choking my chicken
>> He's dead, Jim.
Chief Egalitarian (& other wingers): "Worse than dead ..."

>You're probably too ignorant to know that what you've done with your snip
>and run is the Usenet equivilent of flying a white flag while begging for
>forgiveness for having had your ass handed to you on a platter.
>Congratulations, you are the spankee of the month.

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Apr 10 2010 12:03 am
From: Aratzio

On 10 Apr 2010 05:07:23 GMT, in the land of, Poik
<narf@narfpoik.pinky> got double secret probation for writing:

>Aratzio <> wrote in
>> On Fri, 9 Apr 2010 20:08:50 -0400, in the land of,
>> "Mike Hunter" <Mikehunt2@lycos,com> Top Posting Fuck Stool:
>>>BO is still pissed that she has more executive experience than him and
>>>the VP combined. From what he has been doing thus far, is simply
>>>proving that he is our of his league when it comes to foreign
>>>relations. LOL
>> So, the socialist governor of a state with 700,000 people has
>> *executive* experience. What specific advantage does quitting 2 years
>> into a single term of the smallest population state give one over a
>> Senator that has spent 20+ years on the Senate Foreign Relations
>> Committee.
>> For example you ignorant stump:
>> During his first decade in the Senate, Biden focused on arms control
>> issues. In response to the refusal of the U.S. Congress to ratify the
>> SALT II Treaty signed in 1979 by Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev and
>> President Jimmy Carter, Biden took the initiative to meet the Soviet
>> Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko, educated him about American concerns
>> and interests, and secured several changes to address objections of
>> the Foreign Relations Committee. When the Reagan administration
>> wanted to interpret the 1972 SALT I Treaty loosely in order to allow
>> the Strategic Defense Initiative to proceed, Biden argued for strict
>> adherence to the treaty's terms Biden clashed again with the Reagan
>> administration in 1986 over economic sanctions against South Africa,
>> leading to a heated exchange between the senator and Secretary of
>> State George P. Shultz.
>> Maybe you can explain travelling to multiple former soviet countries
>> to gather information on Conventional and WMD:
>> No complaints if I use the website of a sitting Republican Senator to
>> support my statement of fact?
>> "Lugar and Obama traveled together to Russia, Ukraine and Azerbaijan
>> in August 2005 to oversee a number of Nunn-Lugar projects. Obama and
>> Lugar introduced the legislation in November 2005. "
>> Palin has barely travelled outside of the USA. Let alone met with
>> world leaders to NEGOTIATE Arms Control as both Biden and Obama have
>> done.
>> Palin has quit each and every job she ever had. Especially when it got
>> to the point she was going to have to actually work.
>> As for socialism:
>> So, what do you call taxing corporations on their earnings with a
>> special tax and then giving the money away to the people who did not
>> work for that money?
>> Does living in a form fitting, head to toe asbestos suit protect you
>> from reality?
>Fuck Ratz, do you always have to keep stabbing them? He was dead after
>the first blow.Anything after that is just sadistic. You cannot blame
>them for hiding from reality. Black people scare them. Now there is one
>on their intergalactic communion device every night talking all calm and
>reasonable and it just fucks up their minds.

I dunno, I think the black thing is a bit overdone. Pretty sure those
are probably only semi-racist morons not full on racist scumbag

But then again...


Hachiroku explaining his *daddy* issues:

Message-ID: <homalb$usi$>

I just keep seeing a pudgy 50 year old with his nethers rattling against
his knees...

TOPIC: Mig Cart Photos

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Apr 10 2010 12:08 am
From: Gunner Asch

On Fri, 09 Apr 2010 11:24:43 -0400, Pete Snell <> wrote:

>> I was going to (and may still) make a trick one out of custom cut tubing,
>> but for the sake of time and simplicity, I'll use the shopping cart version,
>> and see how that works out. It may give me the motivation to put concrete
>> on top of the sand.
>Sounds like an interesting base platform. Post some photos when you get
>it done!

I brought home my Miller 2050 plasma cutter from LA tonight and the cart
the boys fabbed up was for dead level concrete floors. Damned thing is
nearly 100lbs, but no bigger than most small migs.

Anyone have a cart design for a heavy bastard thats actually quite
small, and will largely be used on uneven ground?

Gunner, who would like to use it both onsite and on other locals..

"First Law of Leftist Debate
The more you present a leftist with factual evidence
that is counter to his preconceived world view and the
more difficult it becomes for him to refute it without
losing face the chance of him calling you a racist, bigot,
homophobe approaches infinity.

This is despite the thread you are in having not mentioned
race or sexual preference in any way that is relevant to
the subject." Grey Ghost

TOPIC: OT - NPR stated in 2008 Obama "Kenyan-born"

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Apr 10 2010 12:12 am
From: Aratzio

On 10 Apr 2010 05:33:19 GMT, in the land of, Poik
<narf@narfpoik.pinky> got double secret probation for writing:

>Aratzio <> wrote in
>> On Fri, 09 Apr 2010 21:38:23 -0400, in the land of,
>> Hachiroku ???? <Trueno@e86.GTS> got double secret probation for
>> writing:
>>>On Fri, 09 Apr 2010 17:13:51 -0700, larry moe 'n curly wrote:
>>>> Today's Republicans would say he hated America for signing a
>>>> treaty with the Soviets to reduce our nuclear weapons
>>>Not at all!
>>>He's just an IDIOT for telling our enemies, "Come at us with what you
>>>will, and we might retaliate."
>>>All the bad points of Jimmy Carter rolled up into a neat little
>> It is sad when ignorance such as yours is given opportunity to
>> procreate.
>> Given the fact that no such thing was stated and ONLY people that
>> cannot understand simple English could construe such a fact, elicits
>> the fact, you are a moron.
>>:Second, we are further emphasizing the importance of nations meeting
>>:their NPT and nuclear non-proliferation obligations through our
>>:declaratory policy. The United States is declaring that we will not
>>:use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear weapons
>>:states that are party to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and
>>: in compliance with their nuclear nonproliferation obligations. This
>>: enables us to sustain our nuclear deterrent for
>>:the narrower range of contingencies in which these weapons may still
>>:play a role, while providing an additional incentive for nations to
>>:meet their NPT obligations. Those nations that fail to meet their
>>:obligations will therefore find themselves more isolated, and will
>>:recognize that the pursuit of nuclear weapons will not make them more
>> Maybe, just maybe, if you actually took time to learn the facts rather
>> than just regurgitating the simple minded pablum you are fed by Steve
>> Doocy you might be able to grasp that the finer points of simple
>> English.
>> Feel free to point out where it states he will not retaliate. He took
>> nuclear response off the table for non-nuclear signatories of the
>> non-proliferation treaty.
>> What you are claiming is that our military is incompetent and is only
>> able to respond using nuclear weapons. I take issue. Most governments
>> can be decapitated with a couple of B-52 cells and ALCM.
>> Without killing 10s or 100s of thousands of civilians.
>> But then you never actually served in the military, did you.
>> I added a few newsgroups so that you morons can get a broader and
>> balanced view of the actual facts.
>There you go again, using facts. I do have to admit, having people who
>never spent a day in the military, been responsible for other peoples
>lives or had to make decisions that determined whether people live or
>day expounding about the decisions of our commander-in-chief as if they
>have some sort of moral authority is rather sick. Sarah Palin, Sean
>Hannity, Michelle Bachmann, Liz Cheney and Newt Gingrich have no record
>upon which they can stand. The President of the United States makes
>decisions about who lives and who dies each and every day. This isn't
>some video game where you score points, this is about the lives of every
>citizen of this little ball of dirt. If Obama can make it safer by
>reducing the number nukes in the world by 33%, that is something to
>celebrate. Pretending that we as citizens of the USA will be less safe
>because we can only destroy the world 6 times over instead of 9 times
>over is beneath us as humans and Americans. Whining that he, as our
>elected commander-in-chief, has chosen not to threaten or use nuclear
>weapons upon people who do not use nuclear weapons on us should be seen
>as a step away from the brink of world wide nuclear catastrophe.
>These mental midgets think the weeny wagging bluster of the Bush/Cheney
>debacle is a viable foreign policy. What exactly did that weeny wagging
>get us? Trillions of dollars in debt. The responsibility of rebuilding
>two countries that we have literally torn apart with our military. The
>deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians. Illegal torture.
>Gitmo. Abu Gharib. A devastated economy and ecology in Iraq &
>Afghanistan. 5,000 of the best men and women we have to offer, dead.
>Uncounted physical and mentally disabled men and women.
>And what do we have to show for it? We are now less safe than we were
>before 9-11. A devasted economy at home. A fractured electorate. 100%
>obstruction and petty bickering in congress.
>And you people piss and moan about a teleprompter and 100% provable lies
>you heard and believed from fox news. Not once did any of you bother to
>actually read the NPR or Obama's statement. You willing believed the
>lies you were told because you needed to believe the lies you were told.
>You won't even be upset that people like Newt Gingrich think so little
>of you that they know they can lie to you. People like Gingrich and
>Palin tell you everyday you should be afraid and that they can help you.
>You don't see that as the problem, you see that as the salvation. The
>real facts scare you senseless and you would rather live in a world of
>lies and decption than face the reality that confronts you every day.
>You idiots bandy about the terms socialism and nazi as if they are
>interchangeable. Here is a little clue for you. The way that Hitler came
>to power was he lied to the people, told them of what they should be
>afraid and then told them he was the one that could save them.
>We are fucked if you shallow pools ever get anywhere near the reins of
>power again.

Tad overwrought doncha think?
"a step away from the brink of world wide nuclear catastrophe. "

seriously? I almost giggled.

But the irony of the idiots spewing the same lies that they were told.
That is precious. The grifter and her pals know they will never have
to pay a price for their lies. The media does not hold them
accountable and their *supporters* are too stupid to see how little
respect they have for them and their support.

Fucking cowards like Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity that have never spent one
day in the service to this country ought to be tried as traitors. Liz,
daughter of Mr. Deferment Cheney spewing about security. Like the
daughter of the guy who was VP when Al Qaida struck the USA has
security chops. Then there is Noun, Verb, 9-11...

And those fuckwits suck it up.


Hachiroku explaining his *daddy* issues:

Message-ID: <homalb$usi$>

I just keep seeing a pudgy 50 year old with his nethers rattling against
his knees...


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