Friday, April 16, 2010

rec.crafts.metalworking - 14 new messages in 5 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Homophobes, racists or morons - 1 messages, 1 author
* OT - I think Gunner should run for office on the Teabagger Ticket - 7
messages, 4 authors
* Just a heads up.... - 4 messages, 2 authors
* The Obama Economy - 1 messages, 1 author
* OT: [OT] That was funny! - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Homophobes, racists or morons

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Apr 15 2010 9:58 pm
From: Hawke

On 4/15/2010 3:53 AM, RogerN wrote:
> "Too_Many_Tools"<> wrote in message
> On Apr 14, 8:28 pm, "RogerN"<> wrote:
>> Cliff, you forgot to post this:
>> Tea Party supporters are wealthier and more well-educated than the general
>> public, and are no more or less afraid of falling into a lower
>> socioeconomic
>> class, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.
>> RogerN
>> "Cliff"<> wrote in message
>>> "Party foes plot vs. 'racists, morons'"
>>> [
>>> Tea Party foes, bent on making the conservative group's members appear
>>> to
>>> be
>>> "homophobes, racists or morons," say they'll be crashing Tea Party
>>> demonstrations nationwide this week.
>>> It's unclear if anyone associated with will crash
>>> tomorrow's rally on Boston Common. Founder Jason Levin couldn't be
>>> reached
>>> yesterday and was reportedly traveling.
>>> ....
>>> ]
>>> Hide quoted text -
>> - Show quoted text -
> /
> /LOL...and they have been known to lie too.
> /
> /The Teabaggers I know are poorly educated and of a lower economic
> /status.
> /
> /TMT
> /
> I'm sure that you're right and New York Times/CBS News poll is wrong.
> I notice you like to post stuff with evil (Liberals) triumphing over good
> (Conservatives) and act like it's really something significant when it's
> just fulfillment, or setting the stage for fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
> I found this for you:
> According to biblical prophecy this age will not end with the triumph of
> Christianity and the nations turning to the Lord, but with the world rule of
> one known as the Beast or the Antichrist (Revelation 13.5-7) and a brief
> time of such great tribulation that if God did not cut short these days no
> flesh would be saved (Matthew 24.22) (i.e. no one would survive).
> Prophecies concerning this subject are found mainly in the books of Daniel
> and Revelation. In Revelation 13.1 John saw a beast coming out of the sea.
> Daniel 7 also describes four great beasts that come up from the Great Sea,
> which is being stirred up by the wind. Isaiah 57.20 gives us one clue as to
> what is meant by this:
> But the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose
> waters cast up mire and dirt. There is no peace, says my God to the wicked.
> In other words the troubled sea represents humanity in rebellion against
> God, out of whom the antichrist will emerge. The Great Sea also speaks of
> the Mediterranean area which was part of all the four world empires
> described by Daniel. In Daniel 7 the antichrist is described as the little
> horn who arises out of the fourth beast (Rome) and speaks great things
> (blasphemies). Power is given him by 10 kings and he persecutes the saints
> for a time, times and half a time (3½ years). He is destroyed by the Lord
> and given to the burning flame (hell).
> RogerN

Can you give us some examples of things that were prophesied in the
Bible that have actually come true? I know you can give us all kinds of
prophesies of things that are supposedly going to happen some day. But
how about giving us some examples where they made prophesies and they
actually came to pass. I think this will stump you as I know of no
prophesy that has actually come true.


TOPIC: OT - I think Gunner should run for office on the Teabagger Ticket

== 1 of 7 ==
Date: Thurs, Apr 15 2010 10:01 pm
From: Nicholas

On Thu, 15 Apr 2010 21:47:10 -0700, Gunner Asch <>

>>As soon as he crosses State Lines for the purpose of creating mayhem,
>>he will have the Feebs on his ass, like dogs chasing down a fox. IOW,
>>he'll never be able to go *home* again. They'll be waiting for his
>Oh..btw...Im curious..whatever would lead you to believe Id be crossing
>state lines to "create mayhem", when Ive stated publicly over and over
>and over again..that Ill be sitting on my front porch, banjo in hand,
>playing happy riffs with each report of a rising body count coming from
>the radio?

There isn't going to be a civil war. If anything, Washington D.C.
will be Ground Zero, and the rest of the population will watch the
mess unfold on TV like they did on 9/11/01

The Administration will be under attack. Malice at the Palace. Some
nitwits will announce they they are now in charge, and will either be
laughed at or strung up. This may go to the V.P. from his secret
dungeon where he will control the military response to the civil
disobedience, if the POTUS is no longer around.

>You that far off of plumb these days?

No more than anybody else my age.

>Blink blink...???
>You do know that I live in The Peoples Republik of Kalifornia...right?
>We have plenty of leftwingers within this state. Ooodles of them.

You have my sincerest condolences.



== 2 of 7 ==
Date: Thurs, Apr 15 2010 10:42 pm
From: Beam Me Up Scotty

On 4/16/2010 1:01 AM, Nicholas wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Apr 2010 21:47:10 -0700, Gunner Asch <>
> wrote:
>>> As soon as he crosses State Lines for the purpose of creating mayhem,
>>> he will have the Feebs on his ass, like dogs chasing down a fox. IOW,
>>> he'll never be able to go *home* again. They'll be waiting for his
>>> arrival.
>> Oh..btw...Im curious..whatever would lead you to believe Id be crossing
>> state lines to "create mayhem", when Ive stated publicly over and over
>> and over again..that Ill be sitting on my front porch, banjo in hand,
>> playing happy riffs with each report of a rising body count coming from
>> the radio?
> There isn't going to be a civil war. If anything, Washington D.C.
> will be Ground Zero, and the rest of the population will watch the
> mess unfold on TV like they did on 9/11/01
> The Administration will be under attack. Malice at the Palace. Some
> nitwits will announce they they are now in charge, and will either be
> laughed at or strung up. This may go to the V.P. from his secret
> dungeon where he will control the military response to the civil
> disobedience, if the POTUS is no longer around.

So you think Obama will ignore Posse Comitatus.... ME TOO!

"The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. §
1385) passed on June 18, 1878, after the end of Reconstruction, with the
intention (in concert with the Insurrection Act of 1807) of
substantially limiting the powers of the federal government to use the
military for law enforcement. The Act prohibits most members of the
federal uniformed services (today the Army, Navy, Air Force, and State
National Guard forces when such are called into federal service) from
exercising nominally state law enforcement, police, or peace officer
powers that maintain "law and order" on non-federal property (states and
their counties and municipal divisions) within the United States."

>> You that far off of plumb these days?
> No more than anybody else my age.
>> Blink blink...???
>> You do know that I live in The Peoples Republik of Kalifornia...right?
>> We have plenty of leftwingers within this state. Ooodles of them.
> You have my sincerest condolences.
>> Gunner
> Nick

== 3 of 7 ==
Date: Thurs, Apr 15 2010 10:45 pm
From: Too_Many_Tools

On Apr 15, 10:17 pm, Nicholas <> wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Apr 2010 19:56:21 -0700, Klaus Shadenfreude
> <> wrote:
> >[Default] On Thu, 15 Apr 2010 19:51:20 -0700 (PDT), Too_Many_Tools
> ><> wrote in talk.politics.guns:
> >>Time to shut up Gunner and show us what you can do...
> >I'll bet he could find Sunnyside Terrace
> How do you know that is a valid address?

Because Klaus says so.

It should be simple for Gunner to find.

Just follow the stink.


== 4 of 7 ==
Date: Thurs, Apr 15 2010 10:46 pm
From: Too_Many_Tools

On Apr 15, 10:24 pm, Klaus Shadenfreude <>
> [Default] On Thu, 15 Apr 2010 20:07:48 -0700 (PDT), Too_Many_Tools
> <> wrote in talk.politics.guns:
> >On Apr 15, 9:56 pm, Klaus Shadenfreude <>
> >wrote:
> >> [Default] On Thu, 15 Apr 2010 19:51:20 -0700 (PDT), Too_Many_Tools
> >> <> wrote in talk.politics.guns:
> >> >Time to shut up Gunner and show us what you can do...
> >> I'll bet he could find Sunnyside Terrace
> >LOL..I think Klaus is lonely.
> We both know *you're* not visiting anyone...  [chuckle]

So when is Gunner showing up?

You invited him.


== 5 of 7 ==
Date: Thurs, Apr 15 2010 11:42 pm
From: Gunner Asch

On Thu, 15 Apr 2010 23:51:45 -0500, Nicholas
<> wrote:

>On Thu, 15 Apr 2010 21:40:39 -0700, Gunner Asch <>
>>On Thu, 15 Apr 2010 22:17:06 -0500, Nicholas
>><> wrote:
>>>On Thu, 15 Apr 2010 19:51:20 -0700 (PDT), Too_Many_Tools
>>><> wrote:
>>>>Time to shut up Gunner and show us what you can do...
>>>As soon as he crosses State Lines for the purpose of creating mayhem,
>>>he will have the Feebs on his ass, like dogs chasing down a fox. IOW,
>>>he'll never be able to go *home* again. They'll be waiting for his
>>Mayhem? You do know the definiton of that, do you not?
>>How about providing it for the other readers so they (and you)
>>understand the error you just showed your ass on.
>Main Entry: may·hem
>Pronunciation: \?ma--?hem, ?ma--?m\
>Function: noun
>Etymology: Middle English mayme, mahaime, from Anglo-French mahaim
>mutilation, mayhem, from maheimer, mahaigner to maim, probably of
>Germanic origin; akin to Middle High German meiden gelding, Old Norse
>meitha to injure
>Date: 15th century
>1 a : willful and permanent deprivation of a bodily member resulting
>in the impairment of a person's fighting ability b : willful and
>permanent crippling, mutilation, or disfigurement of any part of the
>2 : needless or willful damage or violence

Thank you. So how does one commit mayhem on a Leftwinger, when the only
desire is to have that leftwinger bulldozed into a ditch?

Granted..Im sure when the Great Cull happens..scores of Leftwingers WILL
be tortured..but not the majority. They will simply be killed.

Many Leftwingers on may be tortured for days before
being killed, or dying of complications. But..shrug...they are hardly
normal Leftwingers.


"First Law of Leftist Debate
The more you present a leftist with factual evidence
that is counter to his preconceived world view and the
more difficult it becomes for him to refute it without
losing face the chance of him calling you a racist, bigot,
homophobe approaches infinity.

This is despite the thread you are in having not mentioned
race or sexual preference in any way that is relevant to
the subject." Grey Ghost

== 6 of 7 ==
Date: Thurs, Apr 15 2010 11:45 pm
From: Gunner Asch

On Fri, 16 Apr 2010 00:01:57 -0500, Nicholas
<> wrote:

>On Thu, 15 Apr 2010 21:47:10 -0700, Gunner Asch <>
>>>As soon as he crosses State Lines for the purpose of creating mayhem,
>>>he will have the Feebs on his ass, like dogs chasing down a fox. IOW,
>>>he'll never be able to go *home* again. They'll be waiting for his
>>Oh..btw...Im curious..whatever would lead you to believe Id be crossing
>>state lines to "create mayhem", when Ive stated publicly over and over
>>and over again..that Ill be sitting on my front porch, banjo in hand,
>>playing happy riffs with each report of a rising body count coming from
>>the radio?
>There isn't going to be a civil war. If anything, Washington D.C.
>will be Ground Zero, and the rest of the population will watch the
>mess unfold on TV like they did on 9/11/01
>The Administration will be under attack. Malice at the Palace. Some
>nitwits will announce they they are now in charge, and will either be
>laughed at or strung up. This may go to the V.P. from his secret
>dungeon where he will control the military response to the civil
>disobedience, if the POTUS is no longer around.

Do you think that the military will become widely involved? Or will they
barrack themselves and wait for the blood to stop flowing?
>>You that far off of plumb these days?
>No more than anybody else my age.
>>Blink blink...???
>>You do know that I live in The Peoples Republik of Kalifornia...right?
>>We have plenty of leftwingers within this state. Ooodles of them.
>You have my sincerest condolences.

So if I were to go off the reservation..what makes you think Id leave
the state to commit "mayhem"? Folks here could spend years hunting
them down and destroying them.
They are like ants.
Lots of them in odd places.


"First Law of Leftist Debate
The more you present a leftist with factual evidence
that is counter to his preconceived world view and the
more difficult it becomes for him to refute it without
losing face the chance of him calling you a racist, bigot,
homophobe approaches infinity.

This is despite the thread you are in having not mentioned
race or sexual preference in any way that is relevant to
the subject." Grey Ghost

== 7 of 7 ==
Date: Thurs, Apr 15 2010 11:47 pm
From: Gunner Asch

On Fri, 16 Apr 2010 01:42:36 -0400, Beam Me Up Scotty
<> wrote:

>On 4/16/2010 1:01 AM, Nicholas wrote:
>> On Thu, 15 Apr 2010 21:47:10 -0700, Gunner Asch <>
>> wrote:
>>>> As soon as he crosses State Lines for the purpose of creating mayhem,
>>>> he will have the Feebs on his ass, like dogs chasing down a fox. IOW,
>>>> he'll never be able to go *home* again. They'll be waiting for his
>>>> arrival.
>>> Oh..btw...Im curious..whatever would lead you to believe Id be crossing
>>> state lines to "create mayhem", when Ive stated publicly over and over
>>> and over again..that Ill be sitting on my front porch, banjo in hand,
>>> playing happy riffs with each report of a rising body count coming from
>>> the radio?
>> There isn't going to be a civil war. If anything, Washington D.C.
>> will be Ground Zero, and the rest of the population will watch the
>> mess unfold on TV like they did on 9/11/01
>> The Administration will be under attack. Malice at the Palace. Some
>> nitwits will announce they they are now in charge, and will either be
>> laughed at or strung up. This may go to the V.P. from his secret
>> dungeon where he will control the military response to the civil
>> disobedience, if the POTUS is no longer around.
>So you think Obama will ignore Posse Comitatus.... ME TOO!
>"The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. §
>1385) passed on June 18, 1878, after the end of Reconstruction, with the
>intention (in concert with the Insurrection Act of 1807) of
>substantially limiting the powers of the federal government to use the
>military for law enforcement. The Act prohibits most members of the
>federal uniformed services (today the Army, Navy, Air Force, and State
>National Guard forces when such are called into federal service) from
>exercising nominally state law enforcement, police, or peace officer
>powers that maintain "law and order" on non-federal property (states and
>their counties and municipal divisions) within the United States."

They could..declare Martial which point they could act inside
the US for the duration.

But given the shear dislike conservatives have for Leftwingers...think
they will go to any great effort to protect them?

Ive not formed an opinion on that yet. I suspect..that large numbers of
them will simply load up..and go home for th duration.
>>> You that far off of plumb these days?
>> No more than anybody else my age.
>>> Blink blink...???
>>> You do know that I live in The Peoples Republik of Kalifornia...right?
>>> We have plenty of leftwingers within this state. Ooodles of them.
>> You have my sincerest condolences.
>>> Gunner
>> Nick

"First Law of Leftist Debate
The more you present a leftist with factual evidence
that is counter to his preconceived world view and the
more difficult it becomes for him to refute it without
losing face the chance of him calling you a racist, bigot,
homophobe approaches infinity.

This is despite the thread you are in having not mentioned
race or sexual preference in any way that is relevant to
the subject." Grey Ghost

TOPIC: Just a heads up....

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Thurs, Apr 15 2010 10:12 pm
From: Hawke

>>> "Gen. Tommy Franks says that if the United States is hit with a weapon of
>>> mass destruction that inflicts large casualties, the Constitution will
>>> likely be discarded in favor of a military form of government." --
>>> NewsMax,
>>> November 21, 2003
>>> Isn't martial law a form of military government?
>>> You guys said that Bush was setting things up for martial law.
>>> You guys said that Bush was going to implement martial law.
>>> Yo said that Bush was going to suspend elections.
>>> You guys said that Bush was going to suspend the Constitution.
>>> You said all that long after 9/11. If 9/11 wasn't the trigger for
>>> martial law, I don't know what is.
>> Oh? Where was the riot? Was there an insurrection we didn't hear about?
> Most people know it as Flight 93. Civilians ended up protecting the
> country.
>>> So do you still think Bush will implement martial law?
>>> He better get to it while he's still President.
>> Bush is running his chainsaw on the back 40. He's fully occupied, looking
>> for a tree and chewing gum at the same time.
> Oh, really? By the way 0bama talks you'd think Bush were still in the
> White House fucking things up.
> My bad!

At least you have the manners to excuse yourself for making a stupid
statement. Thanks. Now if you could just learn that when a president
fucks things really bad the next guy can't just fix things over night.
It's like if someone burns down your house. It won't be all better the
next week. Just a quick reminder, Bush/Cheney and friends sent the
country into such a complete collapse that it'll actually take years to
fix the things they ruined. It's no wonder Obama is still talking about
Bush. He's still working on fixing what he broke. But don't worry. A
time will come when Obama has finally repaired all of Bush's screw ups.
It will take time though. But at least we no longer have someone in
charge who is ruining things but instead have someone fixing the problems.

A perfect example so you can understand. It's the TV program Holmes on
Homes on HGTV. Mike Holmes is a contractor who comes to people's homes
that have had them screwed up by incompetent and unscrupulous
contractors, we can call them Bush. Then Holmes sets to "make things
right". Which he does but it takes a long time and a lot of money to
repair all the other guys' mistakes. Just like Obama and Bush. Perfect


== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Thurs, Apr 15 2010 10:24 pm
From: Hawke

> Given the broadcast media's and government's reports, the NE is already
> down the tubes.
> Of course, nobody ever believes either of those sources...<g>
> BTW, Ed, the biggest difference between Southern and Union manufacturing
> is that the Southern plants are hiring and the Union plants aren't.

that's because they pay the workers ten bucks an hour or less and give
them no benefits. Why else would anyone open a factory in the south.
It's the only place in the country where they still let management
exploit the workers. In the north they just get more productivity out of
the same workers but they get fair pay and benefits.


== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Thurs, Apr 15 2010 10:29 pm
From: Hawke

On 4/15/2010 7:39 AM, Eregon wrote:
> Gunner Asch<> wrote in
>> However..that has changed significantly..reversed in fact. It would
> seem
>> that manufacturing in the southern states is virutally on the same
> level
>> or more than the northern states now.
> While the Armed Conflict Phase has been over for quite a while, The War
> of The Northern Agression continues - and the South is winning!
> While the Left Coast rejects both manufacturing and petroleum production
> and the Yankees (who have truly become the Union States) have converted
> from Capitalism to Socialism with a corresponding shift from work to
> welfare, the Southern States have not only retained their work ethic but
> their jobs as well.
> BTW, for those who haven't figured it out yet, a map of the US that shows
> the railroad lines as of 1860 will explain why the ACP came to an easily-
> predicted conclusion: Logistics and Mobility.

That's right. When you looked at the statistics it was not very hard to
figure out which side had all the cards. Yet the south still put the
country through hell and forced the war just to keep from giving up
slavery. All you can say about people who would do that and betray the
country they swore oaths to protect and defend is they were the biggest
assholes in the world.


== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Thurs, Apr 15 2010 11:20 pm
From: Don Foreman

On Wed, 14 Apr 2010 22:28:15 -0700, Gunner Asch <>

>On Wed, 14 Apr 2010 23:58:56 -0500, Don Foreman
><> wrote:
>>On Wed, 14 Apr 2010 11:28:27 -0700, Gunner Asch <>
>>>Im simply nutz eh?
>>>Laugh laugh laugh
>>A brigade of 80,000 troops? That's field army size, bigger than any
>>brigade, regiment, division or even corps I've ever heard of.
>Yes, it is.
>Most interesting, no?

Most incredible, ja! The entire projected population of Fort Stewart,
present base of the 3rd Infantry Div, is less than 80K troops and the
subject brigade is only one of several that comprise the 3rd Division.

TOPIC: The Obama Economy

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Apr 15 2010 10:48 pm
From: Hawke

On 4/14/2010 4:26 PM, wrote:
> On Apr 14, 3:50 pm, Hawke<> wrote:
>> Dan,
>> I would buy Ford before I bought GM too but the reason I brought it up
>> is because of the announcement by GM last week that they would soon be
>> returning to profitability. Can we agree that having a profitable GM
>> once again is a better alternative than to have had them go bankrupt? If
>> you can admit that then you have to agree the government did the right
>> thing in helping them out. If you are paying attention to investing you
>> have to be aware that things are improving all over the place. At some
>> point credit for that is going to have to go to Obama's handling of the
>> economy. Of course, there will be those who will not admit that no
>> matter what.
>> Hawke
> I agree that a profitable GM is better than having them go bankrupt.
> And if GM does become profitable and stay that way, the government did
> the right thing.
> And if GM does not become and stay profitable, the government did the
> wrong thing. I think we will know the answer in about three years.
> My preference is that they stay profitable. But I think it is too
> early to be sure what will happen.
> Dan

No one knows the future, which is why there is risk involved in all
investments. The government took a risk in backstopping GM. How's that
going to turn out? We don't know. We won't know for several years. But
right now it looks like it was the right move. I call them like I see
them. Now it looks like it was a smart move to help out GM. In a few
years it may fall apart again. If it does I'll be the first to say it
was a mistake to put money into that firm. But right now it's looking
like Obama's financial moves have been right. Just as it's perfectly
clear that the moves the Bush administration did turned out badly. Facts
are facts. The republicans had at least seven years to try out their
trickle down or supply side, free market economic ideas. They didn't
work. I said they wouldn't right from the get go. Now I'm saying Obama
is doing the right things. In a few years we'll see if I was right
again. But I'm getting pretty good at the predictions game. I guess old
age is good for something.


TOPIC: OT: [OT] That was funny!

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Apr 15 2010 11:07 pm
From: Winston

On 4/15/2010 7:28 PM, Larry Jaques wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Apr 2010 06:38:40 -0700, the infamous Winston
> <> scrawled the following:


>> Don't tell SWMBO, but at flea markets I memorize her outfit
>> by color code so I can pick her out easily in a large crowd.
>> A green blouse with bluejeans is '56'. :)
> I like that a whole lot better than the last memory trick you posted,
> Winnie.

Memory trick?




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